It's a green kind of day! The kids will be making green sugar cookies!
My girls made cookies yesterday but not green. I bet they didn't even think of that.
It's a green kind of day! The kids will be making green sugar cookies!
Good day today,
Went to VA clinic .
Had some eggs , sausage, hash browns.
Filled firebox ..still cold .
Talked to y'all.
Now I lay me down to sleep, and pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
I will visit with you tomorrow , Lord willing.
Good night folks.
I would love more info on this Tincture. Do you have to dig up the poke root now? Just making sure, poke root is the weed that grows the purple berries, correct?
I am in the second day of my confinement. We have been forced to work from home. I hate it... I will do my best not to go Postal. I am saying a lot of prayers to St Jude to keep sane.
Top o' the mornin' to ya
First I should apologize for being grumpy yesterday. I realized my tolerance for stupidity needs working on. I had chatted w/ Snappy a bit as I'd never canned spuds and don't have a good place for storing them. Stopped into the store to grab a bag of spuds and found empty shelves etc. Some days I should not be allowed to be released in public. I didn't bite anybody, but probably could have. (Our gov. didn't help matters.) People were buying huge volumes of food. I sat and worked through some grumpy thoughts this morning and came to a conclusion that helped my mood tremendously. Since gov. shut down restaurants in the state, people have to cook for themselves and probably had no food in their homes. (That's sooo weird to me.) Anyhoo, aside from the political agenda that I had to release my brain from, I came to the conclusion that maybe this will have a positive affect bringing the pendulum back towards center a bit. It's lovely to see a sky without contrails. Home should be one's center and this is forcing folks to recognize their home. Maybe it's a wake up call to a good many folks, and I just need to let them figure it out. I did find some spuds this morning as they were restocking in a different store - not organic, but at least a few spuds. It will be well.
Planned on making a quick recon trip into town today. Wife says she wants to go with me so I suspect a quick recon will turn into a half day shopping experience.
I was going to hit Walmart to pick up another RX and some more cheese (brother has been devouring it like there's no tomorrow) but I'm nauseous & having some stomach issues so I'm staying put. Brother went to his meeting this morning & hasn't returned yet. I assume they are clearing out all the perishable stuff from the kitchens. He was pretty mad about having to come in on his day off & he thinks they are going to make him go to work the rest of the week to do stuff bc they don't want to let people stay home, but who knows. The casino is officially closed, but that doesn't mean the employees actually get to stay home. In some ways it will be nice if he's not here eating all the food and making messes for me to clean up.
I went outside to look for my missing cat but still no sign of him & it started to rain within minutes.
Got the potatoes canned yesterday. A 5# bag made 5 quarts and a pint.
Helped an older lady with some organizing this morning and brought her some dog food for her strays. Dry, not the home canned food. Will be cutting up my old potatoes for starts tomorrow and leaving them until the fellow comes to till up the plot. I have a sprouted onion to plant and maybe start a few seeds. Should be a relaxing home day. I will walk since we are not quarantined yet and I don't get close to anyone early in the morning.
Snap we didn'y get any potato starts this year. Sounds like your ready for the summer and spring though.![]()
I'm at Denver Psycho international airport now. Drove past the Satan Horse statue on the way in. Now I'm drinking some $5 bottled water and waiting to board the plane so I can get coronavirus from the air system...![]()
I'm over flying. It's too much aggravation. I actually like the flights, I just hate airports.Spike you and my son have the kind of jobs mothers don't like!
Take care and be safe .My son is always or was till this past week and he refused to fly national this time. I talked to him this morning and he was driving 14 hr trip and I said glad Trump stopped flights he said " I knew you'd be happy about that".
I'm at Denver Psycho international airport now.
I'm over flying. It's too much aggravation. I'm just done with airports and hotels and crappy restaurant food and spending all night driving to God only knows where. It's time for a change...