What's everybody doing today?

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Ok, so a few days ago I was leaving for work at 4AM and locked the door behind me...and realized I had no keys. House keys, car keys... nothing. So of course I forced the door. The jamb held but the door split and the lock got bent all to hell and back. Did I mention I have a landlord? Now I owe her a new door and lockset...so I'm measuring and the door frame is off, everything is a mess...I've got to shave the door both top and bottom and still get the height of the lockset hole right. Oh, did I mention I'm the world's worst carpenter? LOL I'm probably going to be in a rubber room wearing a straightjacket by the time this is over...:rolleyes:
Ouch is the word of the day and yes we are both really sore from our post hole digging with the post hole auger yesterday. We are both walking like a cowboy who has ridden a horse for a month but it will probably be a bit better tomorrow.

Started off the morning with putting on a load of washing in the washing machine, hanging it on the clothes line and watering with the grey water. We then headed off for DH's physiotherapy appointment in a town around 45 km away one way and we did the rest of our monthly shop apart from a few things we will pick up on Thursday from a cheaper store.

Brought the groceries inside and we packed away the cold items and may leave the rest to pack away tomorrow. I got the load of washing off the clothes line and brought it inside. Then I went back through some more of DH's doctor's appointments from this financial year that we will claim travel allowance on those as well. We should be pretty much caught up after that and will put claims in every 8 trips or so.

Apart from that we are relaxing and tonight's dinner was shop purchased mini sausage rolls, cocktail spring rolls and chips and dessert was the last 1/3 rd of our homemade apple pie.

Be very careful with that post hole digger Sewing, but I bet you already know that.
Thanks @Meerkat yes the post hole is powerful at 75cc so it takes two to hold it while digging holes and might I add I would say 2 strong men or 1 strong man and a hang on for your life female who is not delicate. My chest muscles (pectoralis) and bicep muscles in my arms have had a good workout. Hey better than a gym workout let me tell you. Feeling less tender this morning but still sore as is DH so we are doing gentle pursuits today.
@Spikedriver google is your friend look up online tutorials and that is the way we learnt to retrofit doors in a 50 year old home. Look at the lock template that comes with it that helps a great deal and read the instructions.
Thanks. I went and bought a kit that has guides for cutting the holes. However I still have to ensure the center of the lockset is exactly 36" above the floor, whilst shaving the top and bottom of the door to fit. The old door had been shaved close to an inch on both ends, to where the particle board core was showing in spots. Anyways, this will be a fun project I'm sure. And I get to stain it too! Yay!:rolleyes:
@Spikedriver door stops under the door bottom or even chunks of cardboard or wood at the same height will help you to line up the door to mount it if you are only one person without help too.
I've got some wedges and scrap pieces to help with that. My biggest trouble will be getting the measurements right. If I do that it'll be just fine. If I mess that up...back to Menard's for another door!
I've got some wedges and scrap pieces to help with that. My biggest trouble will be getting the measurements right. If I do that it'll be just fine. If I mess that up...back to Menard's for another door!

I can handle the carpentry... but the staining or painting... Many years ago a friend used to call me the most dangerous man alive with a paint brush!

The farmers market in the little town opened today, finally. It was nice to see some of the old guys. I sold tons of peaches at that market for about 12 years. I knew everyone there except a young lady trying to get a baking business off the ground. She had little pie's for sale. There was an older guy selling there I didn't recognize... one of the other farmers told me who he was... never met him but knew of him by reputation.

Everyone had pole beans for sale, I could probably gather a small mess in my garden.
Everyone had red potatoes for sale, I could probably dig up a small mess of those also.
One guy had cayenne peppers... there are two on my porch I could eat now.

But the old guy I didn't know had squash for sale. It'll be 3 weeks before my squash is ready. I got 4lbs of squash for $3. He was under pricing it. So tomorrow or the next day I'll be enjoying fried squash.

I was hoping to see some early tomatoes, melons or cantaloupe... a no go, darn! There was one tiny basket of early blueberries.
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Round 1 of today is that we have dated, rotated and put all of the groceries away including the bulk flours in food storage buckets. We then topped up the 10 lt water jerry for DH's car and put that in his car along with some hand wipes, tissues and a dustpan and brush. We carry 10 L of water in each car as we live quite remotely and it is handy for drinks, washing hands and filling up car radiators if need be too.

About to go and sweep of the back patio cement area, stack the firewood in the 2 wheelbarrows there on the patio cemented area and go and collect the organic fertiliser near the back shed to put into the gardening shed near the house and bring up some more kindling for the fire from the back shed.
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@timmie it can be scary driving after a big accident so take it easy. I don't know about you but I am always apprehensive driving after an accident and tend to be triply careful.

I had 3 accidents in one week which weren't my fault 1st I hit a kangaroo and had the fender replaced, 2nd a madwoman came screaming out of an angle parking straight onto the highway I was driving on and got her rear bumper caught under my wheel arch and lifted my whole car up in the air and I had to pump my car horn at her numerous times before she stopped and that same fender got hit again, 3rd one I was driving my car on a country road and turning off a main highway just on dark and the guy behind me dropped something on the floor of his car bent down to get it and ran up the back of my car doing 120 km per hour even though I had my indicators and headlights on and my foot on the brake and the car was lit up like a Christmas tree. I had glass in my mouth from where the back windscreen exploded forward in the car from the impact and my drivers seat broke one castor and I was hanging onto the steering wheel facing the passengers door in the seat and half the station wagon was missing and pressed up almost to the rear seats.

The local panel beater when I rung him and told him I was driving it in for repairs said " Oh no not you again I just saw the car that hit you get towed in too" and isn't that the 3rd insurance claim this week. When I got there I just told him in tears that I was certain and thought my car had a target painted on it and people were aiming for it with their cars and both the whole back station wagon part of the car and the previous fender were replaced at the same time.

After I got the car repaired a week later a truck was overtaking a car on a narrow country road with me on the other side of the road and wiped me and the car half off the side of the road on a steep cliff. No damage to the car as I swerved to give him some space but I had to get it towed out of there and still to this day don't know how 2 cars and a truck made it around that narrow road. For weeks I was even looking in the trees expecting a car to hit me :eek: and was a complete nervous wreck.

I haven't had an accident since then apart from one minor reversing bump I did that scratched some paint off the car.
Hang the door first and make sure it fits. Then transfer marks from the center of the lock strike over to the center of the lockset?
Thought of that. I think I'll get the door cut down, hang it, re-measure everything so it squares up to the holes for the strike and deadbolt, and then take it down and drill it. Then I'll hang it again, make sure everything works, and then take it off again and stain it. It'll be a lot if work, but oh well...if I wasn't a dumb s--t for locking myself out, I wouldn't have to do all this! :confused:
@timmie it can be scary driving after a big accident so take it easy. I don't know about you but I am always apprehensive driving after an accident and tend to be triply careful.

I had 3 accidents in one week which weren't my fault 1st I hit a kangaroo and had the fender replaced, 2nd a madwoman came screaming out of an angle parking straight onto the highway I was driving on and got her rear bumper caught under my wheel arch and lifted my whole car up in the air and I had to pump my car horn at her numerous times before she stopped and that same fender got hit again, 3rd one I was driving my car on a country road and turning off a main highway just on dark and the guy behind me dropped something on the floor of his car bent down to get it and ran up the back of my car doing 120 km per hour even though I had my indicators and headlights on and my foot on the brake and the car was lit up like a Christmas tree. I had glass in my mouth from where the back windscreen exploded forward in the car from the impact and my drivers seat broke one castor and I was hanging onto the steering wheel facing the passengers door in the seat and half the station wagon was missing and pressed up almost to the rear seats.

The local panel beater when I rung him and told him I was driving it in for repairs said " Oh no not you again I just saw the car that hit you get towed in too" and isn't that the 3rd insurance claim this week. When I got there I just told him in tears that I was certain and thought my car had a target painted on it and people were aiming for it with their cars and both the whole back station wagon part of the car and the previous fender were replaced at the same time.

After I got the car repaired a week later a truck was overtaking a car on a narrow country road with me on the other side of the road and wiped me and the car half off the side of the road on a steep cliff. No damage to the car as I swerved to give him some space but I had to get it towed out of there and still to this day don't know how 2 cars and a truck made it around that narrow road. For weeks I was even looking in the trees expecting a car to hit me :eek: and was a complete nervous wreck.

I haven't had an accident since then apart from one minor reversing bump I did that scratched some paint off the car.
I can relate, I got hit 13 times 10 ten years writing off several vehicles, none were my fault. Two were serious life changing injury causing accidents. Hearing brakes squeal behind me, seeing an accident (real or on tv/movie) causes me to tense and even feel cis at times. A variant of PTSD I guess.
Thanks @Meerkat yes the post hole is powerful at 75cc so it takes two to hold it while digging holes and might I add I would say 2 strong men or 1 strong man and a hang on for your life female who is not delicate. My chest muscles (pectoralis) and bicep muscles in my arms have had a good workout. Hey better than a gym workout let me tell you. Feeling less tender this morning but still sore as is DH so we are doing gentle pursuits today.

Just be extra careful with loose fitting clothes. My neighbor lost his leg using one, not trying to scare you just rather you be scared than scared.:huggs:
Nice song InnK, don't think I ever heard that one.
I used to be a huge LeDoux fan. Still am, to a point, though my music tastes have changed over the years...His music is a lot more "real" than a lot of the music they're making now. It's a shame we lost him back in '05, but I suppose the Good Lord needed him...
Just be extra careful with loose fitting clothes. My neighbor lost his leg using one, not trying to scare you just rather you be scared than scared.:huggs:
+1 on this. Anything with an auger can be very dangerous. My grandfather was wearing light coveralls and got caught by a grain auger. He was lucky that he was old-school cheap and was wearing threadbare ones that should have been thrown away. The auger ripped them right off his body, right down the seams. Grandma said when she saw him coming to the house wearing nothing but work boots and tighty-whiteys she knew something was wrong. She also said his face was whiter than his underwear at that point...;)
Well that gentle rain turned into heck cat black sky thunderstorms quick.
That wasn't supposed to hit until 6 pm.
Been building fence around the garden area.
Trying to keep Great Dane/ Mastiff mix out of the garden.
Zeus is 6 months old.
Been moving my garden over to granddaughter's daddy's house.
Went to doctor last week, wasn't gone 5 hours.
Came home 3/4 of my herb garden dug up, dirt and all.
So been moving the reminder by 5 gallon buckets.
Monday, I pick up the key for my new apartment.
Finally got enough saved for the deposit and half month of rent.
So been on marathon of cleaning out, packing up.
Will start moving Monday morning, probably totes that will fit in my car.
Hope to have present apartment cleaned, painted, carpets clean and out of here by the 10 of July.
Donated 8- 13 gallon trash bags of fabric to quilt guild that makes lap blankets for children suffering from cancer.
Donated 6 boxes of books.
Tomorrow will finish packing linen closet, my bedroom start to finish, then kitchen.
Been sorting, donating as I go.
Next Wednesday or Thursday will have no internet till after the move.
I will check back in periodically from the library.
Yep agree @Meerkat and @Spikedriver we don't wear loose clothing nor jewellery either which is another thing that gets caught up in machinery. Both of us wear fitted stretch jeans and a 50 + UV protected cotton work shirts. We are overly careful with machinery and that is why DH and I work together on anything that involves machinery. Having worked in a timber mill cutting timber for builders I cannot tell you how many people I saw get their jewellery caught in machinery and loose a limb despite being told not to wear it.

Even though we are married neither of us wear our wedding rings or any jewellery whilst operating equipment.
Thought of that. I think I'll get the door cut down, hang it, re-measure everything so it squares up to the holes for the strike and deadbolt, and then take it down and drill it. Then I'll hang it again, make sure everything works, and then take it off again and stain it. It'll be a lot if work, but oh well...if I wasn't a dumb s--t for locking myself out, I wouldn't have to do all this! :confused:

Will you remember to put a spare house and car key in your wallet? It may never happen again but just after you hang it and test the lock... and then remember you left your keys on the counter inside you will wish you had the spare set in your wallet.
Will you remember to put a spare house and car key in your wallet? It may never happen again but just after you hang it and test the lock... and then remember you left your keys on the counter inside you will wish you had the spare set in your wallet.
Ha I used to do that but car keys are fobs nowadays and don't fit in wallets. And if I had house keys in my wallet I'd either have my wallet stolen and give the thief my address and the keys, or I'd just forget my wallet in the house...
I always have my wallet in my left front pocket with two spare keys in it. It is hard for me to get out of my pocket so nobody is going to be able to get it before I can draw my gun. As for fobs, my cars are two 1973 and one 1966 Fords. I sometimes forget that there are other cars that are "more challenging" to deal with.
Ha I used to do that but car keys are fobs nowadays and don't fit in wallets. And if I had house keys in my wallet I'd either have my wallet stolen and give the thief my address and the keys, or I'd just forget my wallet in the house...
A friend of ours put her spare fob in her car so she would have the spare there if she forgot hers. HELLO! Anyone can drive your car away if you leave the spare fob in it. "Oh."

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