What's everybody doing today?

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Is this situation in your building or down the street a door or two? While having a bunch of LEOs show up signals a problem, it is good that they have and will show up if things are not good. The expected thing in this lock down and all stressful situations is that domestic violence will escalate, and that includes spouses, male and female and children. Children as well may become violent and abusive. Add alcohol and other addictive substances and that fuels it. People have problems that they haven't dealt with and these become extreme in tough times. Things only seem to escalate and the selfish get more demanding and self centered.

I hope you are able to be safe with whatever is going on with your neighbors. If they are on the other side of a wall, it is best to move over a room, if possible.
It probably doesn't help that everybody is on lock down.
But at least all those Federal Warrants are easier to serve now.
Most of the people are just ate up with the dumb a** more so right now.
There has been two big drug raids down here this week.
Course someone found what they thought was a dead body in the ditch too, night before last.
Nope he was just stoned, drunk passed out.
They were here again this morning, serving warrants, picking people up.
I sat outside wrapped up in coat, blanket drinking coffee watching the BS.
They picked up my next door neighbor's youngest son this morning on Felony Drug charges.
But I have that warped military sense of humor compounded by the fact I was an MP for years.
So my sense of humor is really warped.
It probably doesn't help that everybody is on lock down.
But at least all those Federal Warrants are easier to serve now.
Most of the people are just ate up with the dumb a** more so right now.
There has been two big drug raids down here this week.
Course someone found what they thought was a dead body in the ditch too, night before last.
Nope he was just stoned, drunk passed out.
They were here again this morning, serving warrants, picking people up.
I sat outside wrapped up in coat, blanket drinking coffee watching the BS.
They picked up my next door neighbor's youngest son this morning on Felony Drug charges.
But I have that warped military sense of humor compounded by the fact I was an MP for years.
So my sense of humor is really warped.
I am glad to know that this is not so close to you.

I was in a hotel room once and heard the couple next door. The man was really giving the woman a workover, so we called the front desk and within a bit, police were knocking on the door. Woman said everything was fine. After the police left, things calmed down.

I know that this is a great way to take these people off the streets, and the worst of the worst can be held. I know that prisoners who are not viewed as the worst are being released from at least 4 places. I would expect we will hear of more of that. But in this time of staying home, it is great that these people will be easier to take away.

It is good that you can get some entertainment out of this, especially with your background.
I couldn't live life with that kind of situation with your brother and his selfish ways. I have too many years attending ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics, studying and reading about dysfunction. I actually do not see nor talk to a few dysfunctional family members because they think it is okay to mistreat others and that includes me. It is not, imho. I would rather be a hermit in the woods all by myself, but that is me.

Totally agree! I understand that Mom is a factor, but something would have to change in my case!
Well I am still here with a phone growing out of my ear; working from home. Haven't been out of the house for anything, but getting the mail. I may get a reprieve this afternoon to go out and get taxes done. I feel like the dog standing by the door with the leash in his mouth, tail wagging.
Tax day was pushed back to July 15th.
Sitting here waiting for my doctor's visit by phone call ...
Suppose to happen at 10:30...yeah right.

No storms or tornadoes last night..went north.

Warm now 75 deg falling to 31 deg tonight.

Well, just got off the phone with VA .

I'm good to go , just modify some meds and stay in.


Glad you got through Jim. I'm thinking of stopping the Plavix and just having a shot of whiskey and aspirin. Its been almost 5 wks since surgery and they want me to take it for 6 months!:ghostly:.
I already cut it half last couple wk.s. I've been reseraching online and of course hardly nothing on alternative. I guesa drug co.s done infected any site that isn't pusing their drugs.

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Whiskey

As with all the health benefits of whiskey, the key is to consume in moderation. Because of its blood-thinning properties, a daily shot of whiskey can lower a person's risk of ischemic (clot-caused) stroke.

7. Whiskey treats the co
Been working from home this week. It's hard to keep up with whats going on with my guys. But between text, emails, and phone calls we managed. Still expecting them to go up another level next week to where only a few techs will be on site with others by call in only. 3 of my crew will still be active with that schedule.
Wife and I made 2 short runs Wed and Thur afternoons for a few things. I'll probably go refill my spare fuel cans tomorrow. That'll be 35-40 gallons. I'l only have 15-20 more to cycle thru.
Peanut and Terri you folks and family are in my prayers.
Zanni, It's none of my business, but I hate to hear how your brother is treating you. I swear I'd bust him up side the head with something. Then throw him in the street. Why does he think he can wolf down all the food you have, and on top of that do nothing to help out? He'd have to change or go. Sorry for the rant!
Refreshed BOB's today and am always surprised at how well I put them together and how many bases got covered! First made them about 16 years ago and keep replacing meds and slingshot rubbers, clothes, snacks stuff like that.

Tomorrow is for outside garden prep and Sunday will clean house- no Church. Then what?
Work is nuts, very stressful trying to make the best decisions and simplest responses I can given the situation. Best part of the day is the quiet time in the morning and then the period of daylight between when I get home and when I go in for the night. Today I ran the chainsaw salvaging firewood from a brush pile. Pulled out an old harrow that I can use to smooth the raw dirt from the home build.
Went out to garage this morning, it was 75 degrees and very humid,
I tinkered with the toy till about 3 pm.
I noticed the wind turned from the north and I could feel the temp dropping.

Yep it was

It's 42 now.
They say 30 overnight.

So I built a fire . Nice

Now I must go put my beautiful body to rest for the night.

Y'all say your prayers on

God night Jim!
Had lots of phone calls today. My cousin called for a check in. They seem to be a week or so behind us in Covid. Then her daughter called to go through a list of things she should buy. Their stores are still stocked, except for tp, unlike ours. They have a dairy farm, and beef, some chickens, bees. Plant organic wheat. Went over what she needs and she'll get a driver tomorrow and go stock up. I left her a bunch of samples of dehydrated food last time I was there, and they've tried it and liked it, so was explaining how to dry in the oven. The kids and I filled the incubator today, and planted five flats of summer squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and beefsteak tomatoes.
Yes! We are!!! But husband can't leave the house till this calms down. He might get sick on the way! I'm hoping summer will be ok. And then we move before it gets bad in the fall again. Food is a problem in Albuquerque, or it seems that way right now. And you've got to be out of your mind here to go into a store. Numbers in our county are going up like crazy. So I can leave chicks or chickens with whoever needs them. And plants. Although, we're discussing putting in wheat in that area in the way back where the greenhouse is, for chicken food. And on the other side yard that you didn't see, putting in corn. Animal food is going to be tough. Maybe our house will sell better. It can come with outside foodstuff and chickens. Ha. Or I'll call you and tell you to come pick them all up! Ha.
I got a lot accomplished today. I straightened up and swept part of the shop, just enough so the real cleaning and organizing can start. I did get all the tools with handles... shovels, hoes, axes, malls etc organized and coated all the metal parts with chain lubricant (slow the rust).

I got 4, 90ft rows planted in the garden before the rain started. I planted a few beets on a 5th row then tonight I found another packet of beet seeds I forgot I had. Oh well, it only rained 1/2 inch, I may plant them tomorrow in the mud.

I cooked out on the grill for the first time this spring… yummy. I rested a few hours and then started processing that 10lb poke sallet root I dug up the other day. Taking another break now to watch the sequel to “Independence Day”, predictable but still enjoyable.
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Yes! We are!!! But husband can't leave the house till this calms down. He might get sick on the way! I'm hoping summer will be ok. And then we move before it gets bad in the fall again. Food is a problem in Albuquerque, or it seems that way right now. And you've got to be out of your mind here to go into a store. Numbers in our county are going up like crazy. So I can leave chicks or chickens with whoever needs them. And plants. Although, we're discussing putting in wheat in that area in the way back where the greenhouse is, for chicken food. And on the other side yard that you didn't see, putting in corn. Animal food is going to be tough. Maybe our house will sell better. It can come with outside foodstuff and chickens. Ha. Or I'll call you and tell you to come pick them all up! Ha.

I missed the post about you moving.
Why and what part of country?
Up at 6:00 had coffee talked on phone to daughter who is glad she woke up to peace and quite ' kids are with their mom for weekend.Shis is hoping for lockdown so they stay there!:peace:. We let hens out, fed dogs and ourselves.Other daughtr said hubby fell and broke some ribs chasing the dog to get 8 yr olds toy from it, so he is in pain .

Had power surge lights went out at about 6"30 kinda scary at first.
I am enjoying my weekend off as I might not have as many weekends off in the near future. Depends on how things go. The jail has released all misdemeanor non-violent offenders and there has been a slight increase in both crimes of burglary and (as expected) domestic violence. Several bars have decided to shut their doors, as have all the larger liquor stores. So if you want alcohol in this region you are going to have to be happy with beer / wine from a gas station or grocery store, which will surely sell out in short order. We are continuing to use saturation patrols to reassure people that we are out in force, but we may have to step it up even more. So again, this weekend I plan to take it easy and spend time with the family.

The only "chore" I have planned is a review of my home security. I will be checking cameras, motion sensors, door & window sensors, locks, hinges, dead bolts, and the like. I am also going to inspect all of my home defense guns, make sure handgun safes and weapon lights have new batteries, that the mag/tube springs are still good, etc., etc. I am also going to walk the family though a couple safe zone drills and have another "what to do if" Q&A. We are then going to go on lockdown mode where every door and window remains locked sans the door the back yard where the kids play and the Rotties provide security. That also means no one unlocks or opens a door that is under the age of 16 without approval from whomever is in charge.
Hey Meer...Our youngest daughter graduates in May, school for the 3 grandkids was supposed to be out the end of May, and we were moving in June. Now we'll move when this calms down. I'm hoping for a break in this in the heat of the summer. We should also have our house on the market, but haven't yet. We need to move from this highly populated area before fall, and get to the farm in Kansas.
Not sure the grandkids realize it's Saturday, so no schoolwork today. Maybe I'll finish painting the laundry room, or clean out the worm bins. Both of which I'm putting off.
Made our breaksfasts. Looks like my no cooking on saturdays are off until the future lol
Do have dishes and some laundry to do
Gonna watch something on streaming internet today
Read some
Its cold and windy and getting colder as the morning progressed. Was 47 when I got up now its in the 30's. Too cold to do anything in the garden
Probably take a nap as I didn't sleep well last night
Take out is still okay here so I may get out of making supper today lol
Rutt Rohh...

Just heard from my daughter, that KY is preparing to close/shut down the state.

Everybody will be forced to stay home.

This will be interesting...trying to make a bunch of country boys , red necks and hillbillies not do anything

I guess this will be close to SHTF.

Hope to see my friends and family on the other side...if there is one ...for them.

Hey Meer...Our youngest daughter graduates in May, school for the 3 grandkids was supposed to be out the end of May, and we were moving in June. Now we'll move when this calms down. I'm hoping for a break in this in the heat of the summer. We should also have our house on the market, but haven't yet. We need to move from this highly populated area before fall, and get to the farm in Kansas.
Not sure the grandkids realize it's Saturday, so no schoolwork today. Maybe I'll finish painting the laundry room, or clean out the worm bins. Both of which I'm putting off.

Amish seems now I do remember something about you wanting to get ot your farm,but hope you can do so soon. Take care.
Sipping coffee.
Strawberry has taken care of her business this morning.
She asleep beside me on the recliner.
I'm sitting here working on cross stitch quilt top.
May say to heck with it just go take a nap.
The natives are still restless and will be for the foreseeable future.
All liquor stores , bars, churches, are closed.
So are the local diners, take out only.
Got a very sad call from my cousin this morning. A neighboring farm to their north has a lady who got back from Israel recently. She was sick and went to the clinic. They tested her and she is positive. The farm neighbor to my cousin's south is the farm of the grandchildren. They visited grandma when she got home from Israel and they are now sick. So now my Amish cousins are sandwiched in between two sick farms.
Best laid plans went to heck in hand basket.
Have had grand daughter today.
She feels much better since she's gotten tonsils out.
She ran circles around her dad, her dad's lady friend, Strawberry and one pooped Granny today.
Son just took her home for their nightly weekend schedule.
Granny and Strawberry are resting in the recliner.
Son's lady had to go to work.
After Granny has rested a bit.
Will put up all the toys she played with, clean the kitchen table back off.
Let Strawberry out, then might just go to bed.
We had to cook, drink coffee and visit sitting at the kitchen table this afternoon.
Grand daughter and I had a good visit, course I can only understand about every 10 word clearly.
Amish Heart, sorry to hear about your cousins being trapped between sick farms.
Our oldest daughter showed up today saying that self-quarantining was driving her mad. Especially since her husband (the fire fighting paramedic) has been working extended shifts for over a week. Her employer is working with a skeleton crew to minimize exposure so she is on leave for the time being. She played with the dogs, spent time with her siblings, visited with her Mom and I, took a couple boxes of No. 4 buckshot and a case of MRE's, and went home. I swear our two oldest kids think of our house as a general store. 🤨

Tomorrow we have church, but they are splitting the congregation into 3 groups with 3 services. They will sanitize between services, have moved out every other row of chairs, and pushed apart the rows that still exist. They are also asking anyone at risk, the elderly, the pregnant, and anyone who has recently been ill or traveled out of state to stay home and watch the live stream. We are having communion in pre-packaged communion servings which will be sitting on our seats when we arrive. I joked with my wife that I am betting there are either no greeters or they are going to be offering a salute instead of a handshake. We are one of only 3 churches in our community that are still holding services.
We got another 1/2 inch of rain over night, so much for planting that other packet of beet seeds. Its been cool and damp all day but I did go up to the shop and tie up the dozens of empty cat food sacks and other assorted feed sacks into a bundle for burning or the trash.

I put the baby chicks into a temp container so I could carry the 100 gallon water trough outside. It needed cleaning and fresh wood chips, check! The bitties have doubled in size over the last nine days... So has their appetite, they have eaten or wasted just over 15lbs of feed in that time.

I spent some time reorganizing the herb room, seems I've misplaced my knife sharpening kit, didn't find it. I had to borrow it's usual container a couple of weeks ago, not sure where I put the kit.

In a while I'll get back to processing that poke root, relaxing with a little tv now.

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