Nice machine work...and tools
Yard work but took the time to go to the gun range. Humans did not disappoint. Had started to zero a rifle in and a couple pulled up, and out jumped 8 "Little kids". I do mean little. Like between age 4 to maybe 9. Two of them immediately ran past the firing line. The joys of a public range. I packed and left. Bought some groceries on the way home and cleaned a rifle. LOL! Life happens.
Last couple of days I have sorted some of the garden beds and removed the winter plants and weeded them so half are looking much better. Being spring here I planted some more capsicum, cucumber and dwarf bush beans.
On Sunday we decided to make a kilo batch of half half strawberry mulberry jam and it turned out well but a bit runny so I will up the pectin by 25% next time. It does solid up in the fridge so not all is lost. Always good to add more to our pantry.
While I was awol we also dehydrated a dozen eggs for the first time and made egg powder using our solar power so I was happy that we succeeded. I purchased the eggs for $1.60 a dozen on markdown and thought if it doesn't work I haven't lost much.
DH has also been doing lots of paid gardening work which is good as his whipper snipper just gave up the ghost yesterday and started spurting fuel and oil and we think it is a cracked head. Looks like buying a new one is on the cards but it has done mighty hard work both for us and lots of other gardening jobs.
Round 1 of today we loaded up the ironbark logs at the back boundary of the property that we had cut up from fallen limbs and loaded them into the trailer to bring up to the wood shed. Hoping we might get time to cut them all this afternoon and stack them in the firewood shed.
@UrbanHunter yes easy to grow capsicums or peppers I think you call them over there and they produce pretty well too so well work growing them and we find the California wonder ones to be great and you can save the seed from them to replant again from the red ones after drying.
Think you call them weed whackers or weed eaters over there ?. Over here in Australia they are mostly called whipper snippers or line trimmer and brush cutters.
With what we would pay to have the head magnafluxed it would cost more than buying a new one unfortunately. Some replacement parts are available but not a lot and it has done 5 years hard yakka so think it is time to retire it.
... Electrician will address power issues before it gets here, I hope. House was built in the 60's.
Might call the extension office and see if they know of anyone wanting them ???The 6 hens are 2 1/2 years old. They've gone from their peak of 5 eggs a day to 1 a day. Today I put the last of the feed in their feeder. Feed will last them till Saturday. Local butcher went out of business a few years back, wife will not eat them anyway. Saturday I'll have to decide to feed nonproductive hens though the winter or cull them.
My hens are livestock, not pets.Might call the extension office and see if they know of anyone wanting them ???
Chickens and dumplings!
I purchased my house from my grandfather's estate. It was built 100 years ago and electricity was added. That generation saved money every time they had a chance. As I was working the get the place ready for The Princes to move into, I discovered they had cut the power cord off an electric range and used the outlet for the range to power a distribution box in the back cellar. When I discovered that, I yelled up the stairs to warn The Princess I was going to kill power to the back of the house and then "un-plugged" half of the house.
Another way they cut corners was to do their own house wiring. I discovered they had wired a another fuse panel using the "shunt" in the old 60 amp service entrance. Translating... The only thing protecting the fuse panel was the wires coming off the pole.
My house is 130 years old and the electrical has had various work done on it over the years, but could probably stand to be completely rewired. There is an old fuse box in the kitchen and a breaker box on the side of the house. In the hall closet upstairs is something that looks like a junction box.@Neb , We were told that they had dead wired the range into the wall. There is no plug or outlet. There will be before the new one arrives, though!
Yep, I had some folks who didn't care that the hens didn't lay every day as long as they laid a few now and then. I kept mine 2 years then gave them to those folks. Worked out for all of us.My hens are livestock, not pets.
A family who purchased this property would not let their children play in the yard because of all the broken glass.