What's everybody doing today?

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No news I guess is good news.Not much chaange here more rin which is welcome when you live in sunny Florida.Except can't cut grass. Talked with one of the daughtrs this morning.
She said her son thinks he has strep throat,so I reminded her tomorrow he gets his learners license:rolleyes: so tonight a miraculous healing will take place :peace:. So I only failed once in the no advice,comment thingy and it was short and not too involved.:D.
Read other daughteers email last night before going to bed, note to self, don't sock it to yourself right before bedtime.I tried 3 times to aanswer back but erased all 3 ,realized its pointless . Son just works and goes fishing or Vegas now and then and on the way to DC for 3 months on a job so he is prepareing for that.
Grandkids all doing their thing and all good.
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Swept the porch/patio/deck thingy. Let kitty be outside for a while. Maine Coon or Arctic Polar Kitty coat doesn't fare well in Texas heat/humidity. I guess she'll puke in a while cuz she ate grass while out there.
I think I have too many projects and spend too much time sitting around waiting to see what Meerkat's going to do next. So now that I've outed myself I'm going to TRY to do better. I guess if I wanted to do better, I would. Let's see how far I get with this. TTFN (ta ta for now)
:huggs::thumbs::fun fun:
Swept the porch/patio/deck thingy. Let kitty be outside for a while. Maine Coon or Arctic Polar Kitty coat doesn't fare well in Texas heat/humidity. I guess she'll puke in a while cuz she ate grass while out there.
I think I have too many projects and spend too much time sitting around waiting to see what Meerkat's going to do next. So now that I've outed myself I'm going to TRY to do better. I guess if I wanted to do better, I would. Let's see how far I get with this. TTFN (ta ta for now)
:huggs::thumbs::fun fun:

I don't even know what to do today but certain light and my vision is even worse so lots of typos to fix already. If I go too slow I forget what the heck I'm wanting to say by the time I hunt them down and peck them out.It I go fast it looks likea foreign language and even I don't know what I was trying to say. I'd like to black that quaks eyes that told me to bring down BP too fast and caused stroke and this partial blindness.
Sitting in hospital with wife...again.
Spent 13 hrs here yesterday, surgery went as planned.
She had ultrasound on both legs this morning , no clots.
Waiting on Echo cardiogram , then most likely be taking her home if it's clear.

She is out of severe pain, only mild surgical pain now.

She is actually getting up by herself, and walking
They are starting her on Eliquist today.
Hope she has turned the corner, 4 surgical procedures in 3 weeks is depressing.

I'm ok , just very tired. Not reading and responding here as much as usual. Been so busy.

Hope the kidney replacement goes well for ya @Sparky_D .

Everybody have a good day.

So enjoying the cooler weather! 55 degrees when I got up this morning.

I went out to water this morning, remembering that we had some rain last night, but no idea how much. No watering needed because of the rain.

Because it is cooler, I am working again on the big section of garden from the sidewalk to the curb. I went out and watered it heavily last night, because it is doesn't absorb water easily and is like granite. I was able to get deeper this morning, but it needs more water. I am working from the brick path by the curb, back. In the first part closest to the curb, there have been a few grape hyacinths, lots of tulips and once upon a time, crocus. I am removing all the bulbs as I find them, saving them in a bucket. The tulips were planted maybe 5 years ago, or less, and have divided many times already. I realized last spring that they needed to be divided. I will continue digging out there. Tulips need lots more space. I work until the sweat is in my eyes and my head is wet, then I take a break. Lots more work to do out there, digging. Then I will add lots of peat moss and dig again to mix it in. Then I will replant the bulbs, and will add some more crocus and some anemone bulbs as well.

Further back are daffodils that are so ingrown, they are hardly blooming anymore. They are on the list to get dug up and replanted.

Found some chrysanthemums for a good price, so will add some to the row where there are some growing now.

Getting ready to plant some asparagus seeds in recycled fruit cups that I will keep in cupcake holders from Dollar Tree to help keep moist until they are too large for the lid. Drilling holes in the bottom of the cups, lining the cups with coffee filters, filling with dirt, seeding. 730 days until harvest! They will get planted outside next year, but will start inside this winter.

Went to Home Depot later this morning to buy some cedar for repairing my deck. I will have to make another trip for more wood and guttering for the porch roof.
So enjoying the cooler weather! 55 degrees when I got up this morning.

I went out to water this morning, remembering that we had some rain last night, but no idea how much. No watering needed because of the rain.

Because it is cooler, I am working again on the big section of garden from the sidewalk to the curb. I went out and watered it heavily last night, because it is doesn't absorb water easily and is like granite. I was able to get deeper this morning, but it needs more water. I am working from the brick path by the curb, back. In the first part closest to the curb, there have been a few grape hyacinths, lots of tulips and once upon a time, crocus. I am removing all the bulbs as I find them, saving them in a bucket. The tulips were planted maybe 5 years ago, or less, and have divided many times already. I realized last spring that they needed to be divided. I will continue digging out there. Tulips need lots more space. I work until the sweat is in my eyes and my head is wet, then I take a break. Lots more work to do out there, digging. Then I will add lots of peat moss and dig again to mix it in. Then I will replant the bulbs, and will add some more crocus and some anemone bulbs as well.

Further back are daffodils that are so ingrown, they are hardly blooming anymore. They are on the list to get dug up and replanted.

Found some chrysanthemums for a good price, so will add some to the row where there are some growing now.

Getting ready to plant some asparagus seeds in recycled fruit cups that I will keep in cupcake holders from Dollar Tree to help keep moist until they are too large for the lid. Drilling holes in the bottom of the cups, lining the cups with coffee filters, filling with dirt, seeding. 730 days until harvest! They will get planted outside next year, but will start inside this winter.

Went to Home Depot later this morning to buy some cedar for repairing my deck. I will have to make another trip for more wood and guttering for the porch roof.

Looks like your getting things done Weedy.:thumbs:
Sitting in hospital with wife...again.
Spent 13 hrs here yesterday, surgery went as planned.
She had ultrasound on both legs this morning , no clots.
Waiting on Echo cardiogram , then most likely be taking her home if it's clear.

She is out of severe pain, only mild surgical pain now.

She is actually getting up by herself, and walking
They are starting her on Eliquist today.
Hope she has turned the corner, 4 surgical procedures in 3 weeks is depressing.

I'm ok , just very tired. Not reading and responding here as much as usual. Been so busy.

Hope the kidney replacement goes well for ya @Sparky_D .

Everybody have a good day.


Praying she goes home today .Glad the surgery is over and she is up and moving.Be prepared to change blood thinner if it doesn't agree with her, wonder why they didn't start out with he old tried Warfarin and Heparin unless she has heart problems.?
I'm watching re-runs to stay out of news B I didn't sleep all night from heartburn .
So told Mr Meer I don't care whats going on but we have fauilure to communicate:rolleyes::D. So I go back to my YT maybe go see what the family circus is up to on FB where I befreinded 25 of them last month. Don't want an opinion or feedback don't put the crapola up. I did them a favor ,I made it easier for them to ignore me,lol.:p
I told them why but the others said ' they can't read what your saying because you de-freinded them '. It did get oldest daughters attention ,rumor has it she is really upset, She wrte this nutty email to me,lol,well at least she isn't ignoring me now .:popcorn:
Everybody has been walked today.
Went to VA today, feeling accomplished somewhat.
Left home at 0730 hours.
First appointment was for 0900 hours- got hearing aid, took class for it.
Left ear still has bit of infection, so waiting on that hearing aid still.
0930 hours left foot x-rayed in 5 different positions-done.
0945 hours went appointment to measure foot, calf on left foot.
So they make new walking shoe or boot for it- it has to be sent out cause I have small feet.
Kids size 4.
That's done too.
They measured my feet, ankles, calves for compression knee highs- that has to be sent out too.
Ankles are 6 inches, left wrist is 6 inches, calf is more muscle it's 9.5 inches.
Shoe size is 3.5-4 kid size.
Stopped at QT for drink, sandwich.
Home by 1145 hours.
Listening to it rain some more 80% chance.
Walked Strawberry again.
Had small nap.
Reading forums.
Supper is easy hot dog with stuffed with cheese wrapped in bacon, baked.
Hope everybody gets better, prayers being sent out.
Went to mom's place today and found her missing 1099's for the tax lady. We have an appt for two weeks from now. She hides stuff everywhere, so amazing we found them. Didn't find the $300 cash she just hid, though. Then took her to Walmart. That took a couple of hours. She bought donuts, pies, soda pop, little cakes, and sandwich stuff. Also wanted to buy new jeans, but only found one pair in her petite size. She attempted to return a pair of pants she bought over two years ago, but no go. She wanted a new laundry basket, and some other stuff. At one point she asked me what store we were in. Brownie points for husband, who helped me find the 1099's, and also waited in the truck for us the entire time we were in Walmart.
Walked first today, so hot and humid! Another week or so and it should cool off a little, I hope!

Did laundry, paid bills online, went to drugstore for prescription, Post Office. Came home and walked the dogs for perimeter check, finished laundry, cooked a chuck steak and some bacon for a salad.
Had a huge salad for lunch/ dinner!
Fleas and red ants are really bad here right now.
Have tried expensive stuff from Vet's office not working.
Need ideas for Strawberry.
Have put stuff out on ground for fleas and ticks.
She's scratching constantly.
I have had to deal with fleas twice in my life. Flea powder worked both times. I am wondering if diatomaceous earth would work?
I thought diatomaceous earth worked good. I got the food grade type not the type for using in gardening, that way I knew it was safe to use around pets and kids., and me.
Very happy, it cooled off and rained for hours. Add minor flooding. And wonderful lightning and thunder.

We fed it to thehens and I think my daughter eats the stuff,not sure.
Worked for a while, then took by buddy that passed stuff to meet with his wife and drop off with her. Glad to have that done. Came home and hung out with wife, then went to one of our favorite resturants for a nice seafood supper. Back home hanging out till bed time.
Had a good anniversary

BacP thats right you didi mention it coming up today,sorry I forgot glad yall had a good one.Happy Anniversary!🥂
Thanks Patch. Bad thing is my buddies wife just creeps me out. Bad feelings in my gut around her. Can't explain it. Had my boss go with me so it wasn't just her and I meeting.

It was really good. Big shrimp, scallops, big crab cake, and a nice Cod filet. Wife had a filet minon. It was good too.
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Today was a good day, the rain cleared off so I was able to cut the butcher block and round the edges during lunch. Lowes e-mailed that the grout I ordered the first week of August has arrived, I'll pick it up tomorrow morning. This evening I finished sanding the butcher block, I mounted it to the island and put the first coat of finish on it.... Whooo I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)
Another busy day, scrubbed the kitchen including the stove and floors. It was finally dry enough to take the riding mower down to the chicken pen. Weeds were over knee high. It was still an hour before dark so I had to trick all 15 chickens into going in the coop, that took 10 minutes.

I got the pen mowed really well and had time to fix the gate into the pen. It’s a 10 x 6ft chain link fence panel with a door through it. One side of the pen is a 50ft hay barn. I used a big panel so I could get a truck, tractor or mower into the pen for repairs etc. Last time I mowed I was in a hurry and didn’t take time to fix the gate properly. It’s done now.

I also got 2 loads of laundry done and put away. Think I’ll rest and watch tv this evening.

Nith Pen (3) sm.JPG
@Bacpacker I know that must not have been easy. I'm sorry for your loss.
Glad you got to enjoy seafood dinner. I love seafood.

Thats true Patch especially on a good day.
Today was a good day, the rain cleared off so I was able to cut the butcher block and round the edges during lunch. Lowes e-mailed that the grout I ordered the first week of August has arrived, I'll pick it up tomorrow morning. This evening I finished sanding the butcher block, I mounted it to the island and put the first coat of finish on it.... Whooo I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :) View attachment 49603

Looks very nice good job!
@MoBookworm1957 Do you have a walnut tree close by? or Dog fennel? Either will drive fleas out of your house.

https://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publication/?seqNo115=256885"The dog-fennel oil was more potent than the conventional insecticide malathion"

You don't need the oil, just the plant. Both are safe. I like the way dog fennel smells.

Old country rhyme
For happy dogs in summer
You have to start in May
Put the leaves of the Walnut
Where the dogs lay

Fleas and ticks hate walnut leaves.
Fleas and red ants are really bad here right now.
Have tried expensive stuff from Vet's office not working.
Need ideas for Strawberry.
Have put stuff out on ground for fleas and ticks.
She's scratching constantly.

Bath ours in dawn dish soap with duck on bottle, helps kill fleas. Borax powder in a baggy mixed with a little sugar , sprinkle over ant bed get rid of them.
My wife was able to return some school shoes my daughter couldn't wear. I was surprised they accepted them. She's in the 95th percentile for height and weight and forgot the last pair I got her were men's size 6 so women's size size 6 didn't cut it. Glad we were able to return them.
Today was productive, but not terribly fun. Mowed the grass. Walked the piano teachers dog. Went grocery shopping. Paid a few bills. Finished washing clothes. Fixed dinner. Worked on my computers - upgraded some of my server applications, started moving the Plex (media server) app to a Docker container, upgraded other Docker containers (Calibre-web, ebooks and piano sheetmusic), added a new online music library. I'm enjoying a beer now. Will probably finish my current book later tonight (James Rollins, "The Eye of God").

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