I had a doctor’s appointment today. A referral by my regular doctor to a clinic I’d never been too. I always try to surprise the new people I meet at such a place with plant medicine. Today I found Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) growing at the edge of their parking lot. It has a pretty purple bloom. I gathered a couple plants that were blooming and put them in my shirt pocket with the blooms showing.
Several of the clinic staff said “Nice flower” or “Where did you get those?” They were all surprised to learn it was medicinal and growing right outside their door. It’s a nice way to start a conversation about alterative medicines. Henbit is very mild. I’ve never used it as a medicine but I have eaten it on a salad.
Before the holidays I had new business cards professionally designed for my medicinal plant class. Everyone at the clinic got a card. Even my doctor and (especially) her nurse practitioner wanted cards.