What's everybody doing today?

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Got a very sad call from my cousin this morning. A neighboring farm to their north has a lady who got back from Israel recently. She was sick and went to the clinic. They tested her and she is positive. The farm neighbor to my cousin's south is the farm of the grandchildren. They visited grandma when she got home from Israel and they are now sick. So now my Amish cousins are sandwiched in between two sick farms.
So sad and scary!
I swear our two oldest kids think of our house as a general store.
I would say they are right. :)

This is what I did today. I needed a place to store all my cordless drivers with a charging station.jpgcharging station.
My wife said she thought I had more than enough drills.
That's just crazy talk. Next she'll say I have enough guns and ammo.
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We are home safe and sound from DH's Friday back operation .

DH is reporting less pain in his lower back and legs already from the operation so it appears to have been a success. The thing that killed me was waiting around for 5 hours for them to ring me to come and see him in the recovery room and of course I was worried too. They no longer let people wait in the waiting room for anyone who is being operated on. I just did a bit of shopping and waited around in a shady quiet shopping centre car park and read.

Yesterday we did a bit of a tidy up and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away. DH also got a load of washing on and hung it on the clothes line and in the evening he put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine.

I watered the potted fruit trees and vegetable gardens and cooked dinner which was sausages, peas and corn cobs.

We woke up late this morning and so far relaxing in our lounge chairs with our hot chocolates and reading.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes and as DH said you can never have enough prayers :) . DH was in a really good head space going into the operation which is what I was concentrating on with him.
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I would say they are right. :)

This is what I did today. I needed a place to store all my cordless drivers with a View attachment 37693charging station.
My wife said she thought I had more than enough drills.
That's just crazy talk. Next she'll say I have enough guns and ammo.
That's what you get for being organized, my DW is scared to go into the workshop, there could be an avalanche :p
Sewing, glad to see the good report on you hubby. Prayers answered for sure.
Amish, hate to hear about the cases surround your cousion. That has to have them all kinds of worked up.

We had 2.12" of rain last night. So not able to do much outside. I did put more 100% fuel in the truck today and refilled 40 gallons of 100% treated. Only have 10 gallons more to rotate. Mixed some soil, peatmoss, and compost and filled some pots. Got all of my lettuce and spinach planted and watered. Organized a little in the shop as well. Still got a ton to go out there.
he thing that killed me was waiting around for 5 hours for them to ring me to come and see him in the recovery room and of course I was worried too. They no longer let people wait in the waiting room for anyone who is being operated on. I just did a bit of shopping and waited around in a shady quiet shopping centre car park and read.

Glad he is doing good! I got to drop my wife off Monday morning at the the hospital entrance for her surgery, and then pick her up at the door like a drive through hamburger the next day. Absolutely no visitors unless it's an "end of life" thing.
@dademoss yes they told me I couldn't wait there as others were coming in with compromised immune systems. It is because of this virus and they want to make sure the minimum amount of people are in there to spread infections I think. Thank you :) .

I was allowed in the recovery room though and they were disinfecting everything in site every couple of minutes and I have never seen so many spray hand sanitisers around everywhere as well as boxes of tissues.
@dademoss yes they told me I couldn't wait there as others were coming in with compromised immune systems. It is because of this virus and they want to make sure the minimum amount of people are in there to spread infections I think. Thank you :) .

I was allowed in the recovery room though and they were disinfecting everything in site every couple of minutes and I have never seen so many spray hand sanitisers around everywhere as well as boxes of tissues.
Her follow up was yesterday, I got to sit in the garage and read while she went to the office. Strange times, thats for sure.
@dademoss it had never occurred to me that this would happen but I suppose it makes sense in a way to minimise exposure to everyone.

I have learnt there is always a shady area in which to park your car if you really look. Also if you are sensible you will pick the quietest car park too.
I drop her off and find a nice spot, she texts me on on the way out and I sit at the door :)
Tomorrow we have church, but they are splitting the congregation into 3 groups with 3 services. They will sanitize between services, have moved out every other row of chairs, and pushed apart the rows that still exist. They are also asking anyone at risk, the elderly, the pregnant, and anyone who has recently been ill or traveled out of state to stay home and watch the live stream. We are having communion in pre-packaged communion servings which will be sitting on our seats when we arrive. I joked with my wife that I am betting there are either no greeters or they are going to be offering a salute instead of a handshake. We are one of only 3 churches in our community that are still holding services.

So our assigned church service was the first of the morning. There were 15 people there not including the three Pastors, and 7 of those people live in my house. That is of course a huge reduction in our normal attendance. On the other side of things we had the largest living streaming audience in church history. The second service was not much larger and I am not sure about the third. I wonder if they will even hold services next Sunday.

In other news we no longer have a Nanny. She tendered her resignation Wednesday and moved back in with her parents (who live out of state) yesterday. With the university closed down and her graduation cancelled, she decided she might as well just go home. We don't blame her. With our kids getting older she was really more of a convenience than a necessity. We are still talking about it, but I don't think we will replace her. Which will save us a fair amount of money every months as good Nanny's are not cheap.

I was also notified that one of our dispatchers was hospitalized this morning with a fever, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. He is 25 years old and could be described as "anxious" and a little "flighty", so no one (other than him) is really worried that it's actually COVID-19. Including the ER doctors. But they are testing him and putting him in at home quarantine just the same. It also meant we had to call in a cleaning crew to disinfect the entire comms area, their kitchen, their locker room, their restrooms, etc. I am more concerned that now everyone in that division who gets a sniffle is going to think they have coronavirus.

We are definitely living in strange times.
Dishes are done.
Ate lunch.
Trash is out.
Strawberry has been out required amount of times this morning.
And she didn't want to because it was raining again.
She hates to get her feet wet.
Go figure.
Refrig is cleaned out.
It will be scrubbed out too.
Been working on Cross stitched Sampler quilt top for Christmas this year.
Strawberry is sleeping on my lap and sprawled out in the recliner.
No TV, radio on listening to the silence.
The natives(neighbors) have finally calmed down somewhat.
Will fix something with oven fried chicken leftovers for supper.
Exuming things thats better left alone! falling off the political wagon already got a headache from it.

About to get up and get busy because frankly I don't think the world is listening to anthing I say about fixing its problem!:D

So our assigned church service was the first of the morning. There were 15 people there not including the three Pastors, and 7 of those people live in my house. That is of course a huge reduction in our normal attendance. On the other side of things we had the largest living streaming audience in church history. The second service was not much larger and I am not sure about the third. I wonder if they will even hold services next Sunday.

In other news we no longer have a Nanny. She tendered her resignation Wednesday and moved back in with her parents (who live out of state) yesterday. With the university closed down and her graduation cancelled, she decided she might as well just go home. We don't blame her. With our kids getting older she was really more of a convenience than a necessity. We are still talking about it, but I don't think we will replace her. Which will save us a fair amount of money every months as good Nanny's are not cheap.

I was also notified that one of our dispatchers was hospitalized this morning with a fever, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. He is 25 years old and could be described as "anxious" and a little "flighty", so no one (other than him) is really worried that it's actually COVID-19. Including the ER doctors. But they are testing him and putting him in at home quarantine just the same. It also meant we had to call in a cleaning crew to disinfect the entire comms area, their kitchen, their locker room, their restrooms, etc. I am more concerned that now everyone in that division who gets a sniffle is going to think they have coronavirus.

We are definitely living in strange times.

You should have seen the ERs here over 5 weeks ago,no beds because everyone with the flu thought it was Covd19. Not even a stretcher or gurney, left us in ER waiting room for 15 hours [ goof thing it was onlty ' the heart:rolleyes:.
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He is 25 years old and could be described as "anxious" and a little "flighty", so no one (other than him) is really worried that it's actually COVID-19. Including the ER doctors. But they are testing him and putting him in at home quarantine just the same.

They need to. We had a 31 yr old otherwise healthy male here that that endured a week to 10 days of "the unknown", as in didn't know if he would live or perish. His main issue was respiratory.
My teenage son just called me. Said he want to Harbor Freight and there were 6 people in the store; 5 employees and him. Then he want out to lunch at an Applebees and said there was only one other table with people sitting there and only a few employees working. And that was at 12:45pm. He said it was great but also weird not having any people around. So he decided to give up and just come home for a few days.
My teenage son just called me. Said he want to Harbor Freight and there were 6 people in the store; 5 employees and him. Then he want out to lunch at an Applebees and said there was only one other table with people sitting there and only a few employees working. And that was at 12:45pm. He said it was great but also weird not having any people around. So he decided to give up and just come home for a few days.

I was relieved when our oldest came home. The city she was living in is full of liberals with a large helping of pot/meth users. 3 days without toilet paper and bread and they were having a big increase in home/store/parking lot robberies.
They haven't closed eateries in your area?

Nope. Some places have closed by choice, some places have gone to take out only, other places are business as usual. Some fast food places are only doing drive through, but not all of them. One of the local restaurant owners said on the news that he will shut down when Walmart shuts down, but not a minute sooner. His employees want to work because they have bills to pay.

I was relieved when our oldest came home. The city she was living in is full of liberals with a large helping of pot/meth users. 3 days without toilet paper and bread and they were having a big increase in home/store/parking lot robberies.

My oldest daughter lives 15 miles West of me and my oldest son lives 40 miles North, both in very conservative places with populations below 30,000. Still makes me feel better when they are home.
Just worked around outside this afternoon. Mowed the yard cause it's supposed to rain for the next 3 day and be in the 70's. Grass was already so high I would have to bush hog the yard by next weekend. Ended up getting the tractor stuck (Small Kubota) in the mud, it rain 2.25" Friday night and I hit a soft spot. Even 4 wheel drive would't help. Had to get the bigger Duetz and hooked a chain to it to drag it out. Finally got thru mowing and cleaned up.

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