What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday I did more work in the 4th backroom. I got one corner of it cleaned and emptied and then promptly filled it with stuff from the other 3 backrooms that needed to go into a long term storage area.

I watched a lot of college football, some great games were played.

I started shredding documents from the early 90's last night. Bills, bank statement etc. it was sort of a walk down memory lane.

I found a bank statement I remembered well. My employer relocated me to Buffalo NY from another state. I had lived there 3 years earlier when working for a different company.

My employer had sent me a flat fee relocation check (over $5K). I went to the same branch of the same bank where I had an account 3 years prior. The assistant manager even remembered me. Yet they insisted on holding my relocation check for 8 business days since it was an out of state check.

I didn’t have 8 business days to wait. I needed to rent a house, get utilities turned on and put down deposits for all of it. I needed a lot of cash asap for all the expenses you incur when moving more than 500 miles.

To get around this cash road block I called my bank in the other state where I still had an account. I sent them the check overnight fedex. They did a federal reserve wire transfer into my new account in the new state the night they received it. Fedex - $22, Federal reserve wire transfer - $20... So, for $42 I had all my cash available in 36 hours instead of 8 business days. Ahh! the hoops you have to jump through when relocating… I moved so often I was a pro at moving by this time. ;)
Church this morning then bake a turkey to freeze, do a little eBay, finish decorating tree and outside, make a couple of phone calls and the watch the Christmas cookie challenge that we recorded. Rest.

We got a little rain overnight so I put out some fertilizer for collard and mustard greens when I got home last evening. Soaked in good!
Yep! Off to my stupid physical at the CVS pharmacy. Ha. Then grocery store. Home to shower, and get a family dinner together with the camp oven.
It's the physical that's irritating me.
Granddaughter will sleep good tonight. We got to the airport over an hour early, and had to run for her plane. It was that crazy.
Usual sunday for us here
I made breakfast
Hubby's laundry is going
Hubby goes back to work after a week off. He actually spent a lot of it watching war and western movies lol Which is good as the last year he's been working on the house. It was good to see him relax
Listening to a local easy listening radio station. they've started to add Christmas songs to the play list
Here is a site to find radio stations online if anyone wants to check it out:
Yesterday was my big family Thanksgiving dinner. Most of us were able to attend. The six littles were even there. They kept my daughter busy all day. We were missing my sister and her husband though, their missionary organization kept them in Turkey this year. We should see them at Christmas.

Today is the "do all the little things I didn't get done because of the holiday" day. Laundry, cleaning, packing for work, etc. But first off is a trip to the gym to try and work off some of that ham and turkey from yesterday...
Yesterday being Sunday we harvested around 7 bunches of silverbeet and about a half a kilo of green beans from the garden and blanched and froze them for meals for the freezer. DH then went down to the RSL club to help get the new 3 door fridge in there but he didn't lift it and directed as there were others there to do the lifting. With much effort and turning it on it's side they got it in and DH came back happy he was able to help after purchasing it for the club with the club's funds.

We washed up the dishes and I put them away and everything is reasonably clean.

This morning cutting more firewood and clearing our elderly friends yard after a dodgy local left it in a shambles so a few more days left there to do and another full tree to cut down and her driveway to straighten out.
This morning I hung my dad's old gun rack and my granddad's old gun rack side by side in the hall. I finished gluing new felt in the gun slots yesterday.

The folks needed a few groceries so I made a run to the big town… I stopped by the big box store for a set of knobs. My dad’s old gun rack has a drawer and both knobs were missing. I also picked up a new set of drill bits, a driver set and a new headlamp.

Tonight I’m watching some football and continuing to shred documents… I’ll be at the shredding for several days… I've been putting this chore off for a couple of years. I literally kept every bill, pay stub etc from sept of '89. I kept everything! I even found the receipt for a set of tires I bought in '89, every oil change...
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@LadyLocust yes it is a new phenomenon here the Black Friday sales as we didn't have them before but boy I have enjoyed getting the really good savings on things we have needed :). We before only got Boxing Day sales so it is really a different experience.

The retail sales here are abysmal so I think they are trying to boost sales before the end of the year. There are some good savings but as always you need to know your prices to see if it is a good deal or not.
Also, I
@LadyLocust yes it is a new phenomenon here the Black Friday sales as we didn't have them before but boy I have enjoyed getting the really good savings on things we have needed :). We before only got Boxing Day sales so it is really a different experience.

The retail sales here are abysmal so I think they are trying to boost sales before the end of the year. There are some good savings but as always you need to know your prices to see if it is a good deal or not.
I love reading what you are harvesting and how warm it is. It snowed here today.
So funny you are in an opposite season to us here in Australia @LadyLocust :) . We did have some rain come in last night and had 9mm which is a good fall here since it has been so dry with drought so we enjoyed hearing all the newly plumbed up area of the back of the house sending lots of water to our back 5000 gallon rainwater tank and filling that a little and the two top 3000 gallon rainwater tanks are full and overflowing to the back tank. It was probably enough with the house roof and back section to fill it up by about 10% of the 5000 gallon back tank but still more to go. Oh and the collapsible 1100 litre rainwater tank is getting some water in it too so we are hoping for more rain for our country style swimming pool to give us some relief from this awful summer heat.

Today we are having a much cooler day with a lovely cool breeze blowing.
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Cleaning,laundry,dishes done.
Strawberry has been out required number of times.
Doing my least favorite thing taking crochet blanket apart to fix boo-boo.
Dropped a stitch found it finally just about done unraveling the whole dang blanket to restart it.
Will be making shawls for Veteran's this year for Christmas for next year.
The Veteran's asked for light coverlet like shawl to place around their shoulders.
Work's for me.
Went to see one of my favorite singers last night. Thought I might be able to get an autograph - didn't expect her to come out after the show and talk to the fans...
@MoBookworm1957 , I am sure hoping and praying that your second knee surgery goes as good as my second one.:dancing:

PT just left , and she can't believe the progress,
Wednesday will be 2 weeks, I have no pain at all, I'm walking around the house totally unassisted. I ln ready to go out to eat ..wife is not thrilled about that idea.. getting in and out of car may be a little problem.

Still havent got my full appetite back yet either.

Like I said, Mobook, hope yours is as smooth .

That's amazing, Phideaux. I bet you're ready for a change of scenery, too, by going out to eat.
Had lunch with Terri and family and Chic Fil A.
Just received in the mail the mason jar sealer attachment for my foodsaver. Going to try it out on a jar of dehydrated pineapple, and see if it does as well as an oxygen absorber. Either son's dog or a raccoon got into some chickens again. One gone, one injured.

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