Hugs @Meerkat and hope your depression gets better and glad you saw a pretty bird this morning.
Hope the move happens soon Amich I know your ready for that to happen.Glad you are feeling better, Meer. I don't get depressed usually, but have had my ups and downs. A lot of it is not knowing exactly when we're moving. I want to just go already.
Baby chicks will be the center of attention today. Schoolwork, chores for the kids, and then youngest daughter will be visiting and doing their yoga lesson. Friday night, so pizzas made at home and a movie. I hope to get a few more boxes packed. Working on a loft upstairs. Got it painted, and need to finish boxing it. Boxes have been sitting outside for over a week, so I think they're good. Husband is still trying to get a Sam's order 2, and no commitment. I don't think it's going to happen.
@Meerkat I think some depression or sadness is normal at this time.
Honestly, a lot of us may be grieving in some way. I know I am feeling a bit blue from moment to moment because it's been almost a year, plus all this stuff with the virus.
We can keep on trying to find joy in little things, like you do in your wildlife and dogs. I like it that your crow has adopted your homestead and you.
Most welcome @Meerkat and glad you are feeling better. Working in the yard certainly helps and we have been doing that a lot here too and got a lot of jobs marked off our to do list but much more to do yet.
Hope you get the much needed rain there. We have green grass here now and spent most of our time mowing, spraying for weeds and doing lawn edges.
Got a rowing machine delivered yesterday so I can do some low impact workouts to try and drop some of this weight I've put on since I started dialysis.
Got a call from my kidney transplant team and they want to push for a September transplant date. My sister is a 100% match and is eager to donate.
Otherwise, just "working" from home. Things are pretty quiet work wise right now.
Hope everyone is well.
Been working on cross stitch queen size quilt, one block at a time.
Will be adding this site to my phone so I can add pictures more easy, for me.
Hopefully Monday or Tuesday my son and grand daughter will have their own apartment.
Still haven't figured out what Granny's little big girl did to my sewing machine.
Tension is all wocky jaw.
My sons suggested strongly if I was going to do online classes, just bite the big one and get 1Tbyte of internet instead of the 200 GB I had. Over charges will hurt the budget tremendously as I have found out recently.
They did in South Carolina (I think) and they were given $500 tickets to each person.@The Lazy L That looks great. How 'bout using a bore bit on the drill to get the semi-circles so you can grip???
@MoBookworm1957 Fingers crossed (and prayers of course) that son finds a suitable place.
I had a thought: yep just one. That's all it takes to clog up my wee brain.
Easter is this weekend. It is one of our rights (as opposed to privileges) to congregate. Truth is, I haven't attended since we've moved here. Eventually, I will find a church family to "fit in" with. There are a great number of Adventists here, which is not my belief so it will just be time. However, I thought of a way that I would love to see for an Easter service under current circumstances. If someone had a huge pasture, the pastor could have a PA system and families could come park, each car at least 6' apart in a field then the pastor could deliver the message. Leaving could be closest to the rear first and wait your turn to leave "safely." What a sight if it covered a giant area - coming together, but apart to lift up His name. (Oh, or maybe tune in to a certain radio station.)
Wouldn't that be amazing? I don't have the means for such, but would love it if it happened somewhere - anywhere.
Well, I'm pretty sure that was my 1 brilliant thought for the day.
Hoping you're all staying safe and healthy.
LadyL I'd call i a win too.Yesterday, I moved and organized some eBay totes, made jello and then went out and fertilized the rose garden before it rained.
Today it is cooler! Put dirt and potting soil in lick tubs to plant lettuce and garlic in. Will plant Sat. or Sunday. Just made Ginger Spice Banana Bread.
Tomorrow, local grocery and hardware store, come home and plant, then clean bathrooms.
Still walking and doing video every day. Haven't gained but about 5 pounds back, so I call it a win!
Well yesterday I done my back digging sweet potatoes and had a hellish night with next to no sleep.
I'm up for a new garden fork because the handle broke half way through the job.
Newly planted zucchini plants need watering and bean plants need to be put in the ground and covered with orchard netting.
Just the thought is enough to have me whimper.
Getting down the stairs to feed the chickens had me clammy, sweaty and nauseous.
I might be in a bit of trouble if it doesn't sort it's self out soon.