What's everybody doing today?

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Sunday had a nice day at church and an interesting lesson in Relief Society so it was good to see people discussing things. I had something to eat being Sandwich Sunday in a Relief Society meeting where we sorted through a few things. Got home and DH had a nap. We then went and saw some friends who wanted to get Responsible service of alcohol licences so they could help out at the RSL club but couldn't get the ID photos from their phone to the PC so we decided we would do it yesterday here. I took photos of their ID and emailed it to them so they could continue to do it at a home on their PC.

Yesterday we went for DH's physiotherapy and picked up a free sample of coleslaw as I am a supermarket tester and got an installation date from the shop where we bought the air conditioners from. Yay the air conditioners will be installed tomorrow morning thank goodness although wouldn't you know it the last three days have been cool and we haven't had to put on the fans even. Back home where DH had a nap and we helped our friends in the afternoon.

So far today this morning we have not done a thing just sitting contemplating the day with our hot chocolates and the cat was cuddling my arm on the arm of my chair. She does this every morning and then goes to sleep on her padded chair in the lounge room. She somehow knows my arm on that side is in pain so cuddles it. It is part of my condition where sometimes I get really bad joint pains.
I feel pretty good.
Kinda cold again.
But Missouri weather is crazy right now.
Have 2 more Home Health Physical Therapy sessions this week.
Friday the 17th Jan,2020 will hopefully get the staples out.
Today we started working with the cane.
Wednesday they will be helping me get in and out of my car.
Strawberry will be going to school starting Wednesday.
Reinforcing not jumping on me, pulling me off my feet.
Will be measured again on Thursday to see where we go from here.
@Peanut take it easy and rest up and go to bed but good your temperature has come down a bit. Not good to hear about your Dad's serious infection and hopefully they can get it under control. I will look at the thermometer this afternoon and update you.

@Amish Heart rest up and get better.

@MoBookworm1957 hope you are healing well after your operation.

@phideaux rest up until you are better.

Sounds like you have some bad cold gremlins going around over there.

The rest of us that are reasonably healthy stay away from all the sick ones :) .
Amish, Jim, Mo, and Peanut I hope you all get feeling better soon

Cur, good on you for making project with the politicians. That in itself is a tough row to hoe.

Had more interviews at work this morning. Then spent all afternoon doing a lot of calculations for some calibrations we had done previous to a standard we used failing. That was a PIA. 2nd cousin had her baby this morning. Her and her hubs came to town for the holidays. Will be heading back to New Mexico soon as she can. He's Air Force based at Kirtland. Prayers for them please.

Does anyone have any suggestions to get past a cough? I've had one since early Dec and can't shake it. Was all stuffed up for about 3 weeks, finally got that to break up, but the cough won't go away.
@Bacpacker try honey and lemon drinks, cough lozengers to soothe it and if you have a sore throat with it use anesthetic cough lozengers and drink orange juice. Take some Echinacea, zinc and vitamin c tablets this combo will boost your immune system and come in a one tablet combined form and eat some more yoghurt to bring back your good gut flora after so many courses of antibiotics.

If you have gunk on your chest hang over the side of the bed, get DW with cupped hands gently hit and go over your back and around the side of your ribs like she is hitting a drum, cough when needed to get rid of phlegm. Pressure points to release congestion are a few inches under your collarbone, use two fingers and press below there if there is a sore spot on either side press and hold and do it on both sides a few times a day. This naturally gets the lungs to release congestion so be prepared to cough up some nasty stuff.
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@Bacpacker beef up your immune system through diet or any other way that comes to mind. Sounds like you have a bad case of the CRUD, (Common Respiratory Unknown Disease). Don’t feel alone, most of the ICU nurses here have had the crud since early December. Elder flowers will stop a virus from replicating, wrong time of year for elder flowers:(
@Bacpacker couple of suggestions...use a humidifier or vaporizer at night or as soon as you get home to have it running while you are at home. Elderberry is a good suggestion but if you can find these other herbs in tea form or in a tincture to add to the tea, or even in powder form, you can make tea and add tincture or powder to the tea.
I don't get sick much with long term coughs anymore. When I did, I would make tea out of these herbs I'd get at the health food store, etc. or online: red raspberry leaf, mullein, slippery elm, marshmallow root, pleurisy root. It worked, or I wouldn't have suggested it. Drink a lot of it, as warm as you can stand it, with honey, lemon if you like. Usually can only find slippery elm in powder form and it doesn't take much.
Just drinking red raspberry leaf tea by itself is good too, add honey. It actually tastes like regular tea.
Barring all of that crazy herbal hippie talk, most grocery stores carry yogi brand or traditional medicinals brand of teas for coughs, etc. and they work pretty well too. Yogi has Breathe Deep and Traditional Medicinals has Breathe Easy, Echinacea Plus Elderberry, and Gypsy Cold Care.
Does your wife use essential oils and a diffuser? I use these oils mixed together in a diffuser when sick with sinus or respiratory issues: peppermint, geranium, rosemary. Some people put oils in their vaporizers or humidifiers. I think that's a bad idea as the oils are hard to clean from whatever you're using to disperse them into the air. Using a diffuser is better and you may be able to find one at a drug store. Of course, there's always Amazon.
I've been 3 times already. 2 rounds of anti biotics and 1 round of Prentsone. The steroid helped with the head part. So far nothing has with the cough.

My old friend ,a doctor, put me on this , and after a few days using it , gets the lungs in shape. Use distilled water only. Works great.

Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler, V1200, Face Steamer or Inhaler with Soft Face Mask for Targeted Steam Relief, Aids with Sinus Problems, Congestion, Cough,
Don't use those smelly pads...harmful.
Do it 10-15 minutes , as often as you can for First few days.

Our power is out. Have I mentioned how much I miss wood heat? We have a buddy heater going and a couple candles. Brought bunny inside in her carrier. She is in there rearranging. I put fresh paper and bedding so she’s shredding the paper. It will be a full blown mess by morning. Canine companion is also inside curled up on a rug. Both usually have their own heated houses. It’s been snowing all afternoon so would be a might chilly out there for them. Its been out since 3:30 and is expected back on by 10:30 pm.
I swear by chicken soup when I'm ill. I'm not sure if it the hydrating properties of the soup, or the electrolytes (sodium, esp) or just that it is a fond memory from my childhood, but when I get the crud, the soup always works for me.

All of it.:)

Hydration is key.

Dry lungs= coughing.

Breath hot steam = moist lungs= easy good smooth breathing.

Round 2 of today is we washed the dishes and I dried them and put them away.

We then went out into the gardens and weeded 3 garden beds and I thinned and transplanted carrots growing too close together and watered them in. We then gave the wallabies all the grass and weeds we had pulled from the garden beds as it was nice and green and I picked up all the fallen tomatoes and gave those to the wallabies as well. They are still munching on all that now for hours and have big fat bellies again :) .

DH turned on the drip irrigation system for the gardens and hand watered the potted fruit trees. Yesterday afternoon we caught one of the male redneck wallabies pulling the lemon tree pot over so he could eat the top of the tree with lemons on it so it too is now in a big wire cage and he is none to happy about it.

@Peanut the thermometers here are in degrees celcius and grade up by a line which represents one degree. Hope you are feeling better and have been resting up.
So far nothing has with the cough.

When I have a persistent cough, I sip on pineapple juice. Works better and faster for me than anything else. I think it's the bromelain? sp

@Peanut , I sure hope you are feeling a bit better today!

After yesterday's dog washing extravaganza, I ground--grinded?- up 14 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast. Only got a little over 10 pounds ground, so I think there was a lot of water added to the packages.

Today, I am doing laundry, finishing a handwritten timeline of the flood insurance fiasco since it is still not resolved, and taking photos of everything in house. Should have been done long ago, but wasn't. Already been for my walk. I am in shorts and t-shirt today as it will get up to about 73 for a high.
Awesome of you to go through the process (strike that) "trouble' just so the dozer doesn't mow over you.

Curmudgeon is going strong..good luck you .

Cur, good on you for making project with the politicians. That in itself is a tough row to hoe.

Thanks all, it is indeed a lot of work. We got our county FB page online yesterday, so hopefully residents of the county will join with us in the cause.
I've been 3 times already. 2 rounds of anti biotics and 1 round of Prentsone. The steroid helped with the head part. So far nothing has with the cough.

Check your medications, the Lisinapril they gave me for high blood presure gave me a terrible dry cough. Aslo it is one of the side effects so it wasn't just me.

Get well soon BacP.
I've been 3 times already. 2 rounds of anti biotics and 1 round of Prentsone. The steroid helped with the head part. So far nothing has with the cough.[/QUOTE
Thanks for asking that @Bacpacker and thanks @Sewingcreations15 for the input. Hubby has been fighting the same crud.

I got it from medicatio n, stopped the meds [ not saying to stop your meds just investigate to see if it is posible side effect]
I changed BP meds and cough went away almost instantly.
I swear by chicken soup when I'm ill. I'm not sure if it the hydrating properties of the soup, or the electrolytes (sodium, esp) or just that it is a fond memory from my childhood, but when I get the crud, the soup always works for me.

Somebody did a study on that and the scientist said it atually does have some kind of ingrediate that helps.
We are all very lucky not to be graded on spelling, grammar, and penmanship. I guess that is one of the advantages of computers. We will always love you, Meerkat. always enjoy your posts, and you sharing your knowledge. That is what this forum is all about.

Morgan thank you for sweet post. I feel the same for yall. I get so much help and info from my friends here.
Today we are getting over a trip to Georgia. If gone for several days we take the 2old dogs. It was so much Stormageddon going on those 5 days that the dogs still ain't over it.
Anytime they think we'er going they jump up and down and get excited.
Today I ask them if they wanted to " GO BYEBYE".They hid their heards and almost shook.One looked at me almost showing her teeth.:chevy:They were locked inside the van most of the time. I've never heard such powerul thunder or seen as much lightening in my life! We stayed inside the house but hubby bro doesn't allow animals in his house. Today we are cleaning out van,washing dog beds and linens and tomorror we will steam clean the inside.

Got stuck in traffic for 4 hours between trucks on the way there . I freaked out and called 911 that would have to cross 4 lanes of traffic plus 2 emergency lanes people blocked. A bad wreck had covered the north bound lands 4 miles ahead. While waiting for rescue traffic started moving. So I canxelled the ambulance. The fumes were terrible and I'm not the kind to sit there and die to save face. By thr tiem we got to the truck stop at next exit there were 2 young women bent over and panting, a couple older women and men not doing any better.
The trip only got worse from there though.:cry::huh:

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