Yesterday we stain removed some clothing and did two loads of washing and hung it on the clothes line to dry. DH vacuumed the whole house and I deep cleaned both bathroom and toilet. In the afternoon we went for our weekly date at the RSL club and had a few soft drinks and and some good conversations with locals. When we got home I mopped all the floors as by this stage with the drought and dust they were getting pretty grimy even after sweeping multiple times.
Today we have done another load of washing with a winter blanket that needed washing and DH hung them and other things on the clothes line to dry. I have the garden sprinkler going and did a dance behind the cages around the fruit trees to water them with grey water from the washing machine as there was a very large grey kangaroo drinking water from the water bowl and I didn't want to startle him and have him attack me so spoke all the way there to him taking a wide berth. Fortunately he just hopped off as he didn't get startled and just decided to move. The greys you have to be really careful of as they have a middle claw that can quite literally disembowel you if they take fright and get hold of your with their front paws and kick you with their hind paws. One of the many joys of living in Australia where everything wants to kill, eat, bite, poison or disembowel you
Seriously it isn't that bad and rarely does any of the above happen although a woman that lives two doors up from me got attacked by a kangaroo a few weeks ago whilst walking her dog but came out reasonably well from the confrontation as a local heard man her screams, came out of his house and chased the kangaroo off.
DH has just washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away and we stripped the bed and put one of the sets of new sheets on it , folded up two loads of washing and put it away.
Tonight's dinner is a help yourself night.
Today we have done another load of washing with a winter blanket that needed washing and DH hung them and other things on the clothes line to dry. I have the garden sprinkler going and did a dance behind the cages around the fruit trees to water them with grey water from the washing machine as there was a very large grey kangaroo drinking water from the water bowl and I didn't want to startle him and have him attack me so spoke all the way there to him taking a wide berth. Fortunately he just hopped off as he didn't get startled and just decided to move. The greys you have to be really careful of as they have a middle claw that can quite literally disembowel you if they take fright and get hold of your with their front paws and kick you with their hind paws. One of the many joys of living in Australia where everything wants to kill, eat, bite, poison or disembowel you

Seriously it isn't that bad and rarely does any of the above happen although a woman that lives two doors up from me got attacked by a kangaroo a few weeks ago whilst walking her dog but came out reasonably well from the confrontation as a local heard man her screams, came out of his house and chased the kangaroo off.
DH has just washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away and we stripped the bed and put one of the sets of new sheets on it , folded up two loads of washing and put it away.
Tonight's dinner is a help yourself night.