Sorry to hear you lost the Mum and calf @ClemKadiddlehopper it is heartbreaking when that happens. Glad you went for a nice drive and found a peaceful place to stop.
I hate to admit it. WVDragonlady But I am an old 70's kinda guy.
I was like Juan Epstein
If you know who that was we are on the same wave link
I like the top one better. Looks very cool. Do you make tool belts too? I know you make stuff for ammo, but trying to remember if you've ever done a tool belt. I love the leatherworking you do.All i did yesterday was make 10 masks for my wife and I to use.
I am board to death. I have not seen another person besides my wife in 3 weeks and I am ready to kill her. LOL just kidding,,
received some leather yesterday.
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A nice double shoulder, And now I am tying to figure out what to make.
i like the top one..but i think the bottom will sell more
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Do you have the recipe for the split pea soup? What kind of peas are the best to use? I love split pea soup. Used to buy the stuff in a can but they no longer have it. We've got a pressure cooker so I think we could make a batch if we get the right supplies.This morning had to go to local grocery and then back home, sanitize and went for walk. Came home and started double batch of split pea soup using ham bone that was just cooked a couple days ago. The soup should keep us going awhile and I'll freeze some. Will set up DH's meds for the next 2 weeks. Fella that mows was here today, always does a great job! I think I'll mess around in garden, but not plant for a few days because of severe weather tomorrow and then cold-ish for a couple of days. After that, I think I'm good to go!
And Happy Easter to all ya'll!
I like the top one better. Looks very cool. Do you make tool belts too? I know you make stuff for ammo, but trying to remember if you've ever done a tool belt. I love the leatherworking you do.
Do you have the recipe for the split pea soup? What kind of peas are the best to use? I love split pea soup. Used to buy the stuff in a can but they no longer have it. We've got a pressure cooker so I think we could make a batch if we get the right supplies.
My friend had wanted me to come over today to help him with plumbing but he forgot to mention it to me. He's still got a headache from hitting his head the other day. His fiance messaged me around noon saying I was supposed to come over- news to me. I felt like garbage anyway. Had the chills, took my temp: 97.9. Face feels somewhat numb & I'm a bit lightheaded. Otherwise I'm ok. Just mostly feeling tired. So I'm not going anywhere today or tomorrow.
Hope everyone else is feeling ok. Sorry to hear about the cow & her baby dying. (I have trouble remembering who said what). Got one of my orange cats on my lap curled up & happy. Petting cats & listening to them purr makes me feel better.
Do you have the recipe for the split pea soup?
Thank you Sewing, it comes and goes so far I deal with it .Glad your feeling better @Meerkat after being out in the yard.
I sort of miss that last Charolais. I could walk out in the pasture at night and call his name. He'd come to me and put his giant head against my chest... he liked to have his ears scratched, gentle as a lamb.
Spent the day working on the greenhouse. The hoops are up and we stopped working on the end wall at dinner time.
I like the top one better. Looks very cool. Do you make tool belts too? I know you make stuff for ammo, but trying to remember if you've ever done a tool belt. I love the leatherworking you do.
Do you have the recipe for the split pea soup? What kind of peas are the best to use? I love split pea soup. Used to buy the stuff in a can but they no longer have it. We've got a pressure cooker so I think we could make a batch if we get the right supplies.
My friend had wanted me to come over today to help him with plumbing but he forgot to mention it to me. He's still got a headache from hitting his head the other day. His fiance messaged me around noon saying I was supposed to come over- news to me. I felt like garbage anyway. Had the chills, took my temp: 97.9. Face feels somewhat numb & I'm a bit lightheaded. Otherwise I'm ok. Just mostly feeling tired. So I'm not going anywhere today or tomorrow.
Hope everyone else is feeling ok. Sorry to hear about the cow & her baby dying. (I have trouble remembering who said what). Got one of my orange cats on my lap curled up & happy. Petting cats & listening to them purr makes me feel better.
Oh and I have a question for you all which is how much of a cash stash should you keep at home for emergency purposes ?. Obviously just in case there is a run on the banks.
We used to have a Chianina like that he was a giant 18 hand 10 ton baby. Ok so maybe not quite 10 tons but he looked it.
I forgot to add the picture!
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My world here at home on the farm goes on.
I suffer not by being isolated at home...just the wife and I. We are very busy and happy .
We hardly even notice the world around us is messed up.
Today I finally finished putting all the hot wires around my downsized garden....which is all planted.
Wires are , from bottom up, at 4",10", 26", and top one at 48"...hooked up and hot.
That's worked for me for many years.
Then I tilled a spot beside my house , about 8'x20' , side nobody can see , just for tomatoes and peppers.
Gotta wait for temps to go up before setting them out in
Storms coming thru again tomorrow.
No church tomorrow, due to storms , drive-in church might get nasty.
Happy Easter to everyone.
Stay home, stay safe, have a great day.
My friend with the virus is at home doing good.
Treating it be like the flu.
Happy Easter everyone as we are on Sunday here already.
Yesterday we did pretty much nothing but I did cut DH's hair, gave myself a manicure and pedicure, shaved legs and moisturised so feeling lots better and pampered.
Not sure what we will do today being Easter Sunday but not a lot I would imagine being a day of rest but will spend some family time together.
The belts look cool, Frodo.
Greenhouse is looking good, Terri.
Thanks, Meerkat.
Peanut, those are beautiful cows. I had to look twice because my eyes were playing tricks on me. Looked like the one behind was eating something other than grass (but that rhymes with it). LOL.
Good to hear you had a nice day, Mo. I'd love to see pictures of the quilt you are working on. I have an elderly friend who used to make quilts. She's moved to the other side of the state so we don't get to see her much anymore. She's in her 90s now & I really miss her. When the virus is completely clear, I want to visit her. She's like a grandmother to me. I've spent more time with her than with either of my biological grandmothers.
I stayed home, made lunch- my brother made rice & I heated up some roast beef au jus. I napped a bit & then mom woke me up wanting dinner but heard how tired I was so she let me get another 2 hours of sleep. I needed it. Made dinner (hamburger helper stroganoff again). Put leftovers away & I'm back in bed. I still feel like garbage. Feel lightheaded & tired. Still no fever though. Throat is feeling better. I've got a slight sinus headache. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I think it might be barometric pressure changes-- I can be sensitive to them.
Amish suggested three months worth. That sounds like a good amount. The banks pay no interest anyway.Oh and I have a question for you all which is how much of a cash stash should you keep at home for emergency purposes ?. Obviously just in case there is a run on the banks.
Stayed busy in the garden this afternoon. Keeping a close eye on weather reports for the middle of the week, temps are supposed to get down into the high 30’s/low 40’s for about 3 nights. I’d hate to see a little frost bite the plants I already have up and growing.
Keeping a close eye on tomorrow’s weather also. The first super cell of the season is still predicted. On a 1 to 5 scale, my county is a 4 for long lived large tornadoes from noon until midnight (5 being the strongest possibility). Even the straight-line winds are predicted to be 70mph. Fingers crossed there is no damage here…
Tonight I’m trying to relax, build up energy for tomorrow.
I don’t keep a lot of cash around, maybe a thousand or so, more in summer than winter. In summer I’m more likely to see a for sale sign in someone’s yard. No telling when I might stumble across a bargain and need cash.
At my age an emergency usually means a hospital and a boat load of cash. I'm not that worried about a run on the banks. Most purchases are done electronically these days anyway. If the bank or plastic doesn't work the store probably won't either, thats what the pantry is for.
Here is one of the two bulls I wrote about... he'd weight about 2200lbs.
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