@The Lazy L, Does stuff ever just disappear from the house?
@The Lazy L, Does stuff ever just disappear from the house?
well recently there was a small bench in the garage. When I rearranged the corner to enable the hanging of her brooms, dust mops, dustpans and step stools the bench was hauled out and burned. If she has missed it she hasn’t said.
Just found out I had a heavy exposure to influenza A during the last few days. Things keep getting better and better for my health...
I took my wife to see an eye doctor this morning. She is going to go in for cataract surgery as soon as we can get her in. Just her right eye is affected and if we do it now it should be a simple 20 minute out-patient surgery.
My little girl seems to be having a lot going on right now but she can be remade better, stronger and faster... oh, wait that was a TV show. I will make sure that I give the Creator all the help he needs to make her whole again.
I wish I could.
You might as well just shoot me.
LazyL mine are hanging in the hall on water heater closet door. Ecept my mop bucket and big mop they are outside.
Wash room closet is full. Brooms and stuff got moved to the garage.
Back home now, sitter showed up at 7pm. I got dad an electric razor at wally's and got it charging in his room. He really needs a shave.
I have to be back down there at 7am in case there is no sitter... 200 miles each day just to check if there is sitter is going to get old real quick.. Still I hope they keep showing up... My niece baled on me this afternoon... Looks like I have the duty until next Tuesday by myself. At least I'll have time to give him that shave.
I'm exhausted... hope I can sleep tonight.
Sister-in-law has a chair the wife wants to have.
OK I agree but she has to get rid of two chairs first.
Wife agrees but she doesn't agree for me to trash the chairs.
I object to posting them on a FaceBook market. I don't want strangers coming to the house.
She says her friends will take them in a flash.
We carry two unused recliners up from the basement.
To get to the recliners I had to move some of the wife's piles of 'stuff''.
I ask the wife, "What is this stuff?"
Things that she wants to sort through but doesn't have the time.
Since she doesn't have time I offer to do it for her. Looks like stacks of white cardboard that new shirts are wrapped in with pieces of wrapping paper mixed in.
Wife give me the "deer in the headlights" look.
Now we have a living room with little to no walk space until she locates a friend to take the recliners.
Wife says she will take pictures to send to her friends.
Oh by the way, now I'm told that SIL wants her chair out of her house by this Saturday.
Wife wants me to plan on getting her new chair on Saturday.
"If her two recliners are gone by then." says I
12 hours later the recliners are still in the living room and she hasn't taken pictures or advised her friends they are available.
The piles of cardboard and wrapping paper is gone. From past experience I'd wager she moved it all to a different location hidden from my sight.
Wife has day and evening plans that will have her out of the house for every day of this week including Saturday.
IMHO It's going to be an interesting week.
Good morning, HCL. The sky is clear and blue, and the sun is bright here. It's going to be a good day, y'all!
Well, I might be back in the swing of things, but it's a slow swing. Whatever the crud is, whether it's influenza or just a cold, it hit me last night, with a fun little bout of coughing and a runny nose. But I was already getting on top of it with the doctor, and I feel relatively good today. The antibiotics haven't really kicked in yet though, and of course I expect some issues by the time that's done. Tamiflu is good stuff though, I've seen how well that knocked influenza down when my daughter had it.Good morning and nice to see you back in swing of things.
Tuesday afternoon we got the two kitchen cupboards finished and deep cleaned.
Yesterday we harvested silverbeet, cucumber and cherry tomatoes in the rain with gum boots and rain jackets on which we had been putting off until the rain subsided but we are having a week or more of rain so they are predicting so had to be done. We harvested 5 bunches of silverbeet, 2 kg of cucumbers and about 150 g of cherry tomatoes.
We blanched and froze all the silverbeet and have 6 more meals of greens for the freezer and gave some silverbeet and a couple of cucumbers to our new neighbour. He was telling us that the price of fruit and vegetables are extortionate in the shops and in fact he called it highway robbery. Previous to moving here he grew all his own vegetables so was grateful that we gave him some of ours until his garden which he is planting now starts producing. We have agreed to trade produce amongst ourselves so if one doesn't have something the other will provide it if we have it growing. Always good to have a network for food.
Oh just to let everyone know I priced the cucumber and silverbeet we harvested online in our local supermarkets and they want $14 kg for cucumbers and $4.50 a bunch for silverbeet. At those prices they should be gold plated.
In the afternoon we cooked up a whole 2.66 kg chicken we got on special for $2.31 and had a roast chicken and steamed vegetable dinner and once the chicken cooled we broke the meat off the carcass and had enough for 3 more meals of chicken for the two of us.
Today so far DH has dug a trench around the last mulberry tree so it holds water when we water it and I have watered all of the potted trees with saved vegetable blanching and washing water from our vegetables last night. I don't think the vegetable patch needs any water with the amount of rain we have had today so a saving on town water there.
DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away. I have just emptied the hand washing water bucket for the day onto an outdoor garden shrub in the gardens around the home, scrubbed it out and refilled it with fresh water for the day. DH has emptied the kitchen bin into the wheelie bin outside. I rearranged the rainwater buckets at the back of the garden rainwater tank shed to catch more runoff rainwater from the roof which we have been using to water potted fruit trees now for over a week and they are full again. Our rainwater tank pool where we have got all the water for deep cleaning the home is overfull again and draining onto the back lawn but we will still have enough water in there to finish deep cleaning the rest of the home without using any house connected rainwater or town water.
Not a lot done really today so a bit of a day of rest for us. Tonight's dinner will be stir fry chicken leftover from last night's dinner and vegetables.
February is a no spend month for us. All bills, and standard expenses are being paid but not online orders, trips to Hobby Lobby etc. I also decided to try stretching out the grocery budget to see how long I can go before I have to got to get things like milk and cheese. So far no money has been spent and preps will not be affected.
To keep from going shopping I have been testing some new keto recipes as long as I have the ingredients in the house already. Last night I made keto maple frosted donuts. I tried one last night and like them. The girls can have one each for snack later. If they like them then the recipe will go in my folder and I'll make them again. I figure I'll try a new recipe every few days this month and it will help pass the time and take my mind off spending money I don't need to.
I am also trying to finish sewing projects for the girls. Nothing new just using what I have. I am planning on making the girls new princess dresses for their birthdays. I want to take them to the Disney Princess brunch and they always get great responses when I make their dresses. I have a lot of the fabric and trim for the dresses I want to make but it is still very early for their birthdays. (September and October) I like to think I am in the planning stages.
I am also looking into "zero waste" kitchens. I want to reduce our waste as much as I can. Any ideas
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