Thank God your wife was there to drive and take care of you Jim. But if it happens again call an ambulance just to be on safe side.
Good Night to all.
This is good advice if you have fast response from ambulances. Sometimes they can send out an EMT from a nearby fire station to come help but not always. Where I live, the ambulance & response time is very slow. It took them 45 minutes to respond to someone who lived 2 minutes away form the hospital & the person died. My friend's late grandmother survived longer bc after calling 9-11 and waiting 5 min, they realized the ambulance wasn't coming anytime soon so her son drove her to the hospital. They said she would have died if he had waited even 2 minutes longer. Sadly, they are both deceased now.
My son pays child support.
He has Medical Insurance, dental, vision on his daughter.
He took a wage cut to keep his job, so he could stay in town to be near his daughter.
My son pays me to watch his daughter.
He can't afford to pay more than what we agreed on.
He has his daughter every night for several hours every evening after work.
He has her every weekend, except the 1 one weekend he works.
Then I watch her.
He also buys all her clothing,, food,pull ups(panties)
He pays for everything his daughter needs.
They not together anymore.
They haven't been together since my grand daughter turned 6 months old.
My grand daughter will be 3 in June.
She went back to her oldest daughter's dad.
Her oldest daughter is 14 years old.
So no my oldest son can't afford to pay more.
He still has to have a place to live, groceries, have money for his monthly expenses too.
He pays for the food his daughter eats at her mother's house.
At his place, the only place he doesn't buys groceries for is my place.
I buy what she needs at my place.
Not all men or women are dead beat parents like my ex husband.
My son takes care of his daughter's needs.
He has even started her college fund already.
I chip in when I can, but haven't able to for the last 3 months.
My grand daughter's mother pays nothing on either girl.
My son and I have already started teaching my grand daughter how to cook simple meals.
How to make warm tea for sore throats.
She helps Granny quite ( or hinders depending on your point of view) a bit.
I'm not the only one she stiffed on babysitting.
She also stiffed her own sister to the tune of $5000.00.
So I got off lucky compared to her sister.
Ah. Ok. I thought they were still together. That makes sense. Sounds like your son is in a situation like my best friend & the ex is a total puke who uses everyone. His ex would find out someone else was paying for her dinner & called the restaurant ahead of time to find out what the most expensive thing on the menu was so she could order it and then ordered extra stuff-- and she didn't even eat all of it. She had side stuff that cost extra that she didn't even touch. She would borrow things & then break them or sell them to other people (I let her borrow my rabbit hutch to hold her ferrets so they wouldn't keep biting my friend's daughter & the biyatch sold the hutch to someone along with the ferrets & refused to reimburse me & wouldn't tell me who she sold them to-- gave me some BS story about how the people were supposed to give the hutch back but didn't).
Working for the county highway for free.
Three years ago the county highway ground up the asphalt road. Used the ground up asphalt as a base to widen the road before laying a 2" top coat. County patted themselves on their backs on how many more miles of roaded they have "Fixed" to justified the new road tax. Unfortunately (for the Taxpayer) the base was substandard and county didn't address the drainage problem. With the road widen our mail mailboxes have been taken a hit every time the county plows snow. County got my mailbox this winter. Called for Locates, telephone has a buried cable here somewhere. Hand auger a hole three feet from the edge of the road. Cemented in a new post in and mounted my mailbox. There!
County didn't bother to protect the asphalt edges (berm) with gravel so now the mail route carrier makes a nice rut getting to my mailbox. And everytime it rains the runoff flows down the road instead of in the the existing ditch.
Years ago our church enlarged their playground. They needed a place to dump a truck load of sod/sand. I told them I had a spot...big chunks of asphalt were mixed in with the first load.
This brings us to today.
The chunks of asphalt laid in the sun and became semi-brittle. I spend this morning busting the chunks into gravel size pieces. Wheelbarrow my now black gravel out to the mailbox and used it to fill in the ruts cause my delivering my mail. I made sure the filled in ruts were lower then the road. While I had the wheelbarrow and shovel I hand dug to the ditch, slopping it all away from the road. Now when it rains the runoff can actually flow to and down the ditch instead of on the road.
Sounds about like how they pave the roads where I live. Only I don't think it's even 2". They put down some gravel, then they put down oil, then they put down some more rocks and they pack it down. Maybe 1-1/2". Then it rains & water gets under and forms ridges like giant speedbumps. They try to roll it down and end up scraping the bumps off and then end up with pits. The logging trucks ignore the rules about not driving on the road within 24 hours of rain & they tear the roads up. Huge pot holes all over-- so deep that my friend popped a tire, busted his rim, rack & pinon snapped, & front grille fell off. The edges of the roads constantly erode, the loggers & hunters fill in the ditches without culverts so they can drive across & destroy the road edge even more and cause flooding.
Fixing the roads in Louisiana via check.
A chain gang would have probably been more humane

Yeah, Louisiana roads suck. I'm in Allen Parish and the roads are terrible. My friend got charged $3800 out of his tax returns for driving on these crappy roads even though the pot holes have damaged his vehicles (he's gone through a few bc they got busted up) multiple times.
My sheppard keeps digging a hole to lay in against the east wall of my house (nice and cool in the afternoon)... but he’s digging up my patch of yarrow I’m trying to grow there.

Last summer I filled in the hole and put a metal bee hive stand and a cinderblock on top…
He just moved over a few inches and kept digging. I noticed today he was about to dig up the support post for a window ac. I filled the hole again and covered it with broken bits of cinderblock and old bricks. He can lay there if he wants but it’ll be darned uncomfortable.
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We took chickenwire, dug a little, put the chickenwire down & buried it again, and then poured some concrete on the edges to keep our dogs from digging in some spots. Wish we'd done it in our driveway bc they tried to dig to China under the truck.
Well, well.. our new Governor is going crazy...
KY now has A case of coronavirus , advising everybody to stay home , no gatherings, church, sports, meetings , shopping...
Yeah, let's kill the economy as dead as possible. IDIOT.
Anyway , I'm not doing much today. Rain moving in , a-gain , storms rest of week. Uuuugghh.
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I never watched that movie. I never understood the appeal of Leonardo Dicraprio. (Mind you, he did an excellent job as the mentally challenged boy in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, but I never understood why he was a leading man/boy). Every time I see something about the Titanic I think of Denis Leary laughing as he left the theater.
People were making fun of the Covid-19 "hoax" at CPAC and now people from it have come down with it. It's nothing to sneeze at (pun intended). I think it's actually a good idea to shut down some things to prevent people from getting sick. Unfortunately, it's not good for the economy.
I've still been feeling bleh but I made it to the grocery store the other day bc my brother ate ALL of the chicken. Had to nap for awhile and then made dinner. Mom had 2nds of the stroganoff last night. We figured out that they made the noodles thicker so they aren't cooking as fast as they used to.
My unlucky friend replaced the computer, wiring harness, O2 sensors, plugs, air intake, etc on his car to try to get it working and now the fuel pump isn't operating. That seller really screwed him over but he didn't get a bill of sale from the jerk (I tried to get him to but he wouldn't listen & insisted that writing the sale amount on the title would work-- but then the jerk didn't even write that amount) so my friend can't prove how much he paid if he wanted to sue him.
Ordered some stuff for his shower/tub but the shower & tub are out of stock again- got the valve and drain at least. Was browsing and saw some cabinet pulls that were the kind Mom likes-- gold with white porcelain with blue on them. I sent her the link and she loved them & had me tell her how many cabinet doors and drawers we have in the kitchen. I think it's about 52 or 53 but had her get 55 just in case. The current ones have been there since the 80s and are all corroded & porcelain broke off of them.
Probably will hit the grocery store later to get cream, butter, bread, and cheese.