What's everybody doing today?

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Just worked around outside this afternoon. Mowed the yard cause it's supposed to rain for the next 3 day and be in the 70's. Grass was already so high I would have to bush hog the yard by next weekend. Ended up getting the tractor stuck (Small Kubota) in the mud, it rain 2.25" Friday night and I hit a soft spot. Even 4 wheel drive would't help. Had to get the bigger Duetz and hooked a chain to it to drag it out. Finally got thru mowing and cleaned up.

Man that is so familiar..
I hate it when I do that..

And you gotta clean all the mud off..

My yard is mush also.

Our sons are now staying in close phone contact with us. Plans made for them to come here if it is warranted.

Nice day here so I talked the wife into going for a walk. We walked about two miles. Saw way over a hundred elk.

We seen some elk but tons of antelope. The mule deer have been MIA lately.
Man that is so familiar..
I hate it when I do that..

And you gotta clean all the mud off..

My yard is mush also.


Yeah it sucked. Wasn't expecting to get stuck where I was. Happened all at once too. I had driven up under some brush and had to crawl out off the tractor. :dunno:. Found blackberycanes I didn't realize were there. Tore the yard up on top of that.
Oh well, it was easy enough to take care of. I was bush hogging for a guy at a place I'd never been to before. Got in one area away from the creek that ran by the place. Tractor just sank. If I hadn't had the bush hog down I think it would have went to the axle. Luckily I wasn't far from the road. I called a wrecker to try and pull me out. He backed in at an angle while still on the roadway and winched me out. I didn't think he'd be able to get me out. Only time I had ever gotten a big tractor stuck.
youngest son came over for a while, yay. next oldest to the youngest on video chat today same time, yay.
Like, @Sewingcreations15 no church for us, second week. Sewing, your husband is right back at it within 48 hours. I hope he heals up just fine.

Kept smelling really strange odors and finally realized the air duct filters needed to be replaced. PITA.
So took the filters off, will have to pick some up tomorrow.
When is it not going to rain? Maybe it is a hidden blessing...helps things to grow, gets our watershed levels up, and knocks pollen down and maybe, just maybe, knocks viruses down too.
Since we're basically on lockdown here, my daughter and I cleaned. My kitchen was really cluttered, but much better now with cabinets organized and junk thrown away.

The weather sucked all day. Wasn't fit for man or beast - 33°, windy, and sporadic snow flurries. I really wanted to go to Bomgaars but since my daughter's mom and grandparents are super high risk, we didn't go anywhere. All eateries in my state are now take out only, and the nearest restaurant that's open on Sunday is 10 miles away, so we couldn't even go out for dinner. Daughter made tacos though, so we definitely didn't starve!

So now I'm preparing to hop a flight to Denver for work. Our governer is now recommending quarantine for anyone traveling out of state, and I'm expecting it may become mandatory by the time I get back. Wish me luck! Lol
Thanks, Backpacker. My brother was spoiled as a child. He was the youngest, the only boy, and my mother favored him. She let him get away with just about anything. He learned how to whine until he got his way. One of the teachers commented that he seemed to think if he ignored things that they would just go away-- and he still does that. He made a mess on the counter & sink. I haven't cleaned it yet because I've been feeling bleh. He didn't even thank me for cleaning up the floor & trash. He claimed he was going to come out and do it & I knew he was full of crap. My mother didn't even notice that I'd cleaned up.
The state is pretty much shutting down & people are being ordered to stay home unless it's for something essential like doctor's appointments, food, medicine, etc.

Primary elections have been postponed until June.

My best friend's grandfather is going to be stir crazy. He's been "blowing up" my friend's phone & even sent the police over to my friend's house 3 times to tell my friend to call him back. He knows the cops so they don't seem to care that it's a waste of police time and that the grandfather is using them to harass my friend. I wonder if there's anything my friend can legally do to make that harassment stop.

I've got some upper respiratory crud. I can feel that it's not low down & there's some loose mucus that has a weird taste-- sort of like after I got grass in my mouth when playing in the yard as a kid. No fever-- I think it's most likely from allergies. My nose keeps making a whistling sound but other than a little coughing it's not too bad.

My brother had a sore throat but he drank some macha tea with honey & it helped.

One of my cats is on my lap & the other is on my shoulder with his head resting against my shoulder.

Since it rained and internet went out I decided to catch up playing Sims4. I made a scientist Sim that built a rocket ship & went into space & met aliens and stuff. I'm having fun with it. I want to figure out how to get back into modding content again but I need to focus on some real life practical stuff instead.
Spent 2 hours on patrol this morning, now I am in my office for a couple hours, then back on the road again. Some areas of the city are like a creepy ghost town, other areas are a little more active but nothing like 'normal'. The people you do see out and about are mostly wearing gloves & masks, sans construction workers. It seems like every construction site is still up and running with their full crews of people.

We are we are waiting for a National Guard call up, in which case I will lose several people including a couple Operations Sergeants.

Plus later today the department of health is sending over a "cleaning crew" to disinfectant the department and all available patrol cars. So that's exciting.
Yesterday we started on moving the green house.
The spot where its going needed to be leveled by 4 inches. Glad we have a bobcat. Got most of the railroad ties situated for it to sit on. Boy are those things heavy! geesh.

Not much going on today. Its cold and raining again.
Just been hanging out and reading.

I plan on stopping reading the political crap for a while. People on almost every type of website are going idiotic with their hysteria and doom and gloom and omg the gov is coming for all our stuff. :rolleyes:
The out right scaremongering is ridiculous and should be stopped by whoever is in charge of the websites. Thats what driving people into all the craziness. That and the media. People have grown to be such sissies now.

I plan to keep track of the wuhan virus on my state's website but thats it.

I plan to go to walmart for their senior shopping in the morning. I'd like to have some produce if I can get it. And some dairy if its there. We'll see. 6 am shopping come early lol
Strawberry had to go outside at 0545 hours this morning.
Afterwards,we went back to bed, slept in till 0845 hours.
Both sons have called to tell me to use Wal*Mart grocery pick up if at all possible this month.
Haven't tried that yet, but may have too.
Or they said use Wal*Mart grocery delivery service.
I was going to go Wal*Mart senior shopping tomorrow at 0600 hours.
Pick up a few things for my dad at the same time.
Will have to see what takes place at 0530 hours in the morning.
Need some fabric to work on quilt tops for Christmas 2020.
They called my dad to tell him the same things.
Both dad and I are high risk.
More dad than me, but they are concerned over that last fall that badly bruised my ribs.
Sitting here sipping coffee.
Reading forums,working on cross stitch quilt top for Christmas 2020.
Basically doing nothing of importance.
Well as the numbers increase in Indiana I decided to stay home from work today. There are times at my work where we are sharing tools and need to help one another and can’t do the social distancing like we should. At noon the governor issued a stay at home order unless you’re an essential business, which we are not. Takes effect tomorrow until April 7.
I haven't done Walmart pick up or delivery yet. Not sure if I will. Still have to sanitize every item and counter once you receive it.

Decided to get extra hard dog food for all pups at TSC this morning. About the normal busy--not very-- and they had everything I needed. Also got a small roll of chicken wire for garden use, if needed. Came straight back home. Going to mark garden in back yard for tilling this week. Already marked for front yard where I had it last year.

Went for my walk this morning and more stores are shutting down in my tiny town. One can't walk into drugstore now--stand out front and they bring your RX out to you. Not sure how they do payment.

Going to start a loaf of no knead oat bread today.
The electricity is off today. It went off at 5:05am. I know because I'd just turned on the light and started down the hall to the bathroom... I was still able to find the door frame... with half the toes on my right foot! :mad::mad::mad:

I hate when that happens! Seems to always happens when I'm half asleep... Talk about a wake up call!

I got up at nine... the power was still off and it had finally started to rain. I rolled the generator out on the porch and fired it up! I got the sump pump plugged in and running.

Then I had to chase cows... here we go again! My grt nephew needs to fix the darn fences! His cows have been out more times in the last 2 years than in the last 20 years dad and I ran the operation. FIX the Fences! AM I NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH! I think he's convinced that if it can't be done sitting on a side by side or a tractor it's not farming! Someone else is in charge of all the left over work. :mad:
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When is it not going to rain? Maybe it is a hidden blessing...helps things to grow, gets our watershed levels up, and knocks pollen down and maybe, just maybe, knocks viruses down too.
It gets hot and dry here, so I try to get some things in early for spring rains. I fail more than I succeed at that!
So now I'm preparing to hop a flight to Denver for work. Our governor is now recommending quarantine for anyone traveling out of state, and I'm expecting it may become mandatory by the time I get back. Wish me luck! Lol
I am waiting for Colorado to lockdown, but not yet. We hoped the governor would have said that yesterday, but he ranted about other things, but included telling people again, to stay home. The problem is the group of people who do not do news of any sort until it affects them.
Thanks, Backpacker. My brother was spoiled as a child. He was the youngest, the only boy, and my mother favored him. She let him get away with just about anything. He learned how to whine until he got his way. One of the teachers commented that he seemed to think if he ignored things that they would just go away-- and he still does that. He made a mess on the counter & sink. I haven't cleaned it yet because I've been feeling bleh. He didn't even thank me for cleaning up the floor & trash. He claimed he was going to come out and do it & I knew he was full of crap. My mother didn't even notice that I'd cleaned up.

My best friend's grandfather is going to be stir crazy. He's been "blowing up" my friend's phone & even sent the police over to my friend's house 3 times to tell my friend to call him back. He knows the cops so they don't seem to care that it's a waste of police time and that the grandfather is using them to harass my friend. I wonder if there's anything my friend can legally do to make that harassment stop.
That is dysfunctional and your mother has trained both of you. It is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!

Brother reminds me of mine. They had no chores, no responsibilities growing up, only fun and games. Sister had few. It was me and me. Who cleaned their rooms? Not them! Who made their beds? Not them. Who cooked, cleaned, laundry, ironed their clothes? Not them!

As an adult, siblings still think I am the cook and more if I go the 100s of miles to their places. Last time I saw sister, I told her I will never cook in someone else's house again. Nor will I travel that distance and be expected to buy the food, then cook it, then clean and babysit until I go home. Nor will I be presented with a to-do list after traveling there. Dishes to do? Someone else's turn, I've done more than my share. And for me, I will never go to their places again! You do not have as much of a chance as I do, but when your mom is gone, your brother should be gone as well.

Friend can tell the cops what is going on and threaten harassment charges, and even go restraining order. People have to figure out the dysfunction and take charge of their lives.

Then I had to chase cows... here we go again! My grt nephew needs to fix the darn fences! His cows have been out more times in the last 2 years than in the last 20 years dad and I ran the operation. FIX the Fences! AM I NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH! I think he's convinced that if it can't be done sitting on a side by side or a tractor it's not farming! Someone else is in charge of all the left over work. :mad:
Maybe call nephew and ask when he can come over and help you fix the fence? Then when he gets there, stay with him while he gets it done. Having done some fencing on family farms and ranches, I know that it is one of the least desirable work to be done.
If anybody has tried the Walmart , order, and pickup,
How has it worked for ya.
I might try that.

I'm about 15 miles from a smaller WM.

May grab some produce and fruits.

I just tried it.
Have your list ready.
Stuff is selling out fast.
I pick up my order between 4-5.
Not me but my oldest son is picking up my order for me.
I have no idea what some of the substitutions will be.
But I think I got the basics covered.
Strawberry's food, polident for my teeth,ice cream, fabric.
Everything has limit of two.
Waiting... Postman delivers our mail between 4:00 and 4:30. Last week wife tells me that the mail was here. I looked at the clock and its 2:00. Must have split his route or became efficient? Rest of the week mail was here at 2.

Today at 2, no mail. I take a 2 mile hike and when I return still no mail. Collect eggs, one thin shelled eggs was broken all over the other eggs. Bring eggs in to wash then check mail box, nope. Walk around the property picking up fallen branches and talking to a stray cat for a half hour, still no mail.

Inside the house take off the coat, hat and boots. There goes the Postman! Going about 30 MPH east to west. His route is west to east! Ten minutes later here he comes again, this time west to east and still 30 MPH as he drives pass my mailbox.

Maybe the China flu is chasing him and he’s trying to loose it first?
I just tried it.
Have your list ready.
Stuff is selling out fast.
I pick up my order between 4-5.
Not me but my oldest son is picking up my order for me.
I have no idea what some of the substitutions will be.
But I think I got the basics covered.
Strawberry's food, polident for my teeth,ice cream, fabric.
Everything has limit of two.

Did you give them a credit card # when you placed the order?
Or can I pay cash at pickup?
We went camping for the weekend. I was somewhat hoping when we came back into service, life might be back to normal - nope. Only worse. Makes me want to turn around and head right back out of service to the boon docks. We are specialty contractors. As far as construction sites, we've received notice not to enter job shacks as most have been disinfected over the weekend and only authorized personnel on site etc. Other than job shack, that's pretty normal. We have been slammed since now it seems everyone wants everything done by the time they are able to reopen. Crazy! We talked to our guys about it and they are working. We do have one entrance and have signs requesting that any business that can be done via phone be done that way or please make an appt. so we can plan accordingly. Our guys all have families - the least we can do. We are grateful they want to work.
On a lighter note~ camping was wonderful! Almost no moon so the stars shone "from here to Heaven." Hubby caught a steelhead and a nice trout (both released) so he was happy. The weather was perfect, campfire cooking, and very few other people. Funny, we were so remote, folks were having backyard "campfires" etc. Don't think many out that way are too worried. If anything just a little more cautious of 'foreigners' than usual.
i'm interested to know how it goes! Did you order any produce? That is what makes me hesitate. I know to pick the farthest date out, but not sure someone else would do that or pick the best looking produce.
Yes, I ordered mushrooms, carrots for the dehydrator,butternut squash,garlic.
I just tried it.
Have your list ready.
Stuff is selling out fast.
I pick up my order between 4-5.
Not me but my oldest son is picking up my order for me.
I have no idea what some of the substitutions will be.
But I think I got the basics covered.
Strawberry's food, polident for my teeth,ice cream, fabric.
Everything has limit of two.
My oldest son can't pick up the first order.
I have to pick it up.
No problem.
Another restuarant just shut their doors forever.
Bar and grill, it's now for sale.
Owners said they were just barely hanging on anyhow.
So we only have fast food here, Pizza Hut.
Well you can eat at the other diner if you want to take a chance.
Most locals call it food poisoning waiting to happen.