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I dehydrate the mushier ones. I've had better luck with honeycrisp, but they're pricey.
Did the grocery shopping, stopped at the school to unlock the well head and leave paperwork for the well inspection tomorrow. Took down and loaded up 16 years of school photos from the walls. Granddaughter took them out of their frames so I can keep them. Most were taken outside of all of our students, and some students that are in college now liked to stop by and try to find themselves in the old photos. Mailed out 80 invites to a family reunion going on in a few weeks in Yoder. Descendants of my great grandfather, Shem Yoder. Should be fun. Went back to the school with granddaughter, loaded up more stuff, emptied the big freezer and drug it outside. It's about 100 degrees today so it should defrost quickly. Then took granddaughter school clothes shopping. Whew. Today is husband's birthday, and we'll be going for a special dinner (at his favorite pub).
I'm setting here, having a ham n cheese sandwich and an apple for lunch. The apple is a Braeburn from my local Mom n Pop grocery store, and quite frankly it is garbage. The outside seems good but the flesh is almost gritty. Most of the apples I've gotten this year have been kind of poor, and a little higher priced than normal. Anybody else notice this? The Goldens and Pink Ladies I've gotten recently were only a little better ...
Because they are last years apples. New harvest will be here in another month or 2 (Sept.-Oct.) They store them in N free storage and supply them to stores as needed. Apples do store well but typically from fall to around end of year. By this time of year, you just wait until fall for a "real" apple. (Pears too.)
I'm setting here, having a ham n cheese sandwich and an apple for lunch. The apple is a Braeburn from my local Mom n Pop grocery store, and quite frankly it is garbage. The outside seems good but the flesh is almost gritty. Most of the apples I've gotten this year have been kind of poor, and a little higher priced than normal. Anybody else notice this? The Goldens and Pink Ladies I've gotten recently were only a little better ...

Spike I've had the same kind of bad luck with peaches last few years. I quit buying them now.
@LadyLocust thanks for the reply. I'm just noticing it this year. Usually the apples are good all year round here, of course with the exception of red delicious, which I hate unless they are still pretty green.

@Meerkat where do your peaches come from? The grocery store peaches here are hit & miss. But there is a fresh produce market about 30 miles away that gets fresh peaches from Missouri that are well known for their quality around here.

@Amish Heart I do like the honey crisp apples and yes they are pricey. If I can find them, my favorites are Jazz apples. To meet they are the perfect blend of crunch and sweet. But they are both elusive and pricey.
Got off work an drove the kid to El Paso. Her apt with the Electrophysiologist (is that a real word?) is tomorrow morning.
Well, if the office looks like this, I'd pass:rolleyes::

They may brag a lot about "complete cures" but I just don't know
Still at the Drs office. He doesn't think an ablasion will work. They did a different type of EKG and he says its sinus tacacardia (not supra ventricular tacacardia) which is where the signals are supposed to come from its just over active. He said there is a med that is common in Europe and just approved in US but only for people with tacacardia AND heart failure so our ins may not cover it and its $700 per month. He's looking for samples so we can see if it works.
Still at the Drs office. He doesn't think an ablasion will work. They did a different type of EKG and he says its sinus tacacardia (not supra ventricular tacacardia) which is where the signals are supposed to come from its just over active. He said there is a med that is common in Europe and just approved in US but only for people with tacacardia AND heart failure so our ins may not cover it and its $700 per month. He's looking for samples so we can see if it works.
sounds like a good doc
0801191608.jpg Made baked beans and cole slaw yesterday afternoon at Church for fundraiser and served it today, then cleaned up.

Went to town to visit friend in nursing home yesterday, but she was in therapy so will try again tomorrow. Went to discount bread store for my low calorie bread and then to thrift store. Found the cutest butter dish and a great rug ($3) for the back door--coming in from goats. Will post photos.

Tomorrow is the monthly Walmart/ Kroger run plus nursing home. Sure hope to rest some Saturday!0731191251.jpg
Yesterday we were in town for my doctors appointment and it is confirmed I have hyperactive thyroid (working overtime) and my resting heartbeat is 100 beats per minute. I have been feeling like a deer in headlights for 3 - 4 months now with shaking hands and my heart palpitating. They have me on thyroid medication now as well as beta blockers to control my heartbeat down to a normal level and I feel a lot better. I also got the skin cancer treatment cream and put it on last night.

Got to go and get some nuclear scans done on my thyroid to find out if I have graves disease and if I have any growths on my thyroid. Apparently this is all caused by having an infection of some sort previously from what they can make out and my body has over reacted to it.

I had planned for no spending but $82.47 later I got out of the pharmacy with 3 bottles of tablets and my anti skin cancer cream.

We were tired after we got home and just relaxed for the evening although DH did get on a load of washing done and hung on the clothes line to dry. Last night's dinner was fish fingers and spring rolls and steamed peas, corn and capsicum.

I hope the medication can be sought so your daughter can try it and hope it works for her.
. I have been feeling like a deer in headlights for 3 - 4 months now with shaking hands and my heart palpitating.

That's how the kid has been feeling for the past year.

I hope the medication can be sought so your daughter can try it and hope it works for her.
Thanks Sewing. I stopped by a Wal-Mart in El Paso before coming home to have them run the prescription and the response they got from the ins company was "maybe" . They have to consult with the Dr first.:rolleyes: I'm going to take the prescription to our local Wal-Mart in the morning so they can tell Blue Cross to do their consult and get us some meds.
sounds like a good doc

I like him. He looked over ALL her records. From birth on. He thinks she she has Neuro Cardiogenic syncope (NCS) and Postural Orthostatic Tacacardia Syndrome (POTS). She has symptoms of both. My little over achiever!!:rolleyes:

Oh, no samples. They didn't come in.
Wow, @Sewingcreations15 . I'm glad you were able to get the diagnosis and start treatment. You seem like such a hard-working woman, maybe this will slow you down a little bit, but I kind of doubt it.
@Terri9630 I looked up neuro cardiogenic syncope and what I found made it look like a very complicated thing to understand and many things that can be happening to the body, which you already know. FINALLY, somebody that knows how to diagnose her. I hope things start settling down a little bit for you and her and she can find some normalcy.
Wow, @Sewingcreations15 . I'm glad you were able to get the diagnosis and start treatment. You seem like such a hard-working woman, maybe this will slow you down a little bit, but I kind of doubt it.
@Terri9630 I looked up neuro cardiogenic syncope and what I found made it look like a very complicated thing to understand and many things that can be happening to the body, which you already know. FINALLY, somebody that knows how to diagnose her. I hope things start settling down a little bit for you and her and she can find some normalcy.

Its been awful. She's handling it much better than I am.
@Terri9630 Prayers to you both. I thought you sneezed on the keyboard when you were typing. I'm impressed you can spell all that let alone know what it means - nobody should have anything with such words. Hope healing is right ahead.
@Sewingcreations15 Thyroid is nothing to play around with. Take care of yourself. Will be sending one up with your name on it as well :). Really - do be careful, research, ask questions. Wishing you very well.
Worked all day. Did grocery shopping on my way to work (with ice chest). After work had to go find a new pair of shoes as my right heel has been hurting and I've been wearing old, not so supportive shoes. Who actually likes buying shoes. I wish they wouldn't change and when I find a pair I like, I could just go get another pair when they wore out, but Noooo. That wouldn't be fashionable. Anyhoo, I found a pair I'm hoping works. Returned home, put groceries away, got supper going, cleaned green beans. They are all ready in jars. Tomorrow after work, I'll get them through the canner. I'm tired and it's past my bed time.
@Terri9630 Prayers to you both. I thought you sneezed on the keyboard when you were typing. I'm impressed you can spell all that let alone know what it means - nobody should have anything with such words. Hope healing is right ahead.

Spell check is my friend. And thanks. Y'all are my therapy.
@LadyLocust thanks for the reply. I'm just noticing it this year. Usually the apples are good all year round here, of course with the exception of red delicious, which I hate unless they are still pretty green.

@Meerkat where do your peaches come from? The grocery store peaches here are hit & miss. But there is a fresh produce market about 30 miles away that gets fresh peaches from Missouri that are well known for their quality around here.

@Amish Heart I do like the honey crisp apples and yes they are pricey. If I can find them, my favorites are Jazz apples. To meet they are the perfect blend of crunch and sweet. But they are both elusive and pricey.

Spike, I did take a chance on the grocery store and the ones at the orchards we stopped at on the way to Atlanta were just too expensive. I know farming is hard work but the price was ridiculous. Like a dollar a peach.
Still at the Drs office. He doesn't think an ablasion will work. They did a different type of EKG and he says its sinus tacacardia (not supra ventricular tacacardia) which is where the signals are supposed to come from its just over active. He said there is a med that is common in Europe and just approved in US but only for people with tacacardia AND heart failure so our ins may not cover it and its $700 per month. He's looking for samples so we can see if it works.

My goodness Terri. Big pharma has become big mafia now. :huh:

@Sewingcreations15 , for you both.
I sure hope things work out for y'all bless your heart. :huggs:
Thank you @Patchouli and you are right if I can help it the condition won't slow me down but sadly at the moment I am not at full capacity.

@LadyLocust glad you got a pair of comfortable shoes and I hate shopping too.

The medication will take about 4 - 6 weeks to kick in from what they tell me and your right thyroid problems are serious. I have done a lot of research and reading into it and hyperthyroidism is the worst one to have. So we will see what they can work out with the medication and tests. At least I have stopped shaking violently now in the hands.

Usual housework today DH vacuumed the house and I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilets. We then went to the RSL later today for our weekly date day and I did a little cleaning down there too to keep it tidy.
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My daughter said the shaking makes it harder to get the tooth brush in her mouth but helps with the brushing. Always looking on the bright side.
That is awesome! I have tremors- heredity. I never thought of it that way . Tell her a shakey lady far away thanks her for the insight.

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