What's everybody doing today?

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Taking it easy today, it's rainy. Our dear friends that live about a 1/4 mile down the road have come over the last two days and have been cleaning out all the grass and weeds from our fenced garden area, must still be really fertile soil as they are growing like crazy. We are so blessed with all of our neighbors on both sides, they offer to do so many things for us, the only thing is that when I see them doing things that I'm used to doing, I feel guilty because I still feel so young. However I got a lesson as to getting the stuffing knocked out of me two days ago when I replaced the kitchen sink faucet, crawling around under the sink wore me out but now we have a really nice Moen faucet instead of the raunchy expensive Delta that I have been extremely disappointed with for a long time. Anyway everybody stay healthy and safe, we're a good family here.
Update #2:
The rest of the kitchen cabinet reshuffle will have to wait till tomorrow.
I'm pooped.
But do have one completely empty cabinet over the dryer.
Will rework shelves and put things haven't decided what to do with yet in there.
Still should have 2 empty shelves, then will rework baking center cabinet,spice cabinet,odd and end cabinet.
Odd and end cabinet will probably go into cabinet over dryer too.
If not too tired tomorrow, will rework pantry cabinets too.
Or might say to heck with it and take day off.
Sunday, went through both freezers, scrubbed them both down inside and out.
Not much left in chest freezer.
No beef at all in either freezer.
Will start saving to get side of beef, pork
Resting now, sipping coffee.
Strawberry has walked her legs off today.
She has walked with me every step.
She's now sprawled out between my legs on the footrest of the recliner, snoring.
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Update #2:
The rest of the kitchen cabinet reshuffle will have to wait till tomorrow.
I'm pooped.
But do have one completely empty cabinet over the dryer.
Will rework shelves and put things haven't decided what to do with yet in there.
Still should have 2 empty shelves, then will rework baking center cabinet,spice cabinet,odd and end cabinet.
Odd and end cabinet will probably go into cabinet over dryer too.
If not too tired tomorrow, will rework pantry cabinets too.
Or might say to heck with it and take day off.
Sunday, went through both freezers, scrubbed them both down inside and out.
Not much left in chest freezer.
No beef at all in either freezer.
Will start saving to get side of beef, pork
Resting now, sipping coffee.
Strawberry has walked her legs off today.
She has walked with me every step.
She's now sprawled out between my legs on the footrest of the recliner, snoring.

How's that new knee coming along ?

Sort of busy today .

Pulled left rear wheel and tire off Vette, detailed it cleaned and painted brake caliper red. Looks great.
Applied Sonus Ion coating to rear of Vette.

Helped wife wash down north side of house.

Put new line and hooks on 2 rod and reels.

Went fishing practice 1 hour, not one nibble.
Go digger.

Good day today.

Gotta go to City , tomorrow, the RA clinic is going to meet us in parking lot with wife's 3 month supply of trial meds , finally approved in Aug 2019, called Rinvoq.

She has been on the trial 3 years and 4 months...it is a miracle drug for her RA.

We were worried how to get it with the quarantine problems.

Been playing with some of my goodies that USPS Santa brought me. Put together an IFAK, got a holster mounted for my Ham radio (now to order the antenna).

Started working on a fire starter kit.

Putting a list together for more goodies. I'll place another order this weekend.

Curm your just a ace of all trades,huh? Ham radio,truck engines. Speaking of truck we quit on it for awhile also I can't find thr tread about truck we were on.:confused:

Worked on the puter and phone most all day. Stopped at 3:30 and went out planted my cabbage plants & half a row of parsnips and radishes. Then planted some bok choi and mesculen seed in 6 packs. Harvested enough lettuce for a salad.

Good to see your doing better BackP. :thumbs:
Sort of busy today .

Pulled left rear wheel and tire off Vette, detailed it cleaned and painted brake caliper red. Looks great.
Applied Sonus Ion coating to rear of Vette.

Helped wife wash down north side of house.

Put new line and hooks on 2 rod and reels.

Went fishing practice 1 hour, not one nibble.
Go digger.

Good day today.

Gotta go to City , tomorrow, the RA clinic is going to meet us in parking lot with wife's 3 month supply of trial meds , finally approved in Aug 2019, called Rinvoq.

She has been on the trial 3 years and 4 months...it is a miracle drug for her RA.

We were worried how to get it with the quarantine problems.

Its good to see your doing great too Jim.Also glad the wife geting her meds tomorrow. Fishing,maybe try crickets,lol.
Viking, I'm glad you have good neighbors. I need to call the guy who usually comes to bush-hog our yard (we sold him our tractor for way cheaper than it was worth and gave him free accessories for it so he comes and helps us out from time to time-- he also uses the tractor to help other people so I think my Dad would be happy that it's getting good use)-- I want to check up on him and make sure he's doing OK. Saw one of my other nice neighbors the other day out on the road & discussed how nice it is to be out in the woods away from people in town. Haven't heard from my nasty neighbor yet.

Mo, that sounds exhausting!

I'm still struggling with being tired & not having enough energy. I had to climb under my mother's desk to change the cord for her monitor & started overheating. The AC doesn't distribute evenly in the house & I think the ducts are leaking in the attic but I can't get up there to check. I'm lying here with 3 fans blowing on me right now.

I'm expecting my mother to call to say she is hungry again.

My brother threw up on the way home from the courthouse this morning (I had to pull over for him) & mentioned he's out of Pepto Bismol. I'll have to grab some more next time I go to the store. I've had a bit of a sour stomach too.

I really need to do something productive but my body doesn't want to cooperate. I played Sims4 for a bit and got some new expansions that were on a 60% off sale. It's going to take a few days to download one of them. I'm probably going to take a nap again soon.
Made it home from our excursion this morning by 7:45. Pretty good.
Got everything I wanted. Also picked up some more leeks for some soup.
Line went faster this morning to get into walmart. More people wearing gloves and some with masks. We're up to 14 in the county with the wuhan virus.
Made it to Lowes and found 8 tomato plants, only one sweet pepper plant, celery and cabbage and one German thyme. Have to check out walmart a little later. Maybe next week. Need more pepper plants.
Hubby is picking up all the tree limbs that were cut down yesterday.
I'm getting ready to make some stuffed peppers in the slow cooker
Have more laundry to do today
Want to make some cookies
Heading out to the city to pick up wife's RA meds.

Just the way I roll..
It will be covered up just in case of crazies...or zumbies.

Same as every day it seems. A couple hours of patrol, a couple hours in my office, a couple hours of patrol, and a couple more hours in my office, then I go home. The crime rate is definitely down, traffic accidents are way down, security and panic alarm calls are down, and nuisance calls are definitely up (fortunately we only go to some of those). No one is coming in to file complaints or grievances, all special projects have been put on hold, purchasing has slowed to almost nothing, training has stopped sans web-based learning, we are down to two meetings a week and those are held via Zoom, the shooting range is still open but limited to two shooters at a time, the custodial crew seems to be disinfecting constantly, all of our non-essential staff (including my secretary) are at home on Admin leave, and there is so little activity around the department the motion-activated lighting keep turning off. None of these things bother me in the least.

At home things are orderly and structured as they have ever been, thanks to my work-from-home wife / home school teacher / chore assigner / house manager. The house is super clean, wife has been cooking most of our meals, our laundry seems to always be done, the dogs are getting more exercise than ever, our kids seem to be learning far more than they ever did in school, sewing projects are getting done at an exponential rate, and our kids are developing a stronger bond by the day. None of this bothers me either.
Same as every day it seems. A couple hours of patrol, a couple hours in my office, a couple hours of patrol, and a couple more hours in my office, then I go home. The crime rate is definitely down, traffic accidents are way down, security and panic alarm calls are down, and nuisance calls are definitely up (fortunately we only go to some of those). No one is coming in to file complaints or grievances, all special projects have been put on hold, purchasing has slowed to almost nothing, training has stopped sans web-based learning, we are down to two meetings a week and those are held via Zoom, the shooting range is still open but limited to two shooters at a time, the custodial crew seems to be disinfecting constantly, all of our non-essential staff (including my secretary) are at home on Admin leave, and there is so little activity around the department the motion-activated lighting keep turning off. None of these things bother me in the least.

At home things are orderly and structured as they have ever been, thanks to my work-from-home wife / home school teacher / chore assigner / house manager. The house is super clean, wife has been cooking most of our meals, our laundry seems to always be done, the dogs are getting more exercise than ever, our kids seem to be learning far more than they ever did in school, sewing projects are getting done at an exponential rate, and our kids are developing a stronger bond by the day. None of this bothers me either.
I was just telling hubby how nice it was that the loonies are contained. Driving is nearly like driving 30 years ago - wave someone on and they wave a thank you or vice-versa. People smile and say "Hello" even if from their 6'+ distance, etc. It's how it should be - well, at least in that respect.
I was just telling hubby how nice it was that the loonies are contained. Driving is nearly like driving 30 years ago - wave someone on and they wave a thank you or vice-versa. People smile and say "Hello" even if from their 6'+ distance, etc. It's how it should be - well, at least in that respect.

I noticed everyone is more polite at the stores too! When I went to Target after Winter's vet check everyone was nice. The workers were more willing to help if you needed something and no one seemed grumpy like normal.
Made it there and back , no contacts, no problems, not one zumbies.

She's good on meds now for 3 months. We sprayed the bag and bottle with Lysol before putting it in car.

Traffic on interstate 24 was very light , except the semi trucks. In the city normal heavy traffic.
Did not see one person wearing masks or gloves...cept us.

You know what ....this ain't going away anytime soon.

Idiots will keep it going.

Im home , safe and sound.

Made a trip to the Post Office. They now have an unfolded piece of clear plastic hanging over the counter from the ceiling. About 12" between the end of the plastic and the counter. New sign told me to stay behind the line until called. I backed up to get behind the line as the PO clerk smiled at me. I stood there with a grin until he asked me if he could help me. Then I crossed over the line to slide the package I wanted to mail under the plastic. I was the only customer.

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