@The Lazy L, ... NSA Surveillance Van (two versions)....
LOL, I guess she doesn't have the same sense of humor that you do. I have wondered which of my neighbors has that. I do have two neighbors who have older teenage boys, one who attends a school where there is a focus on technology.That could have been ME! I had one of the Wi-Fi named "NSA Surveillance Van # 45" until one of my daughters notice it. She said that wasn't funny and was rather adamant about it.
@The Lazy L, When I do a search of what networks that I can see, NSA Surveillance Van (two versions), The Dude Abides, & homeboys unite, are some of the options that come up for me. Cars drive by and I know that there are cell phone hot spots that pop up when various cars go by. There are often a couple of open Wi-Fi's, but it is not reliable for me to even think about trying to connect to, not that I am of that ilk anyway.
That is true for most people. However, keeping it open or secured is an option.Weedy our only logical choice is WIFI out here.
Went to work this mrning but just felt awful. Went back to the Dr. They took a blood sample, chest x rays, Had me do 10 minutes with a nebulizer. Decided I had lung inflammation due to broncitus. Lungs were clear however. Gave me a prednezone shot and 3 scripts. Nebulyzer seemed to help pretty quick. 2 of the 3 meds are for breathing/healing for the lungs.
Hopefully this will kick it's butt.
Sitting in Abq a at the new electrophysiologist office with the kid. We got here 1& 1/2 hrs early and they took us right in. I didn't think they would but I wanted to leave the house early because of the weather. I like this Dr already.
Terri liking the dr is important,glad you like him,good luck and always hoping things turn around for the kid.
Take care Jim.View attachment 32987
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Nice duct tape rear hillbilly window.
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Whitehaven mansion ,rest stop in Paducah KY
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Bridge over Ohio River between KY and Ill.
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Crossing Ohio River.
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VA hospital Marion I'll.
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My day.
Trip ,100 miles each way to VA hospital to check my defib/pacemaker.
No good news , fluid is building around heart causing stress . Stop all salt intake, start taking my LASIK every day. Watch my weight closely.
Oh well.
As if I didn't know I have congestive heart failure.
Long day , long trip.
Had a great lunch.
Looked at another Corvette.
Hey Terri, hope the appt went really well and hope you got back home. Seems that the westside is getting all the snow. 3" here, but nothing at the AF Base where husband is. It's still snowing, so we'll see what we end up with.
Went out this morning to the post office and to drop off a trunk load of stuff to the thrift store. Wanted to reload and do it again, but my car is not snow friendly.
Take care @phideaux and follow doctors orders.
Get better soon @Bacpacker thought it might be bronchitis related unfortunately, hope you are feeling better @MoBookworm1957 and anyone else I missed who is not feeling on top of the world today.
Thank you @Meerkat and I hope you are feeling well too at the moment. When are you expected to go in for your eye op ?.
Most of the areas that have had severe bushfires in NSW are now getting rain but not all. It is heartbreaking to see all the wildlife with severe burns on television, so sad. We are looking after the ones we can here with the wallabies and a couple of grey kangaroos and hopefully the rain will green things up for them so they have something to eat. We have been weeding the garden beds and giving the wildlife the fallen tomatoes, green weeds and the green grass we weeded from them and cutting shrubbery for them and giving them water too. At the moment they are getting rainwater from the runoff of the tank stand shed.