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- Feb 12, 2020
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What are " push notifications"? I keep getting popup for them.
It's worse than sending you e-mail-- it will create a popup box whenever you are online to send a message to you in your browser to tell you someone has liked your post or replied to a post you're following. I mistakenly clicked "yes" on it & it started giving me popups so I disabled it. I still get e-mails though. I don't mind too much since it's easy to delete e-mails, but popups bug me. You can be browsing the internet with this site closed and get a popup.Its where the site sends you email when you get a notification. Someone Pm's you or responds to you.
Abq = Albuquerque? My sister lives there & you should hear the Panasonic phone try to pronounce it. It's hilarious. It pronounces NM as Nimh. I keep saying "The Secret of Nimh?" LOL.Drove up to Abq and went to a gold expo "thing". Lots of gold mining stuff. Hitting up Amish Heart tomorrow for some chickens.
Turned out the part on my friend's vehicle that he thought was broken wasn't the part that was broken & it's a worse problem. Someone tried to weld something to the transmission & there's a loose bolt in there. He's not sure if the tranny is damaged or not but it seems to work fine. Power steering belt slipped again & shredded, busting his O2 sensor (or so he thought that was what did it). It severed the wire. He called me to ask me to come hang out with him to make sure the car didn't fall on him (he had a car fall on him before). His mother had called about something afterward and pointed out that I can't be out in the sun due to meds I take so she came over too. There was a bolt that wouldn't come loose and my friend is very strong but couldn't get it. While he was looking for a cheater bar, his mom managed to loosen it. She's a skinny meth-head but she's strong. She cleaned up his yard (picking up spilled tools etc) while I stayed with him & handed him stuff. He had to use my swiss army knife & my flashlight a few times. I picked up a new collapsible magnet stick (mine disappeared on me) & it came in handy. A bolt got away from him way down and I used the stick to retrieve it. Took about 4 hours & he was 3 hours late for work, but he got the sensor & belt replaced. I made a few runs to the auto stores to grab stuff for him. I didn't leave until I knew for certain his car would start and make it out of the driveway. My mother called me & I didn't hear it, but he heard it so he told me "Your phone is ringing." Pulled it out and saw missed calls. She wanted food from Burger King when we were done with the car.
He got the car running, motor seemed to not be moving side to side, but I thought it was still moving a bit more than I would have liked-- not sure if that is normal for a Mitsubishi. I saw him off and let him pass me so I could see him go, got food, & made it home. Fed mom & took a nap. I started having an anxiety dream about his car breaking down and woke abruptly. Messaged him to see how it was going and his car had just broken down again. Belt is in place, but error message said it was the O2 sensor. It's under warranty so if the sensor itself is bad it can be replaced, but I wonder what caused it (it's an 06 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT hatchback w/ manual transmission).
The upside of his day is that he found a really nice 150piece socket/tool set for half price because whoever stocked the store put them in the wrong spot & the store had to honor the price that was with them. I wonder if they've moved them yet or put the correct price on them.
I'm going to need to go to Samsclub soon and pick up more water. Can't drink the tap water out here and our filters keep getting broken. Right now I'm trying to get myself rested-- curled up with a few of my cats. They can be royal pains at times, but they make me feel better. One of them woke me up when I was having a heart attack-- slapped my face & yowled at me until I sat up and took some meds. He wouldn't let me go back to sleep until the chest pains stopped.
I'm hoping my friend will have better luck with his vehicle tomorrow, but he has to go into work early to make up for the hours he missed.
I'm also hoping that I'll be feeling better than I was today & the night before so I can be more productive.