What's everybody doing today?

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Made homemade vegetable soup with what's in the pantry.
It's simmering on the stove low and slow.
Strawberry has been outside in the rain several times this morning.
Need to Swiffer up dog hair off the furniture, floor.
Do up dab of dishes then thinking towards nap as I am full.
Will set up medicine for the coming week.
Set up coffee pot for morning.
Hopefully my body will figure it out sooner than later, there is no reason to still be getting up at 0330 hours.
It's 1351 hours here.
As for the futile exercise in doing nothing, my oldest son was timing me on how long I could actually sit there and do nothing.
He and a old Army friend had a bet on how long I would last.
Needless to say I lasted longer than either thought I would, so I got the money.
Old Army buddy just retired in December.
Spent $6.38 last night got several (3) new tops size 12-14, 1 new dress size 8-10 and it fits.
Feeling pretty smug right now.
Off to nap, watch TV.
Medicine is set up for the following week-done.
Both coffee pots are set up-1 for morning, 1 if I decide I want coffee later(4 cup pot).
Did get a nap finally. Slept for an hour.
Only thing left is dab of dishes, floors and furniture.
Must be going to storm again tonight.
Strawberry is clingy.
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Good deals on your clothes @MoBookworm1957 ! You probably would have lasted a little longer than me at doing nothing. My mom never sat still either. I can't sit through a movie at home on TV, only in a theatre. Barely make it through an hour long show.

After walking and chores this morning, I was off to Walmart for the monthly trip, Dollar Tree and local grocery for a couple of sales items. Prices are going up at Walmart! Sure noticed this trip.

Came home and finally had our visit with new pup. It went well (enough). Our black Chi is not on board yet. Signed papers and he will be neutered next week and than he is ours. If I could pull up a photo, I would, but am having issues. I truly hope to stay home tomorrow!
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Timmie keep your spirits up they can do so many fantastic things these days! We will be praying for you!

Jake wants to ride his motorcycle in our hometown parade so he's been in the shop with me cleaning it up this evening. This kid has had such great week! He started 6th grade a couple of weeks ago and we got his test results over the last couple of days. In reading and math he scored like an end of the year 7th grader! He outscored the gifted kids! Education is extremely important to me I guess because I have very little of it. I make sure he has several hours of extra tutoring every week year round and it's really paying off. He beat out the little geniuses with grit and hard work! I'm just so proud of him!

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So far it’s tracking to hit north of us. Me and a neighbor buddy have 8 other houses in the neighborhood besides ours that we board up and secure when a storm hits. Mostly seniors, one guy in a chair, and a abuela (grandmother) who’s grandkids live with her. Been riding them out all along. First time they’ve compared a storm to Andrew. Makes me think this one’s really gonna suck!
I spent the day sanding freshly galvanized pipe rail by hand with strip sand paper. First had to use rasp to remove any jagged spots and hammer plugs into vent holes. There are ten rails. I got 6 done. My arms are like noodles.
We are still picking green beans. We have more than enough in the pantry. I usually like to can a little extra. This year canned a lot extra and can't keep up with eating them all. Will probably take them to the guys at work. The plants flowered a second time after the first harvest. They still look great - not withering or anything. I will pick tomatoes tomorrow- again! They also keep producing. Who knew gardening in zone 7 would be so bountiful.
I spent the day sanding freshly galvanized pipe rail by hand with strip sand paper. First had to use rasp to remove any jagged spots and hammer plugs into vent holes. There are ten rails. I got 6 done. My arms are like noodles.
We are still picking green beans. We have more than enough in the pantry. I usually like to can a little extra. This year canned a lot extra and can't keep up with eating them all. Will probably take them to the guys at work. The plants flowered a second time after the first harvest. They still look great - not withering or anything. I will pick tomatoes tomorrow- again! They also keep producing. Who knew gardening in zone 7 would be so bountiful.
glad your having a good harvest this year ladyl :great:. preserve it . it might not be so productive next year.
Today we woke up late and I mean really late so we must of needed some sleep :) and after a few cups of hot chocolate got going.

We folded up two loads of washing and put it away and DH washed the dishes, cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away and DH put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine. DH then vacuumed the whole home so it sparkles once again. DH took out the main rubbish and I took out the recycling to put into the wheelie bins.

Both just had nice warm shower and I have plastered my face with lovely extra virgin coconut oil to moisturise it. I look like I have a cross between bad sunburn splotches and the after affects of peeling but heck I am moisturised.

DH has got the pork, vegetable and white sauce family pie made and in the oven and it is starting to smell divine. We still have enough pork for tomorrow for sandwiches so we have got 8 meals out of our $8.54 roast for the two of us which is pretty good going. We probably won't want pork now for a while :) .
My parents surprised us with a visit yesterday and ended up staying the night. Good thing we always cook for 8-9 people! The good news is that they brought me a dozen jars of salsa from 2016 and a half dozen from 2017. They apparently just finished their canning for 2019 and needed the space. Either way I will take it.

Today is spa day for the wifey, so she will be heading off for a massage, mani, pedi, and hair. Or some combination of those services. Either way we won't see her until later this afternoon. Which means the dependents and I have some work to do! I made each of them a nice chore list of cleaning jobs this morning and I will be mowing and cleaning up the garage. Then this afternoon we are going to a sort of farmer's market / flea market combo event.
Walmart to meet the buyer of the desk the wife is selling. Exchange went well.

While we are at Walmart, get the groceries wife forgot the night before.

Fire up the chain saw to drastically trim back a volunteer apple tree. Clearing a path for a crane. Stack the branches on a burn pile for this winter.

Sign contract. Have a tree trimmer coming next month. Several trees leaning (one dead) towards my new house roof. Another tree split, the worst part got hung up in another tree. This split could take out my 80 foot tower and gate to the shop. Tree Contractor will bring in a crane.

Wife wants the queen bed moved from the small spare bedroom to the large spare bedroom. She's cleared out enough of her stuff to make it possible. Disassemble, move and reassemble the bed. Labor Day company staying overnight.

Sometime in the last couple of days I got a kink in my lower right back. Looking forward to an afternoon nap in the recliner.
Dusting floors with old washcloth(destined for rag bag) sprayed with furniture polish, on Swiffer pole.
Removed enough dog hair to find small critter in there.
But alas no small critter.
Just off the living room, dining area, kitchen floors.
Haven't dusted furniture yet.
That's next on my list.
So instead of buying worthless Swiffer floor pads will use old washcloth with Pledge furniture spray instead..
Will save approx. $5-10 monthly on useless Swiffer products.
Am looking for old school dust mop which I had at one time.
But sons thought it would be better with Swiffer lighter in weight.
Old ways still work for me most of the time.
Will be crocheting some blankets up this afternoon.
Napping in the recliner, lunch maybe.
Taking Strawberry back outside for the dozen time.
Getting ready for storm ,just in case, talking to kids about a family problem and friend who just found out she has stage 4 cancer. and trying to keep grass cut in case its awhile before we can cut again.
Hoping thsi storm doesn't knock out power grid. Been busy last few days so hope to be back after storm.. Yall be careful.
Getting ready for storm ,just in case, talking to kids about a family problem and friend who just found out she has stage 4 cancer. and trying to keep grass cut in case its awhile before we can cut again.
Hoping thsi storm doesn't knock out power grid. Been busy last few days so hope to be back after storm.. Yall be careful.

hope for the best for friend..we got a storm moving in as well.thunder n all.i just hope lightening aint as bad as the last one.at least one tree got struck by it last time.
Today: I went clothes shopping. That is rare for me. But they had a great clearance sale on summer stuff at our local Duluth Trading Company store. So I picked up some of their awesome Duluth-Flex Firehose Cargo Shorts and one of their Long Tail Tee Shirts. Great quality stuff, but horrendously expensive ... unless you catch it on end-of-season clearance sale! I buy their shorts and t-shirts in Fall, long pants and flannel shirts in Spring.
Happy Anniversary to you both, Bacpacker!!!

Taking a day off today, except for writing a few eBay drafts, and I'm done with that!

0822191355b.jpg Issue fixed. Meet Oreo! He is a Feist mix and about 2 years old. Found as a stray with neck and leg wounds from being tied up somewhere. He will come live with us in less than a week!