What's everybody doing today?

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So, this is the document from my employer I'll be required to carry, and show to any law enforcement or other officials if they try to stop me from going somewhere:

I wonder if it can get me to Hawaii, maybe?:p
So, this is the document from my employer I'll be required to carry, and show to any law enforcement or other officials if they try to stop me from going somewhere:
View attachment 37427
I wonder if it can get me to Hawaii, maybe?:p
Hey Sentry18 can you pull some strings here and arrest him and send him to a remote tropical island:). Spike - does she like to go fishing? Then fish n chips for supper- yum. A quick funny- when my kids were young, and son caught his first fish we cooked it and ate it for dinner. Daughter said “J this is good but next time catch one without the bones.” 😂 They were young enough she was serious:)
Thank you all again.
I have to go hang up my laundry.
Chicken is out of the oven.
Lots of good chicken broth with this bird.
Will go to Credit Union in the morning.
Dad called, his medicine is ready.
There will be envelope with my name taped to the front door in the morning so I can pick it up.
Will pay off the last Internet bill that was past due.
Strawberry is pacing.
Then we will go to bed.
Good night all.
God bless.
Thank you all again.
I have to go hang up my laundry.
Chicken is out of the oven.
Lots of good chicken broth with this bird.
Will go to Credit Union in the morning.
Dad called, his medicine is ready.
There will be envelope with my name taped to the front door in the morning so I can pick it up.
Will pay off the last Internet bill that was past due.
Strawberry is pacing.
Then we will go to bed.
Good night all.
God bless.

I'm going to bed too MoBook and God Bless you too and all here. Good night.
Hey Sentry18 can you pull some strings here and arrest him and send him to a remote tropical island:). Spike - does she like to go fishing? Then fish n chips for supper- yum. A quick funny- when my kids were young, and son caught his first fish we cooked it and ate it for dinner. Daughter said “J this is good but next time catch one without the bones.” 😂 They were young enough she was serious:)
@Sentry18 can not interfere with my duties! I have a get out of jail free card! ;)

Actually, I haven't yet seen any quarantined areas, only quarantined people and restricted gatherings/groupings of people. So I'm guessing the letter is unnecessary, and the railroad is just getting ahead of the curve. It's nice to know that the bigwigs in the Crystal Palace in Omaha are willing to send me into potentially dangerous places that are off limits to everybody else. I enjoy knowing their bonuses depend on me...:rolleyes:
Getting more texts for more eggs. One was texted from daughter in Alaska for a friend here. ha ha. Will need to put 7 dozen on the bench tomorrow for a number of people. Husband and son are hinting I set up the incubator. They think things are not going to ease up. I guess if we see a window of opportunity to move, I can just give all the chickens away. Bummer that we just tore down two very large chain link runs to move them.
Well, another day of just staying in the house,7th day, and watching it rain.

Checked out my golf cart battery charger. Not sure yet. May be golf cart computer request not working.

Had a great lunch today, spaghetti and garlic bread with tater tots.

Now I find myself more tired than if I worked all day.
Boredom I'm sure.

Tomorrow is serious storms with possible tornadoes , off and on all day.

I'm going to retire to my bed and say my prayers.

Y'all have a lovely night.

Well, the laundry got hung up.
Chicken, chicken broth is in the refrig.
Kitchen has been cleaned.
Dishes are done too.
But the natives(neighbors) are restless.
Please tell me it's not close to full moon
The City PD, Sheriff's dept, State Patrol have all been in my neighborhood tonight.
I think the Coroner has been down here too.
Wonderful day/ night in the neighborhood-not.
Then people wonder why I want to move- go figure.
A strange break today... I had to go to the post office in town to ship a root to a friend. I checked the wm to see if they lemonbalm in yet but they didn't.

For all the years I've been driving the speed limit was 55mph on all the roads out here in the rural parts of the county. During the bummer years before some Olympic bids went out a lot of highway money hit the state, new road signs everywhere including new speed limits.

Now the speed limit is 40mph for miles around... That hasn't changed any habits, everyone out here drives just like they did before they put up signs.

Today I was within a few miles of home crossing a river valley. It's just a county road with bridges over sloughs and a river. It's flat with no hint of a curve for about 2 miles, no houses, just swamp.

Today I was stopped by a young county deputy, didn't see him, don't know where he came from... He said he clocked me doing 74 in a 40mph speed zone.

I told the truth. When asked I said I had no idea how fast I was going, didn't argue or make an excuse, basically gave him a "Whoops" look. I was busted, dead to rights... He didn't even give me a written warning, just a verbal. :cool: I think he was hiding out watching for log trucks... Now those guys drive really fast across that river valley.

Anyway as he turned and started back to his car I stopped him and invited him to come to one of my medicinal herb classes, even gave him one of my cards. Don't know if he was interested but he's welcome anytime. :)
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Feeling better but still tired. Went to Lowes with my friend to get the tub & surround for his bathroom reno. The clerk who helped me find a flatbed cart had a good sense of humor. We talked about how our allergies were scaring people (pollen was out in force & making us sneeze). My friend put on a child's voice and called out "grandma!" to my mother in the store because she zipped off in a riding cart ahead of us & had me laughing so hard I started coughing-- people started running away from me. Had to take a double dose of my allergy meds bc I woke up sneezing and stuffed up. I realized I'd forgotten to change the HVAC filter & checked it. Went to put a new one in and realized Mom ordered the wrong size. Went searching because I knew there was a box of the right size somewhere. Found the right size one and managed to cut my finger on the filter. It didn't want to line up to set in the bottom and I reached down to adjust it and managed to hit some sharp metal. I have that sort of luck-- I've managed to cut my finger on a paint brush before. Fortunately it didn't hurt but it bled a lot. The filter change seems to have helped now. I forgot that I also got my friend to grab a was ring for the toilet and a tub spout-- picked one with an escutcheon to better cover any holes/gaps. I had to explain to him how it attached (showing him the set screw).

Dropped by the Mitsubishi dealer so my friend could see if they had a part he needs in stock- clerk didn't even know how to search for the part in the computer & my friend had to teach him how. Then we stopped by Best Buy to get new case fans and CPU fan for my computer. All of my fans had gone out and my CPU was overheating - 76°C. Got price-gouged on them because there was not much in stock. $60 for a pack of 3 fans and $40 for the CPU fan to replace the dead liquid cooling unit. It's running at about 25°C now. The bonus is, the 3 pack of fans came with colored lights (old fans had no lights) & the cats are afraid to sit on top of them. That will keep them from blocking the airflow. My friend is going to see if he can get the liquid cooler working for his computer. I wanted to order fans from Amazon, but they have suspended shipping until April & I needed the fans asap to keep my processor from burning up.

I made a call to Kohler to ask about the different combinations of wall & shower pan sets because there are different model numbers and found out the back wall I wanted is only compatible with 34" side walls but I need 30" (no greater than 32"). Also realized after checking specs that they gave me misinformation bc their website is confusing & even they can't figure out compatibility. LOL. They gave me the product # for the 32" base instead of the 30" base. But the employee tried & it's not her fault that whoever came up with the system didn't make it more clear which sets went together.

All dine-in services are shut down here. Only drive-thru is available. I miss my favorite Chinese buffet place. My brother had to go to work again to deep clean at the casino. He hasn't spoken to me enough to tell me whether or not he has to keep going in. My friend got a call from his boss while I was visiting & the boss said his company has laid off all but 10 employees (and this is a place that has employees in multiple states all over). Said they were keeping him on until they knew whether or not they were going out of business entirely. No paycheck for him apparently though-- he might have to file for unemployment.

Some house guests were causing drama for my friend and his fiance. Apparently, a female guest didn't like how my friend's fiance dresses & sits in her own home (thinks she should wear a bra, cover herself up more, and cross her legs to sit "like a lady") and apparently complained that she thought the pregnant girl was trying to seduce her boyfriend or something. The boyfriend was uncomfortable with it so he stayed out of the room- but they didn't say anything to her (and really, they shouldn't have made an issue out of it bc she was just trying to be comfortable & didn't realize it bothered them). It would be different if she were a guest in their home. The male guest was stressed to the max because he almost lost his job- his gf called him to tell him that someone was at his house (the one that burned) with a U-Haul & loading up with his stuff. He rushed over there to find his crackhead aunt stealing anything of value. She claimed his grandmother asked her to go over and grab stuff for her-- anything that the grandmother could use-- but didn't think to ask him if that was OK. He was very pissed off about it & suspected the crackhead just wanted to sell his stuff. He also seemed to think his gf was cheating on him, but that woman is in so much pain from neuropathy, I don't think she'd be able to do anything so he's just being paranoid & worrying himself over nothing. She can barely move & she's been having seizures-- she's not up for having an affair. He was so upset he was crying so I gave him a hug & I reminded him that her health is so bad that it's very unlikely she'd cheat on him in that condition. I think the suspicion runs in his family though. He comes from a very unstable home life. He's also upset because he doesn't know how to help with her deteriorating health.

Still no sign of my missing cat. My one-eyed cat is curled up on me right now. The dog is curled up at the foot of my bed. She was climbing on me earlier because she got jealous of the cat. LOL.

I think I mentioned that the new cabinet pulls arrived. I was very pleased with myself when I saw how Mom reacted when she first saw the pictures & they look great in person too. It's these ones: Richelieu BP380213058 Brass / Blue Flower 3 Inch Center to Center Handle Cabinet Pull
She told me the old ones (which don't look as nice & have tarnished over the years) cost around $8 per pull and there are over 50 of them in the kitchen. The kitchen cabinets were custom built by my father out of oak. He'd gotten 1,000 board feet of the oak on a good sale from a timber yard that was going out of business. Made a lot of stuff out of them, but sadly, the tenants stole the rest of it while we were gone. One day I'll do a thread on my kitchen & the repairs it needs.

Friday I'm taking him to the other Mitsubishi dealership to get a part that he ordered for his car that *should* fix the problems he's having. Might have to grab some more cat food while I'm up there.

Peanut, glad you didn't get a ticket. Speed limit out my roads used to be 55mph but now they have signs that say 35mph-- nobody obeys that & there are rarely cops around. I've only seen them out there twice (when they weren't called out for something) when they were hiding out waiting for logging trucks. The loggers like to violate the rule of no driving on the road w/in 24hrs of substantial rain & they tear the road up. The paving for the road is not eve a full inch thick so it breaks apart easily & when the water gets under the road it is more vulnerable to breaking up. It's pot-hole galore out here.
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Well, it's still raining.
The earth worms are trying to come inside so they can dry off.
Strawberry and I had a set to over one this morning.
I won, she lost, worm utilmately lost.
She was trying to carry it into the house, dangling in her mouth.
Nope, not having it.
Finally traded dog cookie for the worm.
Poor thing was deceased by that time.
It was nice size would have made good fishing bait.
At least it wan't a baby snake this time.
Sitting here sipping coffee, waiting for a break in the rain.
The natives(neighbors) are still restless.
The law has been down here already this morning and it's only 0913 hours.
Matter of fact they woke me up.
Seems in my neighborhood if you're not outside gawking to the commotions going on.
The neighbors have the police department do a wellness check on you.
Go figure.
Well, been in the garage tinkering for a bit.
Just can't get motivated.
Maybe because I haven't felt or seen sunshine in 2 weeks at least.
Raining , black clouds , today again.
Strong storms , tornado warning for later today and tonight.

Day 8 for us. Isolation.

May get in car and drive thru town , just to see what's happening.

If the weather would just clear up.

Oh well , if y'all need any thing.... Never mind.

Already walked this morning and talked to someone (outside) at local hardware store about sweet potato starts. Now, they have my number and should call me and if not, I will stop and look tomorrow.

Today, am making elderberry juice concentrate-- just add water and sweetener. Already have syrup and don't really want the sugar. Also making s/f pudding and hang the curtains in shed. Short day for me!
Went to the store on my way to work this AM. The only thing on my list that they didn't have was organic tortilla shells. I have to go to the bank and tire shop here in a few for work and will swing into a different store to see if they have any. We don't do many tortilla shells so when I get them, they are O. There were some empty or sparse shelves, but for the most part still plenty of food. They said they have another truck coming in tomorrow.
Hey Sentry18 can you pull some strings here and arrest him and send him to a remote tropical island

@Sentry18 can not interfere with my duties! I have a get out of jail free card!

In the words of my Father, the retired state trooper, "These roads belong to the people of this beloved state. People who have entrusted me to regulate them in accordance with state laws and the principles of public safety adopted by this agency. And with all due diligence I WILL regulate them and ALL who travel on them in furtherance of that trust." :cool:

I am convinced that 90% of his authority was contained within his hat.

At Denver airport there is a statue of a horse at the entrance. The horse is raring up and looks angry. It has weird veins popping out of it's skin and is strangely anatomically correct, right down to having a detailed anus. At night it's eyes glow red. The kicker is, it fell on its Creator and killed him before it was installed...it's just weird. That goes along with the weird Nazi artwork they had in the airport for a while...

My guess is that it would be a Denver Bronco. JMHO. Very strange that it fell on the guy who made it.

My banishment to home continues. At least it has been quiet. When you work in an office you just have no idea how many things you have at your fingertips that you rely on to do the job. When you have to work some place else you are lost. I have not been out of the house, other than to get the mail, for several days. I have spoken with my sister in Southern Arizona, and the crowds are getting worse there. I have not seen it here.

LadyL: I am right with you. I don't suffer fools well. I don't want to hurt anybody. I'm just saying remove all the warning labels, and let Nature take its course. Hard to deal with all the morons, and you can't fix stupid.
The new HVAC system is going in today. No gas, the doors are wide open.
Cleaning and prepping the raised beds for planting in a couple weeks.
I spent a hour burning weeds that have started to grow, AGAIN! Every year I use multiple weed killer formulas and they act like I fertilized them. I am about ready to open up my chemistry lab and deal with them om MY terms.
I have some brass that is cleaned and ready for prep so I will do that next.
Played in my garage for several hours.

Our 2 cats came back home , after going on vacation for 3 days.

Storms and tornadoes coming tonight, so I may have to stay up late.

Finished 8 days confinement.

Great grilled ribs , baked potatoes, and corn for lunch.

Pulled a frozen , homemade Elvis Presley cake outta the freezer to thaw.

Family keeps calling to see if we are ok, and need anything.


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