What's everybody doing today?

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My car mechanic is located in a small town. He's a two mechanic operation and his wife answers the phone when she's not running after parts. Both of our vehicles have another 1,000 miles before they need an oil change but I figure he might be hurting for business. Plus the main road into town has been closed for going on a month. Called him late yesterday and he told me to bring one in first thing this morning. He'll call when it's done the I can bring the other one and swap them. Next day service, yep I'd say he needed the business.
Well, and yes I know it's a deep subject.
But that's what it looks like in my back yard.
They're digging a well to find broken water pipe.
10 apartments affected so far.
City wide Internet went down last night hence why I wasn't online.
Had to move Strawberry's tie out lead this morning.
Seems her new favorite spot to take care of business is in the neighbor's part of the yard by 10 inches.
So land lord asked me to move her tie out lead this morning.
Neighbor complained. Go figure.
Maintence man helped me pound it back into ground.
Which I was thankful for.
Not doing anything till the water line is fixed.
Did get a pot of coffee made this morning.
Made it up last night before got the notice that we would be without water for awhile.
But I got gallon of drinking water in refrig. so I could make more coffee if needed.
Laundry is done, washed, dried and put away yesterday before the notice.
Everybody stay safe.
Well, and yes I know it's a deep subject.

True. At least there is a point at the end. :)

Seems her new favorite spot to take care of business is in the neighbor's part of the yard by 10 inches.

Would have been nice if the neighbor had talked to you direct.

So land lord asked me to move her tie out lead this morning....Maintence man helped me pound it back.

You pound the tie out into the ground and now you have a water lead? How long was that tie out? 😃
Wrong day to practice fishing..
Water is muddy
Water is high on banks.
Wind is gusting 30 mph.
One bite , one fish. In one hour ,which means I'd have to fish 6 hrs for a meal.

But I coulda had 5 turtles.😎
True. At least there is a point at the end. :)

Would have been nice if the neighbor had talked to you direct.

You pound the tie out into the ground and now you have a water lead? How long was that tie out? 😃
Was supposed to have water back on at noon.
Nope didn't happen.
Then it was supposed to be back on at 1300 hours.
That didn't happen either.
It's now 1415 hours, still no water.
Seems people have no common sense.
When I got notice yesterday, that they were turning off water to fix leak.
I filled several water bath canners, several good sized pots.
But I was raised on farm in rural Missouri.
Seems none of the neighbors did, they want me to share my water.
As for the neighbor talking to me about Strawberry's favorite new poop spot.
Nope didn't happen.
This is the same neighbor who registered 45 complaints against Strawberry after my second knee surgery in January.
But the kicker was Strawberry left in December to go stay with friends.
She wasn't even home, when the complaints were registered against her.
No had the water leak before I moved the tie out this morning.
Her tie out is 50 feet, her new one will be 25 feet.
Still no water as of yet.
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Lazy L,
I did share my water with the neighbors to the east of me.
I took each of those gentlemen a gallon of water.
I also took 1 gentleman and 3 ladies a gallon of water to the west of me.
I took water to people who treat me with kindness, respect.
Who doesn't scream, curse at me every time I walk outside my apartment.
I treat people with kindness, respect, and expect the same from others.
On the brighter side~ this whole stay at home has the crazies cooped up. The folks who are out greet you with a smile and are just generally nice. How pleasant! Through all of this, I have only seen 3 people with masks. The one this morning was in a car by herself 🙄
@dademoss Why aren't you smiling? Do I need to tell you an ill humored joke 😂
So tonight we are going on an adventure! The younger kids are feeling very shut in, so we are going to throw them in the car with no notice, hit the drive thru at a sandwich shop that makes delicious lettuce wraps, and eat as we cruise over to one of the smaller lakes nearby that has a small rarely used lake access area. The little dog can run around, the kids can run around, we can throw a few rocks into the water, and then we can take a leisurely drive back home. It will be cold, but I bet none of them will care. They will just be happy to get out of the house. The older kids with driver's licenses, are already getting out and about a little more. But not too much more as we made it pretty clear that they could cruise the neighborhood a bit but nothing more. Other than taking the big dogs on walks, which they both did today as well.
I am not feeling the best today... it will pass.
I woke up with my back complaining that I was moving. I got up anyway and we (my back and I) are fighting over who wins.
At 11:00 I took a couple more aspirins and a Tramadol so the score was back 2 and me one. My eyes keep watering so I'm pretty sure the pain is real. I'm on my third cup of coffee and had scrambled eggs and ham for breakfast that my brother fixed. It's now 13:00 and I took another aspirin and another Tramadol.
I am feeling a little sorry for myself and need to do something. It's hard to pay attention to anything right now but I will come out ahead. I am going to walk out and get the mail and then try to paint my wife's window table. Or help her finish painting it. She always wants to help me but has learned to let me do what I have to to get the pain back in that box it belongs in. I have too much to do to put up with a sissy back throwing tantrums.
I will get back on top in the next hour or so - I'm just complaining so excuse me while I do.
Like a good dog, I will get distracted and chase some squirrels and be fine. :)
Today I decided I couldn't get any shaggier, so I cut my own hair. I think it looks OK enough, except I can't see the back very well. I'll find out how that looks when the wife gets home from work this evening. Either she'll gasp and faint, or I did OK. I know I'll need a helping hand trimming around the neck - I didn't even attempt that. At least hair grows back, so by the time I get to socially interact with anyone, I'll either be shaggy again, or tuned up by a real barber.

p.s. - It is difficult taking a head selfie!

This is what you do when you get bored at home. Man, there's a lot of gray in there. Actually, it looks all gray - not a speck of brown in there anymore. :confused:


Sheep dog I hate to hear anyone having back pain. I've got 2 herniated disk and when they are in full hurting mode I'm mostly useless for a few days till I can get them settled back down. Sometimes takes some PT. My prayers are with you that it will ease up for you.

Jim, nice bass, even if it was just one. My dad and I had a couple trips planned last week and next, but have cancelled with all this virus crap going on. He and my mom are both in their 80's and mom has pretty bad asthma. I don't think she would get over the CV so not gonna chance it right now.

Glad you got your water back Mo. Nice gesture sharing your water with folks.
Today I decided I couldn't get any shaggier, so I cut my own hair. I think it looks OK enough, except I can't see the back very well. I'll find out how that looks when the wife gets home from work this evening. Either she'll gasp and faint, or I did OK. I know I'll need a helping hand trimming around the neck - I didn't even attempt that. At least hair grows back, so by the time I get to socially interact with anyone, I'll either be shaggy again, or tuned up by a real barber.

p.s. - It is difficult taking a head selfie!

This is what you do when you get bored at home. Man, there's a lot of gray in there. Actually, it looks all gray - not a speck of brown in there anymore. :confused:

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View attachment 38122

Dang Dave, you shoulda been a barber.
Looks good.
I don't remember all that gray . It's only been 2 or 3 years since I seen ya.

Nice work, @Haertig
@MoBookworm1957 you're the best. Glad your water is back. It's pretty cool that when we give people a break, it usually comes back around.
@SheepDog tramadol when I had to use it, didn't seem like it lasted very long. Sorry you're suffering.

Thanks for cheerful words about hummingbird feeders and puttering around in your garages, etc.
...i'm feeling fairly blue.
A friend told me our city parks were closed. But they are not. Just everything there is closed...the swings, jungle gym, sliding board, volleyball nets, paviollions, etc. You can walk the paths and trails.

Our city police department and many P.D. in the surrounding metro areas have posted on fb clarifications about whether they will pull you over or not. So, if you're breaking the law, you will get pulled over. They are not just will-nilly pulling people over to ask where you're going, etc.

I kept fairly busy today, seeing how it was 83 degrees and had some sunshine for a change.

Got the tire fixed on her golf cart.
Got the batteries charged up on her golf cart.
Got the zero turn running , had a dead battery.

Clean out a bunch of junk from one shed.
Found some worms under boards and old firewood blocks, went fishing on the pond for an hour. If they biting , I stay all day, if not ...an hour and I'm done.

Played with toy about 3 hrs.

More days like this would be great.

I can't tell ya how wonderful the new knees are.

Mo, Bacpacker and Patchouli,
It is 19:00 and all is well. Back 3 and Me 5. It is contained and I will be even better tomorrow.
You gotta let the pain out sometimes, examine it, identify it, and let it have a time of its own. Then you can fold it up and put it away.
The Tramadol really doesn't do much but I have a strong mind and use it as a trigger for the placebo effect. I am supposed to take it every six hours but I rarely take more than two in a day and most often don't use it at all. I can get enough effect from taking aspirin that I can go a week or more without touching the Tramadol. I have developed a very high pain threshold and a high tolerance too. That is why when I react to pain my wife wants to help. She is a fantastic woman but there is nothing that she can do but hold me if I cry. It tears her heart out so I usually go somewhere to be alone if it gets that bad. I will share that I am hurting and I don't have a problem with crying in front of her but I don't like what it does to her so it is limited. I can whine as well as any man and she notices when my eyes water but she responds very differently when I sob from the pain. So, I keep her exposure limited.

I am back to my sassy self and the pain is mostly in it's box. By tomorrow morning it will be back under control. We have been flirting since about 17:00 hours. She is feeling a lot better about it and that is most important to me.
I left work a little early since most businesses are shut down, I’m pretty well caught up. Got home cleaned 3 spaghetti squash and got them in the oven. While they were cooking, I got the lawn mowed. Came back in and got a lg batch of soap going since we are out of laundry soap. Did my exercises quickly then got supper started. Hung a load of laundry. In between cleaned spaghetti squash and got it ready to go on the dehydrator. Hubby got home in time to clean the last couple pieces 😊. Ate then got soap in molds. And now sitting.
Also @Sentry18 you have enough of a crew between yours and neighbor kids, you could find an old play - like 1930s /clean humor and they could do a play. Set a date and see what they come up with for costumes etc. My gpa was one of 6 and they did this every so often. Or they would sing- he was actually in an opera or two. I would have loved to hear him and my aunts and uncles. Beautiful voices. Anyhoo might keep them occupied and be educational.
@MoBookworm1957 Glad you have water again. Life without it is challenging.
Mo, Bacpacker and Patchouli,
It is 19:00 and all is well. Back 3 and Me 5. It is contained and I will be even better tomorrow.
You gotta let the pain out sometimes, examine it, identify it, and let it have a time of its own. Then you can fold it up and put it away.
The Tramadol really doesn't do much but I have a strong mind and use it as a trigger for the placebo effect. I am supposed to take it every six hours but I rarely take more than two in a day and most often don't use it at all. I can get enough effect from taking aspirin that I can go a week or more without touching the Tramadol. I have developed a very high pain threshold and a high tolerance too. That is why when I react to pain my wife wants to help. She is a fantastic woman but there is nothing that she can do but hold me if I cry. It tears her heart out so I usually go somewhere to be alone if it gets that bad. I will share that I am hurting and I don't have a problem with crying in front of her but I don't like what it does to her so it is limited. I can whine as well as any man and she notices when my eyes water but she responds very differently when I sob from the pain. So, I keep her exposure limited.

I am back to my sassy self and the pain is mostly in it's box. By tomorrow morning it will be back under control. We have been flirting since about 17:00 hours. She is feeling a lot better about it and that is most important to me.

Glad to hear you've started getting the pain under control. Sounds like you've got a great wife that looks out for you. That sure is a big help when you need it.
Looks like most folks here are doing ok.

Ok is ,,well ..ok.
That's me most time...ok

Looking forward to tomorrow, if the good Lord See's fit to let have one more.
Suppose to be 80 and sunshine.

For now, I'm a good tired, not a bored tired, but stayed busy today , soooo

Off to bed I go.

Say your prayers.

She is a lady I kidnapped from Alabama, well I guess it wasn't kidnapping more like renting a truck and driving from there to Seattle. I proposed to her without ever seeing her after exchanging emails and talking on the phone for a year. Her friends thought I was an axe murderer and my friends thought she might have four arms or something. We have never gotten over our honeymoon phase. It will be our twenty-fourth year this August and not only have we never had a fight but we can't get close to one another without some form of PDA going on. It can even get a bit out of control at times. We enjoy our play as much as we do being serious. She is a very good wife for me and she says I am the best husband in the world. (wives don't always tell the truth but they say what is in their heart.) She is also best friends with an ex-girl friend whose kids call me dad. I always wonder what they are talking about when it gets quiet when I walk in the room... ;)
A quiet day here, had a few projects I needed to start on but didn’t have the energy. I did go down the road to the little farm and lumber store. I picked up some 1x4’s and hardware cloth for a project, so technically I did start at least one project. No rain in the forecast so I didn’t unload the truck… but it’s still a start. :rolleyes:

The peeps are growing like little weeds. They are over the terrified at any movement stage. Now they want to climb up on my hand or arm, peck at my finger nails etc. I cleaned out their trough then put in fresh wood chips.

I did some laundry, needed something to break up the monotony of reruns on the tv. Exciting stuff!
Not to brad or anything, but I cut my own hair every Sunday morning at 6am. 😎;):D

But when I cut my hair, there is very very little left on my head. However what is on the floor has more gray in it than I want to admit.

I do the same. Every other weekend I buzz mine to the scalp. Not much gray in it yet, but it's getting pretty thin on top. My chin and sideburns are starting to go a little gray. My mustache is blonde so I told my kid the gray on my chin was just a lighter shade of blonde like my mustache. She just rolled her eyes... :rolleyes:

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