What's everybody doing today?

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Glad you had a more relaxed day, @MoBookworm1957 . And Strawberry might be ready to come in and settle down for the night.
I have processed all the corn I received Friday.
Broccoli, cauliflower,butternut squash,mushrooms have also been processed in the last few days.
Just got some more fruits, collard greens, more mushrooms left to do.
Easy day today and tomorrow, normal housework stuff.
Today I set up "Zoom" video conferencing on a tablet, a cellphone and a computer. My sister, in another state, set it up on her cellphone too. Tomorrow I'm going to get the concierge at mom's senior living facility to deliver the tablet to her. They are on complete lockdown there, and I haven't been able to see mom in three weeks. With assistance from a caregiver, mom should be able to participate in video calls with me and my sister. I hope that will brighten her mood. She's been going downhill mentally at a very rapid pace since they implemented lockdown/isolation.
Today I set up "Zoom" video conferencing on a tablet, a cellphone and a computer. My sister, in another state, set it up on her cellphone too. Tomorrow I'm going to get the concierge at mom's senior living facility to deliver the tablet to her. They are on complete lockdown there, and I haven't been able to see mom in three weeks. With assistance from a caregiver, mom should be able to participate in video calls with me and my sister. I hope that will brighten her mood. She's been going downhill mentally at a very rapid pace since they implemented lockdown/isolation.

Hope you get ot see your mother soon even if its just on screen. Sad whats going on today for us all and older seniors are no exception in some cases worse for them and loved ones.:huggs:for you and your mother and @Peanut who has a dad in isolation now too .
@Haertig I hope it cheers her up! My folks went today to see a friend and sing Happy Birthday to her through her window. She's 102 years old!
We went up the river to begin cleaning up after the flood. I mowed what could be mowed. Began pulling the debris, trees and roots away from the standing trees. Forgot the chainsaw which was probably okay since we were getting rained on. Did get some cleaned up so at least looking better. Pulling and dragging tangled roots in the rain is a workout. Came home and fixed a light meal then stitched for a while. Tomorrow is work as we are “essential.” Im whooped.
Did chores this morning, and a ton of cooking. Youngest daughter was here for dinner. We started a new 1000 piece puzzle. Went over chores with the twins; they need that every once in a while. They shortcut things that they do daily and we end up walking through things again. Today was one of those days. Lettuce and spinach have really started to take off, so we're eating a lot of salads. Husband's hip is driving him nuts, lots of ice packs today. Hope he can sleep tonight.
I made dinner last night and then went to bed. Woke up with a sore throat and lower back pain. I've been having issues with my lower back since a wreck back in 2016. I took some naproxyn & am waiting for it to take the edge off. I have a very high resistance to pain meds so it's hard to find stuff that works in a safe dosage.
Going to see if court is still in session in the morning & hope my brother gets to talk to the DA before he has his case heard. They refused to give him an attorney & said he had to either hire someone (which he can't afford) or represent himself & they have yet to let him explain what happened. The system is set up to encourage people to just plead out & pay fines/fees. I'm hoping he gets the good DA and not the jerk who only cares about convictions regardless of whether someone is guilty or not. I'm worried that because my brother didn't call a witness that the guy who lied to get him charged in the first place might show up and perjure himself & my brother will then be stuck with a misdemeanor on his record. Although, I heard the judge tell someone who plead "no contest" that for some extra $ he could get a misdemeanor expunged from his record. Quite the money-making racket they have going on.
Yesterday DH did sacrament at home and we sung a few hymns together and we had a fairly relaxing day apart from DH vacuuming and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.

Today we went to town for DH's physio appointment and while we were there went to a couple of different supermarkets and topped up on some fresh fruit, tinned fruit, tissues and chocolate and tinned soups on special.

This afternoon we made a lemon cheesecake for dessert for the next 3 nights and for dinner had long life tinned harvest meat and vegetables on rice. Of course dessert was a third of the cheesecake between the 2 of us and have to say it was yummy :) .
Went to bed with more bad news about the shutdown of our nation.I try to stay quite and not vent but its one of the few things they only partially control of our lives now, speech and thats been in jeaopardy for some time.

So after I get over the new way of life in a pandemic I'll get busy doing something pregressive.
Did chores this morning, and a ton of cooking. Youngest daughter was here for dinner. We started a new 1000 piece puzzle. Went over chores with the twins; they need that every once in a while. They shortcut things that they do daily and we end up walking through things again. Today was one of those days. Lettuce and spinach have really started to take off, so we're eating a lot of salads. Husband's hip is driving him nuts, lots of ice packs today. Hope he can sleep tonight.

Amish hope your hubby gets relief soon. Mine is also going through it. He use to like heat but ice is the best now.
Okay folks,
This quarantine stuff is getting serious.
I just finished cleaning out the bathroom linen cabinet.
I now have 1 and half empty shelves.
Onward to the cookbook cabinet, if I don't actually use it.
It's gone.
Next will be the kitchen cabinets, by the time this over, I probably won't have a lot left.
Seriously considering cleaning out my craft stuff.
Just tired of the clutter everywhere, including some of the mental clutter that goes along with some stuff.
Been working on finishing up some of those unfinished projects to be used this year as Christmas gifts.
Have made a small dent in them but along way to go.
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Strawberry has been outside this morning.
The mowers just left, and they left grass clippings all over the sidewalks too.
Dishes are done.
Linen cabinet cleaned out.
Not to worry about that empty shelf, I found the shampoo, and other bathroom stuff stuck in kitchen cabinets to fill it right on up. Which will give a chance to do a better inventory on stuff.
Resting a few minutes, reading forums, sipping coffee, crocheting on Christmas blanket.
Okay folks,
This quarantine stuff is getting serious.
I just finished cleaning out the bathroom linen cabinet.
I now have 1 and half empty shelves.
Onward to the cookbook cabinet, if I don't actually use it.
It's gone.
Next will be the kitchen cabinets, by the time this over, I probably won't have a lot left.
Seriously considering cleaning out my craft stuff.
Just tired of the clutter everywhere, including some of the mental clutter that goes along with some stuff.
Seriously considering cleaning out my craft stuff too.
Been working on finishing up some of those unfinished projects to be used this year as Christmas gifts.
Have made a small dent in them but along way to go.
I got rid of a ton when we moved and am now trying to decrease my stash by using what I have. Little by little 😁
Nights are bad for me and hubby sincw he has to deal with me plus his own pain and isolation.
So some things I do at night to keep busy and get tired enough to sleep.So now its bed at 1 oer even 2 am instead of 11pm or 12 am [ 12am is dumb,who thinks its morning at midnight,haha ].I do alot in the day too off and on of course.
I woke up at 3am with a sore throat. Had trouble getting back to sleep. It's gone now, but it's annoying.
Checked the courthouse website to see if court was still going on and saw nothing to indicate it was shut down for the pandemic. Drove there with my brother & went to the door- they say to arrive 30 to 40 minutes early to be prepared- we were 30 minutes early. Doors were locked & we couldn't see the guards inside very well bc the glass is tinted. There were multiple notices on the door saying something in legalese about only people who were subpoenaed or had court were allowed in and such. Nothing indicating they weren't letting anyone in at all. After standing there for 10 minutes reading all of the signs and trying to find something that indicated what was going on, one of the guards walked up and said "There's no court today!" We asked when it would open back up and he shrugged. He said they would be sending out notices. We went back to the truck & another couple rolled up & we told them what had just happened. The woman was upset because she'd called ahead and had been told there *was* court. She said the lady went and checked & said it wasn't canceled bc she wanted to be sure. We sat and talked for another 5 min before her husband went to the door and tried to open it. The man inside came to the door and sprayed the inside with disinfectant but said nothing to him. She was worried they would issue a warrant for her husband not appearing when he was not allowed in. I offered to be a witness that he was denied entry so we exchanged contact info-- turns out they are from our town-- and said that if the court tries to give anyone crap, we can be witnesses to each other that the doors were locked & they wouldn't let anyone in.
They should have put up signs or sent out notices to people, but they are so disorganized-- they didn't even give notice when the elections were postponed. No wonder they are on a .com website and not a .gov one. Sheesh. I'm trying to figure out who to file a complaint with so that they will get their act together and actually post info next time.
Walked first thing this morning. Third load of laundry is started now--washing all bed sheets, blankets and dog blankets. Put flea meds on all dogs last night.

Started Black eyed peas with turkey sausage in the slow cooker, took eBay photos (of clothes, not the dinner), made chocolate hummus (which is amazing!). Still need to make corn bread and do another 2 loads of laundry (and re-make beds).

Cherry tomatoes that I started last week are up. Hope to keep them alive until transplant time.
Just spent the morning clearing out the greenhouse. Now hubby has to rig it for lifting and moving. Didn't realize I had so much stuff in there 😲 I will be doing some sifting and throwing away of stuff before I put things back inside.
Did a load of his dirty laundry and dried it. Have to fold it yet.
Have dishes to do
Plan on hitting the senior shopping at walmart tomorrow morning at 6am. Hope to get some cheese, cabbage, oj and milk. Once done there I want to get to Lowes to see what they have in for seedlings ( if any that aren't flowers) Hope to be home by no later than 9am
Hanging out reading right now
Gotta make supper and set the coffee pot
Neighbor actually mowed his yard today.
The insects are out and about. Bumble bees and wasps are out
Another neighbor are having work done on their front porch
Farm that we bought our land from is running machinery since they both work for the school system and are home now too. Have no idea what they're up to but sure is noisy 😁
Saw where Maryland is in lockdown now. You can't go anywhere but to the grocery store, pharmacy,hospital or are essential personnel. Abused people can leave their homes for help. Otherwise stopped and fined ( from I believe. heard it on the radio and wasn't paying that close attention)

Otherwise with plenty of things to do we're not having any problems keeping busy
Just spent the morning clearing out the greenhouse. Now hubby has to rig it for lifting and moving. Didn't realize I had so much stuff in there 😲 I will be doing some sifting and throwing away of stuff before I put things back inside.
Did a load of his dirty laundry and dried it. Have to fold it yet.
Have dishes to do
Plan on hitting the senior shopping at walmart tomorrow morning at 6am. Hope to get some cheese, cabbage, oj and milk. Once done there I want to get to Lowes to see what they have in for seedlings ( if any that aren't flowers) Hope to be home by no later than 9am
Hanging out reading right now
Gotta make supper and set the coffee pot
Neighbor actually mowed his yard today.
The insects are out and about. Bumble bees and wasps are out
Another neighbor are having work done on their front porch
Farm that we bought our land from is running machinery since they both work for the school system and are home now too. Have no idea what they're up to but sure is noisy 😁
Saw where Maryland is in lockdown now. You can't go anywhere but to the grocery store, pharmacy,hospital or are essential personnel. Abused people can leave their homes for help. Otherwise stopped and fined ( from I believe. heard it on the radio and wasn't paying that close attention)

Otherwise with plenty of things to do we're not having any problems keeping busy

Our greenhouse is a mess too, I did manage to ' finally' get the pitch forks I use to turn compost ,rakes, shovels out and oil them down and put in storage,but it still has things that need ot be put up.
No linseed or trupentine so I used the only non edible oil we had, 'baby oil' to oil tools down.
Those shelves in the bathroom linen cabinet are now full of things that should have been in there to start with.
Shampoo, soap, medical supplies etc.
Any duplicate bottles have been emptied into the biggest bottle, go rid of all the smaller bottles.
Coffee station cabinet now has 1 full shelf of cookbooks, gardening books, quilting books will be donating duplicates tomorrow. The two cabinets over the washer/dryer will have 1 completely empty cabinet as soon as I rearrange items into one. Getting tired, going rest a while after I left Strawberry outside for a bit.
I have an order in for some flour and other minor supplies but for some reason my flour left the store and is sitting in PA at the UPS warehouse and has not moved for 4 days. I had K make a run to Target since they had flour in stock in store (not online). so he picked me up 10lbs and some baking mixes. I normally make muffins and such from scratch but with how scarce flour is I figured the mixes would help extend what flour I have. Still no yeast to be had.

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