What's everybody doing today?

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Been rearranging my house hopefully for a short period of time.
Had grand daughter yesterday, we were outside smelling flowers.
Love it when 2 year old squats down to smell dandeloins(angel kisses) with her behind in the air.
We stopped and smelled daffodils,crocus, and something else that was purple, low growing.
She and Strawberry ran, chased each other for quite a while.
Then her and I had to help her daddy unload his truck of their belongings into my house.
My oldest son is looking at new apartment for himself and grand daughter.
Got a pot of 15 bean soup going in crockpot for me for supper.
Did a little rearranging of furniture this morning, so I have clear walk way through out the house.
Walked about a mile inside my place this morning.
Juju insisted I make a face mask for JellyCat (her stuffed bunny). I drafted a pattern and asked her to pick a fabric from the stash I laid out. She picked the solid blue cotton because 'JellyCat is a boy and wears blue!' I thought the carrot fabric would be cute but Juju didn't. I got the pieces cut out but I am waiting for my twill tape to sew it all together.

K wants me to make a bunch of masks for him so he can wear them to work. He doesn't like the paper surgical masks they have so I figured I could make 5 so he has a fresh one each day without having to launder them each night.
Juju insisted I make a face mask for JellyCat (her stuffed bunny). I drafted a pattern and asked her to pick a fabric from the stash I laid out. She picked the solid blue cotton because 'JellyCat is a boy and wears blue!' I thought the carrot fabric would be cute but Juju didn't. I got the pieces cut out but I am waiting for my twill tape to sew it all together.

K wants me to make a bunch of masks for him so he can wear them to work. He doesn't like the paper surgical masks they have so I figured I could make 5 so he has a fresh one each day without having to launder them each night.

Well of course! JellyCat has to survive the cornoacalypse too!
Went for a hike today.
I wanted to work on my solar system but yesterday I had an altercation with one of my power tools and now I have to wait until my hand heals up some before I do more work. The tool suffered no damage. :)
Hope you heal quickly, my altercations with power tools have never come out with me a winner :(
Great day today.
Started early, removing all the railings with spindles from front porch. Wife don't want to paint them anymore.Took them to the old barn for storage..don't know why.
Dug out the rotortiller from back side of shed , been in there for over 5 years, since we stopped the big garden.
Poured a little gas in the tank, did not expect it to start , 6th pull she fired up.
Fixed flat tire.
Tilled an area ,where old garden was, about 12 ft wide by 100 ft long.
That was tough. Had to keep going deeper a finally got it tore up fine and deep enough.
All we want there is green beans and peas.
For canning and freezing.

Tomatoes and peppers go beside the house.

Going to Amish country tommorow...to see if anyone is selling anything ...at a distance.

Now I'm tired.


Drove the wife to Krogers tonight to pick up her online order. They didn't have flour, yeast, some other things. Longer list of didn't have this time than last. She tried to do an order with Walmart and couldn't even get a pick up date. Krogers took 4 days. I told her from now on certain items go on every order (stuff we use more of) to try and keep a good stock for that.
As for stores, I’m curious when the real black market trading will begin. The things that you cant get in the local mart. Will be interesting.
I think it'll depend where you're at. I just went to Walmart in Cheyenne and they had everything in stock, meat, bread, cooking staples, and toilet paper! And it was all at regular prices, nothing was jacked up.
Another day spent resting with a nice afternoon nap. I got a few things done late. A cousin’s grandson has a lawn care business. He stopped by about 3 and brought his buddy. I had the bucket on the feloader waiting. They loaded the bucket with all the hedge trimmings from the other day. I also had a pile of limbs off the fig trees, another pile from the big water oaks and yet another pile of limbs from the tulip poplar. It took me 3 trips with the tractor to cart all the limbs down to the brush pile in the pasture.

The kid does a pretty good job with the lawn care. He has a big zero turn Kubota, several weedeaters and leaf blowers. I have medicinal plants growing all over this hillside. I also have a bundle of orange marking flags and put flags by all the plants he’s not supposed to touch. So far he hasn’t made me mad by cutting down my medicines. I have to admit… if I had lights to go with each flag this hillside would look like a giant pinball machine! 😁

It’s supposed to rain tomorrow… Hopefully I’ll have time to set out my pepper plants before it rains.
I think it'll depend where you're at. I just went to Walmart in Cheyenne and they had everything in stock, meat, bread, cooking staples, and toilet paper! And it was all at regular prices, nothing was jacked up.

2 weeks ago when I went to do my parents' errands for them so they didn't need to leave the house the stores by them had more than they did by us. They live in a larger metro community and we live in the sticks. I think they are giving priority to the larger denser population centers.
We received 9 boxes today from Walmart. Each box was shipped with just one or two items in the box. Shipping from Walmart now takes about two weeks. We really need none of the items but we are trying to build up our supplies of everything. Walmart has canceled a few items I have ordered from them because though it was in stock at the time of the order, they were out when they attempted to fill the order. Still I watch for items to be in stock and place orders when I find enough stuff to get free shipping. I think we are in this for the long haul though I hope things get better soon.
2 weeks ago when I went to do my parents' errands for them so they didn't need to leave the house the stores by them had more than they did by us. They live in a larger metro community and we live in the sticks. I think they are giving priority to the larger denser population centers.
I think you may be right. But even a place like Cheyenne isn't exactly a metropolis. I have seen that the Walmarts in Des Moines have more stuff than my local one in a town of 15k...
2 weeks ago when I went to do my parents' errands for them so they didn't need to leave the house the stores by them had more than they did by us. They live in a larger metro community and we live in the sticks. I think they are giving priority to the larger denser population centers.

That may be a good thing. Once the city gets hungry guess where they are heading? Longerthey keep the thugs and gangs fed the longer you will hve to see what your best thing to do.
I think you may be right. But even a place like Cheyenne isn't exactly a metropolis. I have seen that the Walmarts in Des Moines have more stuff than my local one in a town of 15k...

I went to 2 different Costcos when I was there and got more in those trips in the middle of the day than I did waiting in the line before they opened to get into the one by us. It doesn't help that oout here everyone is hearing rumors of out-of-towners are raiding our stores because we are out in the sticks and "have better stuff". We are out by the farms where the food is grown and the distribution centers are but we still can't get sh!t!!!

Where my folks live was mostly suburbs and housing tracts about an hour or so outside of a larger metro area. It is now being built up in condos and mini high-rise living anywhere they can squeeze in a new building (or an old one is torn down). It use to be a multi-diverse area but now it has become Korean and Chinese. I worry for my 70+ year old folks when they talk about buying a second home to have us move closer but then my dad talks about moving back to Kansas to a farm...! Or even a cabin in the woods. I want them out of the city but with my mom's heart issues she has to be close to her doctors. (Her pacemaker has needed to be repaired twice in under a year since it was put in.)
The thugs will only leave their slums if they can't get their smokes and 40s.
Drugs are kind of hard to come by out in the sticks too. Except for meth.

If they want booze I recommend "letting" them take your "homemade" away from you. But use wood alcohol instead of grain alcohol. Problem solved...
Done building the FIFO canned food storage rack. Now in testing mode.

If I had it to do over I would have drill a hole for the interior door knob instead of cutting around it.


With door closed.


First modification. Hard to get the bottom can out of the rack. Can fits flush and with the larger cans you can not get a finger grip on the rims. 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" piece of wood with a corner cut at a 45 degree angle. Raises the bottom can up and out so you can grip it.


After further testing and when the weather warms up then it will be painted white to comply to the wife's recommendation.
Done building the FIFO canned food storage rack. Now in testing mode.

If I had it to do over I would have drill a hole for the interior door knob instead of cutting around it.

View attachment 39080

With door closed.

View attachment 39081

First modification. Hard to get the bottom can out of the rack. Can fits flush and with the larger cans you can not get a finger grip on the rims. 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" piece of wood with a corner cut at a 45 degree angle. Raises the bottom can up and out so you can grip it.

View attachment 39082

After further testing and when the weather warms up then it will be painted white to comply to the wife's recommendation.
Half-moon finger holes cut at the marked locations should give good finger access.

Done building the FIFO canned food storage rack. Now in testing mode.

If I had it to do over I would have drill a hole for the interior door knob instead of cutting around it.

View attachment 39080

With door closed.

View attachment 39081

First modification. Hard to get the bottom can out of the rack. Can fits flush and with the larger cans you can not get a finger grip on the rims. 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" piece of wood with a corner cut at a 45 degree angle. Raises the bottom can up and out so you can grip it.

View attachment 39082

After further testing and when the weather warms up then it will be painted white to comply to the wife's recommendation.

Looks good @Lazy L

Good job.

I wish I had one in my pantry...just not that ambitious.

Me too, starting about dark central time... kids have dinner, play... As soon as it gets dark there is online homework or lost amazon orders...

It only lasts until about 8:30pm then goes back to normal.
Not here. It starts about 9:30am and goes until somewhere around 10:30pm. Except on weekends. We've been doing pretty good on weekends.

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