When is it not going to rain? Maybe it is a hidden blessing...helps things to grow, gets our watershed levels up, and knocks pollen down and maybe, just maybe, knocks viruses down too.
It gets hot and dry here, so I try to get some things in early for spring rains. I fail more than I succeed at that!
So now I'm preparing to hop a flight to Denver for work. Our governor is now recommending quarantine for anyone traveling out of state, and I'm expecting it may become mandatory by the time I get back. Wish me luck! Lol
I am waiting for Colorado to lockdown, but not yet. We hoped the governor would have said that yesterday, but he ranted about other things, but included telling people again, to stay home. The problem is the group of people who do not do news of any sort until it affects them.
Thanks, Backpacker. My brother was spoiled as a child. He was the youngest, the only boy, and my mother favored him. She let him get away with just about anything. He learned how to whine until he got his way. One of the teachers commented that he seemed to think if he ignored things that they would just go away-- and he still does that. He made a mess on the counter & sink. I haven't cleaned it yet because I've been feeling bleh. He didn't even thank me for cleaning up the floor & trash. He claimed he was going to come out and do it & I knew he was full of crap. My mother didn't even notice that I'd cleaned up.
My best friend's grandfather is going to be stir crazy. He's been "blowing up" my friend's phone & even sent the police over to my friend's house 3 times to tell my friend to call him back. He knows the cops so they don't seem to care that it's a waste of police time and that the grandfather is using them to harass my friend. I wonder if there's anything my friend can legally do to make that harassment stop.
That is dysfunctional and your mother has trained both of you. It is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
Brother reminds me of mine. They had no chores, no responsibilities growing up, only fun and games. Sister had few. It was me and me. Who cleaned their rooms? Not them! Who made their beds? Not them. Who cooked, cleaned, laundry, ironed their clothes? Not them!
As an adult, siblings still think I am the cook and more if I go the 100s of miles to their places. Last time I saw sister, I told her I will never cook in someone else's house again. Nor will I travel that distance and be expected to buy the food, then cook it, then clean and babysit until I go home. Nor will I be presented with a to-do list after traveling there. Dishes to do? Someone else's turn, I've done more than my share. And for me, I will never go to their places again! You do not have as much of a chance as I do, but when your mom is gone, your brother should be gone as well.
Friend can tell the cops what is going on and threaten harassment charges, and even go restraining order. People have to figure out the dysfunction and take charge of their lives.
Then I had to chase cows... here we go again! My grt nephew needs to fix the darn fences! His cows have been out more times in the last 2 years than in the last 20 years dad and I ran the operation. FIX the Fences! AM I NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH! I think he's convinced that if it can't be done sitting on a side by side or a tractor it's not farming! Someone else is in charge of all the left over work.
Maybe call nephew and ask when he can come over and help you fix the fence? Then when he gets there, stay with him while he gets it done. Having done some fencing on family farms and ranches, I know that it is one of the least desirable work to be done.