What's everybody doing today?

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Grandkids helped me butcher 6 chickens today, one was an annoying yard rooster, and five were Red Rangers. They do the catching, hanging, killing, and plucking, and I do the gutting and clean up. Went to the grocery store for some of husband's dinner wishes for tomorrow. Ready to jump in the shower and then make some tacos for dinner. Housecleaning and lots of cooking tomorrow.
hubby and i took Step-DAD to sign up for church food bank. i had 2 of my girls with me so i left them with my MOM. they swept her floors and took the leaf blower to the wheelchair ramp. MOM said she enjoyed having them for a couple of hours.
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Today K claims to be sick so I am stuck trying to get his chores done and the ones I wanted to do while he was home to watch the girls. I am also clearing off the bar counter so that can be Roo's school space. I hung a a hanging file to hold worksheets and the weekly busy work I want to give to Roo once school starts.

I want an old school library cart for all our school materials but no one has any for sale or free within 100 miles of us. I have plans to make one of sorts but that requires K's tools and he has them buried in the garage which he keeps promising to clean. I need to be able to tuck the bulk of our supplies away when we have company or when we are not 'in school'.

I also deep cleaned the coffee maker. Mostly I am trying to do the little chores or tasks that I keep putting off for later.
Grimm, if you took a wooden 2-drawer file cabinet, drilled the corners, and put casters under it, wouldn't you have about the same thing as the school cart? Perhaps someone has one of those for cheap.

No. I want the old style library sorting cart/truck.

Today we started off the day with DH putting on a load of washing in the washing machine, hanging it on the clothes line to dry and watering the fruit trees with rainwater from our tanks and garden beds with grey water from the washing machine. We then did our scripture study for the week together.

As it is our family home day today we set about making multiple treats for the week being a double batch of chocolate and walnut brownies and a cheesecake.

We have a busy week coming up with three medical appointments. DH is getting a referral to see about his memory loss and adding PTSD to his white card with DVA and I am getting back the results of my back x-rays. Although he has never been diagnosed with PTSD I can see he has it with heightened awareness, anger and snappiness, jumping (and trying to take me and others down) at loud noises, night terrors and his inability to sleep. Amazing what you learn when you query your husband that he never got an official diagnosis but thought he had it. The run around when he first had his accident and him having to fight through court for any compensation stopped him ever dealing with DVA again because of his horrendous treatment. I am pushing him to have his PTSD and his service accident burns recognised and dealt with. Bless him but he is one stubborn ex-serviceman and I am one equally as stubborn ex nurse wife :waiting:. The occupational therapist DVA sent to our home recognised his PTSD straight away and told him and I to get a referral for him and that he should have put in a claim for his burns too.

Tonight's dinner is fried chicken drumsticks and chips and yippee I just sold one of the lace curtains I replaced with homemade ones on eBay too.
Extension of last night is that Tabatha the cat is bringing us home fur trophies in her paws. There is a black stray cat that makes it's way up our paddock at sunset every day and it appears it is less a bit of flesh and fur now. Tabatha is a fierce protector of our property and anything other than kangaroos which are too big for her are dealt with swiftly :eek: on her nightly patrols.
Spent all day in the gardens until just before dark. Good day and got a lot done.
Wife went to the store today and got us some nice shrimp for supper. To me there isn't a lot better than chilled shrimp and a bowl of VERY horseradishy dip for them.

I use to sell shrimp on side of road in Jax.Fl. Lots of ice ended up renting ice machine, problem solved. Lots of fun. Loved going to Mayport and watching the boats come in, got them right off the boats.

Today it stormed so just cooked and cleaned inside.
@Grimm Hello there. I realize I don't know you but you mentioned your Roo w/ ADHD. Have you tried a natural/organic low-carb diet. From the sounds of your personal care products, you might have. There is a new movie/documentary out "Secret Ingredients." I've not yet seen it but am interested. You can google the trailer.
Also, @Meerkat and @Terri9630 I make my own soap which I also use as shampoo. When I began using it on my hair, it was "weird" for about a week (probably the process of de-chemicaling) then got back to normal. I use an ACV rinse about once per week. I also began making lotion at home and use the Rosemary Gladstar recipe that is in the Tasha Tudor book. I now have family and friends who will offer things in trade if I will make them some lotion :D
I don't go crazy with my soaps. I have two main recipes and just change the scent depending on if it's for me or for hubby. I only make the one lotion and one type of lotion bar. I don't need 100 different kinds of soap, just one or two that work. (I have a winter one that uses lard and a summer one of oils.)

Happy Father's Day to all you dads! Hope you are having a wonderful day.

@Amish Heart I might just send up a little prayer for your situation in hopes that your help is true and reliable and that you will be able to take your vacation. Hope that's alright with you. I know how much you enjoy going back to the farm. Wishing you well.
Thanks for the prayer, Ladylocust. We couldn't go to the farm, so back to long hours at work this week, and husband has been warned that there's no dinner during the workweek unless he picks up takeout. I don't get home until 7pm. There was a message on the work machine yesterday that the new hire will be returning on Friday. Husband is insisting that he put an ad in to hire a second assistant director. I would prefer to hire a kitchen worker/substitute teacher, but he seems to think an assistant director would be doing that job. AND he wants to be there for the interviews. I told him to expect a lot of yoga pants and no resumes. This should be interesting. Husband did ask two of our grown children last night if they could watch the grandkids for a week sometime this summer so we could go. The grandkids are booked solidly the rest of the summer...ROTC camp, marching band camp, Boy Scout camp, and then school starts. So they couldn't go anywhere, and they can't stay alone. To my surprise, two of our kids said they would watch them, stay at the house at nights, and shuttle them to their activities. So we rescheduled for the end of July for a week. I'm hopeful, but not certain that we'll be able to go.
Hey Caribou...ACV is a good hair rinse. After shampooing.
@Sewingcreations15 I hope you out-stubborn DH. Often within just a couple treatments one can recognize improvement w/ PTSD. Physical issues are treated accordingly, but how to process and deal with some events internally isn't as mechanical so seems to be overlooked. He (and those who care about him) would benefit greatly.
@LadyLocust we saw the doctor today and yes I out stubborned the military man. They gave him a what they call a lifestyle questionnaire and out of 40 being the worst he came out at 38 so not so good as I suspected. He has been given a referral to a psychologist to get some treatment and most likely have his condition added to his white card. Our doctor asked me to tell her what he is like at home and out and she got some shocks about how he has memory loss and episodes when in crowded places and other things but at least now it is recorded so they can look after him.

On my front got the results back from my back x-rays and they were really good with no back deterioration, no fractures and no back injuries so the shooting pains in my back are from overdoing it and when I lift heavy objects. Told to rest and not do much when it gets like that and to get a massage or a physiotherapy appointment. I also got the doctor to check a lump that has come up on my nose about 3 weeks ago and it is a skin cancer in it's very early stages so have an appointment to have that sliced off, ouch, but good I saw to it early as it could have been worse with a major operation. The joys of being born a redhead :rolleyes: .

Apparently my last blood test last year showed I had elevated cholesterol but the doctor never told me so this doctor got me to have a blood test to see what my levels are now. It runs in the family with my father so if it is still elevated I will have to adjust my diet a bit to get the levels down and should get the results when I go in for my cancer removal.

We did a little shopping and bought 6 packets of half price rolls with some being wholemeal and topped up on fish fingers and had lunch out being fish and chips. Probably not that healthy if my cholesterol levels are elevated still but we enjoyed it as we rarely eat takeaway.
spent all day yesterday in the garden..what a great day! then sat outside just as the moon was rising, did a little stargazing with the telescope too. Saw 4 of Jupiters moons! I have to go to work tonight and dreading it. Id rather play in the garden all day again and maybe clean my place. Since Im spending most of my time outside..my place is a mess , the yard n garden look great tho :)
Last few days were spent being sick. Better today. Walked, did chores, grilled chicken, made potato salad. Made a lot of phone calls for DH's VA visits. Yesterday, I did make a sugar free chocolate cake--good! Also, yesterday was our 29th wedding anniversary! Dh says it's a good start!

Will find out this evening if I have to go for jury duty tomorrow or not.
Thank you @Caribou the growth is in it's early stages so easy to remove by slicing off. Fortunately I got it checked straight away knowing I am a redhead and skin cancer runs in the family being that I am partly of English decent and glow in the dark :). It is a relief to me that DH has agreed to have it seen to as well as I have been battling with him for years for him to get help for his condition. The problem is that those affected don't see what they are like or how moods can affect others around them.

@LadyLocust yes I think a few sessions will help DH and I would say in his case it will most likely be ongoing treatment in which they will give him coping mechanisms for him to handle his stressors. I am his carer but I am not a qualified psychologist so I can't help him in the way that is needed. I can however when his moods towards me get really bad tell him off :) to get him out of his low moods which I don't often do and usually huff and walk off and do other things that need doing.
We had a very busy day today. I had an apt at 7:30, tore my bicep.... The kid had an appointment at 9:30. After that we were headed to Home Depot but the kids blood sugar dropped so I had to stop and feed her. After that we went back to Home Depot to find the police taping off the whole area. We barely missed a police shoot out, thank God for the kids wacky blood sugar. We then had to drive another 40 miles to the next hardware store. Got all the way home only to find we left behind the 10 drywall corner beads I bought. Called the store and they said they had them and credited the amount back to my card so I didn't have to drive another 180 miles.
@Terri9630 Wow! Glad you weren't part of the scene.

@Amish Heart frozen pork roast in a crockpot on low (or roaster in oven @235) dump a jar or two of sun dried tomatoes in olive oil over the top. Don't forget to plug in / turn on. Go to work. Come home to a delicious meal. It's so simple, it doesn't sound like it would be anything special, but it is just scrumalicious!
That does sound good, LadyLocust. I'm getting to be queen of the crockpot lately.
New assistant, the one that worked for three days will be back at work on Friday. Maybe I'll get home late afternoon. Husband thinks I should hire a second assistant. That should be interesting. I think tomorrow will be a takeout night.
I brought in all of the butchered chickens to work today, and boiled them while I worked. We have a commercial kitchen with a big range, and I was working kitchen/office today, so it was convenient. The meat's all cooked and put in the freezer now. Guess I could of left some out, but husband doesn't like just a main meal. Tonight was chili with meat and cornbread...was asking where the sides were. Not happening this week. He can pick up takeout. It really does cost a lot more money in our household when I'm working. No time to be frugal.

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