What's everybody doing today?

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I'm so glad you think you have allergies.
But people like you make my blood boil.
My grand daughter hasn't got to touch her mom since this started.
She on the front line as a registered nurse.
My sons have to take extra precautions when they go home, so they don't take that **** into their houses.
As for the yellow tape at Wal*Mart they're trying to dumb ass like yourself safe.
Keep their employees as safe as they can from dumb ***** like you.
Whether it's allergies or this crap, if you're sick stay the hell home.
As for your chatty friends how do you know they were safe.
You don't.
If know other reason if your sick with allergies, or a cold, flu stay the hell home.
Then people wonder why I'm short on patience.
You're a prime reason, your ignorance, self rightness.
My sons put their lives on the line, so you can have food, tp, beer erc.
At least treat them with common courtous.
I wish that I could stay home, but I needed to get medicine, food and essentials. Stuff was sold out when I tried to get things before. No one else in my family can come out & I live too far out to get grocery deliveries. A lot of stuff that I ordered hasn't even shipped yet.
I took precautions. I washed my hands thoroughly with soap after wrapping my face up. I cleaned my hands when I got into the store as well & I stayed away from people. I stood away from the chatty guys while they talked to me. I only touched things I was picking up to purchase. I'd taken some meds before leaving to make sure I wasn't coughing and sneezing & made sure it kicked in before I left.
My point on the yellow tape thing being pointless was because once you get inside, there was no barrier to separate people just inside the doors. People leaving and entering can mingle. If they wanted to do it right, they should have partitioned that section as well. The employee who was outside directing people didn't have any protective wear.
There are a lot of people who still aren't wearing masks or keeping their distance. I can understand your frustration-- the ones who aren't taking any precautions at all frustrate me.
I had to fight with my mother about not going in to town more than once per week & I hadn't really wanted to go in, but needed to because we needed medicine & food. I'd gladly stay at home & hate having to go in.
I'm sorry to hear about your granddaughter not being able to touch her mother. This whole thing sucks.

Yesterday I mostly stayed in bed because my eyes were too blurry from allergies. I used some drops that helped, but wasn't able to use the computer as much as I usually do. My eyes are doing better today. I'm trying to get myself motivated to do something productive. I'll probably do a little cleaning.
I'm in the rail industry. My Canadian brothers on the rails never mentioned a rail shutdown...

Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Believe what you will, or not.

Search Canadian rail blockades. Originally they were blocked in a few provinces but it became just Ontario. That was still enough to stop things going from east to west. It wasn't possible to unload a train on one side of town and truck everything to a train on the other side of town. Passenger services stopped as well when busing from one side of town to the other wasn't a viable option.

Here in the Southeast all the truck stops are open, there is plenty of fuel, normal truck traffic on the interstate... Where are you talking about? No only is it not happening here I've not heard a single word about such in any states.

What happened in Canada 6 months ago has nothing to do with Covid19. or this crises.

1500 lost jobs? when? the economy was booming here until this virus... People couldn't hire enough employees.

Rail road jobs were lost and as stated, this happened in Canada not the US. And yes covid 19 shortages here are compounded because we were still making up shortages from the rail blockade.

All the truck stops in Ontario were closed down for covid 19. They just reopened some for truckers a few days ago when they made enough of a stink that some one was forced to notice.

The world is bigger than just the US. My point was that it is unwise to assume transportation will always be there no matter what.
Our weather is supposed to warm up and stay above freezing. I turned on the outside water faucets and ran the sprinklers in the back pasture and now the side yard is getting watered. The front yard is next. I got my big pasture watered last week. I had to buy 15 new sprinkler heads and that cost me over $300.
I mowed the front yard for the first time this year.
I piled up all the dry weeds in my garden and burned them. Then I got my tractor out and tilled the garden area. I'll till it again next week then lay down weed block fabric and get my trellises up. Just waiting for Mother's Day so we can plant outside. The wife has a tray of flower seeds planted in the shop and some of them sprouted in less than 2 days. Tomorrow we will plant some tomatoes and cucumbers and maybe radishes in the shop.
This is the start of the busy season around here.
The world is bigger than just the US. My point was that it is unwise to assume transportation will always be there no matter what.

Ahhhh! Trudeau! Now it makes sense. I'd believe just about anything I heard that guy did.

I did absolutely nothing today but take a nice long nap, badly needed... I walked out to the garden just a bit ago... The tomato plants I set out are looking poorly. I plan to go out after supper and give them a nice drink of water.

I need to find my large wire cutters, been to busy for anything but quick looks. Sounds like a nice project for tonight... My tool room needs straightening out anyway.
Watched our church service.
Glued last piece on the FIFO can storage.
Watched youngest's son church service.
Gather eggs.
Invited wife to go on a walk with me.
Picked cans out of the road ditches.
Took a nap.
Laminate GMRS license and HT channel assignments "cheat" sheets.
Made my supper. Turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich.
Made our breakfasts
Did the dishes
It was beautiful out today. Mostly sunny and 67(!)
Hubby removed the steel trusses he used to move the greenhouse
He covered the stones with soil
I shoveled stones in the front the greenhouse entrance ( they were heavy ugh)
Hubby put the containers back where they were
I cleaned up 4 of them. Have 3 more to do
Hubby mowed the yard. It was thick and needed it big time
Made supper
Have to get the coffee pot ready yet
Supposed to get rain tomorrow some time so I'm glad we got done outside what we did
If the rain holds off I'm hoping I can get my cabbages and lettuces planted in the morning. If not also the celery.
These days I'm prepping for the worst, basically.

I'm putting all my mom's information onto a CD that I can have available for other relatives who might need to take over her care should I get and succumb to this virus. Important contacts, how/when bills are paid, all her account login details, where her investments are and what strategy is behind the decisions of what to hold, all her tax stuff for this year and previous, daily medications, her estate plan (trust, will, power of attorney, etc.) Basically, a "Grandmommy box" that my kids could find and have a one-stop-place to figure out how to take care of her. All the physical papers will be in the box, along with the CD of electronic copies.

After completing this, we'll do the same for my wife and I. Ours is mostly done, but there are a few more things to be collected and added to the "Parents box". You know you can do all this collecting/organizing, then a year later you realize that you have to make changes/additions that you missed doing in real time. We have sent this stuff out as encrypted computer files over the years, but you always wonder if the kids could find what they did with those files, and remember how to decrypt them. So I think it's good to have containers of physical copies of all the stuff. I'll probably find some way to paint the containers bright red or something, so they will stand out as "the important" ones in case they get buried in and mixed with other boxes of random junk.

So many of our bills come in via email these days. No paper copies. So without documenting what we normally pay, when we pay it, and how (online, mail a check, etc.) it would be real hard for relatives to just step in and take over after a sudden death. How may credit cards do we have that they'd need to cancel? Where is the safe deposit box? Where is that place where we have a storage locker? Where are the titles for the cars? Is that neat revolver they found worth $200 or $2000? There are so many things that your kids/relatives might have trouble with that can be made so much simpler for them with a little bit of centralized documentation (e.g., the "Parents box")
@ClemKadiddlehopper We have mostly normal supplies in our stores except TP etc. And there’s not none, but just not full shelves. We buy a full beef each year from the same folks. If you lined up such folks to purchase annually, it might take some of the pressure off. I’ve always said a lifestyle that depends upon mass transportation is a risk (from minimalism to veganism.)
More entertainment for ya today @Meerkat So I made Rousquilas to send to my grandmother. She’s 96 and can’t cook/bake any more. That word is a type of Portuguese cookie. She used to make them for me if she knew I’d be by so now it’s time to return the favor. They have a lemon glaze. I went to glaze them but it didn’t smell like lemon. So I tasted the glaze. Evidently my lemon extract had expired and was straight alcohol! I was nearly drunk from the taste 😂. Luckily I had some lemon flavor oil and made a new batch. The first batch is still in there in the bowl in case anyone needs to forget their sorrows😂🤣😂
Having Portuguese quiche for supper- yum. I’ve spent most the day in the kitchen 🥴
@ClemKadiddlehopper We have mostly normal supplies in our stores except TP etc. And there’s not none, but just not full shelves. We buy a full beef each year from the same folks. If you lined up such folks to purchase annually, it might take some of the pressure off. I’ve always said a lifestyle that depends upon mass transportation is a risk (from minimalism to veganism.)
More entertainment for ya today @Meerkat So I made Rousquilas to send to my grandmother. She’s 96 and can’t cook/bake any more. That word is a type of Portuguese cookie. She used to make them for me if she knew I’d be by so now it’s time to return the favor. They have a lemon glaze. I went to glaze them but it didn’t smell like lemon. So I tasted the glaze. Evidently my lemon extract had expired and was straight alcohol! I was nearly drunk from the taste 😂. Luckily I had some lemon flavor oil and made a new batch. The first batch is still in there in the bowl in case anyone needs to forget their sorrows😂🤣😂
Having Portuguese quiche for supper- yum. I’ve spent most the day in the kitchen 🥴

LadyL thats is so sweet of you to return the favor.I bet she was really happy to get those cookies. :heart::thumbs:
I'm feeling better today. The allergy meds seem to be working. Eyes aren't as blurry. Still have some residual mucus, but no coughing or sneezing. I played Sims4 and Elder Scrolls online then did a little cleaning and cooked for Mom. I pulled something in my neck/shoulder while reaching when I was putting something up-- muscles just tensed up too hard, but massaging it seems to help.
I'm waiting for my friend at Walmart to tell me when they get more cat food in so I can grab some or schedule a pickup for it. I've sort-of figured out the deli schedule of when they have the rotisserie chickens ready so I can try to plan my next trip for when it's time to get a fresh one. The butter garlic ones sell out fast.
I just had a rotisserie chicken & mayo sandiwch & am ready for my nap.
I have come to the conclusion that I am "prepped enough" to make it through the coronovirus thing. What I am not prepped enough for, however, is not making it through the coronovirus thing. So my current efforts are centered around making it easier for others if I am no longer around. Previously, most of that effort was coordination between my wife and I. One might die, but the other would still be around. She likes to pay the bills (weird, huh?), but she trains me on what and how she does it. I handle all the computer backups and such, and I train her on where they are, how to use Linux (my computers) well enough so she could restore the backup to her (Windows) computer. But with coronavirus, there is a fairly good chance that if one of us gets it the other will too. And we could both die. Then all our wife-husband coordination is out the window and you see the need for parents-children coordination, or brother-sister coordination, etc. Sometimes you're talking only a few days between first symptoms and death. She has been involved with patients (she's medical) that started feeling bad, went to the hospital in the morning, and were intubated by that afternoon. When coronavirus hits, some people don't even have time to pee one last time before they are whisked away from everything they knew. Hard to believe, but true in a few cases. Better to be prepared well in advance of symptoms.
Decided to work on some bowl cozies this week while Roo is doing her school work rather than go out. I found all the fabrics and notions I needed in my sewing storage. I have been planning this project for a while so I had already bought everything a while back. Buuuuuuut...

While digging for the fabrics I found some clear vinyl fabric I bought years ago before Roo was born and got the idea to make a hat with detachable face shield for Juju. She is the type to not keep a mask on or goggles so this would be good.

Been a busy few weeks. At the new place we’ve planted Honeycrisp apples, peaches, cherry, and five pines. Picked up a crabapple and weeping cherry but haven’t got them in the ground yet, nor the package of pine, holly, willow and redbud from the Conservation dept. Yesterday I transplanted forsythia and two plum trees from the old house. The plums are descendants from a plum tree at my Grandfather’s farm in Illinois, and the forsythia came from my great grandparents homesite on my mother’s side, also in Illinois.

Momio is an Occupational Therapist who contracts with three local school districts providing therapy to kids with disabilities. Obviously her hours (and our income) have been drastically cut with the closings but she has kept busy making packets of activities for each child and trying to do as much as she can through video calls with the kids and parents.

I have the option of continuing to work from the office or work from home - I went to the office all week on week one, part of the week last week, and probably none of the week this week. Biggest problem is a poor cell signal that makes participation in meetings difficult. COVID is beginning to impact our organization with several infections and hospitalizations but, so far, no deaths. I’ve been busy helping figure out how to modify our practices to fit the new reality and it’s truly exhausting. The upside is that I get two hours back a day that I would have spent in a car commuting and that I can run outside and split wood or work on a project over lunch, and that helps my attitude and stress level immensely.

Final touches on the home build are getting taken care of, finishping the grading around the house, install8ng the circle part of the circle drive, building some small retaining walls out of large stones found around the farm, etc. We really are enjoying being here instead of the subdivision we lived in earlier.

We have seeds starting under a grow lamp. Bought and transplanted some Brussel sprouts and put in the onions. Planted lettuce and spinach and then had two weeks of soaking rain so I’ll replant probably today or tomorrow. We will likely add one or two short raised beds to of with the eight high (two feet tall) raised beds we already use. I brought in some well rotted cow manure to add to the beds. Asparagus is coming up and we had our first cuttings last week, wow was that good!

Family is doing well. My 80 year old mother is hanging in there, learning to use tech to get her groceries delivered and she enjoys being alone and talking via text and phone calls. I’ve dropped by to take care of some car maintenance for her and to mow her lawn and invited her to stay with us for a while but she’s happy where she is.

There is more but I don’t want to bore you. I’ll leave you with this image from my den window. Take care, folks!
Roo and I got up early this morning because of the pitterpat of the rain. I let Juju sleep because that girl needs it! I made steel cut oatmeal and started the day.

It was nice having some sun for the last week. We all got out of the house yesterday to do yard work. We all pitched in and got one flower bed in the front yard weeded and ready for spring. Roo got in the dirt to pull the weeds while K turned the soil and I cleaned up the walk way from the debris. Juju just ran around in the sun like a normal 3 year old. We have 2 beds left but didn't want to push our luck with all the neighbors congregating in groups up and down the street.
I'm just waking up. I took my allergy meds, put my eye drops in & am trying to motivate myself to do something productive. I've got some stuff to pick up at the store that is ready, but I'm waiting until more stuff arrives for me to make a trip in to get stuff. I would have had it shipped to home but they didn't have that option. In-store pickup only.
Made our breakfasts
Planted all the things that needed it right now
Worked in the greenhouse
Eating the last of the birthday cake lol
Gotta get a shower ( whew!)
Hopefully I'll sleep good tonight. Have to get up early and hit walmart's senior shopping hour tomorrow. On the way back I plan to stop and get my free ham I have a certificate for. That will be Easter dinner and lots of other meals for us. I plan to take an N95 mask along in case the stores are enforcing it
The rest of today I'm listening to the radio and reading
You know what's worse than working from home? Working with people who are working from home when you are not working from home! I am so tired of scanning in invoices, expense reports, purchase orders, work orders, etc. and then emailing them to people only to find out I need this number, or that index, or that special code written on the whatever form first. This is why I have a secretary, a admin assistant, and an accounting assistant in the first place. I am going to go find out who declared them non-essential and put my size 12 boot in their... Anyway that has been my entire morning since coming in from patrol.
Made our breakfasts
Planted all the things that needed it right now
Worked in the greenhouse
Eating the last of the birthday cake lol
Gotta get a shower ( whew!)
Hopefully I'll sleep good tonight. Have to get up early and hit walmart's senior shopping hour tomorrow. On the way back I plan to stop and get my free ham I have a certificate for. That will be Easter dinner and lots of other meals for us. I plan to take an N95 mask along in case the stores are enforcing it
The rest of today I'm listening to the radio and reading

VWDragonL. Just don't touch anythign in the store,haha. Don't inhale or breath, take a scuba tank if nothing else available. :ghostly:

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