HashB congrates to the wife.![]()
I was really proud of her! She didn't go to school but studied at home. She had a good idea how the system works from our business. If anyone needs any property in the Ozarks you have a home girl.
HashB congrates to the wife.![]()
My best friend was personally told by cops that they were pulling people over because they were black-- but, that could just be local cop corruption. The man who was killed by the taser had a heart condition & the police were informed of it before taking him away. His wife was screaming at them (on camera) that he had a heart condition & to be careful with him. A bunch of cops brought him to the floor, held him down, and one used the taser on him when he wasn't even fighting. These goons were just looking to bully someone. He stopped moving & they left him for hours without checking on him. It was complete incompetence on their part. There have been other incidences of Louisiana cops killing people with tasers because those people had medical issues-- they tasered a guy with epilepsy when out on a wellness check. His grandmother was worried about him because he had a seizure. For some reason they came in treating it like a domestic violence call instead and attacked the guy.I served as an internal affairs investigator for several years. The biggest thing I learned in IA was that 99.9% of claims like this are fictional. And I was being generous with that percentage. This is why complaints against law enforcement fell dramatically when body cams were introduced, because they provided proof that these claims were being manufactured almost all of the time. If I had $1 for every time someone came in and said they were targeted because of their race but it turned out they were just breaking the law and got caught, I could buy a football stadium.
On a related note I am not "white" and I have never seen white privilege. Not on duty, not off duty.
As a taser instructor I can assure you the standard discharge of a Taser is between 5 and 30 seconds. They can be fired again but their batteries will not support extensive periods of power drain before they become ineffective. In order to kill someone with a Taser, that person had to have a serious medical defect that greatly contributed to the loss of their life.
I was really proud of her! She didn't go to school but studied at home. She had a good idea how the system works from our business. If anyone needs any property in the Ozarks you have a home girl.
Correct. Business was slow and they felt that their labor costs would exceed their profits so they sent people home without telling them it would count against them in terms of points. I think it wasn't supposed to count but I think someone put him in for points to prevent him from transferring. The last person they tried to put on the back fryer solo quit on the spot because she couldn't handle it. The people they do train for the job are put on day shift but my brother is on swing shift.
No one in my family uses anything to get high. We don't drink, we don't smoke, and we don't use anything illegal. We all have very high tolerance for pain medications & such, so we have to take higher doses, but I've found that narcotics don't do jack for me (from when I had to have medical stuff). After surgery I was given Vicodin and it had zero effect. I also found out that I have an adverse reaction to Valium (I was given it before a couple of medical procedures and all it did was make me highly agitated. I'm also resistant to anesthesia-- found that out the hard way. I was in the middle of a procedure where I had to be awake and wasn't numb.
For some reason I remembered the time my brother got pulled over for allegedly rolling through a stop (there was no stop sign-- it was at a caution light with a yield sign but cop had a quota for tickets). Cop starts sniffing the air and says "I smell marijuana!" (which was an absolute lie). My brother pulled out his white privilege card and said "No you don't." The cop didn't know how to react-- he stammered and my brother said "You smell marinara." (At the time he worked at Pizza Hut). Cop tried to insist it was marijuana but my brother told him "Nope." Since he didn't actually smell it, the cop decided not to try to search the car and sent him on his way with a ticket-- after lying about where the court was for it & the printer for it was about out of toner so it was illegible. No one answered the phone when he looked up the number to call for information & it turns out there was no court & no way to contest it.
I think we had an alligator outside our fence once. Fortunately, it couldn't get through. It left on its own and never came back, but we had an elderly friend who nearly got bit by one when he was young. He told us how he and some buddies were fishing and this gator popped up and started eating their catches and went after them. They shot it & killed it then loaded it in the back of their truck and drove around town. They stopped at a car hop and a waitress asked what they'd been catching, they told her to look in the back. She screamed and ran away (they had propped it's mouth open). So they decided to pull the same prank at every car-hop in town. They also set the gator up with it's mouth open next to the town drunk. They put his arm in it's mouth and threw pebbles at him until he woke up. He saw the gator and they said he went from being horizontal to vertical without touching the ground with his arms-- fastest they'd ever seen him move. One of the friends took the gator's body & tried to sell it but got arrested. When my friend found out he went to the sheriff & explained that the guy had received the gator from him & how they had killed it in self-defense. He dropped all charges & pretended it never happened, but the state got the gator's body. Never knew what happened with it-- probably had some gator gumbo.
I made my friend feel a bit better because I found the part he needs for his car for $220.22 & free shipping. We'll buy it for him if it turns out his buddy can't weld the current part to fix it. Hopefully that will leave him enough $ to buy the tub and shower- but he'll still need to get the shower valve & trim. It's about $50 for the valve and $70+ for the trim. I had to explain to him that there are tub spouts that twist on to a threaded end and there are spouts that are secured by a set screw. The valve I'm recommending to him comes prefabbed with the copper for the tub spout sweated in so it would take a slip-fit spout.
What are " push notifications"? I keep getting popup for them.
Thanks Terrie. I don't want none then. My email is a mystery to me. Hardly use it.Its where the site sends you email when you get a notification. Someone Pm's you or responds to you.
Decided to try and do something today. Haven't been able to go outside and do much in 3 months and it's been eating at me. Took a load of trash to the dump, Stopped by TSC for some dogfood, picked up a antibiotic for the wife and some food for supper. Then went back out and pruned 2 of my blueberry bushes. I'm beat tonight, but feel good getting anything accomplished. Felt good just to get fresh air and sunshine for a bit.
Thanks Terrie. I don't want none then. My email is a mystery to me. Hardly use it.
Go up top, click on your username, and click on preferences. The scroll down to "Receive notifications when someone..." and you can rid yourself of both email and push notices.
Thanks Sentry,think that works.![]()
This thread has lots of stuff that needs to be watched daily. I don't know why, but it seems I only come to it once a week or so. It is hard to keep up and follow up when I only visit once a week. Every time I visit this thread, I tell myself to stop here daily.
@Amish Heart , sounds like your bathroom work is getting finished.
@Mo, sounds as though you were feeling poorly, but are doing better.
@phideaux , great that you can spend time with the grands. They are growing up fast.
@backpacker, I hope your lung capacity heals and you feel better.
@Meerkat , email is one of the things that can keep changing up a little, but just enough to confuse some of us.
@Dadio , it looks as though you are closing in on being finished with your move. Moving seems to take forever, and just when I always thought I was finished, the cleaning up and details took forever.
@hashbrown, your wife have her real estate license will be a perfect partnership with your business.
Watching our granddaughter and working on a better solution for my firewood until I build a proper woodshed this summer. Not fancy or original but it seems to work well and isn’t an eyesore.
View attachment 36032
@Meerkat LOL! Our “fireplace” is really a built in wood stove, and that’s because of hearing stories like your from our family and friends. We’ve used it several times since moving in and really like it. View attachment 36035