What's everybody doing today?

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Did nothing yesterday.

Rested from a busy week.

All the seed I planted this week , will probably rot in the ground , since the temps are in 30s at night and 50s in day , for next 7 days....they most likely will not germinate.

Oh well , I'll just replant in a few weeks ,when it's in the 90s and humidity is off the charts.

Been 5-6 years since I had a garden...got in too much hurry I guess.
Those 80+ deg days fooled me.

50s today and windy.


Jim my nieghbor and I were just talking about crazy wrather we have.My plants are'nt doing too good either.I just haven't been myself lately. Taake care Soul Man. :lil guy: :cool:
Jim my nieghbor and I were just talking about crazy wrather we have.My plants are'nt doing too good either.I just haven't been myself lately. Taake care Soul Man. :lil guy: :cool:

Well Meer,
I kinda think we all have those days...if I have to pack up my dancin shoes and come down there and give you some special dance lessons...you might be sorry. dancing chicken

I have been known to cut a rug .

So don't worry about anything at all, except getting up everyday and enjoying the life and time we have .

I don't worry about the weather, or that stupid garden...just live life as each day it's presented to us.

Be yourself each minute of each day.

It's fun ...most time.
Plants come and go.

Well Meer,
I kinda think we all have those days...if I have to pack up my dancin shoes and come down there and give you some special dance lessons...you might be sorry. dancing chicken

I have been known to cut a rug .

So don't worry about anything at all, except getting up everyday and enjoying the life and time we have .

I don't worry about the weather, or that stupid garden...just live life as each day it's presented to us.

Be yourself each minute of each day.

It's fun ...most time.
Plants come and go.

So true Jim and I read or heard somewhere if your feeling bad or anxious then do the opposite of what you feel like doing which is " smile " . I tried it the other night and it worked or at least I told myself it did.either way I'll take it.:)
Hows the wifes quilt coming along? I bet it is really getting pretty now.
So true Jim and I read or heard somewhere if your feeling bad or anxious then do the opposite of what you feel like doing which is " smile " . I tried it the other night and it worked or at least I told myself it did.either way I'll take it.:)
Hows the wifes quilt coming along? I bet it is really getting pretty now.
Meer I heard one time if when you wake up and feel a little off, when you’re brushing your teeth look in the mirror and make a face and laugh at yourself. I don’t always remember, but when I do, it is a positive way to start the day. 🌷
So true Jim and I read or heard somewhere if your feeling bad or anxious then do the opposite of what you feel like doing which is " smile " . I tried it the other night and it worked or at least I told myself it did.either way I'll take it.:)
Hows the wifes quilt coming along? I bet it is really getting pretty now.

She is almost done with that white one with a zabillion stitches, but she switched to start another one , just to get a break.

I'll get a pic when it's all done.

LadyL must be something to it,they even wrote a song about it. :)

Love Jimmy! Our trailer is named “Mrs Calabash.” Charlie Chapmen actually composed it for a silent movie. The words were added mid 40’s (I think?). Perfect song. CC wrote some beautiful music even if he was a little odd.
I went out this afternoon to bush hog down around the pole barn, around the garden and shop. Neither tractor had been greased for quite some time or the bushhog for that matter... So, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Anyway, finished all that up about the time the grtnephew came up with a trailer of hay. The cattle might need a couple more rolls before the grass is up high enough to sustain them. Of course if he'd listened to me and sown 5 or 6 acres up in the high field with winter rye there'd be no need for hay now and his cows would have a big jump on summer. But he won't listen to me or my dad. Between dad and I we have 120 years of cattle raising experience and the kid has 2. Why would he listen to us?
Heck, he can't even keep farm equipment greased.

It was a bit cool out in late afternoon, thought about hand spreading some crushed volcanic rock over parts of the garden but decided to call it a day. Maybe it'll be a little warmer tomorrow.
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I went out this afternoon to bush hog down around the pole barn, around the garden and shop. Neither tractor had been greased for quite some time or the bushhog for that matter... So, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Anyway, finished all that up about the time the grtnephew came up with a trailer of hay. The cattle might need a couple more rolls before the grass is up high enough to sustain them. Of course if he'd listened to me and sowed 5 or 6 acres up in the high field with winter rye there'd be no need for hay now and his cows would have a big jump on summer. But he won't listen to me or my dad. Between dad and I we have 120 years of cattle raising experience and the kid has 2. Why would he listen to us? View attachment 39424 Heck, he can't even keep farm equipment greased.

It was a bit cool out in late afternoon, thought about hand spreading some crushed volcanic rock over parts of the garden but decided to call it a day. Maybe it'll be a little warmer tomorrow.
On the ranch - especially during haying, we took care of the tractors every night so if something happened we weren’t able to be there in the morning (like there was anybody else) the tractor was ready to go. Also in winter feeding- loaded the truck after feeding for the next go so it was ready. Just how it rolled.
On the ranch - for the next go so it was ready. Just how it rolled.

I hear you... dad and I are in the "lets prevent the disaster from happening" crowd. That boy's dad etc are in the "lets clean up the disaster" group. They are very good at cleaning up the disasters, hats off to them... I'd just rather they not happen to begin with...
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Bad day on the farm. Had to put a cow down. She was an experienced trouble free mom, up until today. Calf was the biggest thing I have ever seen; so big she couldn't get the head out past the nose. All attempts by the vet to pull it failed. He figured if the head couldn't clear there was even less chance for the hips to make it through the pelvis. The calf weighed in at 177 lbs after an autopsy c-section. The poor girl never had a chance. Nasty day all round.
Good evening all. My gang was able to finish our Wyoming project a couple days early. Tomorrow morning we load all our equipment on the train and when that's done, we'll skedaddle for home. Then I can have nine days off to sit at home with nothing to do. Since I've been traveling to Coronavirus hotspots, it's still somewhat risky for my daughter to be spending time with me.

I may go out to the farm and shoot on my days off but I can't go in and see my parents. They're both somewhat frail and I won't take a chance on carrying the virus to them.

Hope you all are surviving your social distancing. Have a great evening!
Bad day on the farm. Had to put a cow down. he calf weighed in at 177 lbs after an autopsy c-section. The poor girl never had a chance. Nasty day all round.

Jeez! that is huge! I've cleaned up after a couple of very bad uterine prolapse births before but have never tried to pull a calf that size... Sorry to hear it!
Hate to hear that news Clem. That is a huge calf.

We decided to take a drive around today. Was gone about 4.5 hours. We've looked at some property in areas where we went. Also went to our favorite waterfall. It was running very big. There was also a ton of wildflowers all bloomed out. Got back home, fixed some tortilinni and smoked sausage for supper. Then I went out and started a fire in our little pit. Sat out there until time for the 11pm new before we came in. Sounds like nice weather tomorrow, possible severe storms Sunday.
All the other calves have been normal, why this one ended up so ginormous defies logic. The vet hadn't seen one this big before either and that says something. Just not to be expected from an Angus.
Had to dress both of them out in the dark. It's going to be cool enough to let them hang tonight. If it's not salvageable for us, the dogs will eat well.
@ClemKadiddlehopper Dad was always partial to Charolais Bulls, me to for that matter. We had two consecutively that were over 2200lbs each. The first one wasn't a problem but the second one produced very large calves. We lost 3 good cows to uterine prolapse births in about 18 months. That bull had to go. Shame, he was gentle as a lamb, caused no trouble but the calves were just to big. Our next bull was a polled Hereford, beautiful calves but smaller.

I sort of miss that last Charolais. I could walk out in the pasture at night and call his name. He'd come to me and put his giant head against my chest... he liked to have his ears scratched, gentle as a lamb.
Hate to hear that news Clem. That is a huge calf.

We decided to take a drive around today. Was gone about 4.5 hours. We've looked at some property in areas where we went. Also went to our favorite waterfall. It was running very big. There was also a ton of wildflowers all bloomed out. Got back home, fixed some tortilinni and smoked sausage for supper. Then I went out and started a fire in our little pit. Sat out there until time for the 11pm new before we came in. Sounds like nice weather tomorrow, possible severe storms Sunday.

We did the drive thing yesterday. Found a spot where we could chuck rocks in the big waters. It was nice to expand the horizon for a bit.
@ClemKadiddlehopper I didn't understand you lost them both. That must be one of the worst things to deal with, other than the creature being attacked by dogs or something. Sorry about a lousy night/day. I would want to throw rocks too.
(Side note: My dad and sister used to say something about Clem Kadiddlehopper, but forget what the reference was. haha)
I'm not a farm girl so kinda clueless on your farmtalk, but your stories, along with everyone else's farm, garden, and critter stories, are fascinating.
@Bacpacker things are going to be cranking up for severe weather. @Peanut looked like they were saying Alabama was going to be under the gun, but of course most of the south, over the next few days would be in the red zone. I'm not in the mood for tornadoes.
@Spikedriver Sorry you're having to stay away from your family.
Way to go on the greenhouse, Terri. Just released more ladybugs in ours. Youngest daughter came by for yoga, egg dying, and dinner tonight. She is moving to Tuscan this summer for work, so she is cleaning out stuff. Brought over an electric guitar and amp for the kids. Ha. Ha. Little granddaughter claimed it. Now there's two.
I'm sorry you're feeling bad, TankG.
All i did yesterday was make 10 masks for my wife and I to use.
I am board to death. I have not seen another person besides my wife in 3 weeks and I am ready to kill her. LOL just kidding,,
received some leather yesterday.

A nice double shoulder, And now I am tying to figure out what to make.
i like the top one..but i think the bottom will sell more



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