I have been a little quiet for the past couple of days.
We are now about 85% done with moving the kitchen utensils back into the kitchen (The wife is an Old Time Cook and she had a bankers box full of just spatula’s, wooden spoons, and whisks; don’t worry she had plenty of other boxes

), we are washing everything before putting it up so the dishwasher is pooped.
It’s funny how as we get older we remember what our great grandparents told us, I remember my GGPa saying, when I was learn’n to shoot I'd shot 1 or 2 shots a day at a target, ventually I got pretty good…. I find that to be pretty good advice, now that I have my indoor range up and a pellet rifle that is consistent I am doing the same, 5 shots once a day. To that end I did get in a 2 year supply of pellets and have scanned and reduced a set of targets, 6 targets to an 8 1/2 x 11 page. So now I can quietly plink on my 20 yard indoor range…
As the working pantry is getting near full, we are identifying things we need to add and finding things that were duplicated it the old system… The wife plans to do an inventory by vertical row and place them on the inside of the doors (It will also give her a map of… ?Now where did I put that?? )
I did get part of the lid frames for my raised beds painted, so I may get them installed this week…
Yesterday I harvested the last harvest of okra, last night we had venison stew with fried Okra. It was fun, most of the veggies in the stew came out of the garden. So other than the flavor bases, the ½ cup of red wine, and the breading mix for the Okra it was a free meal
Last night, we had a 5 way zoom visit with all the kids and grand kids, it was fun to see everyone. The youngest boy was so excited he kept running up to the screen pointing and saying gapa. We have decided that the cost and risks of inperson visits are not worth it this year, so we a trying to learn how to do a good virtual visit.
Today is our 36th anniversary so I took off, we will be having grilled steak medallions with shrimp cocktail and avocado green salad. I plan to make grocery run at lunch time to pick up supplies (I need to keep my eye out for a Boston cream pie)