What's everybody doing today?

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I am going to spend half my shift in my office and the other half out on patrol. Want people to see us out in mass. So I will probably need to park my unmarked and climb into a patrol car, which also means I will have to ditch my polo shirt for a pressed uniform. I wonder if the boss will let me just put on my tactical loadout? This is after all a national emergency right?
Schools are closed here for at least the next two weeks.
Spring break has sprung a week early because of this.
So many parents caught unaware.
Haven't seen a single soul drive by my place this morning.
Oh, yes, I did about an hour ago.
When lady came in black flex something to pick up neighbor to take her to pain management class.
This lady was garbed head to toe in what looked like paper suit(like bee keepers wear), safety glasses, mask, rubber gloves etc.
She was using wet wipes on anything the neighbor touched.
And the neighbor was touching a lot.
But she's weird like that.
Strawberry and I are kicked back doing nothing.
Waiting to hear if Strawberry will be going back to Service Dog/ Seizure Dog school.
If she does, she won't be returning to me.
She will getting a new Human.
The fall I had last Tuesday was my third in several months.
My primary care doctor decided that was one fall too many.
So I too will be getting a new Service/Seizure dog.
One that isn't so hyper,anxiety prone, and one that can't knock me over easily.
One that is more laid back, easy going, small.
Schools are closed here for at least the next two weeks.
Spring break has sprung a week early because of this.
So many parents caught unaware.
Haven't seen a single soul drive by my place this morning.
Oh, yes, I did about an hour ago.
When lady came in black flex something to pick up neighbor to take her to pain management class.
This lady was garbed head to toe in what looked like paper suit(like bee keepers wear), safety glasses, mask, rubber gloves etc.
She was using wet wipes on anything the neighbor touched.
And the neighbor was touching a lot.
But she's weird like that.
Strawberry and I are kicked back doing nothing.
Waiting to hear if Strawberry will be going back to Service Dog/ Seizure Dog school.
If she does, she won't be returning to me.
She will getting a new Human.
The fall I had last Tuesday was my third in several months.
My primary care doctor decided that was one fall too many.
So I too will be getting a new Service/Seizure dog.
One that isn't so hyper,anxiety prone, and one that can't knock me over easily.
One that is more laid back, easy going, small.

MoBook I had no idea you were falling and having seizurs. :huggs: Don't know how I missed that post. I knew you had fallen and hurt your ribs but didn't think it wws serious.
Well, I went to big town today, against my wishes, be to the VA clinic lab for lab work.
They told me I shouldn't have gone, I must have missed their call not to come.

They drew blood, peed in cup.

It was eery , not any traffic, no people anywhere , wierd.
Stopped by bank, stopped by post office, topped off car gas.
If I can help it, I'm not getting out again .

I got doctor appt Friday, they told me we will be doing Q &A over phone , no visits.

Wood box is full .freezer is full, fridge is full, pantry is full..

MoBook I had no idea you were falling and having seizurs. :huggs: Don't know how I missed that post. I knew you had fallen and hurt your ribs but didn't think it wws serious.
That's what Strawberry is my Service/ Seizure Dog.
But when she starts knocking me over, or making me fall then she becomes part of the problem.
Then she not doing what was trained for to help me calm down during seizures.
I have been having seizures since 2009.
Most people thinks she's a pet, but she's supposed to a working Service Dog.
But lately she hasn't been helping me, she's been the main reason for the falls.
So my Primary Care Doctor has decided she has become part of the problem, hence why she will go back to school.
If she doesn't go back to school, she will still be removed from my home regardless.
But she won't be coming back to me, she will get a new human.
One that is more agile,younger.
Not someone who just had her second knee replaced.
I'm not a young person,not as active as I was once.
I'm still active, but not like I was when I got her 5 years ago.
My physical activities have changed.
You didn't know it was serious, because I didn't go into great details.
That's what Strawberry is my Service/ Seizure Dog.
But when she starts knocking me over, or making me fall then she becomes part of the problem.
Then she not doing what was trained for to help me calm down during seizures.
I have been having seizures since 2009.
Most people thinks she's a pet, but she's supposed to a working Service Dog.
But lately she hasn't been helping me, she's been the main reason for the falls.
So my Primary Care Doctor has decided she has become part of the problem, hence why she will go back to school.
If she doesn't go back to school, she will still be removed from my home regardless.
But she won't be coming back to me, she will get a new human.
One that is more agile,younger.
Not someone who just had her second knee replaced.
I'm not a young person,not as active as I was once.
I'm still active, but not like I was when I got her 5 years ago.
My physical activities have changed.
You didn't know it was serious, because I didn't go into great details.
That can't be easy Mo. Wishing you the best for both of you in whatever comes to pass.
I know you love Strawberry, Mo, but hope you get one that helps you.
Granddaughter and I gloved up and did the last errands. Bought new gas cans, stabil, new propane containers. We'll have son fill all that up tomorrow, then get the generators maintained. New sparkplugs, their last two at the store. Then went to get a bunch more chicken food, whole oats for growing, whole sunflower for sprouting, and more dogfood. Then went to the restaurant supply store, but best secret. But not anymore. Ha. I wanted hamburger for the freezer. They had 7 boxes left of 6 each 10# logs. So 60 lbs. Wouldn't split them up, so we got a box. Been busy repackaging them this afternoon. Found a box of multifold paper towels and some shop towels. Found a case of tomatoes and onions. Came home with stuff. 100 # of flour, 50 of wheat flour. They were out of rice, but we're good. Bumped into the real estate agent (he's LDS) that sold our school for us. That was funny. I know he is stocked, he knows we are, too. But he said he heard there was food there. Saw him loading up a few cases of coke. Ha.
I know you love Strawberry, Mo, but hope you get one that helps you.
Granddaughter and I gloved up and did the last errands. Bought new gas cans, stabil, new propane containers. We'll have son fill all that up tomorrow, then get the generators maintained. New sparkplugs, their last two at the store. Then went to get a bunch more chicken food, whole oats for growing, whole sunflower for sprouting, and more dogfood. Then went to the restaurant supply store, but best secret. But not anymore. Ha. I wanted hamburger for the freezer. They had 7 boxes left of 6 each 10# logs. So 60 lbs. Wouldn't split them up, so we got a box. Been busy repackaging them this afternoon. Found a box of multifold paper towels and some shop towels. Found a case of tomatoes and onions. Came home with stuff. 100 # of flour, 50 of wheat flour. They were out of rice, but we're good. Bumped into the real estate agent (he's LDS) that sold our school for us. That was funny. I know he is stocked, he knows we are, too. But he said he heard there was food there. Saw him loading up a few cases of coke. Ha.
Thank you Amish Heart.
Well I was going to go into the small town I live near and hit the grocery store for the sale items but really I don't need anything so I'm staying home ( like I always do lol)

Just going to do some laundry, work on cleaning up another raised bed today once it warms up slightly. Burned off the dried weeds in the one bed yesterday ( left it go fallow for a couple of years)

Maybe watch something on live streaming tv this afternoon ( not sure if I will), or might just read

I know the feeling XWDragonL. not sure what to do alrgough there is things I could do.

I did manage to ride bike a few with hubby and do a little housework.
Found out before I left work I have been approved to start working from home. Gonna gather up everything I need tomorrow and start that Wednesday. I am happy about that. Don't have to get out unless we want to, save 1.5 -2 hours per day drive time. And save money on fuel, wear and tear on the truck. I epxect most everyone else will be shutting down later this week. Divsion Dierctor let me start early since I've had so much trouble with my lungs and still on meds for it.

Stopped by Rural king on my way home. Store was not very busy. Picked up a bunch of garden plants, some hardware to build some raised beds, canning supplies, and found a Ammo can of 5.56 on sale, already loaded on stripper clips. 0.38 cents a round. Best price I've seen recently and the can looked lonely. It was the last one on the shelf. I had to take it home.
Good day today,
Went to VA clinic .
Had some eggs , sausage, hash browns.
Filled firebox ..still cold .

Talked to y'all.

Now I lay me down to sleep, and pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.:)

I will visit with you tomorrow , Lord willing.

Good night folks.

Is the delivery date normal? Or is it extended perhaps because of the current panic?
The kit I ordered had a normal delivery date. Whether it actually shows up then is a different matter. I did order a spare inverter and that had an extended delivery date.
I might wait a bit before putting the thing up anyway. I ordered now because who knows what the future will bring.
I did something today I’ve needed to do since the spring of 2017. I dug up a big ole poke sallet root to make some tincture. It was a nice one, all cleaned up and trimmed it weighed just under 10lbs. It should make about a quart and a half of tincture. Poke is one of the 4 most powerful antivirals I have but I’m running out of it. I have enough for family to get us through this covid19 but that’s it. I’ve already gotten a few calls from other folks wanting poke, so I guess it’s time.

Other than that it was quiet day until a few minutes ago. I forgot to shut the chickens up in their roost. I had to catch 3 of them using my head lamp… I was worried the rooster was going to get me with one of his spurs but I lucked out. I need to trim them.

Oh… I intend to photo the whole tincture making process and post it. It’ll take me a few days to process the root and edit the photo’s… here is a teaser!

Poke Harvest (8) sm.JPG
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Found out my daughter's school is closed until April 13th. I'm kind of hoping they shut work down, and I can spend some extra time with her. But, the shareholders come before safety. I'm actually not that worried about the virus myself, but I don't want to transmit it to her and then have her take it back to her mom and grandparents, who are all at elevated risk.

I fly home tomorrow night. I'll be leaving my car in Denver. I keep a stash of TP in the car for "emergencies" when I'm traveling cross country. Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit it in my backpack for the flight home...:LOL:
Mo, I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to keep Strawberry. We've never had a service animal, but my brother brought home a very hyper dog who was constantly knocking down the other older dogs & knocked me down a few times, so I know it's not fun. My brother refused to take any responsibility for the dog & didn't care that I was injured by him. Sadly, someone poisoned him. He was aggravating, but I wouldn't wish what happened to him on any living creature (ok, maybe whatever a-hole did that to him deserved that fate). Sorry to hear you have seizures & fall.

People are buying out the most idiotic things. I get people want to freeze meat & such, but why tf are people buying up all the milk? It's no good if you freeze it. My only thought is that people are planning to sell it to others for higher price or they are just *that* stupid.

All casinos in the state are officially closed for the next 2 weeks. Which means my brother is going to be here stuffing his face. He's already been eating large quantities of food he's not supposed to touch (bc its for Mom). He had 7 corn dogs at once. He even ate some of the fish fillets I got for her. I'm going to have to make more frequent trips to the store to restock on stuff. I know he'll be eating my food next. It's going to suck having to clean up after him bc he never even rinses his own damn dishes.

We went to the grocery store & he grabbed a bunch of junk food. He has a meeting in the morning at work bc the idiots who employ him thought that gathering ALL of the employees together in a room for a meeting was a good idea. At least they will be getting paid-- but my brother thinks they might still find a way to make them work even with stuff closed.

My best friend is also off work but will only be getting 70% to 80% of his paycheck & the utility companies do not give a damn about whatever problems people have. They will shut stuff down if they are even a little late so they can charge them several hundred $$ to turn stuff back on.

I'm debating whether or not to order the shower mom wants while it's still under $1k or see if it drops back to $700+ range or even $600+ range, but I suspect prices will only go up. Other option would be to find the shower pan & wall sets separately for cheaper, but a lot of parts seem to be out of stock. Got another grab bar in the mail as well as the handles for the kitchen cabinets. I guess I'll have to find time to use some Pledge wipes on the cabinets and then install the new handles.

Another one of my cats has gone missing. Only been gone a few days, but I'm worried something got him or that he was badly injured by his brothers. He normally stays inside & likes to get in to the living room, but he sprays stuff so Mom made me put him out of the room. He got into a fight with his brothers & I haven't seen him since. I hope he's OK and that he'll come home. He is a very vocal cat who loudly replies when called. I've been calling him but no response. :-(

Meanwhile, my one-eyed cat thinks I'm her bed & has been sleeping on me for the past week.
I did something today I’ve needed to do since the spring of 2017. I dug up a big ole poke sallet root to make some tincture. It was a nice one, all cleaned up and trimmed it weighed just under 10lbs. It should make about a quart and a half of tincture. Poke is one of the 4 most powerful antivirals I have but I’m running out of it. I have enough for family to get us through this covid19 but that’s it. I’ve already gotten a few calls from other folks wanting poke, so I guess it’s time.

Other than that it was quiet day until a few minutes ago. I forgot to shut the chickens up in their roost. I had to catch 3 of them using my head lamp… I was worried the rooster was going to get me with one of his spurs but I lucked out. I need to trim them.

Oh… I intend to photo the whole tincture making process and post it. It’ll take me a few days to process the root and edit the photo’s… here is a teaser!

View attachment 37282
I would love more info on this Tincture. Do you have to dig up the poke root now? Just making sure, poke root is the weed that grows the purple berries, correct?

Hubby just left for a delivery to Jersey. Thankfully we have a camp toilet in the back of the truck, so he wont have to go inside anywhere, just stop to fill up at gas stations, got plenty of gloves for that. Today is voting here, thankfully our lines usually consists of 1 or 2 people. People vote but small town.

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