@Peanut never done wood carving but would like to but do paint a bit. Wow you must have been very sick but they are nice pleasant dreams to have none the less
. Glad you found the passengers of the train.
@MoBookworm1957 rest up and get better sounds like you are not doing too well either.
@Bacpacker how are you tracking at the moment with the medications they have given you ?.
So far we are both well but I have a bit of hay fever at the moment with all the rain with pollen in the air I think so might take some allergy medication to fix that.
@MoBookworm1957 rest up and get better sounds like you are not doing too well either.
@Bacpacker how are you tracking at the moment with the medications they have given you ?.
So far we are both well but I have a bit of hay fever at the moment with all the rain with pollen in the air I think so might take some allergy medication to fix that.