What's everybody doing today?

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Then got the tractor out and went over and graded the driveway for the rental house. That 3" rain the other day washed it out badly.

First time out , other than going out to eat .

Tired but feel better.
The knee is complaining a bit.
Soldier on!
You got to keep the stuff moving.

And folks, I can tell you first-hand how bad it can be when it rains @phideaux's:eek::
*The previous photo contains fake stuff and is intended solely for Phideaux's amusement. The ruts however, are real, and on his property...by me.
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Soldier on!
You got to keep the stuff moving.

And folks, I can tell you first-hand how bad it can be when it rains @phideaux's:eek::
View attachment 23670*The previous photo contains fake stuff and is intended solely for Phideaux's amusement. The ruts however, are real, and on his property...by me.

Yes you can,
I do believe that's when " Old mudslinger" was born .

Those were some good times.

Yesterday we did not a lot as we had rain glorious rain. We did chop up the free capsicums we got making 6 meal sized portions for the freezer and I did DH's load of washing and we stuck it in the clothes dryer. We use our clothes dryer about mostly 6 times a year or usually less as most washing is hung on the clothesline to dry. We also counted the takings for the RSL club and made out the deposit slip.

It is official as I went to the doctors today that I have Graves Disease (an autoimmune disease) which is the cause of my hyperthroidism. It may or may not go into remission by itself we will have to wait and see and I am hoping it will, usually caused by the body overreacting to a virus from what I have read. It also causes high cholesterol as well so we will see how far I can get it down with changing my dietary intake and it has gone down already from what it was and causes an irregular heart beat. Good news is I have no growths or nodes on my thyroid so it can be controlled with medication rather than and operation to remove part of my thyroid or taking radioactive iodine to kill the malfunctioning part of the thyroid. DH also saw the doctor and we picked up 5 months worth of medication for both of us so we are not having to go to town every month for top ups.

We then went to IGA where I picked up a bargain large shoulder roast of pork for half price that will do us for quite a few meals and their fruit was quite dear as I price check between stores. Then I found a winter clearance on new winter clothing and purchased 3 pairs of tracksuit pants, 3 tops and 2 rain proof padded jackets and saved a fortune on usual prices.

Then went to the supermarket and purchased our fruit, avocadoes and a punnet of strawberries to have for dessert tonight.

As DVA pays us a meal allowance for DH's medical appointments over a certain distance we decided to have a nice lunch at the RSL club and boy are they big meals so big in fact I had to give some of mine to DH to eat. We thoroughly enjoyed it and it gave us a break in our 66km each way trip into town. We are calling this LunDin and having strawberries and cream for dessert.
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Got about 1 hour and 5 minutes sleep last night. Just couldn't settle--no sugar, caffeine, msg or anything else I react to. So, up at 5:30 doing exercise video, cooking chicken and doing other chores. We are having a home visit with a 2 year old feist mix pup at 1 pm. Wanted to see how he is with the goats--and our 2 pups.
Doing nothing.
Want to see what it feels like to do nothing.
Just drinking coffee, not crocheting, not knitting, not reading, not watching TV, not listening to the radio.
We'll see how long this doing nothing crap lasts.
Oh! Wait, I am doing something.
I'm reading forums...……………………….
It's official!
I can't just sit here and do nothing.
Back to crocheting.
Futile exercise in doing nothing.
I went to work for a while this morning. Came home at lunch time and taking a vacation day tomorrow. I couldn't focus on anything to save my life. Decided I need to just rest and medicate and get rid of this crap. Boss even told me to go home. He was sick this week too and took his own advice. He left before I did.
Good lookin kid there Phideaux. He's a bit stockier than I was when I used to play. I was 6-4 and 165. LOL....Mom always said I ate like I was 250 though.

Thanks BP, he was my first grand.

Inseparable until he got in HS, and still best friends,
He is truly a good young man. Loves his grandpa.
He borrowed my truck to take his date to the prom...go figure.:)

Hope he is free tomorrow .

Doing nothing.
Want to see what it feels like to do nothing.

Just drinking coffee, not crocheting, not knitting, not reading, not watching TV, not listening to the radio.
We'll see how long this doing nothing crap lasts. Oh! Wait, I am doing something.
I'm reading forums...……………………….
It's official!
I can't just sit here and do nothing. Back to crocheting.
Futile exercise in doing nothing.
Clearly you need training from a professional:D.
Doing nothing, correctly, can be a monumental and endless task. It takes training.
I did so much, for so many, for so long, I signed up for the Master's-Degree program.
It's been tough!
On any given day someone will walk across the street and say: "Can you take a look at this?"
"Sorry, I'm half-way thru making a post on TalkFirearms, maybe later".
Later, of course... is nap-time:).
Load up the rider mower and headed to the sister-in-laws. She's recovering from surgery and asked if I could mow her yard. Her mower is questionable. Took longer to load and drive there then it took to mow.

On the way home swung by the church, yep yards need mowed. Mowed front and side yards of both parsonages, mower on fumes. Back home to unload, ah nuts! Get my gas cans and put them on the trailer. Drive back to church, finish mowing the parsonages and the main church yard. Home to unload and put away.

Figure out how to work around a software bug on a web sight I help to maintain.

Last batch of brass cleaned and drying.

Load up the rider mower and headed to the sister-in-laws. She's recovering from surgery and asked if I could mow her yard. Her mower is questionable. Took longer to load and drive there then it took to mow.

On the way home swung by the church, yep yards need mowed. Mowed front and side yards of both parsonages, mower on fumes. Back home to unload, ah nuts! Get my gas cans and put them on the trailer. Drive back to church, finish mowing the parsonages and the main church yard. Home to unload and put away.

Figure out how to work around a software bug on a web sight I help to maintain.

Last batch of brass cleaned and drying.

For the life of me, I have never understood how your name here is Lazy L. Sorry, it just doesn't seem to fit you!
I can't "do nothing". Always doing something. Spent the day on the phone for mom...her apt has bedbugs. Finally got an exterminator in, hired someone to get her clothes out, linen, get them washed. She has bites all over her. She's staying with Uncle Melvin for a few days till they get gone. Ran a ton of errands for husband this afternoon.
Going to the High School open house tonight. Lasts till 8. See if I can keep my eyes open.
@phideaux Here on the farm I have several dozen wild muscadine vines but this was a bad year for muscadines. Just as they were going to finish filling out a drought hit. It left the muscadines sweet but shriveled and small. The market in town has farm grown muscadines and scuppernongs. They are larger than wild ones but not quite as sweet, still good though.

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@phideaux Here on the farm I have several dozen wild muscadine vines but this was a bad year for muscadines. Just as they were going to finish filling out a drought hit. It left the muscadines sweet but shriveled and small. The market in town has farm grown muscadines and scuppernongs. They are larger than wild ones but not quite as sweet, still good though.

View attachment 23733

When I was a boy , dad and I went to the river bottom , to get them for mom to make jelly.
I remember that they had thick , tough skin, but the inside was so sweet and juicy.
Do they still have the thick skin?

Today I started off with setting off the grey water from the tank to water the mandarin tree and moved next door neighbour's grey water hose to water one of our mulberry trees with. Came in and had a couple of cups of hot chocolate and DH put on a load of washing in the machine and hung it out and I put on another load and he hung it out once finished. DH swept off the garden paths to get rid of kangaroo and wallaby poo and put some wire mesh around our apple and mandarin tree in pots as the kangaroos appear to be eating the leaves off them all :rolleyes: . We went and fed our elderly swamp wallaby that was waiting in the yard for us and pulling branches off the pencil pine trees and eating it. This is usually not a food they would eat but in drought everything is food.

DH then decided to have a lie down for an hour and while he was doing that I dated and put away our medications and deep cleaned the bathrooms and toilet for the week.

Tonight we decided to cook our pork shoulder roast and had roast pork, potatoes and steamed corn, peas and capsicum. There will be enough pork to make a pork and vegetable family pie to last two dinners for the two of us and we will have some pork sandwiches tomorrow for lunch. Dessert was our strawberries and of course some cream and they were lovely and sweet.
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@phideaux you have one tall grandson who is no doubt good at basketball.
He turned 18 today.
Yes he is good at b-ball.

Hope to see him today.

Spent an hour on phone with him last , advising him , while he was buying his first car. ( I have bought almost 100) He worked all summer, saved his money to pay cash for a 2006 , Dodge Charger..
He did good.

When I was a boy , dad and I went to the river bottom , to get them for mom to make jelly.
I remember that they had thick , tough skin, but the inside was so sweet and juicy.
Do they still have the thick skin?

Yep... there are a dozen or so species of wild grapes that are native to N America. Most have thick skins compared to European grapes. The most famous of the American grapes are, of course, Muscadines and Scuppernongs.

Late in the year after the first frost I look for possum grapes, a tasty treat when out squirrel hunting. Before the frost they are bitter, the frost sweetens them. They grow were you live but are small.
The last of the 8 tons of top soil was shoveled, hauled, dumped and raked this morning. Had a dozen wheelbarrows left from the front yard ditch project. Filled in low spots around the house and yard. I didn't want to leave the dirt pile too long on the front yard and kill off all the weeds that make my yard green (HA HA).
I've got a row of muscadines and scuppernogs. Took cuttings from my step dad, who got cuttings from his dad. No idea where he got his from. Looks like we're gonna have a harvest this year. They aren't quite as big as some years, but the few that I found that had turned are pretty good. We hopefully will get enough to make some jelly with.