@Sewingcreations15 as dry as it gets there, when you tank is full, do you set out buckets and wheelbarrow etc to catch extra or is the tank more than sufficient?
View attachment 10610 Daughter's floor hockey tournament. They powered through their first game and won.
The boys I kept are nice. I kept a purebred Black Astrolop named Jack. A huge boy , probably at least 15 pounds or 20..he is big. And a very sweet natured boy, I just don't have enough girls or coops for all my roosters. I wanted to keep him because he is a nice boy and a pureblood. His half brother is half Road Island Red and Black Astrolop ..he is stunning , maybe a pound or two smaller than Jack and very mellow guy. Mr Hyde was the same cross and equally stunning with a different color scheme though then Stalker. But exceptionally friendly and outgoing towards people. Non of these boys were hand raised either, just fell into the homesteads chill energy here and I just couldn't do the dirty deed on them. The other roosters I have had went to the soup pan. A few were easy to dispatch due to them being complete as______ to me and the other chickens. I converted a dog pen, 10x6 into a chicken run for extra room and a buddie of mine is building them a rooster condo. I have the pen next to the coop so they can get some lady chickee time and depending on how it works out I might put a few hens in with them. I have a few hens who prefer these boys, so I will access who likes who this summer and start another coop.@Hooch sorry about your rooster.
Why is that it's always the nice animals who cop it and the ones with bad habits that have you gritting
your teeth and praying to the Lord for patience live for ever out of sheer spite?
I hope his brother are as nice tempered and produce plently of nice chicks.
Failing that there's always soup.
Wow! How he’s grown!
Happy Birthday Jake!
Flying home from L.A. today. Saw a dude in a dress and heels boarding the plane in front of me. I guess I've been working in California too long, because instead of being creeped out I was wondering, How is that guy going to be able to make it down the jetway and walk through the plane in those heels?
You know, he was actually more graceful in heels than most women are. It was both impressive and cringe worthy at the same time...