What's everybody doing today?

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@Patchouli critters always seem to like me... even wild ones.

handy peeps (1) sm.JPG
handy peeps (2) sm.JPG
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Loving the little chicken nuggets! We have some due to hatch Good Friday. Our middle child was friends with a guy in High School named Dillon. There were a few Dillons, and this one had hair like you did Haertig, so he was called, "Dillon with the Hair". Our youngest daughter dated this same Dillon with the hair last year. Funny. He doesn't have hair like that any more. Getting ready to wake the twins up for their run and then schoolwork. Husband was up most of the night with hip pain. I'm sure he'll be napping most of the day. I really need to finish painting that laundry room. Mom typically calls in the afternoon and talks for an hr or more, and then I don't get started. She forgets which daughter I am and tells me the same things she said the day before. Today is daughter in Seattles 40th birthday. I do believe she will not be taking it very well. I'll call and sing to her.
Mo, Bacpacker and Patchouli,
It is 19:00 and all is well. Back 3 and Me 5. It is contained and I will be even better tomorrow.
You gotta let the pain out sometimes, examine it, identify it, and let it have a time of its own. Then you can fold it up and put it away.
The Tramadol really doesn't do much but I have a strong mind and use it as a trigger for the placebo effect. I am supposed to take it every six hours but I rarely take more than two in a day and most often don't use it at all. I can get enough effect from taking aspirin that I can go a week or more without touching the Tramadol. I have developed a very high pain threshold and a high tolerance too. That is why when I react to pain my wife wants to help. She is a fantastic woman but there is nothing that she can do but hold me if I cry. It tears her heart out so I usually go somewhere to be alone if it gets that bad. I will share that I am hurting and I don't have a problem with crying in front of her but I don't like what it does to her so it is limited. I can whine as well as any man and she notices when my eyes water but she responds very differently when I sob from the pain. So, I keep her exposure limited.

I am back to my sassy self and the pain is mostly in it's box. By tomorrow morning it will be back under control. We have been flirting since about 17:00 hours. She is feeling a lot better about it and that is most important to me.
So glad you're feeling better.
My oldest son brought me several surprises yesterday.
Seems he is concern when my "old," mauve, short,leans to one side badly recliner was safe for me or not.
So I have a new recliner with hidden compartments in the arms.
It's old but least it's safer for me when extended Strawberry jumps from love seat to the footrest of the recliner.
Old recliner and I aren't going to tumble.
I also have a pink kitchen in my dining room that belongs to his daughter.
I knew that was coming over, didn't know about the recliner.
But sure am enjoying it.
Best part it's still short enough for me to get in and out of comfortably.
And Strawberry doesn't like it, so no white dog hair maybe.
I'm making sure she stays off of it.
Water squirt bottle with little bit of dish soap does wonders.
The fragerance reminds me of horse pee, but just me I think.
Already walked and got lime at hardware store. Put out lime and fertilizer and now waiting on fellow to till garden. A lot of today will be trying to remove grass clumps from plots and making hills so I can plant tomorrow. Both will take a while!

Also need to make rice for dogs and pudding for DH. Wrote 3 eBay drafts last night since I couldn't sleep. Will probably write more today and take photos. Business is very slow so we are taking advantage of time (and a promotion) to list more.
I'm pretty much using this time to go through my defense weapons, cleaning, lubing etc, putting together a plate carrier and accessorizing it and a few other tinker projects, I just want to know everything is correctly functioning "just in case" of ..

I have another 9 days of isolation before I can go out and about, and that is only if they lift the EO that our illustrious Gov put in place, it is until April 6.

There should be general provisions in there to travel to "other" places where you can still be by yourself, or at the very least stay a fair distance away from others so as to comply with the dictate.

I want to go to the range!!!!!
I won't say what I am going today because it will make @Curmudgeon jealous. But I will say that it is nice having our own department shooting range. 🤔

Otherwise today is much like yesterday, which was a lot like Wednesday, which...

I am actually looking forward to being off tomorrow. I hate that everyone is sitting at home except me. Makes me want to be home too!
You still have all the wood from those trees you had cut down last summer don't you?

Yep, looks like you have spring knocking at the door. I used to travel between home on the gulf coast a lot... It seems like spring travels about 60 miles each day going north. That puts it your door about 10-11 days after spring gets here. Going by the trees leafing out...

Spring sm.JPG
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You still have all the wood from those trees you had cut down last summer don't you?

Yep, looks like you have spring knocking at the door. I used to travel between home on the gulf coast a lot... It seems like spring travels about 60 miles each day going north. That puts it your door about 10-11 days after spring gets here. Going by the trees leafing out...

View attachment 38180

Yes sir that's all cherry, elm, white ash , even some sasafrass.
Paid a guy $75 to drag it all out, cut it up and stack it. One big stack already moved today , not in pic .

All that in front of polebarn is red oak and black walnut. Gotta move it to woodshed. that's 7 Rick's.

Yes your ahead of me with the leaves .
Seems like the leaves are early, the blossoms didn't stay but a few days . :dunno:

Working on the toy now.
26 year old clear coat must be brought to life.
Should took before pics.

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Yes sir that's all cherry, elm, white ash , even some sasafrass.
Paid a guy $75 to drag it all out, cut it up and stack it. One big stack already moved today , not in pic .

All that in front of polebarn is red oak and black walnut. Gotta move it to woodshed. that's 7 Rick's.

Yes your ahead of me with the leaves .
Seems like the leaves are early, the blossoms didn't stay but a few days . :dunno:

Working on the toy now.
26 year old clear must be brought to life.
Should took before pics.
View attachment 38181

I can't see the car - there's too much reflection and shinieness going on 😂
I can't see the car - there's too much reflection and shinieness going on 😂
Thanks @LadyLocust , I love tinkering with it.
I'll buff a section with compound, then Polish , then a good mirror finish coating.
Takes me months.

It's my therapy. ;) :cool: :)

I should have taken pics before I started. I've already compounded the whole car , about half of done polishing.
Then I pull wheels one at a time and polish those. May paint the brake calipers also.

My tinker time.

Someone blessed me today with 125 or so ears of corn on cob.
40 pounds of potatoes,6 pounds of yellow onions,several dozen sweet potatoes, several turnips.
Which will go into dehydrator, frozen corn on cob for freezer, part of the sweet potatoes and Russet potatoes will be made into potato chips, hash browns and whatever I can think of and several trays of fruit will go into dehydrator for later usage.
Got 2-3 pounds of oranges, apples, grapes,peaches of each of these fruits.
Got cauliflower, broccoli, carrots in dehydrator now.
So will spend tonight, this weekend getting it all processed.
Cross stitching another block on a Christmas quilt, got 4 blocks just about done, then will have 2 more after this one.
Life is good.
Feeling blessed for the bounty I received today.
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Jim, we have lot of stuff in bloom, Flowering pear, Tulip tree, muscari, tulips, iris's. Today I found my blueberries are all blooming, and an apple tree. Plus the redbuds and crabapples. Everything is pretty right now. Was gonna try and work the garden today, still too wet. I hoping it may work by tomorrow evening.

Worked on my chain saw a little and the front porch this afternoon, getting it ready to paint. Seems I still have no endurance built up. I work maybe 30 minutes then have to rest about that long. Can't seem to get much done. Plumb wore out by the time I came in. I sure hope I can get past that before long.
I guess eggs are in short supply. We have them coming out of our ears, though. Even scrambling them for the dogs. Eating egg salad, deviled eggs, have a ton in the freezer. Baking with them. Eat scrambled most mornings. Son told his boss today he didn't feel comfortable working today. Too many customers, and most ignoring the spacing they're supposed to keep. He works at a plant nursery. The owner cried, they do love him. They negotiated, and he'll be coming in very early every morning with a mask and gloves on, and working before customers and other employees come in. He does most of the plant unloadings, sod work, and restock. Tons to water, too. They are short staffed as it is, but really busy. People love buying ornamental plants and trees, and grass seed. I guess that is essential.
My internet has been hit or miss since the schools closed. Found a few things out today. Hubbys sister in law tested positive and his brother (with severe asthma) is sick too. Also his BFF was told that his dept is being redeployed so his wife and son are coming up with their camper. His current assignment management are trying to keep him there (because it keeps him pretty isolated) since he was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune lung disorder.
I guess eggs are in short supply. We have them coming out of our ears, though. Even scrambling them for the dogs. Eating egg salad, deviled eggs, have a ton in the freezer. Baking with them. Eat scrambled most mornings. Son told his boss today he didn't feel comfortable working today. Too many customers, and most ignoring the spacing they're supposed to keep. He works at a plant nursery. The owner cried, they do love him. They negotiated, and he'll be coming in very early every morning with a mask and gloves on, and working before customers and other employees come in. He does most of the plant unloadings, sod work, and restock. Tons to water, too. They are short staffed as it is, but really busy. People love buying ornamental plants and trees, and grass seed. I guess that is essential.

I'm glad we picked up the 4 girls from you. 7 hens has our frig full of eggs. With 2 more people coming up we're going to need them.
I guess eggs are in short supply. We have them coming out of our ears, though. Even scrambling them for the dogs. Eating egg salad, deviled eggs, have a ton in the freezer. Baking with them. Eat scrambled most mornings. Son told his boss today he didn't feel comfortable working today. Too many customers, and most ignoring the spacing they're supposed to keep. He works at a plant nursery. The owner cried, they do love him. They negotiated, and he'll be coming in very early every morning with a mask and gloves on, and working before customers and other employees come in. He does most of the plant unloadings, sod work, and restock. Tons to water, too. They are short staffed as it is, but really busy. People love buying ornamental plants and trees, and grass seed. I guess that is essential.
And quiche for dinner? Might make several quiche and put them in the freezer.
Jim, we have lot of stuff in bloom, Flowering pear, Tulip tree, muscari, tulips, iris's. Today I found my blueberries are all blooming, and an apple tree. Plus the redbuds and crabapples. Everything is pretty right now. Was gonna try and work the garden today, still too wet. I hoping it may work by tomorrow evening.

Worked on my chain saw a little and the front porch this afternoon, getting it ready to paint. Seems I still have no endurance built up. I work maybe 30 minutes then have to rest about that long. Can't seem to get much done. Plumb wore out by the time I came in. I sure hope I can get past that before long.
I’ll be sending up another request so you should be feeling better soon👍

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