It probably doesn't help that everybody is on lock down.Is this situation in your building or down the street a door or two? While having a bunch of LEOs show up signals a problem, it is good that they have and will show up if things are not good. The expected thing in this lock down and all stressful situations is that domestic violence will escalate, and that includes spouses, male and female and children. Children as well may become violent and abusive. Add alcohol and other addictive substances and that fuels it. People have problems that they haven't dealt with and these become extreme in tough times. Things only seem to escalate and the selfish get more demanding and self centered.
I hope you are able to be safe with whatever is going on with your neighbors. If they are on the other side of a wall, it is best to move over a room, if possible.
But at least all those Federal Warrants are easier to serve now.
Most of the people are just ate up with the dumb a** more so right now.
There has been two big drug raids down here this week.
Course someone found what they thought was a dead body in the ditch too, night before last.
Nope he was just stoned, drunk passed out.
They were here again this morning, serving warrants, picking people up.
I sat outside wrapped up in coat, blanket drinking coffee watching the BS.
They picked up my next door neighbor's youngest son this morning on Felony Drug charges.
But I have that warped military sense of humor compounded by the fact I was an MP for years.
So my sense of humor is really warped.