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I won't be falling asleep for awhile. Grandson out doing marching band at the football game. Door unlocked, porchlight on for him. We go to bed. Our porch camera picks up movement, husband glances at his phone and it's not our grandson. It's a creepy guy. He's takes something out of his pocket, puts in on our bench, looks in windows, rings the doorbell and says, "please help me". Doesn't look like he needs help. Walks around for a while, looks for the metal thing he plopped on our bench...I sneak out and lock the front door. Called 911, took them 5 minutes. Scared to death that grandson was going to be dumped off and bump into him. So we have him on camera, police found a motorbike dumped nearby, drugs in the pouch of it. Police just called and asked to get a copy of the footage. Checking our widow neighbor lady. Grandson home safely.

Yikes! I hope you had a good old Joe Biden double barrel ready to put holes in him if need be. Glad it all worked out. I hope that doper ends up in a jail cell.

Feel better @WVDragonlady! Make sure you take that nap.
@Amish Heart not something I usually say but OMG! That is creepy. Glad Gson made it home safely and hopefully widow neighbor is well.
@WVDragonlady Take care of you. That vapor bath for babies works well for big babies too - don't ask me how I know that.
@Sewingcreations15 I think I got tired just reading your list :). Bet it feels good to have those things done though. I don't like dealing with cardboard boxes.
Going on a trip to Jackson TN area.

Be back home tomorrow night.

We are gonna take the beast...just for fun.

Police came back for photos, were asking for a CD to be burned off our video, so we'll get to that today. The motorbike was stolen, and he left his bag with it. He had a pistol (but not our Kimber that was swiped in June during our breakin), a bunch of garage door openers, drugs) Don't know if they caught him or not last night, but they requested extra men, and there were police cars all over the place last night. He did recognize our doorbell had a camera, and said, "Please Help Me", to it. But looking at the four minutes of video we have of him, he didn't look like he needed help. Of course we had 2 pistols at the ready, and granddaughter awake and waiting in our bathroom.
I won't be falling asleep for awhile. Grandson out doing marching band at the football game. Door unlocked, porchlight on for him. We go to bed. Our porch camera picks up movement, husband glances at his phone and it's not our grandson. It's a creepy guy. He's takes something out of his pocket, puts in on our bench, looks in windows, rings the doorbell and says, "please help me". Doesn't look like he needs help. Walks around for a while, looks for the metal thing he plopped on our bench...I sneak out and lock the front door. Called 911, took them 5 minutes. Scared to death that grandson was going to be dumped off and bump into him. So we have him on camera, police found a motorbike dumped nearby, drugs in the pouch of it. Police just called and asked to get a copy of the footage. Checking our widow neighbor lady. Grandson home safely.
Stay safe.
After two nightmare weeks of non stop activity my body said to heck with this… I had a nice nap after lunch.

I turned on the air compressor at the shop and aired up everything with a valve stem on the farm, better now than December. I fixed a better place for the chickens to lay. https://www.homesteadingforum.org/threads/fall-maintenance.7084/#post-197174

Then I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon in the sun. I sat and watched the cows graze for a while, nice and peaceful…

I might hang a shelf after dinner in the tool room, haven’t decided yet.

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cows 09 (2).JPG
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More work on the new place, more shelving and finishing up the plywood walls on the mechanical room, then sorted through lumber from the old barn. Found some oak that will work great for trim work on the built ins after some planing. My second older sister and her husband came out for a tour. Grabbed some of the last produce from the garden. Man, the carrots are sweet!
Well I just got back from a three hour search for some fine tread 1/4 x 5 inch long bolts. I went to two states and three counties and came up empty handed.
I went out to the shop grabbed a 14" drill rod and made some threaded rod 14" long and cut it in half. The microwave is hung, level and square! Its a fairly large microwave that replaced the failed GE unit.
It's a bit bigger at 1.8 or 1.9 cubic feet (I really don't remember) and it cost $150! The brand is LG and it was on sale at Home Depot. My wife wanted stainless steel and black and that is what she got. I was looking at the Samsung but they were all "special order" because they don't stock microwaves - not even the ones they display. I hate that store. But we goy a great deal and the LG was second on my list so we got it.

I just had a shot of Black Velvet that has been in the liquor closet for at least 12 years and it was smooth as silk. It may be a Canadian blend whisky but it was just what I needed. She is cooking tonight - went to the deli down the road and I will have roast chicken. She will probably pickup Mexican or Chinese. I've got a mess to clean up and tools to put away but it's all going to wait until I eat and relax my aching back.
I won't be falling asleep for awhile. Grandson out doing marching band at the football game. Door unlocked, porchlight on for him. We go to bed. Our porch camera picks up movement, husband glances at his phone and it's not our grandson. It's a creepy guy. He's takes something out of his pocket, puts in on our bench, looks in windows, rings the doorbell and says, "please help me". Doesn't look like he needs help. Walks around for a while, looks for the metal thing he plopped on our bench...I sneak out and lock the front door. Called 911, took them 5 minutes. Scared to death that grandson was going to be dumped off and bump into him. So we have him on camera, police found a motorbike dumped nearby, drugs in the pouch of it. Police just called and asked to get a copy of the footage. Checking our widow neighbor lady. Grandson home safely.
So scary! Too bad we live in a world where we need security cameras to stay safe from creepy people.
Have had grand daughter since before 7 am this morning.
Took her to Aunty Sissy's house at 7 pm.
So no shower this morning, but got one this evening.
Got grand daughter before coffee and medicine.
Strawberry hadn't even been out yet.
This Granny was still in bed when her daddy brought her.
She snuggled up with Granny for just a short minute.
Long enough to burp real big in Granny's ear.
Then she giggled, cut man size fart, scooted out of bed saying hungry Granny.
Got her clean clothes out of Granny's closet, found socks and shoes.
Brushed her teeth, combed her hair all before 7:30 am still no coffee for Granny.
By 0900 hours Granny finally got coffee, medicine.
Strawberry had been taken out, Grand daughter had been fed, teeth rebrushed, hair recombed.
This Granny is tired, so I'm off to bed.
Have her again tomorrow too.
Took daughter to a movie tonight. Around 10 as we were coming home I could see there was a huge fire in the middle of our little town - right where we live. My heart went straight down on the ground. When we got downtown we had to park a block and a half from home because the streets were blocked off. I ran to the corner and saw it was the grocery store across the alley from my place. It was an old, small town "downtown" brick building. Apparently it went up like a book of matches. Thankfully no one was inside. The poor owners are a couple of young immigrants from India and I spoke with them. They are devastated. I told them I'm glad they were safe, and tomorrow is a new day for a fresh start. But I don't think it helped. The FD cut the gas to my whole block so I've got power, but no heat for a while, until the hot spots die down. Luckily it's all just an inconvenience for me , but for the owners it's a terrible blow...
@Patchouli it's supposed to stay just above freezing tonight and be about 50° tomorrow so it may get a bit chilly in here, but I shouldn't have to worry about pipes freezing unless we can't get the gas on by Monday. It's supposed to get butt cold Monday.
If I absolutely have to, I could go stay with my daughter at her Mom's house. That would work, it would just be extremely awkward...:confused:

As for the owners, I suppose it all depends on what happens with insurance. I think they were having a bit of a tough time making a go of it already. Small Town grocery stores are difficult to make much money on. One of them told me, as we watched the fire, "there was a lot of hope inside - now it's all gone." But a few minutes later he was able to joke about the steaks getting cooked well done in there. I think he'll be ok. ;)
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The sun is shining....waiting for the warm up....I noticed when I went down to the apt. to check on a mail box being installed, that my Magnolia tree had seed pods ….bright, red, beautiful seeds...seems odd in all these years, there has never been one sprout up....but love it when it is in bloom, with gorgeous white, waxy looking blossoms...it really belongs to the state as it is on the property line, hope they never cut it....I once bought a house just because I loved the gorgeous lilac bushes that grew on the property...my EX-SIL cut them all down...I never forgave him for that....and I let him live there free !!!!! I often think of home when I see the one, large Ponderosa Pine in my front yard...feel at home when the birds sit on the branches and chirp out at me.....or evenings, the doves coooooooo. We are blessed with pecans falling now, the pods are heavy, the limbs reach down to touch me as I am out and about in the back yard....lots of nut bread in the future....if pesky squirrel will behave and stop tossing down split pods at me...
The sun is shining....waiting for the warm up....I noticed when I went down to the apt. to check on a mail box being installed, that my Magnolia tree had seed pods ….bright, red, beautiful seeds...seems odd in all these years, there has never been one sprout up

Granny G,,, all the magnolis are medicine, especially the species that have red pods… several species have red seeds… but my favorites… Mountain magnolia aka magnolia fraseri always has red pods and sometimes, since they share the same range, Umbrella magnolia aka magnolia tripetala will also have them. I wonder which species you have…

(rant that was here, I moved to the rant thread...)

Magnolia  .jpg
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All utilities are restored to my block now. Local TV crews are out doing interviews, so I'm inside, avoiding them... The whole grocery store has completely fallen in on itself and the devastation is unbelievable. I can't believe my building didn't go up too, but God was with us, we were upwind of it. It's confirmed that there's no injuries. It's a sad day, but also it will be a new beginning...everyone affected will get an opportunity to start over.

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