Relax. Corn, soybeans, beef and cattle are all being produced as usual, at least for now. I'm not sure what's happening with veggies and potatoes though. Doesn't seem to be any interruption in the supply chain at my local stores for now...
Yes, it is all being produced as usual, but getting it to market is not going as usual. Processing houses, auction barns, slaughter houses are not not running as usual. They are running below capacity or not at all due to social distancing restrictions.
The price for beef on the hoof is way below what the end prices at the grocery store suggest they should be. They are going to bankrupt small to medium farmers along with every one else. Only the largest most favored corporate farms will make it. My tin foil hat feels this is part of the overall plan.
Why the shortages on eggs, milk, flour etc.? Not just the increased demand due to a change forced in the shopping habits of a

ton of locked down people, but a slow down in the ability to process the raw product in the first place, due to said people either being locked down, or refusing to work, for fear of catching a cootie that cannot me avoided forever, social distancing at the plants cuts their ability to churn out the goods and shortages are compounded.
Those that need flour but have bought their own grinder, will be able to get wheat direct from a farmer and bypass the factories. People need to learn to be their own processors again if they manage to drag this situation out 18 months to two years, or worse, perpetually.
I for one, have to decide what to do with my cows. To send them to auction where the numbers of buyers is restricted, gives me no hope of covering the cost of keeping them. I will be hard put to keep more then I need for my own use.
This years hay crop can keep 3 cows going for years instead of just one winter for the whole herd. Many small farmers will be deciding this soon.
To sell the meat privately, it must be processed at a licensed facility. Those that are open are booked solid and most people don't have freezers these days or the money to keep/buy a large quantity of meat. There is no way, that I am going to drive a few packages here and there to follow the new delivery guide lines or spend what's left of my life sitting at the end of my driveway hoping for a drive by.
If the lock downs continue, I feel the shortages will get worse, not better.
I probably should have posted this manifesto under rants for the day.