What's everybody doing today?

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In the words of my Father, the retired state trooper, "These roads belong to the people of this beloved state. People who have entrusted me to regulate them in accordance with state laws and the principles of public safety adopted by this agency. And with all due diligence I WILL regulate them and ALL who travel on them in furtherance of that trust." :cool:

I am convinced that 90% of his authority was contained within his hat.

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Got to thinking about this. Please know it was in good humor. I know you take your job seriously and I thank you for that- wish more did. I know I couldn’t do it. Via msg. not sure how some things are taken.
Went to Dad's farm to ready the house for their return from snowbirding. They're coming back two weeks early just in case of travel restrictions. I cleaned some and went to town for some kitchen staples. While at Walmart the TP truck came in and I got them a great big pack of Charmin. Also got them milk, bread, meat, etc. Hopefully they won't need to go out for a while after they return. They're in their 80s and have health problems so I want them to stay put. I, or my brothers, will shop for them...
Travel restrictions coming down right and left… Of course something has happened that forced me to go to the big or the little town 4 of the last 5 days…

Today a lady called from the farmers co-op in the big town. Tuesday, I had asked her to call me if she got in lemon balm plants. So, it was off to the big town for plants. I also got a few groceries for my mom. She usually shops on Friday. At 84 she definitely doesn’t need to go to town.

Yesterday I called dad at the nursing home about the garden, twice today. I asked questions I knew the answer to but was trying to stimulate his mind, get him involved in planting the garden remotely.

The second time I called I got a shock. He said someone came to his room this morning with a portable x-ray machine for x-rays. He said after lunch a nurse stopped by and told him he has pneumonia.

I called the ex-family member/nurse. She confirmed it. The nursing home had stopped his breathing treatments week before last. The one that prevents pneumonia in bed ridden patients. The last day I was allowed in the building (last week) I expressed concern to a nurse for the way he sounded when he coughed…

Great, he’s stuck in an old person petri dish with substandard care... now has pneumonia as a virus ravages the nation killing old people. Can this situation get any worse? Yes, it did! It was going to take a total of 11 hours for his antibiotic for the pneumonia to arrive sometime tonight.

Other than this he sounded good! His spirit was upbeat… Talk about feeling helpless…gaah
Great, he’s stuck in an old person petri dish with substandard care... now has pneumonia as a virus ravages the nation killing old people. Can this situation get any worse? Yes, it did! It was going to take a total of 11 hours for his antibiotic for the pneumonia to arrive sometime tonight Other than this he sounded good.His spirit was upbeat… Talk about feeling helpless…gaah
Sorry to hear that Peanut, We will add him to our prayers.
Travel restrictions coming down right and left… Of course something has happened that forced me to go to the big or the little town 4 of the last 5 days…

Today a lady called from the farmers co-op in the big town. Tuesday, I had asked her to call me if she got in lemon balm plants. So, it was off to the big town for plants. I also got a few groceries for my mom. She usually shops on Friday. At 84 she definitely doesn’t need to go to town.

Yesterday I called dad at the nursing home about the garden, twice today. I asked questions I knew the answer to but was trying to stimulate his mind, get him involved in planting the garden remotely.

The second time I called I got a shock. He said someone came to his room this morning with a portable x-ray machine for x-rays. He said after lunch a nurse stopped by and told him he has pneumonia.

I called the ex-family member/nurse. She confirmed it. The nursing home had stopped his breathing treatments week before last. The one that prevents pneumonia in bed ridden patients. The last day I was allowed in the building (last week) I expressed concern to a nurse for the way he sounded when he coughed…

Great, he’s stuck in an old person petri dish with substandard care... now has pneumonia as a virus ravages the nation killing old people. Can this situation get any worse? Yes, it did! It was going to take a total of 11 hours for his antibiotic for the pneumonia to arrive sometime tonight.

Other than this he sounded good! His spirit was upbeat… Talk about feeling helpless…gaah

Peanut thats terrible about your dad hope something good happens and real soon.:huggs:
Thanks to my uncle I found out my step mother is in the hospital. Her appendix ruptured almost 2 weeks ago. She was in the hospital for a week due to a fever after the surgery. She was home for 1 1/2 days and was taken back because of extreme pain. They found that she had air under her skin all across her abdomen and up her left side and an infection. Yesterday I got another text from my uncle that said she had gone into a coma Sat but that her eyes were now open but she is still unresponsive. Today she was having another "procedure" for????
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers since this all started last November. My parents need them and I greatly appreciate it.

Me, I always land on my feet, the glass is always half full. Still my frustrations boil over time to time, thanks for listening and tolerating my rants! Guess I should have put the above in the rant thread... :oops:
@Peanut it didn't seem like a rant. I don't look in the rant thread much. This right here is where we say what's up. Adding your father and you to my prayers too. Hoping he gets the best care. At least you have a friend there who can be a spy for you. That's great he felt like talking about the garden stuff.
@Terri9630 that sounds awful about your step-mother. Glad you got your son moved.
@dademoss glad to hear your cat is still a cat and chickens are laying eggs.
@Spikedriver That's good they're coming home. I love to hear of y'all helping your parents in their times of need and because it's just what we do. I miss my mom and dad when I read what you guys are doing. They've been gone long time.
Things are weird, and getting weirder.

@Amish Heart that's cool you can sell your eggs. Maybe it helps pay for the feed.

I worked a half day today. Don't know if I'll be able to go back next week or not. I guess we'll get through this part. Lots of crazy idiots out there. Everybody, be careful, stay safe.
Peanut, I'm very sorry to hear that about your dad. I hope he'll pull through. Sounds like the nursing facility dropped the ball. That's why I don't like places like that. I mean, there are some good ones where they do care, but there are also some lousy ones. Sometimes there are a few good employees there while the place in general sucks. When a friend of mine was dying, there was a good nurse who came by and was telling him he needed to pull through so he could argue with her some more. He couldn't open his eyes, but he chuckled and squeezed her hand.

You can freeze milk. It lasts quite a while.
Ah. I didn't realize that. My school used to give us frozen milk & it was horrible. Fat separated from the water & it wouldn't go back together properly. Didn't help that they served it without defrosting it first. But then, that school also gave kids food poisoning on more than one occasion so it isn't the best thing to base quality on. LOL.

I was exhausted & achy so I slept all day. My mother paged me briefly to gripe about the bandwidth usage- we are 1/3 through the limit & it hasn't even been a full week in to the billing cycle. I hadn't used the internet all day so it had to have been my brother. He's watching videos, voice-chatting, video-chatting, & playing online games while still refusing to lift a finger around the house to help clean. He found where I hid a case of chicken noodle soup & ate almost the entire case. He's gone through almost 2 full cases of it now & left the cans all over the floor. I filled up 2 trash bags, emptied all the trash cans in the kitchen, and halfway filled up another trash bag (and we're talking contractor trash bags, not kitchen trash bags) with junk. There's still more to clean but my back gave out on me. Mom has been on him for the past month to take trash out & he won't do it. Full bags are piled up in the front room & he won't haul them out. I get winded trying to haul stuff like that so he's supposed to do it (he's actually supposed to empty the trash cans as soon as they get full & clean up any trash that falls on the floor but he's so entitled & spoiled he won't even do that). Next time he asks for a favor I'm responding the way he does to me when I ask him to help me take trash out or ask him to rinse his dishes when he's done with them.

I'm slightly cranky from having to clean up after him when he isn't doing anything since he's home until his work starts back up again. He has no excuse not to clean up.

My cat is still missing but all others are accounted for.
Not selling eggs, Patchouli. Can't have people coming up to us. We have 35 cases of the virus here. Husband has one working lung and other medical problems. Just putting the word out to neighbors and those I know to text me and I'll put what they need on the bench outside to give away. I have not been to the stores in awhile, but heard they were out. Good cheap source of protein, normally. Eggs and beans are great if people don't have access to meat. The kids had some canned (or jarred, really) German hotdogs for lunch yesterday. They thought they tasted like Vienna sausages, only looked like hotdogs. Not a favorite, ha. I think we'll be starting our squash seedlings today.
Made an early morning run to Lowes for mulch,garden soil and potting mix. Was home by 7:30. No vegetable seedlings only flowers

Let me tell you traffic wasn't as bad as when school is in session but there was a good bit of traffic. People going to work. All restaurants are take out only / or drive through. Bars are closed

Already have the bags unloaded and on a skid
Made our breakfast
Have some dishes to do up
And I have some more cleaning up to do in the raised containers
Once thats done I need a shower

Can't go to the local diner for breakfast tomorrow but I do want to go to walmart as soon as they open at 7am. We'll see if we make it lol

Just plan on watching some streaming tv programs today
Make supper

One great thing we paid off the new zero turn mower. Did it 1 & 1/2 years instead of 4.
Now we'll make double payments on hubby's new truck and knock that debt out and that it'll be it ( for now I suppose lol)
So far here its nice and cool, but today will break another heat record so enjoying it while it last.Got another 5 hours sleep about 5th night in past 5 weeks. No panic attack last night!:peace:
Go up talked on phone, vaccumed the house and getting ready to mop.Hubby watered the garden,let hens out and fed dogs.

trying to find some kind of peace in this new age and praying for all.

Just sipping coffee, reading forums.
Not planning on going anywhere unless my dad needs something.
Youngest sister's job shut down for at least 3 weeks.
She's an interpreter for the deaf.
So she's spring cleaning like a crazy person.
She's wretched her knee.
So I gave her Jim's advice: elevate and ice.
She's going to the paint store and pick out new paint for the whole house.
So today she's cleaning baseboards, trim, taping off everything to get ready for painting.
She's dreaming of putting a "Granny" house on her extra lot.
And I'm wondering who she thinks is going to live in the said "Granny flat".
And a garden, orchard.
I was wondering where she's getting her help as if I don't know.
Just reading forums, crocheting on Christmas blanket for the grand daughter.
Still need to use up more of scraggly balls of yarn out of her yarn basket.
So will probably make her baby doll a blanket too.
This way maybe I can have my tea towels back.
She tells me her "baby" is cold, so the tea towel hanging on the stove comes off.
Goes around her "baby". And this girl has lots of babies.
Bug Out Bags-- Probably won't use them but you know the old expression. Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them!
Thank you for the information.
I'm beginning to think there isn't enough coffee to deal with the natives(neighbors) this week.
Let alone sleep.
It is 25 degrees with 2 inches of snow on the ground in the last 24 hours. Glad I got some yard work done ahead of this, but have plenty more to do when this is over and it warms up.
@zannej , I couldn't live life with that kind of situation with your brother and his selfish ways. I have too many years attending ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics, studying and reading about dysfunction. I actually do not see nor talk to a few dysfunctional family members because they think it is okay to mistreat others and that includes me. It is not, imho. I would rather be a hermit in the woods all by myself, but that is me.
Thank you for the information.
I'm beginning to think there isn't enough coffee to deal with the natives(neighbors) this week.
Let alone sleep.
Is this situation in your building or down the street a door or two? While having a bunch of LEOs show up signals a problem, it is good that they have and will show up if things are not good. The expected thing in this lock down and all stressful situations is that domestic violence will escalate, and that includes spouses, male and female and children. Children as well may become violent and abusive. Add alcohol and other addictive substances and that fuels it. People have problems that they haven't dealt with and these become extreme in tough times. Things only seem to escalate and the selfish get more demanding and self centered.

I hope you are able to be safe with whatever is going on with your neighbors. If they are on the other side of a wall, it is best to move over a room, if possible.

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