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We did ours online in Abq. and only gave them the number of people in the house. Then moved mid July. Then a week later, a lady came to the door in Kansas for it. I told her we did it in Abq, and because of the "where were you living Apr 1" date, I told her to mark this residence vacant. It took her 15 minutes to figure out on her gizmo how to do vacant house. My favorite cousin was shaken up by the census guy. She was reading in her house and saw an empty car across the road, and there's never cars around. She was nervous because her daughter and sil were not home, just the grandkids. The older teen grandsons were out doing farmwork. She went out and found them, and they came running and grabbed the rifle. Held the rifle straight up in the air while the census man talked. She told him how many people were there and the ages, but that was it. He left. People here are worried about kidnapping, especially after the two Amish were taken, the lady and the teen. Cousin just called me about an attempted kidnapping that was tried yesterday about 15 miles away. It was for a number of young kids. So no one likes strangers walking around here.
I've just been working. Helping out on the friends place, taking care of the kid,garden, cows and dodging census workers. Anyone else being hounded by them? Calls every day and 3 turn up at the house this week.
Wondering why you are dodging the census workers?

I did my census as soon as I got the information, March or April? I did mine online.
K has to work at the stadium tomorrow so we are spending the day getting a weekend worth of chores done in one day. He is taking care of the yard and I was pulling out the Halloween decor. I have to paint some of my statutes for our 'pet cemetery' but I think it will be a nice display this year! Most of the Halloween stuff was intended for year round display as I really am that creepy and odd. (hence the screen name ;) )

Once we are done with the chores we'll take a family drive in my wagon and fill up gas cans and my gas tank. It has been over 2 weeks since I filled up and I figured it was time to start filling the empty cans as well. The goal is to have enough filled cans to fill all three vehicles at least once. I know K's truck is a work vehicle and they pay his gas but it is still good to have enough for him in case poop does hit the fan soon.

Going through file boxes and old paperwork has me thinking about opening a small Etsy shop again. I have tons of ideas of products as well as the raw materials to make them. I want to sell something I can make with Roo and market as a family made product. The ideas are plentiful it is just finding time.
Wondering why you are dodging the census workers?

I did my census as soon as I got the information, March or April? I did mine online.

Because they keep bugging me. I did it online as soon as I got the form in the mail. How many times do i need to tell them? Every day or so apparently.
I'm still taking it easy, but my back feels the best today that it has in two weeks. Still walking like an old lady.

Since almost half of the large section of my front yard, from the curb to sidewalk, was dug up this week and soil was amended, I started replanting today. Put in 6 mums, and then went shopping for a couple more to even it out. Planted 60 crocus bulbs today. Watered that section well, along with the saffron crocus that were planted on Wednesday, and watered the rest of the front yard.

Taking it easy, not overdoing it. Still have tulips and anemones to plant, daffodils to dig up and replant. Ordered ranunculus bulbs and they are not here yet. Peonies are on their way. Started digging out an older rose bush a couple weeks ago and have two more that are just not blooming any longer that all need to go. Will plant peonies in their place.

Need to work on the roof of my shed and have wanted to use corrugated metal, just hadn't gotten it yet. Today, someone in my neighborhood was getting rid of a bunch of corrugated roofing, but not metal. I went and picked up a bunch of it to use. It is in great condition. I can use it with a gutter and down spout for water catchment. Have to cut it into 6 foot sections and get the wooden pieces for under the corrugation. Will take my time with it.
Had to pick up a few things at DG.

Then wife want McDonny for lunch.
Went and got her some burgers and fries.

Decided to put those 2 front loader , bucket pins in after lunch.
Holy crap , that was a 2 man job for sure.
But , after 2 hours struggling and 1 smashed middle finger , I Couldn't get the holes to line up , and start the pin too. I finally got them in.
My finger is hurting.

I forgot to quote, but Viking, I haven't heard of the other types of thyroid meds other than synthroid. I don't have too many side effects- although they changed the brand/type of synthroid I take. It now comes in blister packets (which I hate). I've managed to slice my finger on the foil before. Only side effects seem to be kidney stones if I don't drink enough water and a random muscle spasm near my eyes/in my eyelids. It's minor but annoying. It had completely gone away with the first medicine but it started up again with the new stuff. Not sure why they changed it.

Teri, I hated when people would open my gate and leave it open! We had a padlock on it for a long time but neighbor cut the chain to get in. We currently don't have a gate bc it got blown down in the hurricane.

Census people left a bag with a pamphlet/paperwork on our inner fence a few times but we already filled out the paperwork online. We never saw them in person-- I'd like to think my cows scared them off. The yard looking pretty derelict probably didn't help. We really need to get stuff cleaned up.

For land-line phone and internet we have Frontier(who are bankrupt). I have to reset the modem many times every day and I got tired of it. So I called and the repair guy came yesterday. He checked the line and installed a new modem. Made no difference, had to reset the modem several times yesterday evening as I fully expected. This ISP is our only choice other than satellite so for now I will stick with it.
Does your modem connect to a coaxial cable? You might need to do a static discharge of the coax cables (basically you unplug them and touch the little pins at the ends while the power is off). We had to do that with our Hughesnet modem constantly.

Thanks, @Amish Heart, @Duncan, and @LadyLocust; Your suggestions are in line with what I was thinking. Right now the working pantry is 6'X8'X14" divided into 18" increments, there are 28 drawers in the lower half and about a dozen shelves above the 4’ line.
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We have always supplied from the bottom up (First in First Out), eat what you store, store what you eat. But this new pantry has the wife thinking I should be moving more up the stairs. I would prefer to keep just enough of what we use on a regular basis ( I was thinking like 2 cans tuna, 2 turkey, 2 canned pinto.....) She started taking about moving full flats into the thing and I was afraid I was off base...

View attachment 50796

When we bought the house 20+ years ago I put in 2 sets of floor to ceiling shelves in the basement, made with 3/4 ply and 2X4 frames, each row of 2' wide shelves is 36' long, here is a 3' wide walkway between 2 rows and a pass through between the first 2 - 8' segments to allow for access from both ends. 24' of that is my food storage, and next to that is my growing station and freezers.
It looks great!!

My kitchen is in need of an update. Not changing the cabinets, but will be cleaning them up (covered in cobwebs & dust right now on the higher ones). I need to see if I can fix a drawer that doesn't want to slide properly. They don't have actual metal drawer guides- they use the old style where they are on a wood track I think. I could be mistaken though. Need to take a better look.

Kitchen is still a disaster. I got hit with major fatigue & haven't done more cleaning. Raccoons have come back in and mucked things up again. Replaced the motor on the piston pump that fills the cistern (we didn't have water for a few days) & it turns out it was the wiring from the float switch to the motor that was bad, not the motor. But we have a new Dayton motor anyway.

Raccoons knocked a bunch of stuff into the sink, all over the floor (again), and dumped out all the dish detergent. I suppose I could try to figure out how to operate the dishwasher that has been sitting around & used as an island for the past few years. I always have to wash stuff before I put it in and rinse it when I take it out. It's mostly only good for a drying rack-- if we can actually fit stuff in it. I hate bending and loading/unloading though. I'd rather just wash stuff by hand (bc I end up having to anyway).

Need to hit the store to get some food & dish soap. Maybe some laundry soap too. also need a hook to secure the pantry door.

I'm about to see if my brother is awake and not busy with computer games so he can go with me to the store to help me focus & lift stuff. My guts were not cooperating with me today. I also forgot to take my meds for several days & that makes me exhausted. The progesterone and synthroid are the most important ones for keeping things balanced for me. I do wonder if I need a higher dose of progesterone though.

My aunt saw me post about the raccoons on facebook & has been calling to check. She called local pest control places & confirmed what I'd already told her- they don't do raccoons. She's trying to help us find contractors but found nothing when she researched. I explained to her the licensed residential ones for our area died years ago (there were only 2 of them). But I did get the name of the guy who did work on my friend's grandfather's house. I want to inspect the work before I try to hire them though. My aunt is convincing my mom to hire people to do some work, which will help me if I can just get the place cleaned up enough for people to get in. We need to have a lot of junk hauled off. I hate to throw stuff away so I want things donated or given to someone who can repurpose it. I know I'm eventually going to have to just suck it up and toss stuff.

I moved the pet food bowls back out of the pantry (raccoons had dragged some in there), moved dog food back to the living room, & got the dog's waterer set up in the living room again. The cats drag dirt & other stuff into their water so I need to find a better water system for them. I think the cats are trying to bury their water for later or something. They do this with food sometimes.

My friend said his new toilet is leaking- it couldn't fit as far back as it should bc there's a 2x4 on the wall as a base molding to cover holes. We can get it covered with a 1x4 or something else once the toilet gets pulled.

Ate MRE's for dinner last night & it gave me digestive issues.

Jim, I hope your wife's health improves. The brittle bones are awful. A friend of mine's mother had brittle bones & Parkinson's. She couldn't hold still & people could hear her bones crumbling. It was awful. Poor thing passed I think last year or the year before. My friend was devastated but also relieved that her mother was no longer suffering.

Gonna go see if my brother is awake.
I'm sorry your back is hurting you.
That is miserable.

I know , I been watching my wife trying to walk in pain.

Get better Weedy.

Thank you. I usually know why my back goes out. Maybe this time it was from throwing balls for dogs for days on end for Rocky dog? I just know I have to take it easy. Haven't been to a chiropractor in years, and the last one has moved to the east coast. Just doing what I know to do, taking it easy. Lots of time on the couch.
Thank you. I usually know why my back goes out. Maybe this time it was from throwing balls for dogs for days on end for Rocky dog? I just know I have to take it easy. Haven't been to a chiropractor in years, and the last one has moved to the east coast. Just doing what I know to do, taking it easy. Lots of time on the couch.

You know my best friend is a retired surgeon...real old school doctor.
He says Heat 20 minutes the ice 20 minutes to prolong the good affects of the heat.

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Hope you get feelin better Weedy. And yes ICE for 20/Heat for 20. It takes a while but does help.

Jim Ice that finger too. I hate mashin mine, but it does happen.

Went to visit my mom today. She still is feeling poorly from the ateriorgram. Her leg is still badly bruised and swollen. Part of that was due to her BP dropping in recovery. Still not 100% sure what went on, but sounded like a clot that they were able to do some deep rubbing and broke it up. But horrible bruising. And she got a letter from a new Dr today for an office visit Wed. She don't even know what this is for. Her nerves are shot. I feel so bad for her and don't seem like much of anything me or sis can do. I am so happy step dad has been such a huge help for her.
I forgot to quote, but Viking, I haven't heard of the other types of thyroid meds other than synthroid. I don't have too many side effects- although they changed the brand/type of synthroid I take. It now comes in blister packets (which I hate). I've managed to slice my finger on the foil before. Only side effects seem to be kidney stones if I don't drink enough water and a random muscle spasm near my eyes/in my eyelids. It's minor but annoying. It had completely gone away with the first medicine but it started up again with the new stuff. Not sure why they changed it.

I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or Hypothyroidism for the layman. I took Synthroid after I developed an allergy to the generic form called Levothyroxine. I was on Levo for over 5 years before that. Since Levo and Synthroid are 100% the same I had the reaction to the name brand as well. I went to an endocrinologist and she put me on natural desiccated pig thyroid. The brand is Nature Throid. Other natural desiccated pig thyroid brands are Armour Thyroid or NP Thyroid. I recommend you ask your doctor about it if you have hair loss, are exhausted in the middle of the day and food reactions. If you have other side effects from the Synthroid make the change. Synthroid is the worst drug to be on if you can get desiccated thyroid.
Weedy...hope your back feels better!
I got a section of the milk house painted, 4 loads of laundry were done and hung (tomorrow is Sunday, so no laundry), stopped at bigger town's grocery store. Husband went in on the store's scooter and the battery went dead and left him stranded. Grandson went out to get his walker and saved him. Picked up mom for supper, ate supper together and took her for a ranger ride around the farm to see the milkhouse, chickens, and cows. Then drove down the road a bit to look at the neighboring farms and finished up with chocolate chip cookies on the porch. Took her home and went to pick up granddaughter from work. She worked a double shift at the burger place today. Hoping to get alot of the milkhouse painted tomorrow.
Does your modem connect to a coaxial cable? You might need to do a static discharge of the coax cables (basically you unplug them and touch the little pins at the ends while the power is off). We had to do that with our Hughesnet modem constantly.
No coax here.
I'm sure the problem is they over-sold connections so when many users are on at the same time, people get kicked off.
Post Office knows who lives here
IRS knows how many lives here
Social Security knows how old we are
All they have to do is talk to each other and they'll know the census

Besides according to the Constitution they only need to be told how many are living at that dwelling.
All the other stuff is bull and intrusive

They got the minimum answers and thats it from us. They don't need to know everything else

As for what I've been doing its the same thing on different days. Certain days I clean certain things. I watch some videos or read. Listen to the local radio and sit outside to enjoy the day and the pups. Doesn't matter the weather.
Retirement doesn't bother me one bit
I forgot to quote, but Viking, I haven't heard of the other types of thyroid meds other than synthroid. I don't have too many side effects- although they changed the brand/type of synthroid I take. It now comes in blister packets (which I hate). I've managed to slice my finger on the foil before. Only side effects seem to be kidney stones if I don't drink enough water and a random muscle spasm near my eyes/in my eyelids. It's minor but annoying. It had completely gone away with the first medicine but it started up again with the new stuff. Not sure why they changed it.

Teri, I hated when people would open my gate and leave it open! We had a padlock on it for a long time but neighbor cut the chain to get in. We currently don't have a gate bc it got blown down in the hurricane.

Census people left a bag with a pamphlet/paperwork on our inner fence a few times but we already filled out the paperwork online. We never saw them in person-- I'd like to think my cows scared them off. The yard looking pretty derelict probably didn't help. We really need to get stuff cleaned up.

Does your modem connect to a coaxial cable? You might need to do a static discharge of the coax cables (basically you unplug them and touch the little pins at the ends while the power is off). We had to do that with our Hughesnet modem constantly.

It looks great!!

My kitchen is in need of an update. Not changing the cabinets, but will be cleaning them up (covered in cobwebs & dust right now on the higher ones). I need to see if I can fix a drawer that doesn't want to slide properly. They don't have actual metal drawer guides- they use the old style where they are on a wood track I think. I could be mistaken though. Need to take a better look.

Kitchen is still a disaster. I got hit with major fatigue & haven't done more cleaning. Raccoons have come back in and mucked things up again. Replaced the motor on the piston pump that fills the cistern (we didn't have water for a few days) & it turns out it was the wiring from the float switch to the motor that was bad, not the motor. But we have a new Dayton motor anyway.

Raccoons knocked a bunch of stuff into the sink, all over the floor (again), and dumped out all the dish detergent. I suppose I could try to figure out how to operate the dishwasher that has been sitting around & used as an island for the past few years. I always have to wash stuff before I put it in and rinse it when I take it out. It's mostly only good for a drying rack-- if we can actually fit stuff in it. I hate bending and loading/unloading though. I'd rather just wash stuff by hand (bc I end up having to anyway).

Need to hit the store to get some food & dish soap. Maybe some laundry soap too. also need a hook to secure the pantry door.

I'm about to see if my brother is awake and not busy with computer games so he can go with me to the store to help me focus & lift stuff. My guts were not cooperating with me today. I also forgot to take my meds for several days & that makes me exhausted. The progesterone and synthroid are the most important ones for keeping things balanced for me. I do wonder if I need a higher dose of progesterone though.

My aunt saw me post about the raccoons on facebook & has been calling to check. She called local pest control places & confirmed what I'd already told her- they don't do raccoons. She's trying to help us find contractors but found nothing when she researched. I explained to her the licensed residential ones for our area died years ago (there were only 2 of them). But I did get the name of the guy who did work on my friend's grandfather's house. I want to inspect the work before I try to hire them though. My aunt is convincing my mom to hire people to do some work, which will help me if I can just get the place cleaned up enough for people to get in. We need to have a lot of junk hauled off. I hate to throw stuff away so I want things donated or given to someone who can repurpose it. I know I'm eventually going to have to just suck it up and toss stuff.

I moved the pet food bowls back out of the pantry (raccoons had dragged some in there), moved dog food back to the living room, & got the dog's waterer set up in the living room again. The cats drag dirt & other stuff into their water so I need to find a better water system for them. I think the cats are trying to bury their water for later or something. They do this with food sometimes.

My friend said his new toilet is leaking- it couldn't fit as far back as it should bc there's a 2x4 on the wall as a base molding to cover holes. We can get it covered with a 1x4 or something else once the toilet gets pulled.

Ate MRE's for dinner last night & it gave me digestive issues.

Jim, I hope your wife's health improves. The brittle bones are awful. A friend of mine's mother had brittle bones & Parkinson's. She couldn't hold still & people could hear her bones crumbling. It was awful. Poor thing passed I think last year or the year before. My friend was devastated but also relieved that her mother was no longer suffering.

Gonna go see if my brother is awake.

You know a good pellet gun can be very quiet and fixed right racoons tast like chicken ;) No, that's not true, but at my grandma's house everything that wasn't beef, ham, or turkey was called chicken; I have had little green chicken legs, long chicken with lots of little bones, and some chicken with four little legs.... Yep, there were a lot of strange chickens at grandma's house... ;) Anyway, even racoons don't come back from the stove top...

Then again you could use a have-a-heart trap to catch them and transport them away from your area. Your local Humaine Society may be able to provide you with something, they may even pick up and deliver....
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