Goodnight Meer
Me too @Bacpacker I am a redhead but really good to hear you can do a little more.
Sometimes things happen for a reason and sometimes it is for us to learn something we need to. Hope you are keeping isolated and away from people where possible and good to hear you are working from home currently.
I would imagine that many people bought land for times just like this, and now they are escaping the city to be safer. I'd bet that many of them wished they had done more work on that bare land now: Water, sewer, solar systems, garden area, planted berry bushes and fruit trees, wood pile or even a shed that could now be home for a while. Almost every project I work on requires a trip to the hardware store to get supplies, materials, and often a tool or two. I hope those refugees have enough to take care of themselves: shovels, saws, hatchets, on and on. They may have to be there through the winter. They are getting ready for a rough time.
I hope there is not a group of thieves out there.
Thats what I was thinking... I'd try to make sure someone was always home or at the least a trusted neighbor keep an eye on things...
Speaking of eyes... I'd have a few of those game cameras pointed at my house... Better safe than sorry until you get a feel for who all those strangers are. At least you'd have video to give the cops...
Thank you Sewing! I'll get there, just taking longer than I want. Must be the Good Lord telling me to be paitent. I do have trouble with that.
The biggest group is on a piece of land that had a big shed/buildings. They seem to be pretty well prepared. Thrives don't seem to do well out here. This is an area where Leo response times can be 1hr+ so people have to deal with the problem before calling the sheriffs dpt to clean things up. That's actually what a deputy and state trooper told me when we moved out here.... Deal with the problem then call because we won't get there in time to help.
I paint my hand tools pink. It makes them easy to know they are mine and not someone else's. I chose pink on purpose, not a manly color.@zannej I think it was here someone suggested to use pink paint to mark your tools.
It's another rainy day. Hoped to get some seeds planted in pots, but as usual I'm probably planting too late for as hot as it gets here.
Here's something: stopped by Ace yesterday for cucumber plants, employee said a big shipment that came in yesterday (Wednesday) they had to block/refuse as they are not allowed to sell plants at this time. The usual area they sell plants was locked up. That gave me a really bad feeling.
So! I stopped by Wally World and on my way in what do I see? Cucumber plants, herbs, tomato plants, etc.
Anybody else seen unusual circumstances like that?
Like every day ...Saturday.
May piddle or dilly-dally, or even fiddlefart around today.
May just sit in swing and relax ....for at least 5 minutes.
Kinda lazy today.
Ain't going anywhere..
If I decide to do something...I'll get back to ya.
Hope y'all stay safe and happy.
I paint my hand tools pink. It makes them easy to know they are mine and not someone else's. I chose pink on purpose, not a manly color.
I called our Ace Hardware a couple weeks ago to ask about onion starts and seed potatoes. Manager said they won't get anything in until the end of April, if they decide to get them at all. They told me I can call an order in, they will fill the order, walk it out to my car. I am wanting to go buy a couple packages of cucumber seeds, but I realize this is too early to plant them. I plant them along my chain link fence and they have always done very well there.
Up, bacon and eggs eaten, two weeks worth of ironing done, last load of laundry in the wash, began to sweep but heater kicked on. Something I’ve learned- difficult to sweep with central air. Just get floor swept and heat kicks on and blows it everywhere before I can get the dustpan. Need to go out and clean in the summer kitchen then mow the lawn.
A friend called me yesterday and asked about whether she should eat potatoes that were sprouting. I suggested she plant them in buckets. I wanted to tell her I would drive over to pick them up, but with the stay home order, I don't think it is essential.We started sweet potato in a jar for sprouts.Already have nive long roots so hope to see set coming up anyday.
Missed planting season here for Irish Potatoes.
A friend called me yesterday and asked about whether she should eat potatoes that were sprouting. I suggested she plant them in buckets. I wanted to tell her I would drive over to pick them up, but with the stay home order, I don't think it is essential.
I am pretty sure that there is going to be more traffic this weekend, but it has been much quieter than usual, kind of like a war zone. I did hear that some streets are being blocked off to traffic in Denver. Is that a test? Is it to begin to have us get used to it as though it is normal?
I have a grocery order to pick up at noon today. It will be the first time I will have gone anywhere in about 3 weeks. I will drive up, pop the trunk, let them put the groceries in and drive home.
I wonder if sprinkling some diatomaceous earth around would help, especially around places like the porch and other dry places?We are waiting for home delivery from Amazon so fa r got Snickrs and bagod almonds,all wiped down with chemicals,if the visus don't get the chemicals just might! Thats soem stron sruff!
As I sit here tying a tick just crawled up my ancle from waking on porch Iguess where dogs are layign down.atime for them to go to back yard! THATS 2 THIS MORNING ALREADY!![]()
I wonder if sprinkling some diatomaceous earth around would help, especially around places like the porch and other dry places?
LOL I don't guess water fight is a good idea in that kind of weather. Maybe a snowball fight?no water fights's 52f and raining here.not a good mixture for a water i just turned the thermostat up 1 degree to get the chill out of here.