What's everybody doing today?

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Went to the knife works today. One of the kids wife has helped with over last 14 years will be getting his Eagle Scout ceremony on the 18th. We bought him a knife for a gift.
Hit up a couple other stores looking for ammo. Found some 9mm and .308 but prices were too crazy for me. Did get some shotgun shells. Also picked up a water purifier
@Amish Heart this article notes burning it is not a good idea.


Nothing spoils a quiet trip through the garden quite like the sudden appearance of aggressive weeds. Although the flowers of jimsonweeds can be very beautiful, this four-foot tall (1.2 m.) weed packs with it a poisonous payload in the form of a spine-covered seedpod. Once this walnut-sized pod breaks open, control of jimsonweed becomes much more difficult. Gardeners seeking jimsonweed information before new seeds scatter are at a distinct advantage in the battle against this beautiful, but treacherous plant. What is Jimsonweed? Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) is a smelly, but lovely, plant that’s native to India. It was introduced by colonists as they traveled across the country – the first settlers to notice this weed growing were at Jamestown. Several groups used the poisonous plant tissues and juices for medicinal purposes, including treating burns, coughs and as a painkiller. But before you try it at home, be aware that this Datura plant is extremely poisonous – as little as 10 ounces of plant materials can kill livestock; humans burning or ingesting various parts of this weed have died trying. This plant is easy to identify if you’ve seen it before, but if you haven’t, watch for thick, green to purple stems bearing deeply lobed or toothed leaves. A single purple or white, tube-shaped flower emerges from various spots near the leaf bases, expanding to reach between 2 and 4 inches (5-10 cm.) in length. Jimsonweed is known for its pungent odor and aggressive summer growth.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Jimsonweed Control: How To Get Rid Of Jimsonweeds In Garden Areas StackPath
Well, I cut the stalks using cutters. Took about 20 wheelbarrows full to the burn pile. But it's been windy, so no burning. I had leather gloves on, and washed up afterwards. Came back in and made a dehydrated potato, bacon, cheese, green onion thing to take to cousins, and stayed and visited awhile after dinner. No hallucinations (ha ha), so whatever. Think I need to scrub the floors in the morning, I think cousins are coming over to use the computer to order from Sams Club some supplies for the Amish school. They are needing to order urine cakes for the boy's bathroom urinals. Didn't know those were used anymore. I'll try Amazon.
I've given up worrying about water in plastic. I'll just put the water through the Berkey before drinking it anyway.
I have really never cared for using plastic cups and glasses. I am not a complete freak about it, but when I have options, I go for glass. I put the water that I fill the jugs with through the Berkey before I pour it into the jugs. I do have several plastic jugs and that water has gone through the Berkey first.
I know burning some plants can be asdangerous as contact. Poison Ivey and sumac are two.
I remember when I was in college in S.D. and the local law enforcement found a bunch of marijuana growing north of town. They burned it. I wasn't there, but people were entertained at the idea of getting high from just walking outside while the burn was going on.
I did a complete computer system backup today. I've been working towards this for a year. It's done, finally.

Not much else, rested, a little tv, worked with the puppy for an hour in the yard. He's smart, takes to training easily.

@Bacpacker haven't forgotten... The thumb drive is ready but for one file I can't find, something you'd really want. I think it's on my backup pc, which is buried after I puppy proofed the house... I'll send it off soon.
Hope everyone is feeling well.
Went to the store with my brother (he has a better memory for grocery lists than I do). Replaced some utensils the damn raccoons pilfered, picked up mom's prescriptions, brother picked out some instant coffee for her (the kind she likes fortunately), made dinner, etc. I also had to clean up after my brother bc he left trash on the floor in the living room (after I'd just cleaned the place up). Currently curled up with 3 kitties.

I wish I woke up at the same time every day or could get myself on a schedule. I have tried but with chronic fatigue I will make it maybe 2 or 3 days and then rack out for 20 hours & mess up my schedule. My mother keeping odd hours also messes with my schedule bc I never know when she's going to ask me to get her something or want me to do something. It's something I really need to work on.
I did a complete computer system backup today. I've been working towards this for a year. It's done, finally.

Not much else, rested, a little tv, worked with the puppy for an hour in the yard. He's smart, takes to training easily.

@Bacpacker haven't forgotten... The thumb drive is ready but for one file I can't find, something you'd really want. I think it's on my backup pc, which is buried after I puppy proofed the house... I'll send it off soon.
No rush Peanut. I'm so busy right now I wouldn't have time to sort thru it.
Dealing with ATT Wireless again. FedEx showed they delivered my new phone on 9/19. I don't know who they delivered it to but I do know it wasn't to my address. 5 or 6 transfers led me to John who was able to send me a second phone which FedEx delivered in two days.

Guess what FedEx dropped off on 10/2? The first phone they claimed they delivered to me on 9/19. Now I'm playing how to find a live ATT person to tell me how to return the first phone.

Update. 10 minutes latter I wondered into a Chat with a live person! Cut and pasted all the information including my cell number and the order into. First thing "Bruce" asked for was my call number...if he had bother to read my first message but then it didn't fit with his flip chart profile? While he was looking up my information I sent the order number. A few minutes latter he said he has generated a return label that would be emailed to me within 20 minutes. I did get the email transcript of the "chat" along with a printed out copy. Time will see.
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Today is laundry day (walked first and fed dogs). Still need to walk dogs and then go to local grocery for DH. I've done very little the last few days. I look forward to getting the oven fixed tomorrow so I can catch up on what has needed baking or dehydrating-- butternut squash, jalapeno poppers and apples.

Our company has a rental house and are painting and doing some cleaning on it. Should be moving out of our house and into it on Wednesday.

I shall enjoy having little to do for another day or so!
Hope everyone is feeling well.
Went to the store with my brother (he has a better memory for grocery lists than I do). Replaced some utensils the damn raccoons pilfered, picked up mom's prescriptions, brother picked out some instant coffee for her (the kind she likes fortunately), made dinner, etc. I also had to clean up after my brother bc he left trash on the floor in the living room (after I'd just cleaned the place up). Currently curled up with 3 kitties.

I wish I woke up at the same time every day or could get myself on a schedule. I have tried but with chronic fatigue I will make it maybe 2 or 3 days and then rack out for 20 hours & mess up my schedule. My mother keeping odd hours also messes with my schedule bc I never know when she's going to ask me to get her something or want me to do something. It's something I really need to work on.
Schedule with chronic fatigue is doable just takes patience and determination.
Ask me how I know.... chronic fatigue and insomnia makes life interesting.
Strawberry has been walked.
So have I .
Getting ready to go walk again for 15 minutes briskly.
Wind is chilly.
Dishes I didn't do last night are done this morning.
Put vinegar through the coffee pot several times.
Cleaned water drip things with tooth pick.
All kinds of gunk come out of there. Yuck.
Finally got Strawberry to cooperate so could measurements for new crate/ kennel.
Working on Baby Reign's Christmas blanket.
Also working on Estelle's hat, mittens and scarf for Christmas.
Then a couple of books, puzzles and Christmas shopping will be done.
Still need to work on Strawberry bed, coat for Christmas.
She would probably have antler instead.
Some one is huffing at me, she wants outside again.
The last of the first bushel of apples is in the dehydrator. I'll start on another bushel tomorrow. Planted lettuce and spinach seed today. JayRod the cat brought his friend over for lunch. A younger, small junior cat. He was cautious, but enjoyed lunch. Husband and I usually eat on the big porch in good weather, so they joined us. Banana pudding, banana bread (I have alot of ripe bananas) need to be made. And some granola needs to be made to go with some plain yogurt. Didn't end of seeing my cousins this morning; fav cousin's daughter in law's mom passed this morning, in Indiana. So many are headed there. Will see her tomorrow. Hoping to pick up numerous gallons of raw milk before the milk truck comes to pick up. Wanting to make butter for the freezer. JayRod and buddy can have the whey, and I'll throw in a little buttermilk, too. They are pretty skinny.
Washed another food grade 5 gallon bucket and gamma lid from the garage. While grabbing more buckets I found one full of sealed sugar and another with flour that was 7 years old. I tossed the flour and resealed the sugar bucket for now. I had asked K to toss the flour before the last move so I am surprised a bucket made it past him.

Did a small inventory of the pantry. I want can rotators but I can't find any I like that will fit cans of veggies. The kitchen pantry is really just a very small broom closet with shelves but no real rhyme or reason for the spacing. Since this is a rental I can't redo the closet to fit my needs so whatever I do has to be universal in plan.
Started some sriracha sauce and seaurkraut. First time with fermenting so we'll see how they turn out. Pulled up another celery plant and got it cut up and in the freezer. That will go on the dehydrator once the last 2 plants are pulled and cut up. After dinner, if the kid feels up to it, were pulling out the bows for some 3d target practice.
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Catching up...

We entertained the g-daughters on Sunday. Rain kept us inside so we hung out in the Lego Lounge and watched Disney movies. The Princess and the girls have a project to convert a bedroom into a Ravenclaw Common Room. The elder g-daughter (now 12) is excited about the task and has been texting The Princess with ideas. While those types of days are fun for Grampa who sorts Legos but they take a lot out of Gramma since girls orbit around like planets to her sun.

Today I was back in the hole doing some remedial adjustments to the ground of the crawl space. That amounted to chipping up shale for the high spots and moving the rubble into the low spots. Tomorrow we will be moving the cement mixer into the basement along with a palette of concrete and building forms of the concrete walls of the crawl space.

came back up from glasgow kentucky today. Pretty good trip, all went well. Cleaned my brothers house out so he can list it with real estate. I wish he was here to give me a hand though. I brought back four long guns that I found in the basement. All covered up with rust, browning anyone? If he want them back he'll have to ask but I don't think he is ever coming back from the Philippines anytime soon, like years.
Made it home safe and sound from Colorado. Man they have a lot of coyotes up there. I saw two or more every day. Found a pound of gun powder I could use for $15 which I thought was a good price.
Stopped at a yard sale and was able to buy a bunch of leather for cheap. My leather supply was looking thin so I happy to get some more.
Nice to be home again but sure was great to see the kids.
Had early Christmas and gave one a Savage 308 w/scope and plenty of ammo. He was Very happy. Other son just got cash because I had no idea what to buy him. He said he would use the money to get a better scope on his long-range rifle(also in 308).
Life has a way coming up and taking a chunk out your behind.
Found out today, grand daughter's big sister and mom are sick.
So guess who I got for the next bit.
My day tomorrow with her starts at 0630 hours and ends at 1630 hours.
Aunt Sis(mom's sister) and I are trying to work out schedule to split the time with her.
This way neither one of us has her the whole 14 days.
Daddy has her at night.
Contacted Strawberry's dog walker, instead of coming at 0600 hours.
She will come at 1530 hours on the days I have grand daughter.
Getting ready for bed now.
Coffee is made for morning.
Strawberry is sleeping on my legs.
Reading forums for a bit.
Spent the day helping to load 3 semi trucks. Those guys were so nice and helpful. They brought one truck with an accordion cover and they just kept scrounging stuff like oil and grease, garden hoses, chicken crates and throwing it all on the bed in front of one of the containers. Hard to believe how much extra they loaded.
They even stuffed the bare spots with lumber.

They did ask for an old three wheeler atv I didn't want, a puppy, four ducks and the garage fridge, I was happy to hand it all over.

On a side note, the boom truck operator said I had 43000 lbs in just the containers. I learned that the weight limit is 58000 lbs per truck, so I needed more steel or something.

Not being able to have an auction sale for a farm is just wrong.
Last couple of days I have sorted some of the garden beds and removed the winter plants and weeded them so half are looking much better. Being spring here I planted some more capsicum, cucumber and dwarf bush beans.

On Sunday we decided to make a kilo batch of half half strawberry mulberry jam and it turned out well but a bit runny so I will up the pectin by 25% next time. It does solid up in the fridge so not all is lost. Always good to add more to our pantry.

While I was awol we also dehydrated a dozen eggs for the first time and made egg powder using our solar power so I was happy that we succeeded. I purchased the eggs for $1.60 a dozen on markdown and thought if it doesn't work I haven't lost much.

DH has also been doing lots of paid gardening work which is good as his whipper snipper just gave up the ghost yesterday and started spurting fuel and oil and we think it is a cracked head. Looks like buying a new one is on the cards but it has done mighty hard work both for us and lots of other gardening jobs.

Round 1 of today we loaded up the ironbark logs at the back boundary of the property that we had cut up from fallen limbs and loaded them into the trailer to bring up to the wood shed. Hoping we might get time to cut them all this afternoon and stack them in the firewood shed.
Last couple of days I have sorted some of the garden beds and removed the winter plants and weeded them so half are looking much better. Being spring here I planted some more capsicum, cucumber and dwarf bush beans.

On Sunday we decided to make a kilo batch of half half strawberry mulberry jam and it turned out well but a bit runny so I will up the pectin by 25% next time. It does solid up in the fridge so not all is lost. Always good to add more to our pantry.

While I was awol we also dehydrated a dozen eggs for the first time and made egg powder using our solar power so I was happy that we succeeded. I purchased the eggs for $1.60 a dozen on markdown and thought if it doesn't work I haven't lost much.

DH has also been doing lots of paid gardening work which is good as his whipper snipper just gave up the ghost yesterday and started spurting fuel and oil and we think it is a cracked head. Looks like buying a new one is on the cards but it has done mighty hard work both for us and lots of other gardening jobs.

Round 1 of today we loaded up the ironbark logs at the back boundary of the property that we had cut up from fallen limbs and loaded them into the trailer to bring up to the wood shed. Hoping we might get time to cut them all this afternoon and stack them in the firewood shed.
So we are here discussing your eggs 🥚 Did you cook them first? If so how? Scrambled boiled? Or raw, in which case how did you dehydrate them? Then, how will you use them. We are sitting here running through possibilities- we have pretty heavy, intriguing discussions don’t we 😂
Good morning everyone. Good “evening” for me.
Long day but productive.
Finished my first rag quilt this evening. Interesting process but kind of like it. It’s going in the trailer on the top bunk. Still going to make a matching one for the bottom bunk. Then onto the quilt for the main bed. Since we don’t get to go hunting once again this year I’m working on projects that I’ve wanted to get done for the trailer.
We got notice we got our preference points back and an added point for this years tags we turned in. Year number 2 we’ve had to do this now. Last year it took 5 months to get our points back. Glad working from home has sped up the process.
Cattle have settled down from weaning. Peace has been restored. haha
Made a weeks worth of bacon cheese burger patties. House sure smells good. Will package up and freeze a few for quick meals when I wake up.
Picked up the folks little Branson tractor and hooked up the trailer in prep for taking it to work to mow for them. It’s all loaded and ready to go. Going to get the tall stuff knocked down before the winter growth starts. Was trying to figure out the best time since I’m worried about the dry weather and fire and I see we have a 50% chance of rain coming?!?! No way!!! Doesn’t say how much but oh if it would rain a bit it would be amazing! Going to take advantage of the big drop in temps and get the mowing done early in the morning while the moisture is holding. Been pushing it off for weeks in fear of fire. Very rocky area. Already set up sprinklers to water it down a bit. Loaded all the fire extinguishers.
We ripped the floor out of the stock trailer. Long overdue. Now we’re working on figuring out the new wiring and lights we’re doing while the floor is out. Hate having the trailer down but there’s just really no “good” time to do it so we’re going for it. Next will be brakes as we’ve never done them on this trailer. We’re sure they are needed. They still work but have to be getting lower by now. May even do a little painting but we’ll see what time allows.
Lots of projects going. Still need to figure out filling the freezer since the lockers are backed up 8 months currently for beef and we’re now not hunting again this year.
Well have a good day everyone. Hugs to everyone! Prayers of health to everyone here struggling with illness and pain.
Good morning everyone. Good “evening” for me.
Long day but productive.
Finished my first rag quilt this evening. Interesting process but kind of like it. It’s going in the trailer on the top bunk. Still going to make a matching one for the bottom bunk. Then onto the quilt for the main bed. Since we don’t get to go hunting once again this year I’m working on projects that I’ve wanted to get done for the trailer.
We got notice we got our preference points back and an added point for this years tags we turned in. Year number 2 we’ve had to do this now. Last year it took 5 months to get our points back. Glad working from home has sped up the process.
Cattle have settled down from weaning. Peace has been restored. haha
Made a weeks worth of bacon cheese burger patties. House sure smells good. Will package up and freeze a few for quick meals when I wake up.
Picked up the folks little Branson tractor and hooked up the trailer in prep for taking it to work to mow for them. It’s all loaded and ready to go. Going to get the tall stuff knocked down before the winter growth starts. Was trying to figure out the best time since I’m worried about the dry weather and fire and I see we have a 50% chance of rain coming?!?! No way!!! Doesn’t say how much but oh if it would rain a bit it would be amazing! Going to take advantage of the big drop in temps and get the mowing done early in the morning while the moisture is holding. Been pushing it off for weeks in fear of fire. Very rocky area. Already set up sprinklers to water it down a bit. Loaded all the fire extinguishers.
We ripped the floor out of the stock trailer. Long overdue. Now we’re working on figuring out the new wiring and lights we’re doing while the floor is out. Hate having the trailer down but there’s just really no “good” time to do it so we’re going for it. Next will be brakes as we’ve never done them on this trailer. We’re sure they are needed. They still work but have to be getting lower by now. May even do a little painting but we’ll see what time allows.
Lots of projects going. Still need to figure out filling the freezer since the lockers are backed up 8 months currently for beef and we’re now not hunting again this year.
Well have a good day everyone. Hugs to everyone! Prayers of health to everyone here struggling with illness and pain.

Good morning to you too DoubleR. Gald your getting things done and hope things continue to improve. :thumbs:
The 6 hens are 2 1/2 years old. They've gone from their peak of 5 eggs a day to 1 a day. Today I put the last of the feed in their feeder. Feed will last them till Saturday. Local butcher went out of business a few years back, wife will not eat them anyway. Saturday I'll have to decide to feed nonproductive hens though the winter or cull them.
Today I planned to move a palette of concrete into the basement to take weather out of the equation for putting in the concrete floor.


I loaded 8 bags on the skip hoist


But when I tried to run it down the trolley hung up! After unloading one bag at a time I discovered it wouldn't work with more than one bag. 56 trips up and down the stairs is not good.

Investigation showed we had worn out one of the rollers.


These are cheap Harbor Freight rollers that have riveted in axles with the bracket welded to the trolley frame. I could have ground off the welds and welded in a spare but that would have required a run home for the mig welder (who carries a welder in their Jeep?) and there other rollers that are showing signs of wear. Decided I needed a better solution that would let me change the roller without a welder.

Besides, it gave me an excuse to do something different. I decided to create an axle that I could remove and replace without a welder.

Using a spare roller I started by drilling a pilot hole for a tapped hole.


Then I stepped up to a1/4 bit to drill out the riveted axle.


The axle came out cleanly and let me move on to modifying the axle to accept a scew.


After drilling and tapping a 4-40 screw.


I was able to reassemble the wheel with a removable axle.


Now that I a process worked out I should be able to duplicate this work for other rollers.

Tomorrow I will learn if this roller was the culprit.

Watch for an update tomorrow.
