What's everybody doing today?

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This is my prepping thing. Daughter often operates with one set of keys and periodically misplaces them. Son should have two extra sets of keys made. One extra set that he can access and then another set that he gives to you. I used to keep a key hidden outside until someone found it and used it. I do not do that anymore.

Very good idea,we have two sets to everything.
MoBook sorry you have to go through that many tubes.i had it every two hours in hospital for 5 days and night. My hands and arms were almost solid black. My viens are still not the same. Take care and ask questions.
They get 1 ***, 1 *** only.
Not walking out of lab anymore looking like I got beaten.
I have teeny tiny veins now.
They use a butterfly needle on me now.
Miss the calls about family circus all three of the kids are at the beach now, son evn got off to go join the daughtrs and a few of the grown grands went too_Oldest daughter took her two grands 8 and 12 but they stayed in other part of resort. :D I only talked n phone ove since they left, wanted to give her total rest, no kids or mother,lol.I do get to see pic on FB and a fw messages.
They are leaving in the morning to go home. All had agreat time.
I've only eaten at Outback once, many years ago, and have no memory of their veggies. I wonder how this copycat recipe would work? How to Steam Vegetables Like the Outback | Livestrong.com
Thank you! They use butter and olive oil. I bet that makes the difference in the flavor.

Took my friend's fiance to Eunice for doctor's appointments 2 days in a row. 1st day was for bloodwork. They insist she has to go all the way there for bloodwork instead of letting it be done locally. They determined that her blood type is not compatible with my friend's blood type (assuming it's actually his kid) so the next day she had to get a shot to prevent her body from rejecting the baby if it has a different blood type. They made her wait outside for 5 min after her appointment time before letting her in the building. Appointment was at 1:15pm & she didn't get out until 2:20pm. She was cranky on the ride home, but I can't blame her.

Woke up today with allergies acting up- eyes all cruddy and puffy, feeling tired, & breathing not great. I would have slept longer but my cat kept touching my face with his claws to let me know he wanted out. Saw 2 of the 3 kittens on my friend's porch had an eye swollen shut & handed them off to my brother to clean their eyes (he was there to help my friend put some stuff in the car to try to fix it-- his power steering went out). He's had bad luck this week- power steering went out, back window control went out, computer mouse stopped working, & keyboard started malfunctioning. Plus he only got half of his paycheck & he's been told he can't go to work again until the 20th. Unemployment pay is not making up the difference.

Reheated leftovers for Mom. Waiting for her to say she's hungry again & then wait for her to decide what she wants.

Supposed to go to samsclub tomorrow to pick up more water & then to HomeDepot to pick up an order. Hoping the link to click "I'm in my car, bring it out to me" will work when I'm there.
She probably got a Rhogam shot, Zannej. I've had to get one, too during mid pregnancy, and immediately after birth. It's because my blood is RHnegA, and husband is A pos. My blood type runs in our family, typically one female in each generation. Our oldest daughter, my mom, my grandma, then I don't know. My favorite amish cousin's daughter has it, too, and I bet one of her daughters.
Celebrating husband's retirement today. Toast with some champagne. Felt kinda bad for him, though, it's typically celebrated with a party and lots of speeches. Has been working in his industry all his life, straight out of college. It's been a long time. Everyone said thanks and bye to him during the morning meeting (on line from home). But I suspect he'll be working on some independent projects after we move.
Not just today, but my past couple weeks.

Busy two weeks with two dogs, one who has been staying with me almost two weeks now, and another one who comes to hang out during the day to keep the boarding dog company and to get out of his house so his owners can work from home. These two dogs get along well and have many play dates together.

Dogs and I go out to the back yard for an hour here and an hour there. They watch squirrels and chase them when possible. They have a kiddie pool to get in and cool off that I fill with fresh water every day. I work in the yard while they enjoy themselves. Then we go in the house and cool off and the dogs usually have a treat and a nap.

I have at least 10 contractor bags (maybe more) that I have filled up to put out on overflow garbage day, which is this coming Monday. This day comes every 4 weeks and I have been getting ready for it. My rolling bin is more than half full of small sticks that I don't want in the bags to poke holes. The wind was strong earlier this week and took down several small dead branches.

Posted on Craigslist and got rid of an antique wheelbarrow, 4 metal chair frames, and some chain link fencing this week. I scheduled 3 different people to each come at 9 a.m. on the same day to pick the stuff up. They came one right after the other and it worked out great. They were the first to respond to the ads and came at the agreed upon time.

I have some wood that needs to go and am working on a pile of it before I advertise it. I also have some metal (old grills, old table) to have a scrapper come and take away. I am having a challenge removing the propane tank from one grill.

I have a small trailer (4' x 4') that needs new tires. The ones that are on it are old and flat and need to be replaced. I have been trying to get it jacked up so that I can remove the old tires, so that I can take them to get new tires put on. I've also been working on a spot to park the trailer in. It is beside the garage and has never been really leveled. I have been filling low spots with dirt and then will tamp it all down. I have several buckets of crushed granite to put down and then I will push the trailer into that spot. I am considering building a lean to roof over the trailer to keep debris out of it and to protect it a little. It will not be a full shed, but a roof over the trailer with privacy fencing on two sides and a garage wall on the third. Area is 5 ft by 8 ft.

More digging and amending of garden beds. One bed has a privacy fence on one side and when the fence was rebuilt a couple years ago, the boards for the raised beds were removed on the fence side and were mostly rotten cedar posts that are now gone. They were there more than 20 years and some of them just disintegrated. I have been working to rebuild the back side of the raised bed now with bricks that I harvested from a garage that was being torn down. The bricks are getting soft mortar removed before being added. Work. I have to pace myself due to my back and now my shoulder and upper arm. Work a little, rest a little. Then this bed will get dug up and peat moss worked in. It is about 3 feet by 30 feet long. I have 3/4 of the brick done now. There is already rhubarb, celery, pumpkin, squash and watermelon planted in there, closer to the front.

Finally found bee balm, tarragon and sage to plant and got them planted, sage in garden, bee balm and tarragon in pots. Got peppermint that I got a while ago planted in a pot.

I have a narrow strip on another side of the garage that I am considering adding mints to. The only other thing there is a driveway. I know that mint is invasive and that I why I haven't planted it there yet. I used to have columbine there, but they probably got overtaken. Creeping bellflower has taken over that long narrow bed and that will be work to get it dug out. The tuberous roots are deep. I would prefer various mints to the creeping bellflower. I will leave this as my last bed to do.
You've been yardwork busy, Weedy! My bee balm is about 4 feet tall right now. I have no idea what I'm doing today. Regular chores this morning, but they've become less and less with no more fowl. Not thrilled that the highlight of my day is "what's for dinner?", and is everything put away because there is a house showing. Husband says he will be ready to move next month. Tomorrow, though, is Sunday dinner, and we will have our daughter and boyfriend over, and probably the grandsons and their mama.
Got some family coming up today so we have been washing bedding, cleaning up the house a bit, and doing some lawn work. I also got a couple pork butts injected & rubbed and waiting to go on the smoker while the kids went to the farmer's market to pick up some veggies to grill up with dinner. They are also hopefully getting some lemons to make homemade lemonade.

Later today the furniture store is going to deliver a bedroom set we purchased for our 10 year old daughter, who is moving into a new bedroom and getting a tween upgrade in furniture and decor. It was $10 delivery fee if they drop it in the driveway or $35 to bring it inside and set it where it goes. I told the wife for $25 we would carry it in ourselves. Fortunately our oldest son is coming home today too. He has no idea that he is going to be doing some lifting and carrying when he gets here though.

If I have time I am going to sneak out this afternoon and shoot some clay pigeons. One of my Sgt's is the range master today at the sporting clays / skeet range and he said I should come out and shoot up some old reloads he wants to use up. My trust Ruger Red Label hasn't seen the range in far too long. Plus since my youngest son wants to start hunting chickens, I better get back into form. ;)
It says: Bonnie Plants Bee Balm No latin name on the tag. I planted it last spring, and it came back. Says it gets to 48 inches tall, so I guess it's at it's limit. Sorry, my do nothing phone doesn't do photos.
My nephew in OK called to say he's on his way to our farm; wish we were there. Him and his wife just spending the weekend there. Went to my favorite ladies clothing store. I saw yesterday that they would be open at noon. Fun to shop a bit, but no exchanges and no dressing rooms open. Have a house showing at 6 tonight, so dinner will be late.
Strawberry and I have walked several times this morning.
Have made several people grumpy this morning.
Just because the Governor is opening up Missouri on the 16th supposely.
Doesn't mean every Tom, Dick and Harry is coming to my house without calling first.
Or coming into my house either.
I did my one good deed for the year.
Loaned my portable air conditioner to a cousin, her husband has breathing problems.
Will probably never see it again if things run true to form.
Or it will be returned broken also true to form.
Been cleaning out stuff out of junk drawers.
Rearranging stuff in kitchen.
Resting right at the moment, Strawberry is sleeping worn out my all the extra attention.
She got a shower after everybody left.
Other than that not doing much.
Strawberry and I will walk again after while.
Neighbor up the road told me I could have cherries off her tree in the front yard.
So I will go down there and pick cherries in the next few days.
Watered the gardens early and then walked this morning.

Went visiting a couple of friends that I haven't seen since the beginning of the debacle. Had a nice time. Went to Dollar General on the way home.

Just been reading a book this afternoon until now. I will write 3 eBay drafts this afternoon that I already shot photos for.

Later, I need to harvest Sugar Snap Peas and pull some weeds.
Made our breakfast
Got the dishes done
We have a 35 yr old maple tree and it has limbs that have grown out and down across the walkway and the walk through gate so hubby and I cut it back today and took the limbs down to the woods.
Hubby also built steps at the new lower deck
Pups killed a 5ft black snake. Bandit even climbed into the lilac bush it was in to drag it out. Had to wait for them to get finished with it to get rid of it lol
Just hung out on the front porch in the glider today since it was so nice out. 72, low humidity and breezy
Gonna have take out for supper.
Have to figure out what to make for supper tomorrow
Yep, made into town , spent $400 on a new pistol,
Spent $350 on a new 12,000 btu window AC for my shop.
Then Mexican for osogood tamales and salad. Then grandson stopped by and got the AC outta the car , and put it in the window for me.

Now I'm resting.
Gosh it's hot outside, the sun feels like a torch , and it ain't August yet.

Got the 2 flags mounted on back of truck for tomorrow at church , for Flag day.

Ain't life wonderful.

My heart ain't hurting.

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Been busy working on the new place and working to get the old place ready to sell and helping out Mom and babysitting the granddaughter and, oh yeah, my job. Best part of this virus nonsense is the two hours a day I get back from not commuting. So, lots of projects done around the new place, planting, landscaping, cleaning up decades of crap from previous folks on this land, getting the garden in, building two more raised beds, turning a field into a yard. And I’m still trying to learn to paint. I keep turning up old foundation stones that I’ve built a flower garden for Momio with. And some barn wood turned into a nice bench for the entryway.
It says: Bonnie Plants Bee Balm No latin name on the tag. I planted it last spring, and it came back. Says it gets to 48 inches tall, so I guess it's at it's limit. Sorry, my do nothing phone doesn't do photos.

About a dozen different species are called "Beebalm". All are in the "mint" family, almost all are medicinal to some extent. 2 are very special medicines that were used by native peoples in the US to this very day.

When I checked the photos the one sold by bonnie plants looks like a subspecies of Monarda didyma, one of the special medicines. Monarda didyma is also called "Scarlet Beebalm". I don't know if this subspecies has the medicinal qualities of its parent. When cross pollinated... plants tend to lose a lot of qualities except for the traits they were crossbred for.

Thanks though! I was hoping you had a special medicine you could use.
...Just because the Governor is opening up Missouri on the 16th supposely.
Doesn't mean every Tom, Dick and Harry is coming to my house without calling first.
Or coming into my house either...

My father-in-law had that habit. He's a control freak who thought my house was his to come and go as he pleased. His wife and children trained to avoid confrontation with him.

We were eating supper when I saw him coming. I quickly reached over and locked the door. He was caught by surprise and he almost went thru the door's glass window. As I open the door to great him he demanded to know why the door was locked! I told we weren't expecting visitors as I stood in the doorway blocking his entry. He barley controlled his rage as he said he needed to talked to his daughter (my wife). I told we were eating supper and she'll call him after we were done eating. Surprisingly he turned and left. I found out later he would call and or stop in daily expecting a report to him on our activities. Wife cooperated in keeping the doors locked after this.
You've been yardwork busy, Weedy! My bee balm is about 4 feet tall right now. I have no idea what I'm doing today. Regular chores this morning, but they've become less and less with no more fowl. Not thrilled that the highlight of my day is "what's for dinner?", and is everything put away because there is a house showing. Husband says he will be ready to move next month. Tomorrow, though, is Sunday dinner, and we will have our daughter and boyfriend over, and probably the grandsons and their mama.
I have been yardwork busy, because my backyard has really been neglected for a few years. I don't think it ever got mowed when I was taking care of Crosby (3 years). There were lots of leaves that never got raked. Garden beds were neglected. I could go out every day this summer and work for a few hours and will not be done by the end of the summer. What I am working on now is cleaning up and clearing out of debris and junk that needs to go. Neighbors should be happy when I have it cleared out, but they have never said a word.

Deck needs work. Shed, basement entrance and back porch need new roofing. Porch needs gutters. House and garage need painting. Trees need trimming. Some flagstone needs to be reset because it is uneven. And garden beds need to be reworked. I want to clean up and clear out before the next projects start.

I have done most of this kind of work, even as a child, because when my mother died, we went from one relative to another and helped them out with painting, mowing, gardening, cleaning, repair work, fieldwork, you name it, whatever needed to be done. There is endless work on farms and they don't typically hire out this kind of work. Farm people typically do most of this kind of work themselves.
It's working ok for me right now.
I don't know if it's medicinal or not Peanut, but I did dry a lot of leaves to take with me when we move. Not sure what I'll do with them.
Had dinner late, after the last showing. Have an 1145 a.m. one scheduled and a 1:00 one scheduled tomorrow. Hopefully none after that, because we have daughter, boyfriend, and grandsons with their mom for supper.
About a dozen different species are called "Beebalm". All are in the "mint" family, almost all are medicinal to some extent. 2 are very special medicines that were used by native peoples in the US to this very day.

When I checked the photos the one sold by bonnie plants looks like a subspecies of Monarda didyma, one of the special medicines. Monarda didyma is also called "Scarlet Beebalm". I don't know if this subspecies has the medicinal qualities of its parent. When cross pollinated... plants tend to lose a lot of qualities except for the traits they were crossbred for.

Thanks though! I was hoping you had a special medicine you could use.
Interesting to know this. Do you know if there is a place where monarda didyma can be ordered, to ensure I have the right be balm? I can use the one I have for tea, if nothing else. After my garden beds are redone, I can do more of a serious search for the plants I want for medicinals.

I have wondered if I were to plant various mints, each in a section of a garden bed, if there would be a problem with them together? Think of a long and fairly narrow garden bed, maybe 18 inches wide, divided into two foot sections, one for each of the mints. I could space them out further and put something else in between them.

My guess for the type of bee balm that I have is that it is the same kind as Amish, but significantly smaller. I put it in a pot for now, until I finish reworking my beds and establish where I want to put it. I am hoping it will come back each year.

I am starting over with my herbs. I had sage that was 15 years old and full of wood and growing in places it should have been. I dug it all out and planted new sage. I also have chives, garlic, rosemary, chamomile, comfrey, artimisia, dill, peppermint, thyme, cat nip, verbena, saffron crocus, and lemon balm. There are a few nurseries that I want to visit to get more medicinal herbs, but I want to wait until the raised beds are repaired, dug up and amended.
Bee balm plant.jpg
Bee Balm label front.jpg
Bee balm label.jpg
Sounds like everyones been busy today. I hired a friend to power wash our house today. Same guy the done some painting last weekend. Projects I have been putting off, or just don't have time to do. While he was working, and a few hours afterward I worked in the garden spot up next to the house. I tilled and hoe'd the entire spot. Thought I had it pretty much weed free. I then planted a Serrano pepper and some other sweet pepper than was supposed to be a Serrano. 2 Black Diamond watermelons, and 1 straight 8 cucumber. After that i installed the drip irrigation system in my tomato, pepper, cuke, and okra patch. I had cut all the tubing to length last night and prepped all the parts to be able to do the fastest installation today. Was missing on piece to tie everything to the system. Went to Tractor Supply this morning and got that and some spare parts. Doing the prep work last night helped a lot today. Everything went in as expected, only mistake was cutting one line about 2 feet too long. Just folder it in up and Presto. The okra and cukes part of the system is a drip tape that has opening every 6'. The okra sort of got hilled with a small trench in the middle of the hill. The drip tape ran for 2 hours and ended up filling the trench, after soaking in the dry ground, and running out past that. Peppers and tomatos have rings around them of tubing the has drip holes every 6". I cut them to about 24" long so each plant has 4 holes per plant. All the holes in this tubing and the drip tape emit about .5 gallons per hour. I ended up crawling around the garden in my hands and knees (good gel knee pads) to install everything where I wanted it placed. I had to punch oles in the feed line tubing ( no drip holes) to install the drip tube and tape fittings. Everything goes together well and so far has shown no leaks. With the way I have it installed I can turn off the raised beds or the open garden spot as needed, or water it all together. Now I can kick the water on when I get home from work and let it run a couple hours and soak everything good..
But I swear I am just beat tonight. 13 hours in the garden is the most I've done in a couple years. Set up good for the rest of the year though.
I've had a hard time getting into the forum today. Like being sent to stand in the corner!
@Bacpacker sometimes I see echinacea growing wild around here, two different kinds. Its pretty. The one type has very thin petals.
Do you think you'll get a lot of peppers? Can't wait to see your bounty. And I hope you're feeling all better.
Our has fairly large leaves and the flower petals I'll check out when the open. I expect the'll be pretty good size as well.
I'm expecting a lot of peppers, most all the plants have a lot of blooms on and some several peppers. I have 2 types of Jaloapenos, serranos, Sweet Bananna, red, and green bell, and some chili pepper I got by mistake planted. I've already harvested a couple banannas, and got our first green bell pepper today. It was really sweet. Lots of blooms so far and getting small fruit developing. We shall see. I'll try and post some pics next week. Just too tired to fool with it tonight. Tired tonight, but feeling pretty good. Better than winter/ early spring for sure.

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