What's everybody doing today?

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The only highlight for today is that I have my annual department physical this afternoon. It was supposed to be two weeks ago but they rescheduled me until today. First they sent me an email saying I had to pre-register online and upload my insurance card and department ID at least 24 hours prior to the appointment as the front desk is not accessible. Then they called me yesterday to say if I was feeling ill at all not to come, and if I was feeling fine to report to a specific door at a specific time. They will then pre-screen me and and escort me to an exam room. I am curious if they will just take all my labs there or if they will parade me around the different areas. My wife wants me to put on a mask as soon as I get out of my patrol car to go inside and then clean my hands, door handle, steering wheel, etc. with sani-hands as soon as I get back to it. I am pretty sure the clinic is going out of their way as it is to be as clean and virus free as possible.
FaceTime the oldest daughter. They live overseas. They have been semi-isolated in their apartment building for two weeks now. They have two small tables setup facing each as their work at home work stations. The country they live in has minimal China Virus but their employer is having most of the work force working from their homes. They have been living out of their food pantry, last few days the recipes have become interesting. For "fun" they are trying to see how long they can make do before leaving their apartment building for resupply. Their free time is watching marathon movies they always wanted to see but didn't take the time. They are doing good!
Got to fix a flat tire on the wife's golf cart.
Charge the battery on my zero turn mower.

Check the blackberry arbor , since I bush hogged them to about a foot high last year.

May drag out the rotor tiller, and see if it will start after sitting 5 years.
Too cool for fishing today.

Break for late lunch...we only do one meal a day.

Then polish a little more on the toy.

I'm getting excited about setting out tomatoes , peppers, and planting some beans and peas again.

Rain...STOP ...NOW

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Laundry is started.
Strawberry has been outside.
Have also gotten unstuck from the rose bushes several times.
Right now she is standing on the back of the love seat swiveling her head looking out several windows.
Some of the bills are paid online.
Only got one substution I don't care for. Cinnamon coffee.
If I got to have flavored coffee not that one, gives me heartburn.
Will be cooking today; halibut with steamed rice and I don't know what else.
Doing same old stuff just new day.
Will have to eat more chicken livers sometime in the future.
Maybe when I go to WM for money order and prepaid phone card.
Electric bill dropped by $10.
Gas bill stayed about $34.
When moving stuff around in my dresser last night making room for grand daughters clothes.
Found things to cross stitch quilt tops that I'll do when I retire stuff.
So now I figure I will have enough quilt tops to cross stitch 5 full size quilt tops,6 baby quilt tops, and several sampler quilt tops for the next generation.
Working on cross stitching a block now that will go into sampler quilt top later.
Will have to figure out how much sashing I will need for each quilt.
The bread turned out great yesterday. Smells so good baking!

Took my walk this morning, stopped at hardware store and grabbed 12 tomato starts and 6 jalapenos and a small bag of fertilizer. And a small bottle of OJ for the carnitas that are in the crockpot.

Going to start some cherry tomatoes and some rosemary today and finish the carnitas, also eBay drafts and photos.

I'm getting itchy to start the garden!
"some things I saw I questioned" such as???

There are projects in 3 places that are happening that were not in the local news that usually are that have me scratching my head. I saw a 5G antenna installed in a place that it wasn't there a week ago, that, in of itself, should have made our small rural community news. Cops stationed inside local grocery stores, I have never seen that, way more cops on the road than usual.

Meh, maybe it's just me lol. I do find the amount of people being pulled over just to see what they are doing and where they are going...........troubling.
@Curmudgeon Interesting! I don't think cops should be able to stop folks for no reason. Going for a drive to get out of the house could be a nice distraction and still keep "social distancing" other than whoever is in the car which most likely are household members. They are testing the limits of control under the guise of "public safety." If they really wanted to keep us all safe, they would release the names of the folks who have it so those who have been in contact with the individuals could self quarantine. I told my mom, I don't foresee the nonsense ending until after the election which unfortunately is still several months away.
@phideaux When you are done at your place, I have a flat on the lawn-mower and my plot needs tilling :ghostly:
@Grimm Time to teach the girls to knit??? Or whatever the given hobby/skill.
What am I doing today? Well, for the last 30 minutes I've been trying to get the Eucerin lotion to absorb into my poor, dry, cracked hands. Next time I'm just going to use 30wt motor oil. It's bound to absorb faster. I'm a living grease monster at the moment. My fingers are slipping off the keys on my computer keyboard.
We went to visit the Horse Therapy farm, so my DW could pet horse noses. Light traffic, 1 Colerain cop, 1 Highway patrol clocking speeders. Parking around the grocery stores and gas stations looked normal. Came home, made lunch and did our taxes (Ick, I put it off because I knew we owed money). Next is put up the canvas gazebo cover so I can it in my chair in the rain :)
@Curmudgeon Interesting! I don't think cops should be able to stop folks for no reason. Going for a drive to get out of the house could be a nice distraction and still keep "social distancing" other than whoever is in the car which most likely are household members. They are testing the limits of control under the guise of "public safety." If they really wanted to keep us all safe, they would release the names of the folks who have it so those who have been in contact with the individuals could self quarantine. I told my mom, I don't foresee the nonsense ending until after the election which unfortunately is still several months away.
@phideaux When you are done at your place, I have a flat on the lawn-mower and my plot needs tilling :ghostly:
@Grimm Time to teach the girls to knit??? Or whatever the given hobby/skill.

Juju is 3 and Roo has ADHD. I have been working with Roo on how to keep house. She has issues with completing tasks and self regulating. Hence why we homeschool her. Juju is on the other end of things and can be entertained with a piece of paper and a box of 5 crayons for hours. She also wants to do Roo's chores and tasks for her.

Roo does know how to crotchet but she can not seem to finish a project before starting a new one.
The only highlight for today is that I have my annual department physical this afternoon. It was supposed to be two weeks ago but they rescheduled me until today. First they sent me an email saying I had to pre-register online and upload my insurance card and department ID at least 24 hours prior to the appointment as the front desk is not accessible. Then they called me yesterday to say if I was feeling ill at all not to come, and if I was feeling fine to report to a specific door at a specific time. They will then pre-screen me and and escort me to an exam room. I am curious if they will just take all my labs there or if they will parade me around the different areas. My wife wants me to put on a mask as soon as I get out of my patrol car to go inside and then clean my hands, door handle, steering wheel, etc. with sani-hands as soon as I get back to it. I am pretty sure the clinic is going out of their way as it is to be as clean and virus free as possible.

That was the most bizarre physical I ever had. I was met by a nurse in full hazmat garb and offered a mask and gloves, which I declined. I was then taken to a waiting room where 2/3rds of the chairs had been removed to create 6' gaps. Plastic was hanging in between the waiting areas and there were Purell touchless dispensers everywhere. There were two other people in the waiting room but they voluntarily stay far away from each other and no one was coughing. A custodian was stationed in each waiting area in full hazmat attire and they seemed to be continually cleaning. When I got up to go into the exam room, one began cleaning where I had been sitting. After I produced my urine sample, another immediately went in to start cleaning the restroom. My nurse and my DNP were wearing masks and gloves and were definitely more deliberate and cautious in making contact with me to perform tests than normal. Plus the phlebotomist came to me in the exam room instead of having me to go the lab area. She was also suited up and fast at getting my blood. They then asked me to wash my hands and escorted me out, opening each door for me so I wouldn't touch them.

On a related note, my nurse told me that the hypocondriacs accounted for about 60% of all appointments. People with fake symptoms or no symptoms at all demanding to be tested for COVID-19. Many of them coming back every few days again convinced that they were infected. She said the place would be a ghost town if it wasn't for their routine customers and the crazies.
That was the most bizarre physical I ever had. I was met by a nurse in full hazmat garb and offered a mask and gloves, which I declined. I was then taken to a waiting room where 2/3rds of the chairs had been removed to create 6' gaps. Plastic was hanging in between the waiting areas and there were Purell touchless dispensers everywhere. There were two other people in the waiting room but they voluntarily stay far away from each other and no one was coughing. A custodian was stationed in each waiting area in full hazmat attire and they seemed to be continually cleaning. When I got up to go into the exam room, one began cleaning where I had been sitting. After I produced my urine sample, another immediately went in to start cleaning the restroom. My nurse and my DNP were wearing masks and gloves and were definitely more deliberate and cautious in making contact with me to perform tests than normal. Plus the phlebotomist came to me in the exam room instead of having me to go the lab area. She was also suited up and fast at getting my blood. They then asked me to wash my hands and escorted me out, opening each door for me so I wouldn't touch them.

On a related note, my nurse told me that the hypocondriacs accounted for about 60% of all appointments. People with fake symptoms or no symptoms at all demanding to be tested for COVID-19. Many of them coming back every few days again convinced that they were infected. She said the place would be a ghost town if it wasn't for their routine customers and the crazies.
Did it remind you of that time the aliens beamed you up and were scoping your brain, eeerrrr, wait, I wasn't supposed to mention that was I? Um, Scratch that!
Did it remind you of that time the aliens beamed you up and were scoping your brain, eeerrrr, wait, I wasn't supposed to mention that was I? Um, Scratch that!

No, but it did make me flash back to some questionable experiments that might have happened to me when I was in the army. I always wondered why the sattelite tv goes out when I walk by the TV. ;)
We decided to get out and take a drive, as much to just look around as anything. Took a cooler in case we found some meat anywhere we wanted. Ended up in this small town we drive thru sometimes to go to our favorite water fall, also near a campground we like to stay at and fish the lake. Anyway there is a small mom and pop store there. Always had fishing/hunting goods, a real nice hardware section, sold gas and propane, garden plants in the spring, and a nice small town grocery store. They always had a really nice meat department with a very good butcher. So we stopped in to see what kinda meat they had. Soon as we walked in it was obvious something was much different. The entire grocery store was now all hardware. Walked on thru the store, sporting goods was still there. Went on to the other side of the store and there was 3 rows for just a very few groceries, mostly to appeal to campers is what it looked like., Not the typical produce, meat, and other goods. Meat department was completely gone, nothing but some bacon and sausage and lunch meat in a cooler. We were so disappointed. Ask about it when we checked out with a few items. Seems they changed nearly a year ago because they were losing so much money. I bout fell over. I could of sworn we were there several times last summer and fall. Wife and I are still grumbling about that.
Went on to the food city and got quite a few items, several packages of meat and a few other things. They were well stocked other than TP and Chicken. They had chicken but it didn't look good at all. All in all it was good just to drive around a little. Traffic was much lighter than normal. Only saw one patrol car while we were out and he was just watching the highway.
Picked up prescriptions for my mom. There wasn't a single loaf of bread in the little town. So I got a few groceries in the big town... I needed wood shavings for the bitties. I went by favorite little produce market and got some beautiful tomatoes. As I left I called dad at the nursing home, found out he was in his room resting after therapy... So... I kept him on the phone while I parked near his room... snuck up to his window then told him to look out side! I stood so he could see me and waved... made him cry...

He's doing so much better, walked 300 steps today (with his walker). His course of antibiotics through the chest tube will be over on apr 05... He's back on a regular diet, very little pain... No reason we can't take him home then... Pull out the tube, load him up in the truck and head up the road. Fingers crossed... I want him out of that human petri dish before CV gets any worse.
@Bacpacker I was literally just telling hubby that it will be more important than ever to support local small businesses (we try to anyway.) Look at what remains open - large franchises and corporations.
@Peanut That is awesome! Glad you got to see each other even if it was through a window 😊. Hope he gets to be home soon.
Son and grandkids got a lot cleared in our way back area and readied for some planting soon enough. Still a lot to do, but they made a dent. Had a picnic in our yard for lunch, it was a nice day. Twilight zone here when both my husband's and son's smart phones went off with an emergency public announcement to stay home. (my phone is a dumb phone)
Updates from here is that we had sacrament at home on Sunday now that we have permission to do it ourselves and sang a hymn beforehand and studied some scripture lessons together.

We are now only to go out for essentials here in Australia which is doctors, shopping for groceries or for compassionate reasons. All restaurants, gyms etc are closed unless they are classified an essential service. You can still by takeaway convenience foods but cannot dine in like we used to and takeaway bottle shops are still open. Lots of clothing stores have voluntarily closed all shops as there is few people out shopping or spending on anything other than groceries.

Grocery limits in the shops are in the one we go to mostly only you can buy 2 of everything in a category except for the limit of 1 on toilet paper, hand sanitiser, paper towel and tissues. All the staples seem to be extinct especially flour and yeast. All of the stores have hand sanitiser wipes and trolley wipes which they encourage you to use before you enter each store.

Good news is people seem to be abiding by the social distancing rules and are quite calm although we did go shopping in the elderly/disabled/carers one hour dedicated shopping time.

Thank goodness we have a good stockpile of everything to last almost a year here. The only things we will need to buy is eggs, cheese and fresh vegetables/fruits and meat when we need it. I had stocked up on many things before all the prices skyrocketed fortunately.

DH is doing really well and reporting far less pain in his lower back and legs and is gently exercising.

Monday did some work in the vegetable gardens and weeded them and replaced some more soil in other beds. I finally came down with DH's bacterial cold and rather than go to the doctor just dosed myself on amoxicillin we had here (yeah prepping doctor friend) . I would have not been allowed in the doctors surgery and the would have sent me to the Covid-19 clinic. I am not going there when I know I have a cold with bronchitis and can diagnose myself :) , being an ex nurse.

Tuesday DH had a psychologists appointment which we did via internet in their office as the lady had just come back from overseas and was in mandatory self isolation for 14 days.

Whilst in town we did some shopping and topped up on 6kg plain flour (after hunting through 4 supermarkets), fruit, bought bread rolls on markdown, managed to find the illusive beef mince and bought 2 packets and topped up on tinned fruit and dairy.

Yesterday we didn't do too much other than date, rotate and put the groceries away and reorganised the food storage room to put food on dedicated shelves now we have more storage shelves.

Round 1 of today has been similar where we have been deep cleaning areas of the home and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.
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