I deep fried chicken strips yesterday.now I'm cleaning up the kitchen of the mess n dirty dishes. We're having a thunder storm blowing in.so I'm doing other things that require electricity if we should have a power outage.like laundry n vacuuming.
Thank youI just saw this, Mo. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
Sitting here drinking coffee, Strawberry is stretched out on my lap snoring.
My oldest son came by to check on me.
He got my internet up and working again.
He said it was OE problem.
For those who don't know what OE is.
It's Operator Error.
Got to love him, and I do.
Sitting here reading forums and crocheting a really long chain.
Will figure out later what to do with it.
Wine color knit-cro-sheen thread about 24 yards left on ball.
It and all the other colors will make a nice rainbow scarf.
Just trying to stay busy and not think.
It hurts to think today.
And it will hurt tomorrow too.
keeping you in my prayers...Won't be online for awhile.
My mom passed away unexpectly this evening.
My mom was only 15 years older than me.
I found her tonight thankfully instead of my dad.
Today is my dad's 80th birthday.
Dad is 18 years older than me.
Mom had a massive heart attack.
At least she went quick.
My siblings have been called.
They will start arriving in the next few days.
Some as early as tomorrow.
You bless us with your writingUm, I guess I did mostly did nothing today.
Well I am writing another story but I don't know why because I am all done writing for profit. I kind of like the story so far though![]()
Sorry for your loss.Won't be online for awhile.
My mom passed away unexpectly this evening.
My mom was only 15 years older than me.
I found her tonight thankfully instead of my dad.
Today is my dad's 80th birthday.
Dad is 18 years older than me.
Mom had a massive heart attack.
At least she went quick.
My siblings have been called.
They will start arriving in the next few days.
Some as early as tomorrow.
What a relief for you all. I hope she adjusts to the meds quickly and you can breathe again.Finally have a doaganosis for the kid, Neurocardiogenic Syncope (NCS) . its a form of disautonomia. She starts on some meds today that are supposed to help keep her blood pressure from dropping and triggering the rest of her symptoms.
Finally have a doaganosis for the kid, Neurocardiogenic Syncope (NCS) . its a form of disautonomia. She starts on some meds today that are supposed to help keep her blood pressure from dropping and triggering the rest of her symptoms.
I'm so pleased they managed to get a diagnosis.
That takes the guess work out of treating her.
I'm praying the new meds work and give you and her some peace of mind.
You've been under so much stress so I hope lessens the load a little.
Today I a big day physically.
My delivery turns up later this afternoon.
They're putting in on the footpath so I have to get it moved
onto my property today and then I may just leave it overnight and
start processing it tomorrow to break the heavy handling
into managable chunks.
It'll be a hot epsom salt bath and soak and I'll try my best
to stay out of the local Base hospital.