Went for morning walk. Unfortunately, it looked like business as usual at stores and in traffic. I didn't stop anywhere, just walked.
Came home and did one eBay draft so far. We are getting through toes of unlisted eBay items. Yay!
Still need to dust and then grill some chicken and cook some broccoli and maybe a sweet potato.
Had cornbread in milk for breakfast- no buttermilk at home.
At first I thought, "Wow, he takes food storage seriously - in ammo cases!"Working on the FIFO food can storage. Yesterday I cut the biscuit joints and did a dry assembly. Discovered I missed four cuts on the back.
This morning take the FIFO back out to the shop and made the four missed cuts.
Back of the FIFO test fitted to the back of the washroom closet door:
View attachment 38734
Back with the biscuit cuts made (minus the four I had missed):
View attachment 38735
First two vertical pieces glued in place. You like my weighted green clamps?
View attachment 38736
Hubby recently got a new hunting pack - I call it his "man purse." He love me - heeheeWe call them male tupperware here![]()
Hey @Curmudgeon What day is it? Is it Friday yet? Oy! So much paperwork this week!
I was trying to set up this new web cam thing so the family could see each other online.
Son tried to talk me through it but I just can'r seem to set it up right.
Its called ' Zoom ' something and on tried to send it through emial I didn't get the email.
Don't want directions but anyone here use Zoom?
My parents are using it to have their Bible Study Fellowship meetings. They used it once with me. I was given a 'meeting' number by my dad to enter in to the website. I had to download and install some software before I was connected with them.
The website for it is www.zoom.us
It's Saturday. I thought it was Saturday all day, I asked my youngest why she was working today, she is supposed to have weekends off, I'm blaming Jim (@phideaux)
How Do I Host A Video Meeting?I was trying to set up this new web cam thing so the family could see each other online.
Son tried to talk me through it but I just can'r seem to set it up right.
Its called ' Zoom ' something and on tried to send it through emial I didn't get the email.
Don't want directions but anyone here use Zoom?
How Do I Host A Video Meeting?
I think these instructions seem fairly easy. The website does say that it is very busy and there are wait times.
I used Zoom twice this week and four times last week from links that other people had set up. Ask your son to set it up and then you can join the meeting instead of hosting it, if you need to go that route.
As for buttermilk... get some powdered buttermilk and store it in your freezer.
We did school from 7 to 11 then worked on our new 24' chicken tractor until it started to lightening.To quote Genevieve
Today was our monthly trip to Costco. Normally we do it on the weekend but I told K I'd do it so we didn't have to run out there this past weekend.
I stopped at the bank then Lowes to pick up a space heater on the way to Costco which opened at 10am. I was still 20 minutes early.
Now I just have to run out this week when I get a chance for cat litter, nuts, carrots and green beans.
When I go I'll make a stop at Hobby Lobby for paint and supplies for more crafty things I enjoy doing.![]()
Got five more boxes from Walmart today(we get boxes everyday!).
Today we received several #10 cans of freeze-dried food along with other food items. We are constantly building up our supplies.
We did school from 7 to 11 then worked on our new 24' chicken tractor until it started to lightening.
Last 2 days worked from here all day. At 3:30 went outside and worked for 3-4 hours trying to beat back the undergrowth. Today was running the chainsaw to cut back some tree limbs that was heading into some of our blueberries and some stuff trying to get out into one of our garden spots. Gotta drag all the crap out to my brushpile now. Still got more to cut as well, but those were the most important. Planned to do all that this winter, but that didn't happen.
I'm so glad you think you have allergies.My problem is allergies. There's a lot more pollen out. I was feeling better before I went to the post office & store. Just to be safe though, I put tissues against the front of my face and wrapped a heavy scarf around my lower face/head & washed my hands thoroughly. The scarf kept me from touching my nose/face. I still coughed in to my elbow with the getup & made sure to stay away from people. Post office is no longer passing stuff over the counter. They put my packages in a larger box & left a key in my box so I could get them. One of the packages was stuck so it took a few minutes to get it out. I had to set everything down and then crouch down to get it bc it was the very bottom box & the door kept trying to swing back shut on me.
I went to the pharmacy section to get more cough drops, some pepto bismol, and look for some eye drops. There were some friendly guys who live out in the woods east of town who were there for allergy stuff. One of them decided to help me look for eye drops & found the kind that worked for my symptoms. They were friendly & we chatted about how crazy things are. A lot of people were wearing masks. Walmart for some reason has yellow tape to section off entrance and exit and has carts in between on the outside-- but nothing on the inside to separate the exit and entrance sections & we were trying to figure out what the purpose was, other than to look serious. I think the general idea is so people leaving can't cough on people entering? But that doesn't work since the section where the carts go in is in the middle and it isn't divided & we still pass each other on the way in & out.
Employees were being made to stand outside to direct people where to go to get around the tape. I forgot a couple of things I meant to get, but I got most of my stuff.
The chatty guys told me that 19 people at the federal prison tested positive for covid-19 and that there were 4 deaths there.
I agree Meer. I had planned to not do any garden this year due to being sick. But feeling well enough to try and hit it hard, even if I am a little late. I do have an extra hour each afternoon not having to drive home from work. Just can't wait to get my energy back. I'm still just getting 30-45 minutes between rest periods. But improving a little it seems.
Great day today.
Anything I do outside is good.
I got the GX355 diesel John Deere ready for the mowing year.
Blades just slight touch up. Greased all lube points, oil and filter changed.
Got the Gravely zero turn ready also same thing as the other, plus air filter.
Wife mowed front yard while I'd did the Gravely.
Then we called our favorite restaurant , and ordered supper, went and picked it up thru drive thru. Very good.
That's it for today.