Updates from here is that we had sacrament at home on Sunday now that we have permission to do it ourselves and sang a hymn beforehand and studied some scripture lessons together.
We are now only to go out for essentials here in Australia which is doctors, shopping for groceries or for compassionate reasons. All restaurants, gyms etc are closed unless they are classified an essential service. You can still by takeaway convenience foods but cannot dine in like we used to and takeaway bottle shops are still open. Lots of clothing stores have voluntarily closed all shops as there is few people out shopping or spending on anything other than groceries.
Grocery limits in the shops are in the one we go to mostly only you can buy 2 of everything in a category except for the limit of 1 on toilet paper, hand sanitiser, paper towel and tissues. All the staples seem to be extinct especially flour and yeast. All of the stores have hand sanitiser wipes and trolley wipes which they encourage you to use before you enter each store.
Good news is people seem to be abiding by the social distancing rules and are quite calm although we did go shopping in the elderly/disabled/carers one hour dedicated shopping time.
Thank goodness we have a good stockpile of everything to last almost a year here. The only things we will need to buy is eggs, cheese and fresh vegetables/fruits and meat when we need it. I had stocked up on many things before all the prices skyrocketed fortunately.
DH is doing really well and reporting far less pain in his lower back and legs and is gently exercising.
Monday did some work in the vegetable gardens and weeded them and replaced some more soil in other beds. I finally came down with DH's bacterial cold and rather than go to the doctor just dosed myself on amoxicillin we had here (yeah prepping doctor friend) . I would have not been allowed in the doctors surgery and the would have sent me to the Covid-19 clinic. I am not going there when I know I have a cold with bronchitis and can diagnose myself

, being an ex nurse.
Tuesday DH had a psychologists appointment which we did via internet in their office as the lady had just come back from overseas and was in mandatory self isolation for 14 days.
Whilst in town we did some shopping and topped up on 6kg plain flour (after hunting through 4 supermarkets), fruit, bought bread rolls on markdown, managed to find the illusive beef mince and bought 2 packets and topped up on tinned fruit and dairy.
Yesterday we didn't do too much other than date, rotate and put the groceries away and reorganised the food storage room to put food on dedicated shelves now we have more storage shelves.
Round 1 of today has been similar where we have been deep cleaning areas of the home and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.