What's everybody doing today?

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Got more research done and cooked ,now need to finish housework I started yesterday,and when it quits raining wash down porch.But I like to vacuum when I can open all the doors and windows and its too humid to do that or mop now. :dancing:good excuse as any.
Yesterday I moved the drainage trenches ahead after a lot of jack-hammering to bust up some very hard rock.


I still have about 10 feet of trench to finish up before I can call the digging done.

Today was a rain day (yay!) which gave me an excuse not to slave in the trenches and do something else. The Princess has started to take over "the other side of the house" (we own a duplex and had rented out the "Other side" to a friend until he inherited a house from his mother) first to set-up a second kitchen that she uses as a summer kitchen so that she can keep all of canning and widgets in order and then to take over the living room as a "Lego Lounge" for the G-daughters. But recently she has started to her stock piles of dried food etc. ...


to the other basement to make room for more.

When I had remodeled one room in the basement on "the other side" I decided I would take a little extra time and completely seal the rooms to be used as a decontamination room and a fall-out shelter. She had cleaned up what had been left be the renter in the decontamination room, set-up shelves...


and started to populate the shelves.


So todays job was to clear out the debris from the fall-out shelter, scrub the floor and set-up shelves. It went well until I discovered the shelves The Princess had purchased were too tall to fit in the Room!


So broke out one (at $14 each it is great to have multiples) of my "Harbor Freight Universal Height Adjustment tool" to take 3" of the top.


After adjusting the height, the shelves went in and The Princess was pleased.


"Happy Wife, Happy Life!"

That bought me the right to work on a 1/700 scale model of the ship I served on while in the Navy which a tedious project that suits me just fine, particularly after I decided I need to add handrails (not shown in the image below) where they should be.


Closing with a bit of Ben Philosophy;

"You know your beard is getting long when you discover super glue in your beard."


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It was cold this morning, so went into Lowes for more paint for my next project. Got back to work painting the outside of the milkhouse after lunch. It's possible I'll finish it tomorrow.
Going to make some popcorn in a minute, and watch the debate. Hillary is talking right now on MSNBC (their special guest) because she is the only person who has debated Trump. She says Ol Joe's humanity will be refreshing tonight. Hillary says Trump's reality show will soon be cancelled.
It was cold this morning, so went into Lowes for more paint for my next project. Got back to work painting the outside of the milkhouse after lunch. It's possible I'll finish it tomorrow.
Going to make some popcorn in a minute, and watch the debate. Hillary is talking right now on MSNBC (their special guest) because she is the only person who has debated Trump. She says Ol Joe's humanity will be refreshing tonight. Hillary says Trump's reality show will soon be cancelled.
God love you for watching MSNBC.

"BlazeTV" is streaming it live on YouTube now. While I subscribe, I can give it thumbs up and muck with the YouTube algorithm which is always fun.

Today was a sucky work day, the network kept crashing..... only thing missing was the elevator music :(

The kitchen is now in the put everything back where it wasn't (because the whole design changed) phase, I think we have about 4 boxes left ;) .

We are trying to get as much put away as quickly as possible so we can can some salsa and other red stuff (I have all the stuff gathered and we are running out of time).

To pooped to watch the game tonight, will try to get the recap at 4.
Today was a sucky work day, the network kept crashing..... only thing missing was the elevator music :(

The kitchen is now in the put everything back where it wasn't (because the whole design changed) phase, I think we have about 4 boxes left ;) .

We are trying to get as much put away as quickly as possible so we can can some salsa and other red stuff (I have all the stuff gathered and we are running out of time).

To pooped to watch the game tonight, will try to get the recap at 4.
I'll watch it for you.

Care to offer any suggestions for tonight's drinking game.

I am going to go with "Come on man!"

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It was cold this morning, so went into Lowes for more paint for my next project. Got back to work painting the outside of the milkhouse after lunch. It's possible I'll finish it tomorrow.
Going to make some popcorn in a minute, and watch the debate. Hillary is talking right now on MSNBC (their special guest) because she is the only person who has debated Trump. She says Ol Joe's humanity will be refreshing tonight. Hillary says Trump's reality show will soon be cancelled.
What will you use the milk house for?
Well it's a good sized double building. Looks like the first part was used for milk storage, and the second part was where the cows walked in. There's still the original neck bars with the feeder behind it on two walls. The inside of the milkhouse needs a pressure wash and a paint job. It has electricity and water, put in by the last guy (non Amish). I'll be using the second part of the building for filled water barrel storage. I have about 10 each 55 gal water barrels, and about 30 each 5 gallon containers. Also the three generators. Don't know yet what I'll do with the first room. Looks like the last guy raised some kind of fowl in cages in there. I supposed if we get milk goats, I can milk them in there. And then there's the closet that the turkey vulture was hatched in. The ceiling needs to be closed off properly so the mama doesn't make this an annual event. It's a small closet, about 3ft by 4ft. With a smallish door. The milkhouse is made of concrete and was built in 1908. Still has the original cement "cow walk up ramp" to get in on the backside. Screen door in the front needs replacement. It's a mess inside.
Finally found the pads for my floor steam cleaner. Used it on the kitchen floor after the girls went to bed. I have enough pads to do a different room each day with a new one and wash them all in one load on the 7th. Even with us mopping the floors the pad used in the kitchen was really gross.

Shopping around for long term food storage fruit at decent prices. Everytime I find some it goes out of stock or they jack the price up. I need to draw out the plans for the under bed drawers for these #10 cans so they can be put away. I need to inventory what we have now.

Still decluttering and filling boxes for donations. The goal is to take at least one box to Goodwill and/or throw out an extra contractor bag or more of trash a week.
A quiet couple of days... just working with the new pup continually. He learns fast. It felt cool out today, temp about 70.

This evening I started a delayed project. It's shredder time, going through old bills, a big garbage for shredded material and envelopes... box for this another for that...

I found something tonight, a receipt from a hotel about 25 years ago. I wonder how many times something has to be misfiled to survive that long?

Anyway, I remember the night, a Radisson hotel next to the mayo clinic in Rochester MN (they were one of my beta test sites where I tested software and hardware).

Yasser Arafat was at the hotel that night (the PLO guy). I saw him and his entourage crossing the lobby. They were headed for the "special elevator". That was the night I learned the top 2 floors of the hotel were reserved for world leaders who were visiting the Mayo for "undisclosed purposes".

I was at the Mayo once a month for work but usually stayed at a less expensive hotel. When I checked into the Radisson I noticed very unusual security in and around the hotel... Funny, I didn't feel very safe that night...
How are the raccoons getting in your house every night? I think I missed that part.
Grandkids off to get on the schoolbus. Husband going to get lab work done today, and I'm popping in to Aldi to get some of their squash that's on sale. Butternut, acorn, and spaghetti store nicely in the basement. Maybe another wall of the milkhouse if it's not too windy. Dirt in white paint isn't fun.
We used to have a pet door in the back door but my brother broke it. Another issue is it's a crappy wooden door the tenants used to replace the steel door they stole from the back to put on their house when they were building a new one on their property down the road. The wooden door was taller than the older door but instead of cutting down the door or raising what passes for a header (a single 2x4) they cut into the floor. There's no house wrap or flashing underneath so moisture got in, rotted the floor, and the door started to rot. Eventually the entire pet door frame fell out and there's a big rotted hole. The door won't even stay shut properly so we have stuff propped up against it to hold it closed. So, the raccoons are coming in through there. We would cover it up, but it would trap our dogs & cats in or out. We do have another steel prehung door to put in (I already put a pet door in it and painted it), but we need to clean up the area, fix/level the rotted floor, raise & put in a proper header, & install flashing/sill pan to protect from moisture.

Jim, is your wife taking magnesium vitamins? Maybe they will help. I hope she gets better & also that your liver exam will go well & not have any bad results.

Happy Anniversary, Urban.

Sparky, glad to hear the stent is out & that things are going well.

Granny, are you sure it was cats?

Neb, looks like a lot of work, but looks great!

We ended up not going anywhere on Monday. Rained and thundered so we slept in. Good thing we went bc we decided to actually go into the bank on Tuesday & found out they were drilling out the safety deposit boxes. Our key disappeared years ago & we asked about getting our stuff out. The branch is closing so they are clearing everything out & said they'd call us on drill out day. They didn't. We just happened to go in that day & got our stuff out. Next we need to get all of mom's banking stuff transferred to the bank across the street, but our power company wants her to drive down there in person (it's a few hours away) to switch over to pay from another bank-- which is asinine in this day & age. We also still need to get her military ID renewed & drop off her mail-in ballot. Still shaking my head that Kanye West was on the ballot in "The Birthday Party". /facepalm

My friend's grandfather somehow managed to get himself locked in a hotel room covered in his own excrement & they couldn't get the door open for a long time. He needs to be put back in a care facility. I halfway suspect he did it on purpose in an attempt to guilt-trip my friend into letting him move back in. It's not going to work. I also suspect he got our friend's mom to consider kicking the friend out. She apparently tried to get the deed to the house & found that the city is still claiming ownership. I was with my friend when he paid the taxes & got partial ownership. He recorded it on his phone, I was a witness to it, & he took a photo of the receipt and still has the receipt in a special folder. I'm going with him on Thursday to confront the corrupt a-holes at City Hall over it. I hope he won't have to get a lawyer. The only upside is, the house is not in his mother's name at all any more & since he can prove he paid the taxes, he can possibly get full ownership. Also, his mother can no longer use threat of kicking him out as leverage & today he finally told her to shove it when she came asking for a lift (after she refused a lift earlier in the day). He was a bit upset bc in the past 20 years she's only spent 4 hours with him total that didn't involve her sleeping at his house or riding in a vehicle. She always wants something from him & she didn't even raise him. She actually abused him when he was little. Fortunately, we were there to bring him food. We stopped by the Chinese place to get takeout (they only have drive thru right now) and grabbed his favorite food from there.

I know my posts are long. LOL. I'm currently sitting here with two cats on me. My classic tabby is a great cuddler. I have pictures of him in my hand when he was first born still covered in gunk. I helped deliver him & we're very attached to one another.
Got up, looked at the news - felt very sad....
Did a load of dishes and a load of laundry now it's time to get to work. I hope that it is a little dryer outside today. I need to do some outdoor work (weeding, gardening, and general outdoor labor) as tomorrow is trash/recycling day and I would like to have a dozen bags of lawn trimmings out for them to take. Next week I hope to be ready to take my last load of construction rubish to the land-fill/recycling center (yes I sort my rubish in the truck bed).....
Hoping to avoid the news today. Not in the mood.
Wood is being delivered for the wood stove this morning. The plumber is coming to do some work on the (lack of) traps in the kitchen and little bathroom. He's rerouting the plumbing work from the washing machine, the last people in here put in a washing machine in the pantry and did the work themselves, and didn't do it right. Bummer they tore down the washhouse next to the windmill out front. They even cut the pump out from the base and took that.
Husband's rehab exercise eliptical arriving today and getting put together.
Hoping to avoid the news today. Not in the mood.
Wood is being delivered for the wood stove this morning. The plumber is coming to do some work on the (lack of) traps in the kitchen and little bathroom. He's rerouting the plumbing work from the washing machine, the last people in here put in a washing machine in the pantry and did the work themselves, and didn't do it right. Bummer they tore down the washhouse next to the windmill out front. They even cut the pump out from the base and took that.
Husband's rehab exercise eliptical arriving today and getting put together.
Hey, It sounds like you are getting things done. Hope the Husband's exercise machine helps him build up some strength. Every time I look at our plumbing I wish I had an extra supply line going to each of the toilets and a way to catch and divert grey water.... But on old construction it would just be a pain.... Will you have a water supply line going to your water storage area, and have you planned for a way to move water to the house water supply circuit?

My potable water storage is indoors next to our sump pump, when I placed it there I ran 1/2 copper from the cold water line to just above the sump, there is a spigot there that I can fill the water storage barrels with. I also have a 40PSI RV water pump that I can un-fill the barrels back into the house system. I just close the house supply main valve, connect and turn on the pump, open the valve from the pump to the house. Then I do a load of dishes, laundry, whatever… until the barrels are empty, no waste….

We did lose water for 4 days while my grandkids were visiting; by the 4th day the neighbors were racing around with 5 gallon buckets trying to gather water, the GKs were playing in the back yard and turned on the water to water some plants. The neighbors looked at the GKs funny, you’ve got water? GK replied gleefully, nope, that’s just Grandpa’s water…
Wow @Peanut that's quite a memory with that receipt. Did you say lack of security and Minneapolis in the same story? Lol

@Neb If you have mentioned this before, I'm sorry to have not noticed. You're in an area well known for radon. Have you thought about what you might do about that? Apparently the rock is what releases the radon gas. In a basement type situation, without a way to vent it, it would collect in the air and also seep up into the next floor. It is odorless.
My in-laws had a beautiful A-frame home in the woods, he decided to do a self-test for radon or had a business come check it, forget which, found out their radon level was dangerously high.
EPA came to visit, to be amazed and collect numbers, right before the filtering and venting was put in.
Radon, if you recall, can cause cancer.
Well , got all the wire down off garden fence yesterday.
Took wife out for a ride , a burger at Sonic, and WM grocery pick up.

Today will pull the fence posts and mow over the garden.

Hope to get a bunch of kindling cut.

Wife wants to get out again today. She is improving very slowly, still has pain and trouble walking.
Tommorow is check up for her at surgeon.

May take her to lunch today.

Y'all just gotta stay on a good path today.

Got a lot done last couple days, bathed dogs, vacuumed,and mopped floors ,vacummed,hosed down front porch ,dusted and almost passed out a couple times, too much too soon and fast. :ghostly:. Told hubby " come here think I'm going to pass out"lol.
It is hard for me to slow down and not being able to see under me or on sides or above me lus blurred almost tripped so change is hard. He keeps telling me to slow down.Good advice.
But it feels good not to look at what I need to do and do a thourough job. Hubby has been down with bad back pain since he got back under truck Monday to reset valves 'again'. so he isn't doing good. But now we are resting may let him open my last bottle of Crown today and haave a couple drinks.
Got the dining room and living rooms swept and mopped while the girls had breakfast. Not nearly as gross as the kitchen floor but still dirty for being mopped weekly.

I am updating our 3-day bags so they can go in the evacuation totes. The water in there 'expired' 2019 as did the food bars. I am changing the water type and food to something more to our liking and the kids will actually eat.
We've been so consumed with work and getting Pa healthy, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. Something in me got stirred up yesterday, and I got to looking around. I've had a few boxes I was filling to go to donation when CV started. I went out and wiped things off and put a box in the trunk and took it this morning. There's more to go, and I need to continue to "filter" our belongings. I just need to "keep at 'er." But I figure that's one less box in our possession.

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