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That'd be a sz womens 8. Our granddaughter is hard to fit. She's a women's size 11. Hard to find.
My cousin Dan the builder came by to talk about our addition and replacing the windows in the garage. Said he could start in November. I'm excited.
Granddaughter has a fever 100.6. Husband is freaking out. I sprayed the main bathroom with 70% alcohol, and she is using the upstairs one. Gave her some tylenol. We'll see how she feels in the morning. Hopefully it's just a nine year old thing. Not every fever in little kids is covid. He has a dr appt tomorrow I need to help him go to, and we had a lunch date and an Aldi's and Tractor Supply stop planned. We'll see how it goes.
I haven't had e-mail for around a year, finally got that set up with a gmail account last night. I've had a yahoo mail account for a number of years but after doing a complete computer reboot, due to things running so slow, I lost all the cookies for getting to my email and when I tried to get it it kept asking for a password, that I never had or if I did, I have no record of, yahoo wanted to sell me a system to get it back, I told them they could keep it and the ton of emails it could have by now. Well getting a new email was kind of like pulling teeth but even worse was getting Amazon to recognize the new email, thankfully I had found a phone number to reach a real person there and they helped straighten things out. I would have liked to get some of the things locally but they just don't carry things anymore, Interstate Battery doesn't carry battery water fillers and where in the world would we get a water distiller? Businesses just can't afford to keep things like this on hand, probably because it doesn't move that fast and the inventory tax is a PIA for keeping it stocked. Anyway, those things are on the way.
Jim take care of both of y’all! Big hugs and get some rest.
@Peanut You probably said and I missed it- how’s your eye? Didn’t you have a procedure done?
@UrbanHunter Do you have 2 microwaves? Love the butcher block top.
@backlash Do you follow the salmon/steelhead numbers at all? Since nuclear Fukashima (I don’t know how to spell it) in Japan is still leaking, numbers have tanked. It’s pretty sad and no media coverage at all.
@Amish Heart Hope GD feels better soon.
Went to the store after the girls finished school for the day. I picked up our basic groceries and added some short term storage of fruits and nuts. I have some more fruit and nuts to get this week but I have to go to a different store. No one store ever has everything I need in stock at the same time. :rolleyes: The grocery store looked a bit picked over but not as bare as it has been at 8pm at night when I normally go. I still can't find Farmer John's original breakfast sausages.

I added a bunch of children's books to the donation boxes to the point I filled 2 up and had to start a third just for books. Call me crazy but while I am getting rid of books I have also bought a few for Juju's preschool lessons. The ones I am donating are books we never read with the girls or they never showed any interest in at all. My mom thinks we need all these books and we don't get books for the girls on our own. We have so many books as a family I filled the 2 bookcases in the living room, the bookcase in the school room and I still have a dozen or more boxes of books and 2 huge bookcases in the garage that need to be refinished. The books are over flowing in the school room. I may have to repack the bulk until I get more shelves.

With fall coming soon I made up a honey-do for K to start working on this weekend. He is taking Tuesday and Wednesday off next week so he can have a mini vacation from work and get some of the chore done around here. I will work him to the bone! :p
@LadyLocust Nope, had an early morning appointment in the big city with the surgical people. Just waiting for surgery to be scheduled. Don't even know if they are performing surgeries because of covid. Doctor was rushed, I was exhausted, forgot to ask several questions I meant to. Plan to call them tomorrow or next day if scheduling lady doesn't call me. I have her phone number somewhere in the paperwork from the last surgery. Need to find it.
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Morning! Woke up at 02:00 put another coat of finish on the countertop, started a load of laundry, went back to bed.
Got up for real at 04:00 got two loads of laundry done had breakfast, went to Lowes to pickup the grout for the back splash. Now I am ready to start my day. Hope everyone has a safe productive day.
Ready to start your day, Urban? I'd say you already did. I'm so paranoid about having a weird sleep schedule that I try my best to keep it the same. Although it was hard when the kids were not going to school, and sometimes it's hard when husband isn't sleeping well. Edith passed away at five this morning, and she will be missed. Little granddaughter woke up feeling fine but with a temp of 99.1, so she is staying home. I know that they take temps at school all day long, so a day home won't hurt.
Took the homemade FIFO can storage off the pantry door to paint. Placed the cans on the kitchen counter exactly they way the wife had them stored. One row had every can matched. The other rows were mixed miscellaneous cans. So much for the FIFO theory.

Final sand the "former" FIFO can rack and spray on a primer coat.

Bank for cash I'll need next week.

Visit Mom.

Big Box store for more paint to finish the can rack.
We're up , I made eggs and bacon and toast for breakfast.
Wife ate some, she's moving slow, but on her own.
Got to go pick up some Percocet , just in case, .
So far she is doing fine without it.

We been having serious discussion about selling out , farm , cars , tractors , guns an moving to much smaller place.

We got to get serious about it now that both of us have serious health issues.

It's been a great ride , now it's time to park.

I've been trying to have the same discussion with the wife to no avail. I have the tendency to plan in years and she plans by feelings.

We , both have known for a couple years that the day was coming when our health and age would not let us continue this way in life.
Seen it happen to my grandparents, my parents , her parents..it's called life cycle.
So , yes , we will be looking for a smaller place , hopefully on the edge of town, pay kids to mow and weedeat.
We just aren't able to garden, bush hog, cut trees,
I'll be selling my toys , looking for a good home for Doogan ,my dog,
It's not the end of the world , just a different way of life.

Been up since 2 am
I made two belts for a guy they are masonic themed
Stamped the masonic symbol every 3'' around each belt
I am not a fan of the black belt with stamps but i like the brown one.
We , both have known for a couple years that the day was coming when our health and age would not let us continue this way in life.
Seen it happen to my grandparents, my parents , her parents..it's called life cycle.
So , yes , we will be looking for a smaller place , hopefully on the edge of town, pay kids to mow and weedeat.
We just aren't able to garden, bush hog, cut trees,
I'll be selling my toys , looking for a good home for Doogan ,my dog,
It's not the end of the world , just a different way of life.

I know several people that have downsized. Even a small place can be more work than is possible with advancing age.
I would be able to get rid of everything except the dogs and cats. They are family and I would not let them go.
We're up , I made eggs and bacon and toast for breakfast.
Wife ate some, she's moving slow, but on her own.
Got to go pick up some Percocet , just in case, .
So far she is doing fine without it.

We been having serious discussion about selling out , farm , cars , tractors , guns an moving to much smaller place.

We got to get serious about it now that both of us have serious health issues.

It's been a great ride , now it's time to park.


Us too Jim but can't figure out where to go.So glad wife is better,be careful with the opiates thoug,can get addicted but I'm sure you both already know that. And they are a God send when in severe pain but can be hell if addicted we went through that with hubby after back surgery. He beat it but it was one hell of a fight for us both , me dealing with his withdrawals .I was afraid to sleep next to gim but afraid not to at same time.Afraid accidently would hit me flinging his arms, lashes out and going thru some bad stuff.:ghostly:
I am seeing some much needed maturity and growth from Roo this morning. I ran outside to grab yesterday's mail and left the girls in the house for what I expected to be no more than 5 minutes before we started school. One of our neighbors stopped me and started chatting. I chatted with him for 15 minutes keeping my ears open for the sounds of the girls running around screaming. Nothing. I came inside to find Roo and Juju in the school room doing their work quietly. I was shocked and surprised!

I got our kitchen pantry cleaned up a bit more and cleared off my dining room table. The dishes were washed and put away. I am running the drain board through the dishwasher to clean it up a bit. I noticed K isn't doing a good job when he chooses to handwash dishes and I rewashed them. Peanut butter has no place on 'clean' dishes!

Now I am with the girls in the school room to supervise.

Next week I am taking the girls to the zoo up in the mountains. They have winter and colder climate animals there. Make sense. The desert zoo has desert animals. I figure it would be a nice morning out and it is open unlike the Los Angeles zoo!
Brother called me last night, said the well on the family farm went dry and left mom with no water, while pops is still in the rehab facility from his brain surgery. (Doing very, very well, BTW.) So now we have to figure out how to restore water. It appears that the well casing has collapsed. (It's well over 100 years old). The old casing is too small to put a new casing inside. So we're looking at drilling a new well. Probably at least $10,000, and no guarantee of hitting good water at any depth. Or, pay 3-5 thousand and hook up to rural water and then pay 80 a month just for the privilege of using their water. For now we've hooked up our 1000 gallon ag water tender to their system, for non potable water. Drinking water will be purchased. We can do this until cold weather comes. Just one more hassle the family didn't need right now...
Bath ours in dawn dish soap with duck on bottle, helps kill fleas. Borax powder in a baggy mixed with a little sugar , sprinkle over ant bed get rid of them.
Strawberry is not happy this morning.
She got a shower of warm water, suds up with dawn dish soap with duck on label.
She was suds twice, before she got rinsed throughly.
Borax powder is that in laundry aisle?
And thank you for the very helpful information.
Hope you get the well water situation figured out soon, Spikedriver!

Phideaux, we didn't downsize as we lived in a travel trailer for 9 years, but we knew when it was time to stop traveling and get a small house in a tiny town for health reasons. That is why we had to give up the pygmy goats and why I am only doing one garden this Fall and maybe next Spring. It is too much for me and I am DH's caretaker also. God guided us to exactly where He wanted us, in my opinion!

Walked this morning (still hot and humid, 94 today), ran to local grocery for sales and last two items for dog food which I will make tomorrow evening and PC on Friday.

Made more phone calls to VA for DH then called usps to order shipping supplies. Picked and froze figs--they are really slowing down now, only 2 ripe today. I think I may call it a day after I cook my cauliflower/ broccoli medley for dinner--it will have chicken strips and leftover steak strips and cheese.
Gave Strawberry a much needed shower for fleas, red ants.
Resting from that for a bit.
Then will get floor scrubber out to scrub floor tiles in bathroom.
Will be exhausted after that.
Don't know what after that.
Do some more crying I guess.
Just super sad right now.
Received some sad news from Tenn.
So sometime in the future will be making trip there.

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