What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday afternoon wife and I watched a coyote out back hunting for mice. In the half hour or so we watched he only caught 2 that we seen.
My cousin owns the farm that joins me to the west. I’d been hearing equipment run since Monday so I went to check it out this afternoon. She’s having timber cut to expand a pasture for cattle. I was going to warn the loggers about a tree full of honey bees I found a couple of years ago. Turns out they weren’t going to cut where the bee tree is located.

The man cutting the timber is a friend, he gets herbal medicines from me. We talked a bit. My dad still uses a fire place. My friend said he’d skid me a few big loads of firewood out for next winter. Oh well, that means I have to get the saw ready. I know what I’ll be doing the next few days.

Speaking of saws, it was sort of funny. While I was there my friend got his saw hung in a tree. So yes, it happens to professionals too. They brought the skidder over to push the tree back. :D

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Went to run the car for a little while to keep the battery charged...and too late. It was flat so I'm recharging it up and I'm going to have to run it every day so it doesn't happen again.
I try to have all my doctors visits and shopping all on one day so I cut back the amount of days I use the car but when I need it I want to jump in and have it start first go not have to put it on a charger fist.

I'm allergic to the new cholesterol meds.
I wish the GP had a draw of samples I could try so I didn't have to spend so much money on meds I may be allergic to.
I have a bulging medicine cabinet filled with meds I can't use.
I break out a single tablet and run it across my tongue and if my mouth, tongue starts itching, and swelling I don't take them.
I'm reduced to controlling by diet alone.
I really liked steak and dairy products. :cry:
Went to run the car for a little while to keep the battery charged...and too late. It was flat so I'm recharging it up and I'm going to have to run it every day so it doesn't happen again.
I try to have all my doctors visits and shopping all on one day so I cut back the amount of days I use the car but when I need it I want to jump in and have it start first go not have to put it on a charger fist.

I'm allergic to the new cholesterol meds.
I wish the GP had a draw of samples I could try so I didn't have to spend so much money on meds I may be allergic to.
I have a bulging medicine cabinet filled with meds I can't use.
I break out a single tablet and run it across my tongue and if my mouth, tongue starts itching, and swelling I don't take them.
I'm reduced to controlling by diet alone.
I really liked steak and dairy products. :cry:

Try adding "real" oatmeal to your diet daily. By real I just mean the old fashioned or Irish/steel cut. Very good for bring cholesterol down. Dried fruit, and as raw veggies as you can will all help. No reason you can't have the occasional steak. I use low fat dairy, but I'm not a real big fan. I can't stand fat free stuff. Your body needs healthy oils to make the good cholesterol and lower the bad one.
I'm allergic to the new cholesterol meds.
I'm reduced to controlling by diet alone.
I really liked steak and dairy products. :cry:

@Tank-Girl there are at least dozen plants that work on cholesterol. Is there a good herbalist near you? Someone to help you find the best plant for your needs? :)
@Tank-Girl there are at least dozen plants that work on cholesterol. Is there a good herbalist near you? Someone to help you find the best plant for your needs? :)

No there isn't unfortunately.

I am growing several medicinal plants that I know I'm not allergic to.
Which herbs are they please Peanut?
I may be growing them.
Its complicated, cholesterol is a broad term. It depends on what part of “cholesterol” is at issue. For instance…

Allium sativa reduces LDL’s and triglycerides, raises HDL’s and lowers blood pressure. If your blood pressure is normal this isn’t a plant you would want to use or at best use very carefully.

Iris is good for elevated LDL’s and VLDL’s but doesn’t affect HDL’s

These plants are complicated and do different things, is uric-acid an issue? Or alkalosis? Is blood sugar a part of this equation?

The best plant for you is affected by many factors including prescriptions you may be taking for other problems. So, the best advice I’m willing to give is find a good clinical herbalist. I’ve heard some are willing to work over the internet, there has to be someone you can find. :)
Spent some time listening to Will Gadd tonight, sharing some of his extreme sports adventures. Very humble, friendly and interesting man. He is in town climbing the world’s most difficult mixed ice climb. Fascinating stuff but stratosphere’s out of my comfort zone and athletic ability ... even when I was young and fit
Today it has been raining all day so we have done inside the house work today. Starting today DH stripped the sheets from the bed, the covers from the lounges and the towels and washed them. Unfortunately due to the rain they went into the clothes dryer but that is okay as we rarely use it throughout the year and then DH tipped the water from our saved grey water bucket onto some of the back lawn to water it.

I then deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week and then DH and I remade the bed and DH vacuumed the whole house for the week. Then I packaged up some capsicum seeds I sold on the internet from my shop and DH took them to the post box to post them.

Tonight's tea is homemade pizza and DH is making another batch of chocolate fudge sauce which we will have with ice cream and fruit for dessert. Then we will fold up 4 loads of washing and put all of the clothing away.
Its complicated, cholesterol is a broad term. It depends on what part of “cholesterol” is at issue. For instance…

Allium sativa reduces LDL’s and triglycerides, raises HDL’s and lowers blood pressure. If your blood pressure is normal this isn’t a plant you would want to use or at best use very carefully.

Iris is good for elevated LDL’s and VLDL’s but doesn’t affect HDL’s

These plants are complicated and do different things, is uric-acid an issue? Or alkalosis? Is blood sugar a part of this equation?

The best plant for you is affected by many factors including prescriptions you may be taking for other problems. So, the best advice I’m willing to give is find a good clinical herbalist. I’ve heard some are willing to work over the internet, there has to be someone you can find. :)

How do I obtain the iris? My LDL and VLDL are mildly elevated. My HDL are good and I take atenolol for my BP.
Been doing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, using steam mop on the floor.
Sorting the clothes, for laundry in the next few days.
Cleaning the kitchen enamel table off, hopefully keeping it cleaned off.
Cleaned of the top of freezer, working on cleaning the top of microwave.
Making my lunch and dinner for babysitting for grand daughter Estelle Saturday.
Thinking about making soup in the crock pot for something hot for supper.
Bills are paid.
Hopefully next week my medicine will be here.
Have enough medicine to last till next Wednesday.
Setting up medicine for next week.
Part 1 started off the morning with folding up 4 loads of clean laundry and put it away. Then wiped down the kitchen table and used metho to wipe off the writing off the used washed out clip seal freezer bags and put them in the freezer bag box on the top of the freezer. Cleared garden seed folder off table and put seed packets in there and off the table and then wiped over the kitchen buffet unit that was getting a little grungy. Took the pulverised egg shells we had collected in the kitchen and put them around the strawberry plants out the front to deter slugs getting the strawberries and DH took a box from our BBQ down to the shed to add to our house moving box collection and threw a powdered milk bottle in the bin.

Currently having some homemade granola for a late lunch and then we will get stuck into some more housework that needs doing. Still really soggy outside and too wet to do any garden work but that is fine it gives us time to catch up on all the little time consuming tidying jobs that need doing inside the home.
Round 2 for today is we washed the dishes and put them away, counted the collected California capsicum seeds collected from our gardens and put them away, I swept the kitchen and laundry areas and we picked the remaining cherry tomatoes off the vines that have died back. Looks like we will have to plant some more cherry tomatoes shortly. DH turned on the hot water system for a few hours and turned it back off as we only turn it on when the water gets cold.

Ahh now relaxing for the night and the house looks nice, clean and organised :D .

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