What's everybody doing today?

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Hope you all get feeling better WV and Meer.

Neb that looks like a lot of work. Glad you've got a crew helping out

I woke up 3 or 4 this morning and was stopped up. Did a shot of wife scrip sinus spray and went back to bed. Much better when I got up. Took a Claritin as well. Do another tomorrow.
Started back on via C with zinc and Tumereric with curcumin this week.start back on vit d soon with day time getting shorter
I hope you feel better soon, Meerkat.
I picked up one of my regular dogs who had ACL surgery about 12 weeks ago. He will be staying with me until next Saturday. He has not been to the dog park for quite a while. I discussed with his owners about taking him. We went to the small dog side, which had 1 other dog, while the large dog side had about 2 dozen dogs. He was so excited and ran around a bit, then laid down. We were there about 20 minutes and then came home.

Got two carboys (5 gallon glass jugs) for $5 each today and an electric roaster for $2 at a yard sale. Nothing was priced and it was to make an offer. I told the guy that making an offer was not easy, and I didn't tell him this, but many people have a high value on their used stuff. I told him what I was interested in, and he made a price offer which was a better deal than I would have offered.

Got 100 fritillaria meleagris bulbs for free from someone who had 2000 of them sent to him. Man has a multi-million dollar home with a flower garden that is huge! He said he planted 10,400 bulbs last year and the fritillaria meleagris bulbs were not good. These were sent to him to replace them. I have read that they can be problematic plants, so I anticipate they may not last long.
I took a few minutes to look at the upright freezer in the garage so I could make a plan of attack for tomorrow. I threw out an armload of food that was no good so now I just have to organize what is left. I will be making a list while I do this for our Costco run next weekend. I know milk and bacon are on the list but I am not sure of what else we need to stock up on.

I will be taking the turkey out midweek to thaw for next Sunday's dinner. I'll use some of the frozen veggies to make a small green bean casserole and small sides for a turkey dinner feast. I'll make a pot pie with the leftover meat and veg. If I find some lamb in the freezer I'll set it aside to use in a turkey lamb shepherd's pie instead.

Lately I have been enjoying black tea vanilla chai instead of coffee. I add a splash of cream and a few drops of stevia. Not sure why but I like it! ;)
Whatcha going to do with your Carboys, Weedy? We ended up getting some 6 gal ones to use for beermaking. It needed more "bubbling" room. Son should of used one of the bigger ones when making kiwano wine; the time it blew up in our spare room closet. That was a mess.
I am going to use them for water storage. Daughter avoids plastic for water, something she learned somewhere, so I am trying to get glass whenever there is a deal. Last one I got was free. This gives me three carboys now, and several plastic of the same size.

Many years ago, I wanted to make a coffee table using four 5 gallon jugs set up as terrariums and a piece of glass on top. I only found one jug, so gave that idea up. Too heavy to move one jug for nothing way back then. Now, I would move it for water storage.
Sorry for all of you that are not feeling so well, Bacpacker, WVDragonLady, Meerkat.
Watched General Conference, three 2 hour sessions.
I'm glad I "know" you guys. I don't have to tell y'all to be prepared. Recently I mentioned that church leaders don't really hammer "be prepared" home to us all the time so much anymore (like they did 26+ years ago). But today was different.
Be prepared: spiritually, emotionally, and temporally; secure your location. Up to you how you interpret what was said.
I realize I've been sassy and rowdy lately. Trying to tone it down.
I decided to stay home & not go anywhere but I cleaned up in the house, fed the cats, etc. I kept waiting for my mom to wake up so I could get her something to eat, but she racked out until after 9pm. By the time she called me wanting something to eat, it was too late to get something from in town & she didn't want any of the stuff we have in the house. I don't have all of the ingredients to cook the stuff she likes & she gave me attitude & screamed at me bc I couldn't magically make food she liked appear. Well, to be fair, I did have time to go get her something if she could have focused & talked to me & come to a decision on what she wanted to eat instead of getting distracted by the TV & ignoring me for 10+ minutes. I refuse to feel guilty of she goes to bed hungry bc she wouldn't communicate & waited too long to ask for something. I tried to get her up earlier in the day to go to the store with me so she could pick out stuff she wanted but she wouldn't get up & I decided to stay home as I don't know what she wants & the local Walmart is cleaned out of a lot of stuff.

In the past I've felt bad when I couldn't find something for her to eat, but she's a grown woman who doesn't communicate, changes her mind constantly, & is so spoiled she will refuse to eat the same thing for days on end even when that's what I have to do. I honestly don't know how she made it to her age being so picky. She keeps acting more like a child every day.

Sorry, a bit of venting. She tried to guilt-trip me & it didn't work this time but it irritated me. My cat, on the other hand, is completely comfortable curled up on me and purring for me so it's calming me.
The cat is your happy place, @zannej . Phideaux hasn't yet come to understand cats. I pet our cat a few minutes ago, she is lying on top of the sofa sleeping. I ran my hand along her back against the direction of the hair and she gave me the look of violence with one slightly raised paw, as if to say, DO NOT TOUCH ME WHILE I'M SLEEPING.
It's too bad you can't serve yer maw meals at specific times. Breakfast will be served at 9 a.m., etc. Midnight snacks at midnight. and so on. Or, announce that you prepare one meal per day. You just needed to vent. Understood.
I'm the boss of the kitchen here, and meals are at a set time. I do take suggestions, but not orders.
Mom is debating whether or not she wants to be picked up today, because she thinks it might be too cold. So, maybe I'll be bringing her to our place for the day, and maybe not. Cousins for dinner tonight, because that's what we do. I still have the cheesecake I made for mom yesterday. Will be getting apples ready for the dehydrator. Will be walking alot of the farm today, laying out some projects. Now that the cows are picked up, the electric fencing is turned off. I can access and clean up other areas that I haven't bothered to go to.
Ok...first of all ...everybody quit being sick.
Y'all need to stay well ...
Prayers fo yall.

Had my coffee.. then went out for a brisk walk in the chilly air, a fast paced walk for 15 minutes ...my pulse rate hit 76...0x never below 05.

My doctor friend said , do that 4 times a day is much better than trying to walk an hour.

We have no church today. Still streaming online.
But, we're gonna show up , be the only ones there, but show our support to pastor.
Hope wife can stay the whole time then go to lunch .

All of y'all get better and have a blessed Lord's Day.

Some folks celebrate taco Tuesday but we evidently celebrate salsa Sunday. We made right at 5 gal of salsa by 8 AM. I also have a huge pot of soup bones simmering for broth. I still have more tomatoes to deal with- will sauce them. And need to wash the sweet peppers and get them on the dehydrator. Up next clean out smaller upright freezer and get another pot of soup bones going.
Emptied the dehydrator and little granddaughters helped with the peeling and slicing of more apples for another dehydrator load. Grandson is working on fence painting, and Granddaughter is clearing out some really tall horrible sticker weeds with massive seed pods on them near one of our barns. Mom didn't want a pickup today, sounds like she had a Hallmark Channel and donut night last night, so she's sleeping it off. Going to make a storage food potato and bacon casserole to bring to cousin's for dinner tonight and also bring the cheesecake I made for mom. Filling up my green bean planter stock tanks with really good soil that's under the old trees around here. Going out to help granddaughter with the weeds.
That's alot of salsa, LadyL.
I got the garage freezer more organized. I plan to move my flour stores to the bottom bin of the freezer but there is ground beef in there now. I have baskets for the shelves but a few of them needed to be washed. Once they are clean I will finish moving things around then the flour will go in the freezer. I moved the frozen fruit into the house freezer since the bulk of it is there anyway for easy and fast smoothies. I did toss another armload of food. It was really old popsicles (over 2 years old and melted/refrozen) and a bag of mashed cauliflower that no one liked the few times I tried to serve it.

There is some half empty ice cream cartons in the freezer that are not old but I told K we need to eat it or toss it so I can have some room in my freezer again. ;)

Tossed out a big bag of trash and clutter today. K will be making a run to Goodwill with all the donation boxes. That will give us some more room in the garage and a chance to get more donations together.
I spent the day doing hubby's laundry for work and watching a movie online ( Mr Belvedere goes to College).
He took down all the awnings for the year and used the leaf blower to clean off the roofs and the porches.
House is so much brighter with them gone
Making red beans and rice with a half of a smoked sausage for supper today. Glad the nausea and light headedness is gone. Geesh hate that stuff.
Have no idea what tomorrow will bring so I'm not making plans lol
Been having to turn on the heat in the mornings for the last week. Won't be long before we start the pellet stove

Take care people
I went out for a walk early this morning.

We are so happy to do anything with the wife .
She still has to use a cane to walk, but slowly improving.

We did get ready and went to church.
That was a good visit , first time in almost 3 months.

We grabbed some lunch from Arby's, took that home .

Then we both walked around the pond , that did her in.
I walked around farm....that did me in.

I cleaned the kitchen.

Been resting.
We got a busy week coming.

I went out for a walk early this morning.

We are so happy to do anything with the wife .
She still has to use a cane to walk, but slowly improving.

We did get ready and went to church.
That was a good visit , first time in almost 3 months.

We grabbed some lunch from Arby's, took that home .

Then we both walked around the pond , that did her in.
I walked around farm....that did me in.

I cleaned the kitchen.

Been resting.
We got a busy week coming.


So glad for you two that things got so much better. I was sick for last coupel days and even thought maybe covid but feel fine all day today thank goodness.
Strawberry has been walked by the dog walker at 0600 hours.
Then her and I walk briskly 4 times a day around the half block for 15 minutes each time.
Exercised when we got back after the third trip around the half block.
Been cooking up stuff that needed used up.
Instead of meatloaf made taco salad.
it was okay, not great, but okay.
I have grand daughter several times this week.
Will have her Sunday all day her daddy has to work.
He has long week this week- Inventory.
Need to make coffee for morning.
Dishes can wait till morning.
Having leftovers tomorrow, so the refrigerator gets cleaned out for Tuesday.
Getting tired.
In between walks, been working on grand daughter's favorite colored hat.
It's not particularly my favorite color.
But at least it's not girly colors of pink, lavender, purple.
Have a good night all.
Amish, I agree with Patch, be careful with them weeds.
I can pet Strawberry after she's run through a patch of poison oak, ivy or sumac.
Eyes, throat will start to swell shut, good thing I got EPI pen.
Highly allergic to them.
I refilled spice jars from my bulk stores in the freezer. I went to refill my staples just as rice and beans from my bulk bags and I skipped the rice. I noticed weevils in the bag I had in the pantry so I am waiting to open the new bag. I cleaned a food safe bucket with gamma lid to store the rice once it is opened but the bucket needs to dry first.

I finished organizing the garage freezer and did an inventory for our trip to Costco. I also moved the flour to the bottom bin and put away more baking staples in the pantry. I found some more 'old' food that we will be eating this week. :)

Got the spice cabinet next to the stove organized and decluttered. Now my teas go on the top shelf and wet measuring cups on the middle with spices and seasonings on the bottom. Next will be the cabinet with the coffee cups and water bottles. The coffee and tea cups for my china are in there so I might have to get some of those under the shelf cup hooks to free up space. Roo helps empty the dishwasher and she doesn't understand organizing yet so we lose space to her lack of skills.

K didn't take the donations or mow the lawn like he said he would so I might have to do it during the week. He did get some wood from work that we can cut down for fire wood. Now if he can just get it out of his truck.
A batch of tomato sauce done and cooling, both canners still going with bone broth, tons of dishes done, another pot of broth ready to go for morning, I didn’t get the peppers on the dehydrator but got them washed so guess I will have plenty to do before and after work tomorrow 🥴.
Jim - glad to hear she’s doing a little better. Rest when you need to.
Amish- um good you’re not hallucinating!!! Wow- had no idea pulling weeds could be so dangerous- for reals and on a funny note thinking I might need to use that as an excuse 😁

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