What's everybody doing today?

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Today DH started off the morning with spraying for weeds in the house paddock as it was not a really windy day and he still has a bit more to do.

We organised our solar to be installed on the home and details and knocked the price down a further $200 by paying with cash and sent a 10% deposit as requested. This will save us about $100 - $120 on electricity costs per month. I put on a loaf of bread in the bread maker and put it in the freezer as I am keeping a few in there for busy days when we are away from home.

This afternoon we deep cleaned the RSL club and we received our first grocery voucher from them as they insisted on paying us. I have used the funds to top up a few more items we couldn't get during the lockdown that came on special all this week so now we are back to square with stocks and have topped up further on wet cat food and baking chocolate chips.

It was a help yourself dinner tonight so we had devon and cheese sandwiches which were good. DH has hand watered the potted fruit trees with saved rainwater from runoff from the tank stand shed.
Today DH started off the morning with spraying for weeds in the house paddock as it was not a really windy day and he still has a bit more to do.

We organised our solar to be installed on the home and details and knocked the price down a further $200 by paying with cash and sent a 10% deposit as requested. This will save us about $100 - $120 on electricity costs per month. I put on a loaf of bread in the bread maker and put it in the freezer as I am keeping a few in there for busy days when we are away from home.

This afternoon we deep cleaned the RSL club and we received our first grocery voucher from them as they insisted on paying us. I have used the funds to top up a few more items we couldn't get during the lockdown that came on special all this week so now we are back to square with stocks and have topped up further on wet cat food and baking chocolate chips.

It was a help yourself dinner tonight so we had devon and cheese sandwiches which were good. DH has hand watered the potted fruit trees with saved rainwater from runoff from the tank stand shed.
Sewingcreations15 it all sounds Awesome, question, are you on 50 or 60Hz, how much solar are you installing, is it grid tied, and will it still provide power if the grid is down? Sorry, I just fire hosed you with a barrage of questions....
All you are doing still sounds awesome to me.
I made a rain water collection system that moved the rain gutter water into about 400 gallons of storage; I use a pump to move that to my plants. It works okay, but every year I have to disconnect it and drain everything before it has a chance to freeze an break my lines.
240 V 50HZ here @UrbanHunter, grid tied and provides power if the grid goes down. We are installing a 6.66 KW system here.

Got 11 500 gallons of rainwater storage here in 3 tanks and own half the creek at the back of us which we can pump water from at any time when it is full (in drought now). We water the fruit trees with grey water pumped from our grey water tank. Can also gravity feed water from the top tanks on a shed to water them too. Also connected to town water here.
A friend will not accept reimbursement for wear and tear on some items I'm borrowing from him. I save him empty shotgun hulls that he reloads with black powder. So I figure some "vintage" shotgun shell boxes might be proper payment.

Carefully cut the glued seams, flatten out the boxes, Elmer glue on some printed labels I found on Al Bore's Internet and reglue the boxes back together inside out.

A friend will not accept reimbursement for wear and tear on some items I'm borrowing from him. I save him empty shotgun hulls that he reloads with black powder. So I figure some "vintage" shotgun shell boxes might be proper payment.

Carefully cut the glued seams, flatten out the boxes, Elmer glue on some printed labels I found on Al Bore's Internet and reglue the boxes back together inside out.

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Looks good.
Thoughtful gift.
Firest thing I did this AM is edit out the negative crap I put up on a thread, talked to daughter,grandson doing a little better but dr called this am said he culture came back,does have strep throat. So on antibiotics.
Militay academy wants her to sign release so they can't sue so she told them she is not going to sue anyone just hope they learned a lisson about letting troubled boys be in charge of troubled boys. She is signing release this morning and getting back full refund.Of course they won't pay for the trips back and forth and other expenses but she said thats ok just give back tuition and hopeing lesson learned.

Will be tackling house work and finish mowing grass.

Started feeling "not right" late last night. Woke up today with all the signs of the common cold, it hit me like a freight train. So I called the doctor's office, just to get their opinion on the possibility of it being COVID 19. I was advised to go to the walk-in clinic. I didn't know they won't even schedule you to be screened for a test, unless you're already sitting in the parking lot. So now I'm in my car waiting for a call back, just to get tested to see if I need a COVID test.gaah

Im pretty sure it's just a cold and/or allergies, but wish me luck anyway...

Started feeling "not right" late last night. Woke up today with all the signs of the common cold, it hit me like a freight train. So I called the doctor's office, just to get their opinion on the possibility of it being COVID 19. I was advised to go to the walk-in clinic. I didn't know they won't even schedule you to be screened for a test, unless you're already sitting in the parking lot. So now I'm in my car waiting for a call back, just to get tested to see if I need a COVID test.gaah

Im pretty sure it's just a cold and/or allergies, but wish me luck anyway...

Started feeling "not right" late last night. Woke up today with all the signs of the common cold, it hit me like a freight train. So I called the doctor's office, just to get their opinion on the possibility of it being COVID 19. I was advised to go to the walk-in clinic. I didn't know they won't even schedule you to be screened for a test, unless you're already sitting in the parking lot. So now I'm in my car waiting for a call back, just to get tested to see if I need a COVID test.gaah

Im pretty sure it's just a cold and/or allergies, but wish me luck anyway...

Of course! Hope its just a cold .

Started feeling "not right" late last night. Woke up today with all the signs of the common cold, it hit me like a freight train. So I called the doctor's office, just to get their opinion on the possibility of it being COVID 19. I was advised to go to the walk-in clinic. I didn't know they won't even schedule you to be screened for a test, unless you're already sitting in the parking lot. So now I'm in my car waiting for a call back, just to get tested to see if I need a COVID test.gaah

Im pretty sure it's just a cold and/or allergies, but wish me luck anyway...

Probably just a cold. Good Luck. 👍
I'm up, coffee's making.
Strawberry is scratching already.
So off to the laundry mat I go today with bedding, her seat cushion for her chair.
Sure is cute picture with Strawberry standing on hind legs in her chair, Estelle standing beside her looking out the bay window. Estelle with her arm around Strawberry talking to her about what they see.
Strawberry is standing here looking at me, wondering why I'm crying again.
Never mind, Itchy(Strawberry) just jumped back into my lap,nudge the laptop away,she's sitting with her back to me again.
All before I have coffee.

Mo, that dawn will kill all the fleas after you get her soaked, let her stay with it on 3 to 5 minutes. Rinse well it will kill them all. You said something about her rolling in something too yesterday. If you let her out by herself wet , just like my two girls they gonna roll trying to get dry. So I learn too let them do their peeing before bath then after bath I keep them in till there dry. If they need to go out I either watch them or take them on a leash. The scratching could be bites already received before bath. You were sad yesterday so didn't mention it to you. 👍 :)
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We , both have known for a couple years that the day was coming when our health and age would not let us continue this way in life.
Seen it happen to my grandparents, my parents , her parents..it's called life cycle.
So , yes , we will be looking for a smaller place , hopefully on the edge of town, pay kids to mow and weedeat.
We just aren't able to garden, bush hog, cut trees,
I'll be selling my toys , looking for a good home for Doogan ,my dog,
It's not the end of the world , just a different way of life.


Jim hows its going today, haven't heard from you this morning on here? Hoping all is well with you two. :huggs:

I'm still figting anziety but hubby is better today and cutting grass.
Mo, that dawn will kill all the fleas after you get her soaked, let her stay with it on 3 to 5 minutes. Rinse well it will kill them all. You said something about her rolling in something too yesterday. If you let her out by herself wet , just like my two girls they gonna roll trying to get dry. So I learn too let them do their peeing before bath then after bath I keep them in till there dry. If they need to go out I either watch them or take them on a leash. The scratching could be bites already received before bath. You were sad yesterday so didn't metchion it to you. 👍 :)
Thank you.
Strawberry rolled over red ant hill after her bath yesterday.
Hence why she got the second shower.
I'll try that next week when it's time for another shower for her.

Started feeling "not right" late last night. Woke up today with all the signs of the common cold, it hit me like a freight train. So I called the doctor's office, just to get their opinion on the possibility of it being COVID 19. I was advised to go to the walk-in clinic. I didn't know they won't even schedule you to be screened for a test, unless you're already sitting in the parking lot. So now I'm in my car waiting for a call back, just to get tested to see if I need a COVID test.gaah

Im pretty sure it's just a cold and/or allergies, but wish me luck anyway...
Hope your okay Spike driver.
It's been a crappy day all way around.
First the call from Tenn.
Second, Strawberry's double whammy shower this morning.
Cleaning the bathroom up after that.
Then the stink pot goes back outside rolls around in that dang burn red ant hill again.
After she was all nice and clean, rubbed down with sage leaves.
Which I might add smells much better than ode de dog scent.
So back to the shower we go for round 2.
Finish cleaning her up the second time.
Bathroom is cleaned too.
Took the cushion off her chair, it got scrubbed in the shower too.
It's outside drying now.
Vacuumed the heck out of her chair.
Third, get call from new apartment complex, it's bad news too.
My application denied.
They changed something in their policy.
So what ever they changed red flagged me, denied.
Up today, my application was good to go.
But not this evening when I got the call.
Something about income restrictions,credit score, Strawberry.
Damn, feel like crap.
What a crappy day.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Been crying buckets today.
I don't want to stay here.
Found out more information today as to why I was denied on new apartment.
First is income restrictions:
Seems when I filled the initial application for the apartment.
I was told first and last month's rent.
Not 3 month's rent- didn't have enough saved. Strike 1
Number 2: I fought hard to be able to keep Strawberry.
Because she's my seizure dog.
Makes me a contrary tenant.
I don't rollover and play dead if something isn't right.
They don't want contrary tenants. Strike 2
Number 3: My credit score 18 months ago was considerable lower than it is now.
Which means somebody didn't recheck the credit score.
Brought that to someone's attention too.
Contrary tenant appears again. Strike 3.
Still won't get me an apartment, but at least now I know more of what's going on.
But the matter remains I don't want to stay here.
Neighborhood is going down hill faster than white on rice.
So hopefully I will find somewhere new to live before my paperwork expires 4 October 2020.
I was also told I was anti social.
I'm not anti social what I am is anti stupidity.
I don't party like no tomorrow.
I pay my bills promptly.
Usually I pay before they are due.
I'm clean, my house is clean.
Heck even my dog is clean.
I'm quite, don't bother people and don't want to be bothered.
My friend is holding his own.
But our unit's Honor's team has been alerted.
That's the call from Tenn. I got yesterday.
Found out more information today as to why I was denied on new apartment.
First is income restrictions:
Seems when I filled the initial application for the apartment.
I was told first and last month's rent.
Not 3 month's rent- didn't have enough saved. Strike 1
Number 2: I fought hard to be able to keep Strawberry.
Because she's my seizure dog.
Makes me a contrary tenant.
I don't rollover and play dead if something isn't right.
They don't want contrary tenants. Strike 2
Number 3: My credit score 18 months ago was considerable lower than it is now.
Which means somebody didn't recheck the credit score.
Brought that to someone's attention too.
Contrary tenant appears again. Strike 3.
Still won't get me an apartment, but at least now I know more of what's going on.
But the matter remains I don't want to stay here.
Neighborhood is going down hill faster than white on rice.
So hopefully I will find somewhere new to live before my paperwork expires 4 October 2020.
I was also told I was anti social.
I'm not anti social what I am is anti stupidity.
I don't party like no tomorrow.
I pay my bills promptly.
Usually I pay before they are due.
I'm clean, my house is clean.
Heck even my dog is clean.
I'm quite, don't bother people and don't want to be bothered.
My friend is holding his own.
But our unit's Honor's team has been alerted.
That's the call from Tenn. I got yesterday.

Almost all the affordable low income apt.s today are run and ruled by liberals.My ssister and one granddaughter know this for a fact. Its a shame but thats the way we let it get.
How long do you have to wait to find out if it's covid @Spikedriver ? Are they testing for covid or coronavirus?

@MoBookworm1957 , sorry the apartment isn't working out, but it sounds like there might have been issues if you had moved in. I know you will be looking for something until you find it and hopefully before your lease runs out.

As usual, walked first, fed dogs, Went to Kroger for local sales, went to bank, H&R block to ask a question, Dollar Tree for cauliflower rice and thrift shops.

Came home and printed up a collection of thoughts for a friend for her Birthday and washed the comforter I got at thrift shop (twice in hot water) and then dried on high heat. Ate a big salad for lunch and I'm done for now, I think.
Jim hows its going today, haven't heard from you this morning on here? Hoping all is well with you two. :huggs:

I'm still figting anziety but hubby is better today and cutting grass.
Oh, I'm fine, just a little down , and had some things to do.

I started by making a big eggs, bacon ,sausage, biscuits , jelly, OJ, Coffee , breakfast.

So when wife gets up , she doesn't feel like eating, feels a little sick and pain pill has worn off.
So I ate it.

Then had to go to bank to get some cash. Then went in town to look at a house..dump.
Then went and bought BBQ , she ate a good lunch, but just don't feel good.
It's been raining here every day except today , so after lunch , I felt it was dry enough to mow. 3 hrs later I quit. Not finished just quit, after I fell off backwards off zero turn, lost my balance getting off to go get gas, cuz I ran out.

Fell on the edge of the deck on my glutius maximus. Wow am I gonna be bruised, thankfully it didn't break the skin. Sitting on ice pack now.

@Meerkat , I have had a full day today , I'm ok.

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Went to Aldi and did a large shopping trip. They limit canned foods to 4 cans of each type, so I got the limit on lots of kinds. Also found canned crema with no limit to store to make sour cream. Excited about that. Saw a new pulmonologist for husband, and this one seems like a really good guy, so that's a relief. Edith's part one service is this evening; it's supper, and singing of the Ausbund. In Penn Dutch. We are skipping this one. Tomorrow night is the viewing, supper, singing in Penn Dutch and English, and sermon from my favorite cousin's son, who is a minister, so husband and I and grandkids will be at that one. I'll need to get a hot dish over there tomorrow morning for the supper later. Edith's viewing is in her son's office, where there is air conditioning. Saturday will be an all day funeral, so it'll just be the twins and I going. Too hard for husband, so he will stay home with little granddaughter.
It' hard being a caretaker, get some rest for yourself, too, Jim.
Oh, I'm fine, just a little down , and had some things to do.

I started by making a big eggs, bacon ,sausage, biscuits , jelly, OJ, Coffee , breakfast.

So when wife gets up , she doesn't feel like eating, feels a little sick and pain pill has worn off.
So I ate it.

Then had to go to bank to get some cash. Then went in town to look at a house..dump.
Then went and bought BBQ , she ate a good lunch, but just don't feel good.
It's been raining here every day except today , so after lunch , I felt it was dry enough to mow. 3 hrs later I quit. Not finished just quit, after I fell off backwards off zero turn, lost my balance getting off to go get gas, cuz I ran out.

Fell on the edge of the deck on my glutius maximus. Wow am I gonna be bruised, thankfully it didn't break the skin. Sitting on ice pack now.

@Meerkat , I have had a full day today , I'm ok.


My goodness balance isn't what it use to be for sure. I been twisting and tunring dancing and almost whirled myself into a wall,lol. Music makes me forget. Hubby says you better be careful.
I sure hope the wife can enjoy a meal soon and feel better, she has been through it,both of you have.
Yall are always on our mind so take care and watch the zero turn.
Oh, I'm fine, just a little down , and had some things to do.

I started by making a big eggs, bacon ,sausage, biscuits , jelly, OJ, Coffee , breakfast.

So when wife gets up , she doesn't feel like eating, feels a little sick and pain pill has worn off.
So I ate it.

Then had to go to bank to get some cash. Then went in town to look at a house..dump.
Then went and bought BBQ , she ate a good lunch, but just don't feel good.
It's been raining here every day except today , so after lunch , I felt it was dry enough to mow. 3 hrs later I quit. Not finished just quit, after I fell off backwards off zero turn, lost my balance getting off to go get gas, cuz I ran out.

Fell on the edge of the deck on my glutius maximus. Wow am I gonna be bruised, thankfully it didn't break the skin. Sitting on ice pack now.

@Meerkat , I have had a full day today , I'm ok.


Hey Jim, did you break the mower?

Naw, just messing with you. I hope you and the wife get to feeling better soon.

Today, the wife cooked in her kitchen, she just couldn't wait. She found she can wrap her oxygen hose around the island. I had a dog like that she never figured out that running around the pole at the end of her run line would just tie herself up.
I've always been a dog man. I still grieve for all my dogs that died, and I see more of a soul in an old dog's eyes that I could see in any politician!

Years ago, my neighbor lost her dog and was inconsolable. I remembered the story of the Rainbow Bridge and set it to verse for her; she told me later she took great comfort from it. I kept a copy and here it is: to all of you, friends and neighbors, who recognize the inherent goodness in our dogs and hope to see them again.

Dog in the High Country

You know he already arrived there – he just now rode in on a rainbow,
Yipping in fields of praise!
Chasing those three-legged rabbits, sleeping right under the bone-tree
Playing for cool endless days.

Sniffing the tails of his brothers, marking his spot as he’s running,
Drinking from icy cold streams!
Rolling around in the meadow, paws shuffling round as he’s sleeping,
Still sniffing her in his dreams.

Then in the midst of his playing, he hears unmistakable noises,
He stops and he stands statue-still!
Then running and barking insanely, past field and meadow and rabbits,
He waits at the top of the hill.

A different rainbow this time, it’s just now touched down from forever,
A woman with wondering eyes!
A mighty jump and a wriggle, with his tongue oh-so-busily licking
The hot tears of joy that she cries.

No leash is allowed for the walk now, through meadow and field and river,
They wade through the rippling ford!
Then up through the green rolling foothills, to the gates of the Wonderful City,
To enter the House of the Lord.
I'm up, coffee's making.
Strawberry is scratching already.
So off to the laundry mat I go today with bedding, her seat cushion for her chair.
Sure is cute picture with Strawberry standing on hind legs in her chair, Estelle standing beside her looking out the bay window. Estelle with her arm around Strawberry talking to her about what they see.
Strawberry is standing here looking at me, wondering why I'm crying again.
Never mind, Itchy(Strawberry) just jumped back into my lap,nudge the laptop away,she's sitting with her back to me again.
All before I have coffee.
Did n't go do laundry instead went an filed paperwork for someone who doesn't even bother to open their mail.
It must be nice to know you have enough money in bank that you don't even cross check your bank statement to your check registers.People, people....
Spent 6 hours doing nothing but sorting bank statements for 3 accounts, credit card statements for 2019 for 3 credit cards.
All 3 cards carrying pretty hefty balances, she's not worried monies are in the bank.
Started sorting bank statements for this year for all three accounts.
Some people make me tired.
Her lawyer wants me to sort more paperwork tomorrow too.
Told her lawyer she needs heavy duty shredder, so hopefully we can start shredding tomorrow afternoon.
Maybe she should get her 2 heavy duty shredders.
And yes I'm being paid in cash for my help.
Then next Monday we will hopefully start in office with cleaning, sorting things, filing, shredding.
Today's work was cleaning off the coffee table, end tables.
It's been a crappy day all way around.
First the call from Tenn.
Second, Strawberry's double whammy shower this morning.
Cleaning the bathroom up after that.
Then the stink pot goes back outside rolls around in that dang burn red ant hill again.
After she was all nice and clean, rubbed down with sage leaves.
Which I might add smells much better than ode de dog scent.
So back to the shower we go for round 2.
Finish cleaning her up the second time.
Bathroom is cleaned too.
Took the cushion off her chair, it got scrubbed in the shower too.
It's outside drying now.
Vacuumed the heck out of her chair.
Third, get call from new apartment complex, it's bad news too.
My application denied.
They changed something in their policy.
So what ever they changed red flagged me, denied.
Up today, my application was good to go.
But not this evening when I got the call.
Something about income restrictions,credit score, Strawberry.
Damn, feel like crap.
What a crappy day.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Been crying buckets today.
I don't want to stay here.

Its illegal for them to deny a service dog.
Home care nurse looked at my tush. She couldn't believe how big the bruise is.
She said a little higher or lower could have been a broken hip.
Good thing I got plenty padding there.
I gotta go to big town hospital tomorrow for kidney ultrasound.
Hope I can drive.
Not painful until I walk.

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Did n't go do laundry instead went an filed paperwork for someone who doesn't even bother to open their mail.
It must be nice to know you have enough money in bank that you don't even cross check your bank statement to your check registers.People, people....
Spent 6 hours doing nothing but sorting bank statements for 3 accounts, credit card statements for 2019 for 3 credit cards.
All 3 cards carrying pretty hefty balances, she's not worried monies are in the bank.
Started sorting bank statements for this year for all three accounts.
Some people make me tired.
Her lawyer wants me to sort more paperwork tomorrow too.
Told her lawyer she needs heavy duty shredder, so hopefully we can start shredding tomorrow afternoon.
Maybe she should get her 2 heavy duty shredders.
And yes I'm being paid in cash for my help.
Then next Monday we will hopefully start in office with cleaning, sorting things, filing, shredding.
Today's work was cleaning off the coffee table, end tables.
Often lawyers offices have a shredding service and you might be able to just take it in a box to them (I imagine some lawyers offices are snooty about it.)
Also - was thinking exactly what Terri said - illegal to discriminate service animals.

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