What's everybody doing today?

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After running some errands (needed to put winter air in the tires of my Jeep and The Princess wanted more brandy for the onion casserole she makes) I started planning the details of that duct work project. I have to decide "which way do I go, which way do I go?" One option will involve running it up through our library in the corner behind some bookcases (behind the wooden chair).


There is a cold air return there already and I would not have to do any work in the basement since the duct already exists. The other option is to route the air return to the other side of the basement (more duct work changes in the basement) so that I can route the duct behind a false wall that behind the TV in the Lego Lounge.


Getting the duct through that dead-space will be challenging working in such a restricted space, fabricating duct work for the basement, lots of drywall work ... not favoring that idea. I will have to think this out a bit more.

Now having bought myself some brownie points I indulged my anal-retentive nature in my shop.


I have a philosophy that goes "If you can't find, you don't have it." So I am a bit obsessive about sorting and organizing stuff as shown on one of my hardware collections.


I had pulled an old tool box of one of the neighbor's trash that was in good shape save being a bit dirty. I cleaned it up and spray painter the interior white to make it easy to see inside.


I have been using a cheap tool box from Harbor Freight but it was over crowded and putting the tools back after using them was a real pain.


After moving the plumbing tools to the new/old tool chest I had room left over for more toys...


... and was able to re-task the old box to hold some of my more frequently used spare parts!


And to finish off this adventure, I sorted the soldering related tools out to a dedicated tool chest and merged the non-plumbing stuff into my new tool box.


Since I may be involved in a plumbing project in one of the places I keep track of, the new rearrangement will let me quickly grab the tools and stuff I need and get at it.

Another philosophy I old is "The reason plumbing project take so long is because I spend half of the time running back and forth for the right tool, widget."

So that is my story and I am going to stick with it.


Nothing got done tody but thats ok I needed a rest after yesterday.
I got sruck on trying to see how to take my photos off photobucket before they close me out of them again. I was trying to see how to transferthem to FB so I can take picture of picture but that won't work either.I'd hate to lose all those pictures since photobucket is the only copy we have. Don't want a contract or payment agreement after the way they did millions of peopel before but will have to figure out something.
Spent all morning doing interviews for my replacement tech. Got finished with that for the day and while eating lunch I get an email telling us that we have a hiring freeze as of Oct 1. Finish any interviews going on, but hold off on submitting bids. These interviews had been pushed back 2 weeks, now we get to wait longer for help short handed and more work coming in. Last week they told us OT was gonna get cut. I am beyond fed up. Even worse one of the guys we interviewed today was a great interview and would be a fit in 3 different shops, including mine. I expect the one tomorrow to be about as good.
Spent all morning doing interviews for my replacement tech. Got finished with that for the day and while eating lunch I get an email telling us that we have a hiring freeze as of Oct 1. Finish any interviews going on, but hold off on submitting bids. These interviews had been pushed back 2 weeks, now we get to wait longer for help short handed and more work coming in. Last week they told us OT was gonna get cut. I am beyond fed up. Even worse one of the guys we interviewed today was a great interview and would be a fit in 3 different shops, including mine. I expect the one tomorrow to be about as good.

I feel for you and others who have to work on top of all the other things going on now.Take care BacP and be careful. :huggs:
Thank you @LadyLocust been inundated with medical appointments and filling in DVA paperwork for claims for DH and catching up with needed to do jobs around the home before DH goes in for his operation next month. Also had a big increase in the amount of paid gardening jobs that customers want DH to do now that it is spring here and all the weeds are growing wildly as well as the grass in everyone's lawns.

Shall catch up with what we have been up to tonight in here.
Thank you @LadyLocust been inundated with medical appointments and filling in DVA paperwork for claims for DH and catching up with needed to do jobs around the home before DH goes in for his operation next month. Also had a big increase in the amount of paid gardening jobs that customers want DH to do now that it is spring here and all the weeds are growing wildly as well as the grass in everyone's lawns.

Shall catch up with what we have been up to tonight in here.

There you are,lol. Good to see you again Sewing.
Spent all morning doing interviews for my replacement tech. Got finished with that for the day and while eating lunch I get an email telling us that we have a hiring freeze as of Oct 1. Finish any interviews going on, but hold off on submitting bids. These interviews had been pushed back 2 weeks, now we get to wait longer for help short handed and more work coming in. Last week they told us OT was gonna get cut. I am beyond fed up. Even worse one of the guys we interviewed today was a great interview and would be a fit in 3 different shops, including mine. I expect the one tomorrow to be about as good.
I really don’t get it. Why would companies have hiring freezes right now? Yours is not the only one. I expect here in about a month we’ll find out. So many places out here are hiring and can’t find workers - us included. It’s crazy. Wishing you luck with it.
I really don’t get it. Why would companies have hiring freezes right now? Yours is not the only one. I expect here in about a month we’ll find out. So many places out here are hiring and can’t find workers - us included. It’s crazy. Wishing you luck with it.
It is a matter of what the future looks like. Are you looking to an upbeat in the economy?

Not so much us.

Hang in there and hang it out. It will all work out in the end.

Got up early & did some dusting & mild cleaning.
Took friend to city hall about his house. Good news: city doesn't own it (they found proof of taxes paid). Bad news: his mom still owns it & he's listed as "in care of" & only way he can get ownership is if she donates or sells it to him so she can still use it as leverage to manipulate him. (But she'd have to take him to court to evict him). Deal was, he got to keep/own the house if he fixed it up (also, it was supposed to be his bc his grandma left it to him, but his mom interceded & took it from him bc he was a minor at the time).
Friend came out to try to replace water supply line for kitchen sink. Didn't have the right hose. Went back & got only hose in the store that was the right size: 1/2"x1/2". But it kept crossthreading & wouldn't fit on coupling. Coupling was PVC 3/4" slip to 1/2" male thread. Figured it was old & needed replacement so I got another one. But hose won't fit over anything but very 1st thread so need a new hose (half the price of the brass coupling that would work & is in stock).
Listened to friend on phone with his grandfather. Insurance paid my friend for taking care of his grandfather & his grandfather wanted half the $ (even though it was for my friend & not him & it will cost more than he got to replace his daughter's bed, carpet, and carpet pad). The urine soaked all the way through to the box spring. Old man insisted friend had to give him the money so friend hung up & blocked his number, then called insurance company to confirm none was supposed to go to the grandfather.
Installed a latch on the pantry to keep the raccoons out. Its ugly & doesn't match anything in the kitchen but it works for now.
Will be heading off to big town again today for more labs to look at liver enzymes, before liver ultra sound next week.

Wife is about the same . Waiting for MRI appt time.

Temps got down to 38 last night...I think the grass is done growing.

We are still looking for a smaller house to buy. I can see this taking a LONG time.

Sorry to hear our president is sick.

Y'all better be safe today .

Dealing with the stupid sinus pressure/pain. (stupid head cold *grumble*)
Freshening up my knit and fleece hats and scarves with a quick wash and dry just to get them ready. Need to do the jackets next
Gonna be in the mid 60's daytime and low 40's night time this coming week. Perfect weather. I love it. I like winter too ( yea I'm an oddball)
Have no idea what to make for supper. Drawing a blank
Everyone get better or stay healthy. I'm thinking about ya.
Dealing with the stupid sinus pressure/pain. (stupid head cold *grumble*)
Freshening up my knit and fleece hats and scarves with a quick wash and dry just to get them ready. Need to do the jackets next
Gonna be in the mid 60's daytime and low 40's night time this coming week. Perfect weather. I love it. I like winter too ( yea I'm an oddball)
Have no idea what to make for supper. Drawing a blank
Everyone get better or stay healthy. I'm thinking about ya.
Same here!

In the winter we just put on more layers. In the summer there are days when we can't take off enough clothes.

@WVDragonlady When my sinuses act up, I take extra zinc - within about 20 min. can feel some relief of pressure.

Okay, it's weird. Last time I started this we ended up moving and down-sizing about 40% about a year later. It's the going through things and getting things "ready" feeling. I'm going through things again. Creating more to get rid of and paring down even more :rolleyes: We still have plenty to "pare down" on so it's good I suppose, just feels odd. At this point, I am just rolling with it, getting things cleaned/organized etc. and giving it to God to figure out or let me know whenever I need to know.
Went and visited cousins late morning. Cousin's daughter was making a big lunch to take to the Amish School, their youngest two go there. Every Friday a parent brings in lunch. Looked yummy: chicken and rice, roasted potatoes, bread rolls and their own honey, applesauce, and swiss roll for dessert. Husband and I went to the burger place for lunch and visited with more cousins. Came home and did laundry, went through two boxes, mouse trapped our big out building (can I borrow some cats, Phideaux?) and walked around with electrician who we had inspect all our electrical in the house, attic, basement, and outbuildings. The supervisor guy came out to properly assemble the new exercise thingy that husband had delivered and assembled a few days ago. Kids have marching band for the football game tonight. The elementary, middle school, and High School here are still going to be open next week, but the schools in the bigger town, 15 miles out, are going to the "hybrid model", two days in school for half the students, 3 days learn at home. So far, no outbreak here.
Picked up some groceries for the weekend. We have plenty in the pantry and freezer but I wanted lunch foods so K would stop trying to get fast food on the weekends by saying we didn't have anything.

Roo is still doing school work. I left her alone in the school room so I could do some housework and she thought she'd play games on the computer rather than her work so I changed the password and told her if she didn't finish by dinner she will be doing nothing but school work tomorrow and no play dates with the neighborhood kids. She forgets this is not public school and she has to do the work and not just run out the clock.
traveling from the tip of the mitt (michigan) to glasgow kentucky. My brother wants me to get his house in order to sell. He is in the Philippines and does not seem to want to come back to deal with this.
A neighbor nearby is better than a brother far away.

You just happen to be the next closest neighbor.


Be safe on the road Randy.
Did my last interview today, got another good applicant. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Much better than none outta 3. I need to decide between them this weekend. Boss told me he thinks they may let us go ahead and hire 2 guys to replace the one that changed departments and the one that died. I sure hope so.
Left work at 230 and met wife and her boss at a gun store. Boss lady wanted to buy a pistol and wanted me to guide her around. She bought a Taurus .38 (not my pick, but she liked the feel of it), and is looking for either a Sig P365, or a S&W Shield EX Slide in 9mm. None were in stock there, but I went to my nearby store on my way home. They had both in stock, called and told her about them. She also bought a small safe to keep them in at more. Now if we can find ammo for them. She's also going to go take a class from a pro that covers weapon use, safety, shooting, and maintenance. And then take her CCW class.

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